List of physics topics R-Z
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[edit] R
[edit] Ra
- Rabi, Isidor Isaac
- Radiation
- Radiation of sound
- Radiation pressure
- Radioactivity
- Rainwater, Leo James
- Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
- Raman scattering
- Raman spectroscopy
- Ramsauer-Townsend effect
- Ramsey, Norman
- Rayleigh scattering
- Rayleigh-Taylor
- Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron
[edit] Re-Ri
- Reciprocal lattice
- Reflection
- Reflection coefficient
- Refractive index
- Redshift
- Reines, Frederik
- Relativity
- Relativistic mass
- Renormalization
- Resistance
- Resolution of the identity
- Resonance
- Rest mass
- Reynolds, Osborne
- Reynolds number
- Ricci tensor
- Richardson, Owen Willans
- Richardson, Robert C.
- Richardson number
- Richter, Burton
- Richtmyer-Meshkov
- Riemann, Bernhard
- Riemannian geometry
- Riemannian manifold
- Ring wave guide
[edit] Ro-Ry
- Robertson, Howard Percy
- Rohrer, Heinrich
- Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad
- Rosen, Nathan
- Rotation
- Rotation group
- Rotation operator
- Rotational invariance
- Rubbia, Carlo
- Ruska, Ernst
- Rutherford cross-section
- Rutherford scattering
- Rutherford, Ernest
- Rydberg, Johannes
- Ryle, Sir Martin
[edit] S
[edit] Sa
[edit] Sc
- Scalar
- Scalar field
- Scanning tunneling microscope
- Scattering
- Schawlow, Arthur Leonard
- Schenberg, Mário
- Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit
- Schrieffer, John Robert
- Schrödinger equation
- Schrödinger's cat
- Schrödinger, Erwin
- Schwartz, Melvin
- Schwarzschild, Karl
- Schwarzschild metric
- Schwarzschild radius
- Schwinger, Julian
- Science
- Science (journal)
- Scientific method
- Scientific journal
- Scientific paper
- Scientific revolution
- Scientific skepticism
- Scientific units named after people
- Screened Coulomb potential
[edit] Se-Sn
- Second Superstring Revolution
- Segrè, Emilio Gino
- Self-adjoint operator
- Semiconductor
- Semiconductor device fabrication
- Separability
- Separable
- Shape of the universe
- Shock wave
- Shockley, William Bradford
- Shull, Clifford G.
- SI base unit
- SI derived unit
- SI prefix
- Siphon
- Siegbahn, Kai M.
- Siegbahn, Manne
- Simple harmonic motion
- Simultaneity
- Sine wave
- Singular-value decomposition
- Slater determinant
- Slope
- Snell's law
- Snell, Willebrord
[edit] So
- SO(3)
- Solar cell
- Solar neutrino problem
- Solar power
- Solid
- Solid mechanics
- Solid state physics
- Soliton
- Sommerfeld, Arnold
- Sound
[edit] Sp
[edit] Spa-Sph
- Space
- Space group
- Space-time
- Spacetime
- Special linear group
- Special relativity
- Specific gravity
- Spectral line
- Spectroscope
- Spectroscopy
- Optical spectrum
- Spectrum of a matrix
- Spectrum of an operator
- Speed
- Speed of gravity
- Speed of light
- Spherical coordinate system
- Spherical geometry
[edit] Spi-Spo
- Spin (physics)
- Spin density wave
- Spin glass
- Spin network
- Spin wave
- Spin-statistics theorem
- Spinor
- Spinor field
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Spontaneous magnetization
[edit] St
[edit] Sta-Sto
- Standard Model
- Stark, Johannes
- Stark effect
- Statcoulomb
- Statics
- Statistical Mechanics
- Statistical physics
- Statistics
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- Stefan-Boltzmann law
- Stefan electromagnetic equation
- Stefan flow
- Stefan force
- Stefan, Jožef
- Stefan, Joseph
- Steinberger, Jack
- Stern, Otto
- Stevin, Simon
- Stewart-Walker lemma
- Stokes, George Gabriel
- Stokes' law
- Stokes parameters
- Störmer, Horst L.
[edit] Str
- Strange matter
- Strangeness
- Stress-energy tensor
- String (physics)
- String theory
- Strnad, Janez
- Strong interaction
- Strong nuclear force
[edit] Su-Sz
- SU(2)
- SU(3)
- Subatomic particle
- Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- Sun
- Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- Super-Kamiokande
- Superconducting Super Collider
- Superconductivity
- Superconductor
- Superfluidity
- Supergravity
- Superparamagnetism
- Superposition principle
- Superstring theory
- Supersymmetry
- Surface tension
- Symmetric matrix
- Symmetric tensor
- Symmetry
- Synchrotron
- Synchrotron light (applications)
- Synchrotron radiation
- Szilárd, Leó
[edit] T
[edit] Ta-Te
- Tachyon
- Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich
- Tau lepton
- Taylor series
- Taylor, Brook
- Taylor, Richard E.
- Taylor number
- Teller, Edward
- Temperature
- Tension (mechanics)
- Tensor
- Tensor-classical
- Tensor product
- Tesla
- Tesla coil
- Tesla, Nikola
[edit] Th
- Theoretical astrophysics
- Theoretical chemistry
- Theoretical physics
- Theory
- Theory of everything
- Theory of invariants
- Theory of relativity
- Thermal conductance
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal neutron
- Thermodynamic properties
- Thermodynamic potentials
- Thermodynamics
- Thermoelectric effect
- Thirring, Hans
- Thomas precession
- Thompson, Benjamin
- Thomson, George Paget
- Thomson, Joseph John
- Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin)
- Thought experiment
[edit] Ti
[edit] Tid
[edit] Tim-Tin
- Time
- Time dilation
- Time invariance
- Time travel
- Timeline of classical mechanics
- Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics
- Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity
- Timeline of nuclear fusion
- Timeline of other background radiation fields
- Timeline of particle physics
- Timeline of particle physics technology
- Timeline of physics
- Timeline of quantum mechanics, molecular physics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics
- Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions
- Timeline of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and random processes
- Ting, Samuel Chao Chung
[edit] To-Tw
- Tokamak
- Tomonaga
- Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro
- Topological group
- Topology of the universe
- Torque
- Torque/Angular momentum proof
- Torricelli, Evangelista
- Torsion (mechanics)
- Torsion subgroup
- Townes, Charles Hard
- Transfer function
- Transition rule
- Transistor
- Translation (physics)
- Translational invariance
- Transpose
- Tsui, Daniel C.
- Turbulence
- Turbulent flow
- Twin paradox
[edit] U
- U(1)
- Ultraviolet catastrophe
- Uncertainty principle
- Undulatory theory of light
- Unicity distance
- Unified field theory
- Unit cell
- Unitary group
- Unitary matrix
- Unitary operator
- Universal gas equation
- Unsolved problems in physics
[edit] V
- Vacuum
- Vacuum expectation value
- Van de Graaff generator
- van der Meer, Simon
- van der Waals, Johannes
- van der Waals equation
- van Vleck, John Hasbrouck
- Vector (spatial)
- Vector calculus
- Vector field
- Vector space
- Vehicle dynamics
- Velocity
- Veltman, Martinus J. G.
- Vibrating string
- Vibration
- Villari effect
- Virial equation of state
- Virtual force
- Virtual particle
- Viscosity
- Volta, Alessandro
- von Klitzing, Klaus
- von Weizsäcker, Carl
[edit] W
[edit] Wa
- Wallis, John
- Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton
- Walton, Thomas
- Ward, John Clive
- Wave
- Wave equation
- Wave-particle duality
- Wavefunction
- Wavefunction collapse
- Wavelength
- Wavenumber
[edit] We
- Weak decay
- Weak force
- Weak interaction
- Weak nuclear force
- weber
- Weber, Wilhelm
- Weber, Wilhelm Eduard
- Weight
- Weightlessness
- Weinberg, Steven
- Weisskopf, Victor
- Weyl, Hermann
- Weyl's postulate
- Weyl tensor
[edit] Wi-Wo
- Wiedemann effect
- Wieman, Carl E.
- Wick product
- Wick rotation
- Wien's law
- Wien, Wilhelm
- Wigner, Eugene
- Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees
- Wilson, Kenneth G.
- Wilson, Robert Woodrow
- Witten, Edward
- Worldline
[edit] X
- X-ray
- X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)
- X-ray crystallography
- X-ray diffraction
- X-ray fluorescence
- X-ray structure