List of pieces which use extended techniques

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Musical pieces by style
Neoclassical (see Neoclassicism)
Modernistic (see Modernism)
Dadaistic (see Dada)
Impressionistic (see Impressionist music)
Jazz (see Jazz)
Minimalistic (see Minimalist music)
Nationalistic (see Nationalism)
Populistic (see Populism)
Postminimalistic (see Postminimalism)
Surrealist (see Surrealism)
Atonal (see Atonality)
Twelve-tone (see Twelve-tone technique)
List of pieces which use serialism (see Serialism)
Extended techniques (see Extended technique)
Pandiatonic (see Pandiatonic)
Polytonal (see Polytonality)
Process music (see Process music)
Quartal (see Quartal harmony)
Quarter tone (see Quarter tone)
Whole tone (see Whole tone scale)
Phase (see Phasing)
Quotation (see Quotation)
prepared piano pieces (1938)
One8 (1991), for curved bow
Tides of Manaunaun (1915), large tone-clusters
The Banshee, Aeolian Harp, and Sinister Resonance, played inside the piano
Black Angels, extended string techniques, including bowing with glass rods
Makrokosmos (1972), prepared and amplified piano
Vox Balaenae (1971), harmonic glissando (gull effect)
  • Julio Estrada
Miqi'nahual (1993) from his modular composition Doloritas (1992), stringed intsrument with two right hand bows
String quartets
Imaginings (1994), stringed instrument with two right hand bows
Concord Sonata, use of a 14 3/4 inch long piece of wood to create a cluster chord
Anaklasis (1959), extended string techniques
Polymorphia (1961), extended string techniques
Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima (1960), extended string techniques
  • Marc Sabat
For Magister Zacharias, the mechanism of lifting the dampers without the hammers touching the keys is highly-amplified
Nomos Alpha (1966), for solo cello, uses harmonic glissando
Chronos Kristalla (1990), for string quartet using a special tuning and only natural harmonics
Ogoun Badagris (1976), for 5 percussionists, innovative percussion techniques
Ku-Ka-Ilimoku (1978), for 4 percussionists, innovative percussion techniques
Rotae Passionis (1982), for small ensemble, woodwinds and piano double on percussion, extended percussion, flute and clarinet techniques
Bonham (1988), for 8 percussionists
Rouse makes constant use of extended techniques for percussion and other instruments