List of rare diseases starting with F
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list of rare diseases was originally taken from the NIH public domain resource at
Please note that this list is neither definitive or complete. For a far larger list of diseases, including many other rare diseases, see List of diseases.
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] F
- Fabry's disease
- Faces syndrome
- Facial asymetry temporal seizures
- Facial clefting corpus callosum agenesis
- Facial dysmorphism macrocephaly myopia Dandy Walker type
- Facial dysmorphism shawl scrotum joint laxity syndrome
- Facial paralysis
- Facies unusual arthrogryposis advanced skeletal malformations
- Facio digito genital syndrome recessive form
- Facio skeletal genital syndrome Rippberger type
- Facio thoraco genital syndrome
- Faciocardiomelic dysplasia lethal
- Faciocardiorenal syndrome
- Faciooculoacousticorenal syndrome
- Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
- Factor II deficiency
- Factor V deficiency
- Factor V Leiden mutation
- Factor VII deficiency
- Factor VIII deficiency
- Factor X deficiency, congenital
- Factor X deficiency
- Factor XI deficiency, congenital
- Factor XIII deficiency, congenital
- Factor XIII deficiency
- Fahr's disease
- Fairbank disease
- Fallot tetralogy
- Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Familial amyloid polyneuropathy
- Familial aortic dissection
- Familial band heterotopia
- Familial Cold Autoinflamatory Syndrome (FCAS)
- Familial Colorectal Cancer
- Familial deafness
- Familial dilated cardiomyopathy
- Familial emphysema
- Familial hyperchylomicronemia
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type I
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type III
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia
- Familial hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Familial hypertension
- Familial hypopituitarism
- Familial hypothyroidism
- Familial intestinal polyatresia syndrome
- Familial Mediterranean fever
- Familial multiple trichodiscomas
- Familial myelofibrosis
- Familial nasal acilia
- Familial non-immune hyperthyroidism
- Familial opposable triphalangeal thumbs duplication
- Familial partial epilepsy with variable focus
- Familial periodic paralysis
- Familial polyposis
- Familial porencephaly
- Familial supernumerary nipples
- Familial symmetric lipomatosis
- Familial Treacher Collins syndrome
- Familial veinous malformations
- Familial ventricular tachycardia
- Familial visceral myopathy
- Familial wilms tumor 2
- Fanconi anemia type 1
- Fanconi anemia type 2
- Fanconi anemia type 3
- Fanconi Bickel syndrome
- Fanconi ichthyosis dysmorphism
- Fanconi like syndrome
- Fanconi pancytopenia
- Fanconi syndrome,renal, with nephrocalcinosis and renal stones
- Fanconi's anemia
- Fara Chlupackova syndrome
- Farber's disease
- Farmer's lung
- Fas deficiency
- Fascioliasis
- Fatal familial insomnia
- Fatty liver
- Faulk Epstein Jones syndrome
- Faye Petersen Ward Carey syndrome
- Fazio Londe syndrome
- Fealty syndrome
- Febrile seizure
- Fechtner syndrome
- Feigenbaum Bergeron Richardson syndrome
- Feigenbaum Bergeron syndrome
- Feingold Trainer syndrome
- Felty's Syndrome
- Female pseudohermaphrodism Genuardi type
- Female pseudohermaphrodism
- Femoral facial syndrome
- Femur bifid with monodactylous ectrodactyly
- Femur fibula ulna syndrome
- Fenton Wilkinson Toselano syndrome
- Ferlini Ragno Calzolari syndrome
- Fernhoff Blackston Oakley syndrome
- Ferrocalcinosis cerebro vascular
- Fetal acitretin syndrome
- Fetal akinesia syndrome X linked
- Fetal aminopterin syndrome
- Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
- Fetal antihypertensive drugs syndrome
- Fetal brain disruption sequence
- Fetal cytomegalovirus syndrome
- Fetal diethylstilbestrol syndrome
- Fetal edema
- Fetal enterovirus syndrome
- Fetal hydantoin syndrome
- Fetal indomethacin syndrome
- Fetal iodine syndrome
- Fetal left ventricular aneurysm
- Fetal methimazole syndrome
- Fetal methyl mercury syndrome
- Fetal minoxidil syndrome
- Fetal parainfluenza virus type 3 syndrome
- Fetal parvovirus syndrome
- Fetal phenothiazine syndrome
- Fetal prostaglandin syndrome
- Fetal thalidomide syndrome
- Fetal warfarin syndrome
- FG syndrome
- Fiber type disproportion, congenital
- Fibrinogen deficiency, congenital
- Fibrochondrogenesis
- Fibrolipomatosis
- Fibromatosis gingival hypertrichosis
- Fibromatosis multiple non ossifying
- Fibromatosis
- Fibromuscular dysplasia of arteries
- Fibromuscular dysplasia
- Fibrosarcoma
- Fibrosing alveolitis
- Fibrosing Mediastinitis
- Fibrous dysplasia of bone
- Fibrous dysplasia
- Fibrousdysplasia ossificans progressiva
- Fibula aplasia complex brachydactyly
- Fibular aplasia ectrodactyly
- Fibular hypoplasia femoral bowing oligodactyly
- Fibular hypoplasia scapulo pelvic dysplasia absent
- Filariasis
- Filippi syndrome
- Fine Lubinsky syndrome
- Fingerprints absence syndactyly milia
- Finnish lethal neonatal metabolic syndrome
- Finnish type amyloidosis
- Finucane Kurtz Scott syndrome
- Fish poisoning
- Fish-eye disease
- Fissured tongue
- Fistulous vegetative verrucous hydradenoma
- Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
- Fitzsimmons Walson Mellor syndrome
- Fitzsimmons-Guilbert syndrome
- Fitzsimmons-McLachlan-Gilbert syndrome
- Flavimonas oryzihabitans
- Flesh eating bacteria
- Floating-harbor syndrome
- Florid cystic endosalpingiosis of the uterus
- Flotch syndrome
- Fluorosis
- Flynn Aird syndrome
- Focal agyria pachygyria
- Focal alopecia congenital megalencephaly
- Focal dermal hypoplasia
- Focal dystonia
- Focal facial dermal dysplasia
- Focal or multifocal malformations in neuronal migration
- Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome
- Foix-Alajouanine syndrome
- Follicular atrophoderma-basal cell carcinoma
- Follicular Dendritic Cell Tumor
- Follicular hamartoma alopecia cystic fibrosis
- Follicular ichthyosis
- Follicular lymphoma
- Follicular lymphoreticuloma
- Fontaine Farriaux Blanckaert syndrome
- Forbes Albright syndrome
- Forbes Disease
- Forestier's disease
- Formaldehyde poisoning
- Forney Robinson Pascoe syndrome
- Fountain syndrome
- Fowler Christmas Chapele syndrome
- Fox-Fordyce disease
- Fragile X syndrome type 1
- Fragile X syndrome type 2
- Fragile X syndrome type 3
- Fragile X syndrome
- Fragoso Cid Garcia Hernandez syndrome
- Franceschetti-Klein syndrome
- Francheschini Vardeu Guala syndrome
- Francois dyscephalic syndrome
- Franek Bocker kahlen syndrome
- Fraser Jequier Chen syndrome
- Fraser like syndrome
- Fraser syndrome
- Frasier syndrome
- FRAXA syndrome
- FRAXE syndrome
- Free sialic acid storage disease
- Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
- Freiberg's disease
- Freire Maia odontotrichomelic syndrome
- Freire Maia Pinheiro Opitz syndrome
- Frenkel Russe syndrome
- Frey's syndrome
- Frias syndrome
- Fried Goldberg Mundel syndrome
- Friedel Heid Grosshans syndrome
- Friedman Goodman syndrome
- Friedreich ataxia congenital glaucoma
- Friedreich's ataxia
- Frigophobia
- Froelich's syndrome
- Frölich's syndrome
- Fronto nasal malformation cloacal exstrophy
- Frontofacionasal dysplasia type Al gazali
- Fronto-facio-nasal dysplasia
- Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
- Frontonasal dysplasia acromelic
- Frontonasal dysplasia klippel feil syndrome
- Frontonasal dysplasia phocomelic upper limbs
- Frontonasal dysplasia
- Frontotemporal dementia
- Froster huch syndrome
- Froster Iskenius Waterson syndrome
- Fructose intolerance
- Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase deficiency
- Fructose-1-phosphate aldolase deficiency, heredita
- Fructosemia, hereditary
- fructosuria
- Frydman Cohen Ashenazi syndrome
- Frydman Cohen Karmon syndrome
- Fryer syndrome
- Fryns Fabry Remans syndrome
- Fryns Hofkens Fabry syndrome
- Fryns smeets thiry syndrome
- Fucosidosis type 1
- Fucosidosis
- Fuhrmann Rieger De sousa syndrome
- Fukuda Miyanomae Nakata syndrome
- Fukuyama type muscular dystrophy
- Fumarase deficiency
- Fumaric aciduria
- Functioning pancreatic endocrine tumor
- Fuqua Berkovitz syndrome
- Furlong Kurczynski Hennessy syndrome
- Furukawa Takagi Nakao syndrome
- Furunculous myiasis
- Fused mandibular incisors