List of named asteroids (L-R)
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A List of named asteroids ordered alphabetically from L to R.
See also:
Contents |
[edit] L
[edit] La
- 13964 La Billardiere
- 8221 La Condamine
- 13118 La Harpe
- 53093 La Orotava
- 1008 La Paz
- 13560 La Perouse
- 1029 La Plata
- 7082 La Serena
- 2187 La Silla
- 10211 La Spezia
- 8539 Laban
- 8788 Labeyrie
- 14244 Labnow
- 19379 Labrecque
- 4943 Lac d'Orient
- 336 Lacadiera
- 9135 Lacaille
- 120 Lachesis
- 208 Lacrimosa
- 1851 Lacroute
- 19762 Lacrowder
- 2832 Lada
- 29204 Ladegast
- 11326 Ladislavschmied
- 2574 Ladoga
- 11252 Laertes
- 39 Laetitia
- 8114 Lafcadio
- 19595 Lafer-Sousa
- 16085 Laffan
- 35703 Lafiascaia
- 5780 Lafontaine
- 19397 Lagarini
- 2875 Lagerkvist
- 11061 Lagerlof
- 7857 Lagerros
- 46644 Lagia
- 18602 Lagillespie
- 1006 Lagrangea
- 1412 Lagrula
- 26357 Laguerre
- 1498 Lahti
- 6687 Lahulla
- 11100 Lai
- 21672 Laichunju
- 16192 Laird
- 10379 Lake Placid
- 26973 Lala
- 822 Lalage
- 9136 Lalande
- 18857 Lalchandani
- 18669 Lalitpatel
- 8347 Lallaward
- 5447 Lallement
- 7296 Lamarck
- 16089 Lamb
- 187 Lamberta
- 15624 Lamberton
- 2861 Lambrecht
- 248 Lameia
- 7095 Lamettrie
- 14846 Lampedusa
- 393 Lampetia
- 1767 Lampland
- 55678 Lampos
- 4111 Lamy
- 12373 Lancearmstrong
- 2041 Lancelot
- 8417 Lancetaylor
- 2142 Landau
- 10425 Landfermann
- 3132 Landgraf
- 2381 Landi
- 15072 Landolt
- 14274 Landstreet
- 4770 Lane
- 22167 Lane-Cline
- 22875 Lanejackson
- 20768 Langberg
- 5290 Langevin
- 3866 Langley
- 12287 Langres
- 6928 Lanna
- 5504 Lanzerotti
- 683 Lanzia
- 3240 Laocoon
- 1011 Laodamia
- 507 Laodica
- 6997 Laomedon
- 12279 Laon
- 7854 Laotse
- 2912 Lapalma
- 3215 Lapko
- 4628 Laplace
- 7912 Lapovok
- 2397 Lappajarvi
- 1504 Lappeenranta
- 8441 Lapponica
- 1819 Laputa
- 12042 Laques
- 7499 L'Aquila
- 19817 Larashelton
- 10126 Larbro
- 12073 Larimer
- 1895 Larink
- 3940 Larion
- 1162 Larissa
- 30440 Larry
- 22621 Larrybartel
- 18739 Larryhu
- 18873 Larryrobinson
- 12471 Larryscherr
- 14598 Larrysmith
- 16920 Larrywalker
- 8568 Larrywilson
- 3690 Larson
- 13052 Las Casas
- 60186 Las Cruces
- 82332 Las Vegas
- 7441 Laska
- 20074 Laskerschueler
- 6128 Lasorda
- 2636 Lassell
- 12257 Lassine
- 7383 Lassovszky
- 46514 Lasswitz
- 13740 Lastrucci
- 14617 Lasvergnas
- 18043 Laszkowska
- 35403 Latimer
- 639 Latona
- 30775 Lattu
- 1284 Latvia
- 10811 Lau
- 13793 Laubernasconi
- 3135 Lauer
- 1597 Laugier
- 7167 Laupheim
- 467 Laura
- 20642 Laurajohnson
- 20814 Laurajones
- 48909 Laurake
- 18709 Laurawong
- 2865 Laurel
- 51827 Laurelclark
- 18953 Laurensmith
- 90533 Laurentblind
- 162 Laurentia
- 5819 Lauretta
- 20566 Laurielee
- 103422 Laurisiren
- 1938 Lausanna
- 2976 Lautaro
- 14424 Laval
- 18774 Lavanture
- 19263 Lavater
- 12542 Laver
- 2103 Laverna
- 10215 Lavilledemirmont
- 21915 Lavins
- 21550 Laviolette
- 6826 Lavoisier
- 1401 Lavonne
- 7322 Lavrentina
- 2354 Lavrov
- 17079 Lavrovsky
- 4969 Lawrence
- 14584 Lawson
- 22138 Laynrichards
- 3660 Lazarev
- 14428 Lazaridis
- 18965 Lazenby
- 20513 Lazio
- 3602 Lazzaro
[edit] Le
- 10233 Le Creusot
- 12718 Le Gentil
- 5342 Le Poole
- 19572 Leahmarie
- 7958 Leakey
- 19426 Leal
- 96623 Leani
- 21673 Leatherman
- 5383 Leavitt
- 2342 Lebedev
- 5076 Lebedev-Kumach
- 3629 Lebedinskij
- 26908 Lebesgue
- 3439 Lebofsky
- 10838 Lebon
- 18100 Lebreton
- 5524 Lecacheux
- 4417 Lecar
- 3755 Lecointe
- 52271 Lecorbusier
- 38 Leda
- 2444 Lederle
- 12261 Ledouanier
- 3155 Lee
- 22836 Leeannragasa
- 21554 Leechaohsi
- 18124 Leeperry
- 3443 Leetsungdao
- 2766 Leeuwenhoek
- 99503 Leewonchul
- 12241 Lefort
- 26909 Lefschetz
- 19458 Legault
- 26950 Legendre
- 12075 Legg
- 1261 Legia
- 85317 Lehar
- 691 Lehigh
- 14550 Lehky
- 6504 Lehmbruck
- 89956 Leibacher
- 5149 Leibniz
- 12490 Leiden
- 9223 Leifandersson
- 18826 Leifer
- 17900 Leiferman
- 10775 Leipzig
- 10810 Lejsturojr
- 5519 Lellouch
- 2548 Leloir
- 3836 Lem
- 11897 Lemaire
- 1565 Lemaitre
- 16265 Lemay
- 4561 Lemeshev
- 14327 Lemke
- 22758 Lemp
- 15031 Lemus
- 789 Lena
- 12187 Lenagoryunova
- 3817 Lencarter
- 21000 L'Encyclopedie
- 3796 Lene
- 6287 Lenham
- 2046 Leningrad
- 10390 Lenka
- 4147 Lennon
- 100047 Leobaeck
- 969 Leocadia
- 6479 Leoconnolly
- 3572 Leogoldberg
- 319 Leona
- 9082 Leonardmartin
- 3000 Leonardo
- 1378 Leonce
- 19096 Leonfridman
- 9903 Leonhardt
- 7715 Leonidarosino
- 2782 Leonidas
- 728 Leonisis
- 29464 Leonmis
- 696 Leonora
- 5154 Leonov
- 3793 Leonteus
- 844 Leontina
- 21397 Leontovich
- 8081 Leopardi
- 893 Leopoldina
- 2795 Lepage
- 7720 Lepaute
- 55733 Lepsius
- 10106 Lergrav
- 2222 Lermontov
- 93102 Leroy
- 4922 Leshin
- 4741 Leskov
- 13690 Lesleymartin
- 20861 Lesliebeh
- 17242 Leslieyoung
- 22162 Leslijohnson
- 3482 Lesnaya
- 7425 Lessing
- 14583 Lester
- 15093 Lestermackey
- 6939 Lestone
- 2616 Lesya
- 1264 Letaba
- 22571 Letianzhang
- 68 Leto
- 5827 Letunov
- 6266 Letzel
- 8971 Leucocephala
- 8436 Leucopsis
- 8754 Leucorodia
- 8976 Leucura
- 5950 Leukippos
- 35 Leukothea
- 16142 Leung
- 1361 Leuschneria
- 2810 Lev Tolstoj
- 21555 Levary
- 6170 Levasseur
- 1997 Leverrier
- 8813 Leviathan
- 12473 Levi-Civita
- 2076 Levin
- 6909 Levison
- 3566 Levitan
- 3673 Levy
- 4125 Lew Allen
- 13609 Lewicki
- 4796 Lewis
- 6984 Lewiscarroll
- 6916 Lewispearce
- 22505 Lewit
- 17579 Lewkopelew
- 7087 Lewotsky
- 18747 Lexcen
- 2004 Lexell
- 35977 Lexington
- 3397 Leyla
[edit] Lh
- 7859 Lhasa
- 40206 Lhenice
[edit] Li
- 954 Li
- 2503 Liaoning
- 5672 Libby
- 4823 Libenice
- 771 Libera
- 6417 Liberati
- 17960 Liberatore
- 125 Liberatrix
- 1816 Liberia
- 2546 Libitina
- 264 Libussa
- 1268 Libya
- 17919 Licandro
- 16165 Licht
- 7970 Lichtenberg
- 22905 Liciniotoso
- 15088 Licitra
- 1951 Lick
- 1107 Lictoria
- 3812 Lidaksum
- 17670 Liddell
- 3322 Lidiya
- 4236 Lidov
- 26955 Lie
- 7696 Liebe
- 12329 Liebermann
- 22534 Lieblich
- 17889 Liechty
- 5923 Liedeke
- 3454 Lieske
- 13557 Lievetruwant
- 20321 Lightdonovan
- 356 Liguria
- 5411 Liia
- 14656 Lijiang
- 2877 Likhachev
- 213 Lilaea
- 13610 Lilienthal
- 2346 Lilio
- 1181 Lilith
- 1092 Lilium
- 3222 Liller
- 756 Lilliana
- 2952 Lilliputia
- 1003 Lilofee
- 3609 Liloketai
- 10867 Lima
- 1383 Limburgia
- 10713 Limorenko
- 8765 Limosa
- 1490 Limpopo
- 5539 Limporyen
- 468 Lina
- 46702 Linapucci
- 20828 Linchen
- 38821 Linchinghsia
- 3153 Lincoln
- 7169 Linda
- 2686 Linda Susan
- 117381 Lindaweiland
- 14696 Lindawilliams
- 1448 Lindbladia
- 3865 Lindbloom
- 1407 Lindelof
- 828 Lindemannia
- 9322 Lindenau
- 3204 Lindgren
- 21678 Lindner
- 19542 Lindperkins
- 22794 Lindsayleona
- 5281 Lindstrom
- 20303 Lindwestrick
- 118401 LINEAR
- 36037 Linenschmidt
- 26210 Lingas
- 20638 Lingchen
- 21364 Lingpan
- 3550 Link
- 22144 Linmichaels
- 8898 Linnaea
- 7412 Linnaeus
- 7416 Linnankoski
- 3474 Linsley
- 20822 Lintingnien
- 9885 Linux
- 7491 Linzerag
- 7145 Linzexu
- 1469 Linzia
- 974 Lioba
- 9504 Lionel
- 18079 Lion-Stoppato
- 26960 Liouville
- 11656 Lipno
- 16861 Lipovetsky
- 9640 Lippens
- 846 Lipperta
- 2641 Lipschutz
- 414 Liriope
- 16666 Liroma
- 12604 Lisatate
- 22906 Lisauckis
- 5320 Lisbeth
- 3976 Lise
- 4757 Liselotte
- 8064 Lisitsa
- 4004 List'ev
- 3910 Liszt
- 5015 Litke
- 26328 Litomysl
- 26993 Littlewood
- 2577 Litva
- 6743 Liu
- 20823 Liutingchun
- 20817 Liuxiaofeng
- 10070 Liuzongli
- 3006 Livadia
- 18637 Liverdun
- 13772 Livius
- 3556 Lixiaohua
- 6741 Liyuan
- 20846 Liyulin
[edit] Lj
[edit] Ll
- 13316 Llano
- 13705 Llapasset
- 9900 Llull
[edit] Lo
- 1858 Lobachevskij
- 10057 L'Obel
- 1066 Lobelia
- 1937 Locarno
- 10874 Locatelli
- 7010 Locke
- 5937 Loden
- 55772 Loder
- 3377 Lodewijk
- 21331 Lodovicoferrari
- 85121 Loehde
- 13011 Loeillet
- 7157 Lofgren
- 58534 Logos
- 17192 Loharu
- 9505 Lohengrin
- 2501 Lohja
- 1820 Lohmann
- 4680 Lohrmann
- 2210 Lois
- 4862 Loke
- 9267 Lokrume
- 463 Lola
- 9397 Lombardi
- 6446 Lomberg
- 117 Lomia
- 3168 Lomnicky Stit
- 1379 Lomonosowa
- 8837 London
- 12310 Londontario
- 12574 LONEOS
- 35197 Longmire
- 5948 Longo
- 7131 Longtom
- 34137 Lonnielinda
- 2243 Lonnrot
- 37608 Lons
- 19129 Loos
- 4657 Lopez
- 18150 Lopez-Moreno
- 5225 Loral
- 1755 Lorbach
- 1287 Lorcia
- 165 Loreley
- 3861 Lorenz
- 10938 Lorenzalevy
- 1939 Loretta
- 37692 Loribragg
- 22109 Loriehutch
- 35358 Lorifini
- 15618 Lorifritz
- 5735 Loripaul
- 22142 Loripryor
- 1114 Lorraine
- 5438 Lorre
- 16103 Lorsolomon
- 16418 Lortzing
- 1326 Losaka
- 12320 Loschmidt
- 2673 Lossignol
- 7688 Lothar
- 429 Lotis
- 3489 Lottie
- 8298 Loubna
- 9584 Louchheim
- 3897 Louhi
- 25890 Louisburg
- 2556 Louise
- 19778 Louisgarcia
- 3211 Louispharailda
- 7625 Louisspohr
- 4513 Louvre
- 9697 Louwman
- 868 Lova
- 73511 Lovas
- 5943 Lovi
- 2750 Loviisa
- 4091 Lowe
- 1886 Lowell
- 12164 Lowellgreen
- 4045 Lowengrub
- 10739 Lowman
- 12984 Lowry
- 3589 Loyola
- 16900 Lozere
- 17358 Lozino-Lozinskij
[edit] Lu
- 1431 Luanda
- 7506 Lub
- 2318 Lubarsky
- 5108 Lubeck
- 65885 Lubenow
- 20285 Lubin
- 3630 Lubomir
- 2900 Lubos Perek
- 27978 Lubosluka
- 24969 Lucafini
- 9349 Lucas
- 21509 Lucascavin
- 21628 Lucashof
- 120141 Lucaslara
- 22538 Lucasmoller
- 15497 Lucca
- 1292 Luce
- 14509 Lucenec
- 1935 Lucerna
- 222 Lucia
- 15817 Lucianotesi
- 1176 Lucidor
- 1892 Lucienne
- 1930 Lucifer
- 146 Lucina
- 281 Lucretia
- 6240 Lucretius Carus
- 3021 Lucubratio
- 1158 Luda
- 6584 Ludekpesek
- 8184 Luderic
- 7081 Ludibunda
- 4601 Ludkewycz
- 675 Ludmilla
- 6112 Ludolfschultz
- 10438 Ludolph
- 292 Ludovica
- 23520 Ludwigbechstein
- 25029 Ludwighesse
- 11854 Ludwigrichter
- 21919 Luga
- 1936 Lugano
- 1133 Lugduna
- 7723 Lugger
- 7393 Luginbuhl
- 6080 Lugmair
- 4583 Lugo
- 5538 Luichewoo
- 14947 Luigibussolino
- 12384 Luigimartella
- 599 Luisa
- 56100 Luisapolli
- 3844 Lujiaxi
- 27114 Lukasiewicz
- 16090 Lukaszewski
- 6654 Lulea
- 8676 Lully
- 141 Lumen
- 775 Lumiere
- 5523 Luminet
- 2600 Lumme
- 10132 Lummelunda
- 2446 Lunacharsky
- 1067 Lunaria
- 809 Lundia
- 1334 Lundmarka
- 7047 Lundstrom
- 10801 Luneburg
- 3208 Lunn
- 16757 Luoxiahong
- 3210 Lupishko
- 6087 Lupo
- 713 Luscinia
- 8960 Luscinioides
- 4386 Lust
- 24250 Luteolson
- 21 Lutetia
- 1303 Luthera
- 3856 Lutskij
- 19598 Luttrell
- 7230 Lutz
- 5430 Luu
- 2713 Luxembourg
- 20830 Luyajia
- 4776 Luyi
- 1964 Luyten
- 5096 Luzin
- 2321 Luznice
[edit] Ly
- 2164 Lyalya
- 5415 Lyanzuridi
- 4728 Lyapidevskij
- 5324 Lyapunov
- 9694 Lycomedes
- 110 Lydia
- 1028 Lydina
- 917 Lyka
- 4792 Lykaon
- 12773 Lyman
- 7824 Lynch
- 18235 Lynden-Bell
- 4358 Lynn
- 37588 Lynnecox
- 24304 Lynnrice
- 18663 Lynnta
- 22597 Lynzielinski
- 9381 Lyon
- 2452 Lyot
- 21408 Lyrahaas
- 31323 Lysa hora
- 5984 Lysippus
- 897 Lysistrata
- 18120 Lytvynenko
- 6203 Lyubamoroz
- 10761 Lyubimets
- 3108 Lyubov
- 9717 Lyudvasilia
- 2204 Lyyli
- 6010 Lyzenga
[edit] M
[edit] Ma
- 1353 Maartje
- 510 Mabella
- 5228 Maca
- 12088 Macalintal
- 8423 Macao
- 20892 MacChnoic
- 24643 MacCready
- 29555 MACEK
- 7228 MacGillivray
- 20874 MacGregor
- 3949 Mach
- 2543 Machado
- 3879 Machar
- 19730 Machiavelli
- 10646 Machielalberts
- 3109 Machin
- 8277 Machu-Picchu
- 6204 MacKenzie
- 36226 Mackerras
- 14438 MacLean
- 49448 Macocha
- 9380 Macon
- 5309 MacPherson
- 6894 Macreid
- 10373 MacRobert
- 2569 Madeline
- 19417 Madelynho
- 55561 Madenberg
- 6735 Madhatter
- 12317 Madicampbell
- 17042 Madiraju
- 9479 Madresplazamayo
- 4390 Madreteresa
- 14967 Madrid
- 8036 Maehara
- 9870 Maehata
- 11771 Maestlin
- 3916 Maeva
- 18426 Maffei
- 4308 Magarach
- 318 Magdalena
- 55735 Magdeburg
- 15632 Magee-Sauer
- 4055 Magellan
- 21478 Maggiedelano
- 2696 Magion
- 8992 Magnanimity
- 9670 Magni
- 2094 Magnitka
- 6573 Magnitskij
- 1060 Magnolia
- 3677 Magnusson
- 1459 Magnya
- 1355 Magoeba
- 4980 Magomaev
- 9541 Magri
- 7933 Magritte
- 17095 Mahadik
- 10819 Mahakala
- 65769 Mahalia
- 18104 Mahalingam
- 4406 Mahler
- 12089 Maichin
- 52005 Maik
- 3274 Maillen
- 6259 Maillol
- 5835 Mainfranken
- 32207 Mairepercy
- 4686 Maisica
- 66 Maja
- 7233 Majella
- 47038 Majoni
- 10809 Majsterrojr
- 1321 Majuba
- 9701 Mak
- 3214 Makarenko
- 6682 Makarij
- 5545 Makarov
- 3063 Makhaon
- 2139 Makharadze
- 9088 Maki
- 5466 Makibi
- 26937 Makimiyamoto
- 6606 Makino
- 4904 Makio
- 3196 Maklaj
- 6093 Makoto
- 11978 Makotomasako
- 1771 Makover
- 2568 Maksutov
- 754 Malabar
- 9156 Malanin
- 3479 Malaparte
- 3057 Malaren
- 10712 Malashchuk
- 1415 Malautra
- 7387 Malbil
- 16091 Malchiodi
- 9897 Malerba
- 6698 Malhotra
- 10415 Mali Losinj
- 4766 Malin
- 10381 Malinsmith
- 6236 Mallard
- 9453 Mallorca
- 6824 Mallory
- 1179 Mally
- 10550 Malmo
- 1527 Malmquista
- 24046 Malovany
- 6370 Malpais
- 11121 Malpighi
- 7669 Malse
- 11309 Malus
- 1072 Malva
- 8636 Malvina
- 17139 Malyshev
- 749 Malzovia
- 8569 Mameli
- 20444 Mamesser
- 10608 Mameta
- 12127 Mamiya
- 9879 Mammuthus
- 7381 Mamontov
- 4613 Mamoru
- 6193 Manabe
- 5092 Manara
- 3349 Manas
- 6918 Manaslu
- 15460 Manca
- 758 Mancunia
- 27500 Mandelbrot
- 3461 Mandelshtam
- 739 Mandeville
- 12460 Mando
- 22697 Manek
- 13225 Manfredi
- 14057 Manfredstoll
- 20329 Manfro
- 17460 Mang
- 12464 Manhattan
- 10524 Maniewski
- 4841 Manjiro
- 22403 Manjitludher
- 8382 Mann
- 3698 Manning
- 2219 Mannucci
- 9394 Manosque
- 22756 Manpreetkaur
- 8536 Mans
- 20416 Mansour
- 6845 Mansurova
- 17488 Mantl
- 870 Manto
- 29353 Manu
- 17720 Manuboccuni
- 12777 Manuel
- 3186 Manuilova
- 13615 Manulis
- 20330 Manwell
- 7104 Manyousyu
- 18550 Maoyisheng
- 18950 Marakessler
- 21306 Marani
- 20420 Marashwhitman
- 4356 Marathon
- 565 Marbachia
- 71445 Marc
- 13249 Marcallen
- 12275 Marcelgoffin
- 10403 Marcelgrun
- 1730 Marceline
- 1300 Marcelle
- 30307 Marcelriesz
- 11239 Marcgraf
- 29437 Marchais
- 6736 Marchare
- 22155 Marchetti
- 9297 Marchuk
- 3791 Marci
- 10778 Marcks
- 9425 Marconcini
- 1332 Marconia
- 29457 Marcopolo
- 16967 Marcosbosso
- 38245 Marcospontes
- 7447 Marcusaurelius
- 43841 Marcustacitus
- 22579 Marcyeager
- 7780 Maren
- 20497 Marenka
- 2173 Maresjev
- 4300 Marg Edmondson
- 13424 Margalida
- 70030 Margaretmiller
- 310 Margarita
- 22038 Margarshain
- 735 Marghanna
- 1175 Margo
- 2561 Margolin
- 1434 Margot
- 1410 Margret
- 20540 Marhalpern
- 170 Maria
- 39336 Mariacapria
- 17899 Mariacristina
- 29346 Mariadina
- 15120 Mariafelix
- 21516 Mariagodinez
- 17961 Mariagorodnitsky
- 10924 Mariagriffin
- 14230 Mariahines
- 9815 Mariakirch
- 55112 Mariangela
- 602 Marianna
- 20634 Marichardson
- 21346 Marieladislav
- 4853 Marielukac
- 20576 Marieoertle
- 2144 Marietta
- 28492 Marik
- 8438 Marila
- 20580 Marilpeters
- 1486 Marilyn
- 20836 Marilytedja
- 4494 Marimo
- 1202 Marina
- 12363 Marinmarais
- 12931 Mario
- 5518 Mariobotta
- 7684 Marioferrero
- 43993 Mariola
- 506 Marion
- 7972 Mariotti
- 15837 Mariovalori
- 16750 Marisandoz
- 912 Maritima
- 2180 Marjaleena
- 4064 Marjorie
- 4655 Marjoriika
- 2362 Mark Twain
- 20782 Markcroce
- 4302 Markeev
- 4253 Marker
- 17045 Markert
- 18821 Markhavel
- 20141 Markidger
- 90564 Markjarnyk
- 27514 Markov
- 10598 Markrees
- 7778 Markrobinson
- 16105 Marksaunders
- 7004 Markthiemens
- 5359 Markzakharov
- 12859 Marlamoore
- 1010 Marlene
- 746 Marlu
- 1174 Marmara
- 711 Marmulla
- 5002 Marnix
- 10264 Marov
- 4463 Marschwarzschild
- 1877 Marsden
- 16069 Marshafolger
- 2604 Marshak
- 19815 Marshasega
- 20535 Marshburrows
- 18012 Marsland
- 98494 Marsupilami
- 15376 Martak
- 5832 Martaprincipe
- 3250 Martebo
- 4061 Martelli
- 5026 Martes
- 205 Martha
- 10024 Marthahazen
- 13438 Marthanalexander
- 7100 Martin Luther
- 981 Martina
- 12343 Martinbeech
- 6385 Martindavid
- 6115 Martinduncan
- 2075 Martinez
- 19080 Martinfierro
- 9521 Martinhoffmann
- 61195 Martinoli
- 7799 Martinsolc
- 3081 Martinuboh
- 1582 Martir
- 10430 Martschmidt
- 2376 Martynov
- 6804 Maruseppu
- 15301 Marutesser
- 5147 Maruyama
- 4309 Marvin
- 2779 Mary
- 85471 Maryam
- 3919 Maryanning
- 20007 Marybrown
- 16059 Marybuda
- 19436 Marycole
- 6603 Marycragg
- 98825 Maryellen
- 19473 Marygardner
- 21861 Maryhedberg
- 9824 Marylea
- 21479 Marymartha
- 20450 Marymohammed
- 7640 Marzari
- 19618 Masa
- 5850 Masaharu
- 8503 Masakatsu
- 5822 Masakichi
- 9190 Masako
- 10802 Masamifuruya
- 52455 Masamika
- 47293 Masamitsu
- 4614 Masamura
- 27791 Masaru
- 1841 Masaryk
- 7614 Masatomi
- 31671 Masatoshi
- 5295 Masayo
- 8206 Masayuki
- 21697 Mascharak
- 27922 Mascheroni
- 1467 Mashona
- 4126 Mashu
- 21795 Masi
- 4935 Maslachkova
- 15691 Maslov
- 8449 Maslovets
- 5245 Maslyakov
- 3131 Mason-Dixon
- 4547 Massachusetts
- 20 Massalia
- 3298 Massandra
- 18946 Massar
- 1904 Massevitch
- 14420 Massey
- 760 Massinga
- 10813 Masterby
- 21561 Masterman
- 17196 Mastrodemos
- 6794 Masuisakura
- 4293 Masumi
- 8041 Masumoto
- 2685 Masursky
- 9216 Masuzawa
- 9111 Matarazzo
- 22644 Matejbel
- 2680 Mateo
- 454 Mathesis
- 6768 Mathiasbraun
- 1592 Mathieu
- 253 Mathilde
- 8240 Matisse
- 17197 Matjazbone
- 17201 Matjazhumar
- 6526 Matogawa
- 22776 Matossian
- 1513 Matra
- 17354 Matrosov
- 5934 Mats
- 2586 Matson
- 9229 Matsuda
- 8113 Matsue
- 8693 Matsuki
- 6660 Matsumoto
- 9573 Matsumotomas
- 9105 Matsumura
- 9104 Matsuo
- 6607 Matsushima
- 18903 Matsuura
- 4844 Matsuyama
- 17281 Mattblythe
- 13750 Mattdawson
- 11695 Mattei
- 883 Matterania
- 6626 Mattgenge
- 21626 Matthewhall
- 15030 Matthewkroll
- 7687 Matthias
- 2714 Matti
- 765 Mattiaca
- 7847 Mattiaorsi
- 20901 Mattmuehler
- 21791 Mattweegman
- 2295 Matusovskij
- 6622 Matvienko
- 35237 Matzner
- 1748 Mauderli
- 12782 Mauersberger
- 23988 Maungakiekie
- 3281 Maupertuis
- 9904 Mauratombelli
- 21676 Maureenanne
- 5644 Maureenbell
- 33433 Maurilia
- 745 Mauritia
- 43882 Maurivicoli
- 3780 Maury
- 1607 Mavis
- 4456 Mawson
- 72827 Maxaub
- 48434 Maxbeckmann
- 14836 Maxfrisch
- 3727 Maxhell
- 1217 Maximiliana
- 4145 Maximova
- 3977 Maxine
- 5431 Maxinehelin
- 12760 Maxwell
- 348 May
- 2931 Mayakovsky
- 2131 Mayall
- 8083 Mayeda
- 4900 Maymelou
- 7276 Maymie
- 5132 Maynard
- 4960 Mayo
- 3870 Mayre
- 1690 Mayrhofer
- 21518 Maysunhasan
- 10322 Mayuminarita
- 12094 Mazumder
- 27975 Mazurkiewicz
- 10671 Mazurova
- 35461 Mazzucato
[edit] Mc
- 17408 McAdams
- 13764 Mcalanis
- 22777 McAliley
- 5673 McAllister
- 22780 McAlpine
- 13622 McArthur
- 3352 McAuliffe
- 15834 McBride
- 10404 McCall
- 21698 McCarron
- 14463 McCarter
- 106537 McCarthy
- 4148 McCartney
- 3777 McCauley
- 5641 McCleese
- 20440 McClintock
- 17104 McCloskey
- 37678 McClure
- 9929 McConnell
- 3527 McCord
- 4259 McCoy
- 1880 McCrosky
- 2007 McCuskey
- 17185 Mcdavid
- 16267 Mcdermott
- 991 McDonalda
- 9159 McDonnell
- 4589 McDowell
- 1853 McElroy
- 7750 McEwen
- 3066 McFadden
- 21455 Mcfarland
- 10036 McGaha
- 6819 McGarvey
- 8545 McGee
- 2891 McGetchin
- 6904 McGill
- 3300 McGlasson
- 10638 McGlothlin
- 9460 McGlynn
- 4432 McGraw-Hill
- 29146 McHone
- 5061 McIntosh
- 5382 McKay
- 5663 McKeegan
- 42531 McKenna
- 22587 McKennon
- 7845 Mckim
- 2024 McLaughlin
- 1955 McMath
- 2289 McMillan
- 3354 McNair
- 4326 McNally
- 3173 McNaught
- 16268 Mcneeley
- 20567 McQuarrie
- 5223 McSween
- 2417 McVittie
[edit] Me
- 4600 Meadows
- 12117 Meagmessina
- 4050 Mebailey
- 21785 Mechain
- 873 Mechthild
- 7971 Meckbach
- 6124 Mecklenburg
- 212 Medea
- 18189 Medeobaldia
- 33376 Medi
- 41450 Medkeff
- 19704 Medlock
- 19775 Medmondson
- 4836 Medon
- 18755 Meduna
- 149 Medusa
- 17000 Medvedev
- 4367 Meech
- 10647 Meesters
- 2213 Meeus
- 464 Megaira
- 18659 Megangross
- 4843 Megantic
- 4833 Meges
- 16075 Meglass
- 8353 Megryan
- 3774 Megumi
- 1968 Mehltretter
- 7049 Meibom
- 2881 Meiden
- 12099 Meigooni
- 18809 Meileawertz
- 4065 Meinel
- 85179 Meistereckhart
- 6999 Meitner
- 3239 Meizhou
- 24603 Mekistheus
- 14115 Melaas
- 21914 Melakabinoff
- 5708 Melancholia
- 7906 Melanchton
- 688 Melanie
- 12973 Melanthios
- 3235 Melchior
- 56 Melete
- 137 Meliboea
- 21744 Meliselinger
- 676 Melitta
- 869 Mellena
- 2237 Melnikov
- 8216 Melosh
- 18 Melpomene
- 373 Melusina
- 12119 Memamis
- 9562 Memling
- 2895 Memnon
- 1247 Memoria
- 4355 Memphis
- 27988 Menabrea
- 9481 Menchu
- 3313 Mendel
- 2769 Mendeleev
- 3954 Mendelssohn
- 3868 Mendoza
- 1647 Menelaus
- 4068 Menestheus
- 3740 Menge
- 12106 Menghuan
- 24818 Menichelli
- 188 Menippe
- 4568 Menkaure
- 6205 Menottigalli
- 3889 Menshikov
- 7116 Mentall
- 1078 Mentha
- 3451 Mentor
- 1967 Menzel
- 3553 Mera
- 536 Merapi
- 17089 Mercado
- 4798 Mercator
- 1136 Mercedes
- 18656 Mergler
- 48458 Merian
- 11193 Merida
- 15403 Merignac
- 3596 Meriones
- 22132 Merkley
- 16269 Merkord
- 2598 Merlin
- 5456 Merman
- 1051 Merope
- 8191 Mersenne
- 3303 Merta
- 1299 Mertona
- 808 Merxia
- 7062 Meslier
- 56000 Mesopotamia
- 545 Messalina
- 7861 Messenger
- 16450 Messerschmidt
- 11050 Messiaen
- 6690 Messick
- 7359 Messier
- 1949 Messina
- 6077 Messner
- 11253 Mesyats
- 1050 Meta
- 792 Metcalfia
- 7260 Metelli
- 9 Metis
- 2486 Metsahovi
- 1727 Mette
- 9377 Metz
- 18789 Metzger
- 22583 Metzler
- 10079 Meunier
- 3016 Meuse
- 10806 Mexico
- 1574 Meyer
- 1739 Meyermann
- 22537 Meyerowitz
- 2229 Mezzarco
[edit] Mi
- 2911 Miahelena
- 21635 Micahtoll
- 22628 Michaelallen
- 16888 Michaelbarber
- 18626 Michaelcarr
- 20399 Michaelesser
- 78391 Michaeljager
- 19591 Michaelklein
- 20564 Michaellane
- 13319 Michaelmi
- 21713 Michaelolson
- 9621 Michaelpalin
- 18190 Michaelpizer
- 24303 Michaelrice
- 21743 Michaelsegal
- 12747 Michageffert
- 7747 Michalowski
- 11196 Michanikos
- 5769 Michard
- 1348 Michel
- 1045 Michela
- 3001 Michelangelo
- 5338 Michelblanc
- 7389 Michelcombes
- 21465 Michelepatt
- 1376 Michelle
- 20639 Michellouie
- 67979 Michelory
- 27758 Michelson
- 53316 Michielford
- 6499 Michiko
- 10560 Michinari
- 10375 Michiokuga
- 2348 Michkovitch
- 20286 Michta
- 5889 Mickiewicz
- 1981 Midas
- 13396 Midavaine
- 20556 Midgekimble
- 15003 Midori
- 9767 Midsomer Norton
- 11528 Mie
- 1753 Mieke
- 11103 Miekerouppe
- 2715 Mielikki
- 7706 Mien
- 24666 Miesvanrohe
- 11702 Mifischer
- 11785 Migaic
- 20568 Migaki
- 5016 Migirenko
- 44005 Migliardi
- 5246 Migliorini
- 12898 Mignard
- 4806 Miho
- 9382 Mihonoseki
- 18957 Mijacobsen
- 21358 Mijerbarany
- 4557 Mika
- 3165 Mikawa
- 51824 Mikeanderson
- 11714 Mikebrown
- 17060 Mikecombi
- 13745 Mikecosta
- 7936 Mikemagee
- 70995 Mikemorton
- 68948 Mikeoates
- 46441 Mikepenston
- 10789 Mikeread
- 18434 Mikesandras
- 16220 Mikewagner
- 6214 Mikhailgrinev
- 4729 Mikhailmil'
- 1910 Mikhailov
- 9540 Mikhalkov
- 4067 Mikhel'son
- 1526 Mikkeli
- 6959 Mikkelkocha
- 21704 Mikkilineni
- 1549 Mikko
- 3381 Mikkola
- 20649 Miklenov
- 8244 Mikolaichuk
- 2969 Mikula
- 11124 Mikulasek
- 3231 Mila
- 4701 Milani
- 1605 Milankovitch
- 3571 Milanstefanik
- 3699 Milbourn
- 878 Mildred
- 6441 Milenajesenska
- 4119 Miles
- 5892 Milesdavis
- 11163 Milesovka
- 1630 Milet
- 10241 Milicevic
- 6789 Milkey
- 4168 Millan
- 1826 Miller
- 15947 Milligan
- 2659 Millis
- 2904 Millman
- 69961 Millosevich
- 4725 Milone
- 3337 Milos
- 11776 Milstein
- 2663 Miltiades
- 4332 Milton
- 8728 Mimatsu
- 1127 Mimi
- 3840 Mimistrobell
- 1079 Mimosa
- 6160 Minakata
- 5401 Minamioda
- 6992 Minano-machi
- 10769 Minas Gerais
- 8531 Mineosaito
- 93 Minerva
- 1458 Mineura
- 28242 Mingantu
- 8134 Minin
- 12493 Minkowski
- 1670 Minnaert
- 58163 Minnesang
- 22589 Minor
- 9972 Minoruoda
- 8403 Minorushimizu
- 6239 Minos
- 7068 Minowa
- 4639 Minox
- 6995 Minoyama
- 3012 Minsk
- 8772 Minutus
- 3633 Mira
- 8169 Mirabeau
- 21526 Mirano
- 594 Mireille
- 9232 Miretti
- 102 Miriam
- 8555 Mirimao
- 11194 Mirna
- 1610 Mirnaya
- 17049 Miron
- 3624 Mironov
- 12214 Miroshnikov
- 7496 Miroslavholub
- 12118 Mirotsin
- 11881 Mirstation
- 569 Misa
- 7438 Misakatouge
- 7128 Misawa
- 7790 Miselli
- 4828 Misenus
- 5334 Mishima
- 19475 Mispagel
- 21651 Mission Valley
- 26858 Misterrogers
- 6929 Misto
- 5033 Mistral
- 3111 Misuzu
- 4523 MIT
- 1088 Mitaka
- 2924 Mitake-mura
- 20785 Mitalithakor
- 11921 Mitamasahiro
- 3289 Mitani
- 1455 Mitchella
- 20787 Mitchfourman
- 21798 Mitchweegman
- 4486 Mithra
- 2262 Mitidika
- 2460 Mitlincoln
- 5581 Mitsuko
- 16731 Mitsumata
- 11079 Mitsunori
- 6091 Mitsuru
- 28394 Mittag-Leffler
- 15434 Mittal
- 5760 Mittlefehldt
- 4027 Mitton
- 12186 Mitukurigen
- 3262 Miune
- 7682 Miura
- 22561 Miviscardi
- 8855 Miwa
- 6050 Miwablock
- 4539 Miyagino
- 14902 Miyairi
- 8303 Miyaji
- 9362 Miyajima
- 8296 Miyama
- 6020 Miyamoto
- 8098 Miyamotoatsushi
- 4041 Miyamotoyohko
- 3555 Miyasaka
- 6905 Miyazaki
- 8883 Miyazakihayao
- 5008 Miyazawakenji
- 21016 Miyazawaseiroku
- 18997 Mizrahi
- 10147 Mizugatsuka
- 2090 Mizuho
- 4541 Mizuno
- 8197 Mizunohiroshi
- 7668 Mizunotakao
- 6414 Mizunuma
- 7530 Mizusawa
- 6218 Mizushima
- 8947 Mizutani
[edit] Mj
- 85585 Mjolnir
[edit] Mn
- 57 Mnemosyne
- 9023 Mnesthus
[edit] Mo
- 7239 Mobberley
- 7360 Moberg
- 28516 Mobius
- 5650 Mochihito-o
- 21089 Mochizuki
- 733 Mocia
- 8889 Mockturtle
- 21922 Mocz
- 3344 Modena
- 370 Modestia
- 11118 Modra
- 6598 Modugno
- 30439 Moe
- 30917 Moehorgan
- 2764 Moeller
- 9334 Moesta
- 5542 Moffatt
- 8418 Mogamigawa
- 766 Moguntia
- 2528 Mohler
- 8422 Mohorovicic
- 2971 Mohr
- 65675 Mohr-Gruber
- 638 Moira
- 3080 Moisseiev
- 28729 Moivre
- 5146 Moiwa
- 53285 Mojmir
- 5117 Mokotoyama
- 20570 Molchan
- 2419 Moldavia
- 5767 Moldun
- 6835 Molfino
- 3046 Moliere
- 9680 Molina
- 8756 Mollissima
- 20472 Mollypettit
- 1428 Mombasa
- 52293 Mommsen
- 10353 Momotaro
- 9178 Momoyo
- 428 Monachia
- 10722 Monari
- 21553 Monchicourt
- 35316 Monella
- 6676 Monet
- 28766 Monge
- 3678 Mongmanwai
- 833 Monica
- 4731 Monicagrady
- 7512 Monicalazzarin
- 19603 Monier
- 14517 Monitoma
- 2780 Monnig
- 59388 Monod
- 3768 Monroe
- 20964 Mons Naklethi
- 11595 Monsummano
- 10958 Mont Blanc
- 535 Montague
- 8890 Montaigne
- 797 Montana
- 8421 Montanari
- 14573 Montebugnoli
- 13920 Montecorvino
- 782 Montefiore
- 9383 Montelimar
- 19614 Montelongo
- 7198 Montelupo
- 947 Monterosa
- 7064 Montesquieu
- 5063 Monteverdi
- 6252 Montevideo
- 2272 Montezuma
- 5864 Montgolfier
- 36182 Montigiani
- 6714 Montreal
- 52589 Montviloff
- 16158 Monty
- 13681 Monty Python
- 7782 Mony
- 7805 Moons
- 2602 Moore
- 2110 Moore-Sitterly
- 1257 Mora
- 3106 Morabito
- 63068 Moraes
- 10372 Moran
- 5702 Morando
- 14643 Morata
- 1901 Moravia
- 5596 Morbidelli
- 29435 Mordell
- 14502 Morden
- 2277 Moreau
- 17892 Morecambewise
- 11950 Morellet
- 3180 Morgan
- 9764 Morgenstern
- 4650 Mori
- 5048 Moriarty
- 19190 Morihiroshi
- 9204 Morike
- 6643 Morikubo
- 6650 Morimoto
- 6935 Morisot
- 7797 Morita
- 10878 Moriyama
- 22540 Mork
- 84921 Morkolab
- 1210 Morosovia
- 16036 Moroz
- 5521 Morpurgo
- 3783 Morris
- 2410 Morrison
- 7904 Morrow
- 8672 Morse
- 19268 Morstadt
- 5106 Mortensen
- 20106 Morton
- 88795 Morvan
- 16693 Moseley
- 39405 Mosigkau
- 787 Moskva
- 2915 Moskvina
- 48472 Mossbauer
- 4542 Mossotti
- 14821 Motaeno
- 45500 Motegi
- 77870 MOTESS
- 52291 Mott
- 5388 Mottola
- 18240 Mould
- 19518 Moulding
- 993 Moultona
- 4182 Mount Locke
- 17640 Mount Stromlo
- 2590 Mourao
- 12130 Mousa
- 88906 Moutier
- 21388 Moyanodeburt
- 13620 Moynahan
- 1034 Mozartia
- 2850 Mozhaiskij
[edit] Mp
- 4999 MPC
[edit] Mr
- 2309 Mr. Spock
- 12448 Mr. Tompkins
- 19081 Mravinskij
- 2986 Mrinalini
- 1832 Mrkos
[edit] Ms
- 24837 Msecke Zehrovice
- 5807 Mshatka
[edit] Mt
- 2116 Mtskheta
[edit] Mu
- 3396 Muazzez
- 17044 Mubdirahman
- 5122 Mucha
- 2946 Muchachos
- 7074 Muckea
- 4031 Mueller
- 5568 Mufson
- 10746 Muhlhausen
- 4665 Muinonen
- 7818 Muirhead
- 4750 Mukai
- 10146 Mukaitadashi
- 21708 Mulhall
- 10251 Mulisch
- 5164 Mullo
- 7172 Multatuli
- 8340 Mumma
- 7599 Munari
- 5699 Munch
- 14014 Munchhausen
- 17090 Mundaca
- 15576 Munday
- 1466 Mundleria
- 6595 Munizbarreto
- 7465 Munkanber
- 1608 Munoz
- 20287 Munteanu
- 17910 Munyan
- 1472 Muonio
- 3295 Murakami
- 21570 Muralidhar
- 5606 Muramatsu
- 5124 Muraoka
- 6538 Muraviov
- 3220 Murayama
- 4642 Murchie
- 9138 Murdoch
- 19453 Murdochorne
- 26639 Murgas
- 2982 Muriel
- 9829 Murillo
- 2979 Murmansk
- 19446 Muroski
- 4439 Muroto
- 941 Murray
- 600 Musa
- 7892 Musamurahigashi
- 3249 Musashino
- 10749 Musaus
- 966 Muschi
- 29053 Muskau
- 12491 Musschenbroek
- 1059 Mussorgskia
- 2385 Mustel
- 6815 Mutchler
- 12368 Mutsaers
- 7837 Mutsumi
[edit] My
- 4413 Mycerinos
- 21456 Myers
- 22173 Myersdavis
- 6462 Myougi
- 33799 Myra
- 10000 Myriostos
- 4752 Myron
- 381 Myrrha
- 9203 Myrtus
- 29490 Myslbek
- 53159 Myslivecek
[edit] N
[edit] Na
- 1758 Naantali
- 4552 Nabelek
- 7232 Nabokov
- 11370 Nabrown
- 20288 Nachbaur
- 34611 Nacogdoches
- 4106 Nada
- 2394 Nadeev
- 2071 Nadezhda
- 5089 Nadherna
- 12762 Nadiavittor
- 1906 Naef
- 21571 Naegeli
- 845 Naema
- 2935 Naerum
- 20337 Naeve
- 19433 Naftz
- 6655 Nagahama
- 33553 Nagai
- 16587 Nagamori
- 8932 Nagamoto
- 15350 Naganuma
- 16555 Nagaomasami
- 5790 Nagasaki
- 11086 Nagatayuji
- 10715 Nagler
- 5909 Nagoya
- 4245 Nairc
- 10894 Nakai
- 4219 Nakamura
- 8702 Nakanishi
- 3431 Nakano
- 10546 Nakanomakoto
- 10161 Nakanoshima
- 8703 Nakanotadao
- 21234 Nakashima
- 5667 Nakhimovskaya
- 8065 Nakhodkin
- 1327 Namaqua
- 22863 Namarkarian
- 13298 Namatjira
- 3320 Namba
- 1718 Namibia
- 7304 Namiki
- 61386 Namikoshi
- 3374 Namur
- 6321 Namuratakao
- 26733 Nanavisitor
- 4222 Nancita
- 2056 Nancy
- 20311 Nancycarter
- 6899 Nancychabot
- 6911 Nancygreen
- 9378 Nancy-Lorraine
- 4745 Nancymarie
- 55221 Nancynoblitt
- 19809 Nancyowen
- 5052 Nancyruth
- 13739 Nancyworden
- 27915 Nancywright
- 5852 Nanette
- 3607 Naniwa
- 3901 Nanjingdaxue
- 5288 Nankichi
- 2078 Nanking
- 4243 Nankivell
- 1203 Nanna
- 559 Nanon
- 853 Nansenia
- 13765 Nansmith
- 8210 NANTEN
- 3051 Nantong
- 7041 Nantucket
- 9092 Nanyang
- 20107 Nanyotenmondai
- 8220 Nanyou
- 13221 Nao
- 6139 Naomi
- 8212 Naoshigetani
- 6025 Naotosato
- 11615 Naoya
- 7379 Naoyaimae
- 43859 Naoyayano
- 5238 Naozane
- 7096 Napier
- 1876 Napolitania
- 7253 Nara
- 3448 Narbut
- 15476 Narendra
- 6167 Narmanskij
- 5896 Narrenschiff
- 8189 Naruke
- 11365 NASA
- 3619 Nash
- 1534 Nasi
- 9240 Nassau
- 534 Nassovia
- 11323 Nasu
- 1086 Nata
- 448 Natalie
- 11710 Nataliehale
- 1121 Natascha
- 13234 Natashaowen
- 25258 Nathaniel
- 10210 Nathues
- 5520 Natori
- 26276 Natrees
- 58152 Natsoderblom
- 71001 Natspasoc
- 11788 Nauchnyj
- 3020 Naudts
- 811 Nauheima
- 9712 Nauplius
- 192 Nausikaa
- 9769 Nautilus
- 3688 Navajo
- 4472 Navashin
- 16463 Nayoro
[edit] Nd
- 1634 Ndola
- 10061 Ndolaprata
[edit] Ne
- 68218 Nealgalt
- 903 Nealley
- 21421 Nealwadhwa
- 85299 Neander
- 64070 NEAT
- 69264 Nebra
- 10195 Nebraska
- 2936 Nechvile
- 1223 Neckar
- 3592 Nedbal
- 3343 Nedzel
- 2790 Needham
- 13860 Neely
- 9211 Neese
- 7108 Nefedov
- 3199 Nefertiti
- 9087 Neff
- 5857 Neglinka
- 14154 Negrelli
- 2462 Nehalennia
- 2355 Nei Monggol
- 1122 Neith
- 2907 Nekrasov
- 1547 Nele
- 18396 Nellysachs
- 3538 Nelsonia
- 51 Nemausa
- 55543 Nemeghaire
- 128 Nemesis
- 4228 Nemiro
- 4861 Nemirovskij
- 1640 Nemo
- 24778 Nemsu
- 289 Nenetta
- 2260 Neoptolemus
- 431 Nephele
- 287 Nephthys
- 17652 Nepoti
- 2869 Nepryadva
- 4660 Nereus
- 1318 Nerina
- 24748 Nernst
- 601 Nerthus
- 1875 Neruda
- 7066 Nessus
- 3071 Nesterov
- 659 Nestor
- 7999 Nesvorny
- 8750 Nettarufina
- 20289 Nettimi
- 3175 Netto
- 8634 Neubauer
- 2183 Neufang
- 3484 Neugebauer
- 13980 Neuhauser
- 1129 Neujmina
- 6150 Neukum
- 6351 Neumann
- 9351 Neumayer
- 4216 Neunkirchen
- 2898 Neuvo
- 17928 Neuwirth
- 1603 Neva
- 1679 Nevanlinna
- 5405 Neverland
- 18497 Nevezice
- 5612 Nevskij
- 2955 Newburn
- 855 Newcombia
- 2086 Newell
- 8161 Newman
- 662 Newtonia
- 3845 Neyachenko
- 2390 Nezarka
- 4361 Nezhdanova
[edit] Ng
- 21572 Nguyen-McCarty
[edit] Nh
- 8895 Nha
- 18994 Nhannguyen
[edit] Ni
- 12382 Niagara Falls
- 5135 Nibutani
- 6952 Niccolo
- 19425 Nicholasrapp
- 68410 Nichols
- 1831 Nicholson
- 21638 Nicjachowski
- 16193 Nickaiser
- 22639 Nickanthony
- 14511 Nickel
- 21463 Nickerson
- 8914 Nickjames
- 6365 Nickschneider
- 13699 Nickthomas
- 4755 Nicky
- 21415 Nicobrenner
- 843 Nicolaia
- 12928 Nicolapozio
- 1343 Nicole
- 13729 Nicolewen
- 15386 Nicolini
- 14826 Nicollier
- 8128 Nicomachus
- 14567 Nicovincenti
- 3284 Niebuhr
- 9517 Niehaisheng
- 1720 Niels
- 8525 Nielsabel
- 9744 Nielsen
- 9246 Niemeyer
- 3117 Niepce
- 7014 Nietzsche
- 7541 Nieuwenhuis
- 3795 Nigel
- 18158 Nigelreuel
- 8766 Niger
- 8751 Nigricollis
- 18160 Nihon Uchu Forum
- 2880 Nihondaira
- 5082 Nihonsyoki
- 5507 Niijima
- 2972 Niilo
- 25302 Niim
- 4959 Niinoama
- 21710 Nijhawan
- 16730 Nijisseiki
- 8572 Nijo
- 10261 Nikdollezhal'
- 307 Nike
- 24950 Nikhilas
- 20646 Nikhilgupta
- 17909 Nikhilshukla
- 14349 Nikitamikhalkov
- 4480 Nikitibotania
- 4605 Nikitin
- 1185 Nikkō
- 21655 Niklauswirth
- 7978 Niknesterov
- 8141 Nikolaev
- 9329 Nikolaimedtner
- 6483 Nikolajvasil'ev
- 12386 Nikolova
- 4010 Nikol'skij
- 2386 Nikonov
- 4434 Nikulin
- 21929 Nileshraval
- 57658 Nilrem
- 7833 Nilstamm
- 17936 Nilus
- 779 Nina
- 21637 Ninahuffman
- 3543 Ningbo
- 2539 Ningxia
- 18843 Ningzhou
- 4678 Ninian
- 10619 Ninigi
- 357 Ninina
- 2421 Nininger
- 4947 Ninkasi
- 13530 Ninnemann
- 73453 Ninomanfredi
- 4141 Nintanlena
- 71 Niobe
- 727 Nipponia
- 19007 Nirajnathan
- 11796 Nirenberg
- 18918 Nishashah
- 10399 Nishiharima
- 11915 Nishiinoue
- 4898 Nishiizumi
- 10500 Nishi-koen
- 10193 Nishimoto
- 6306 Nishimura
- 8934 Nishimurajun
- 12262 Nishio
- 6745 Nishiyama
- 21735 Nissaschmidt
- 2124 Nissen
- 23405 Nisyros
- 6885 Nitardy
- 9543 Nitra
- 5992 Nittler
- 12513 Niven
- 6965 Niyodogawa
- 3770 Nizami
- 7736 Nizhnij Novgorod
[edit] Nj
- 4213 Njord
[edit] No
- 10784 Noailles
- 6032 Nobel
- 8234 Nobeoka
- 8100 Nobeyama
- 77856 Noblitt
- 4807 Noboru
- 4351 Nobuhisa
- 8962 Noctua
- 1298 Nocturna
- 1563 Noel
- 18801 Noelleoas
- 703 Noemi
- 7001 Noether
- 1068 Nofretete
- 5734 Noguchi
- 6539 Nohavica
- 3008 Nojiri
- 9537 Nolan
- 18910 Nolanreis
- 5698 Nolde
- 473 Nolli
- 6559 Nomura
- 1367 Nongoma
- 2382 Nonie
- 4022 Nonna
- 783 Nora
- 4049 Noragal'
- 12501 Nord
- 1463 Nordenmarkia
- 2464 Nordenskiold
- 5725 Nordlingen
- 6184 Nordlund
- 42073 Noreen
- 11871 Norge
- 29737 Norihiro
- 14939 Norikura
- 6558 Norizuki
- 555 Norma
- 1256 Normannia
- 10189 Normanrockwell
- 17826 Normanwisdom
- 13404 Norris
- 3670 Northcott
- 2025 Nortia
- 3869 Norton
- 7480 Norwan
- 3162 Nostalgia
- 2857 NOT
- 626 Notburga
- 20625 Noto
- 16101 Notskas
- 6458 Nouda
- 18638 Nouet
- 8052 Novalis
- 22450 Nove Hrady
- 3799 Novgorod
- 8839 Novichkova
- 3157 Novikov
- 2495 Noviomagum
- 5301 Novobranets
- 2520 Novorossijsk
- 4271 Novosibirsk
- 5897 Novotna
- 8445 Novotroitskoe
- 4956 Noymer
- 18288 Nozdrachev
[edit] Nr
- 32776 Nriag
[edit] Nu
- 31097 Nucciomula
- 12504 Nuest
- 6195 Nukariya
- 2053 Nuki
- 15854 Numa
- 10155 Numaguti
- 5121 Numazawa
- 1206 Numerowia
- 1368 Numidia
- 2502 Nummela
- 5313 Nunes
- 16852 Nuredduna
- 1696 Nurmela
- 3825 Nurnberg
- 4459 Nusamaibashi
- 3424 Nusl
- 15811 Nusslein-Volhard
- 150 Nuwa
[edit] Ny
- 1356 Nyanza
- 15492 Nyberg
- 8753 Nycticorax
- 2150 Nyctimene
- 11377 Nye
- 875 Nymphe
- 6625 Nyquist
- 22978 Nyrola
- 44 Nysa
- 6416 Nyukasayama
- 3908 Nyx
[edit] O
[edit] Oa
- 3083 OAFA
- 14217 Oaxaca
[edit] Ob
- 16563 Ob
- 21712 Obaid
- 29402 Obelix
- 52334 Oberammergau
- 5489 Oberkochen
- 9236 Obermair
- 3275 Oberndorfer
- 6293 Oberpfalz
- 9253 Oberth
- 6669 Obi
- 8471 Obrant
- 4623 Obraztsova
- 3128 Obruchev
- 11612 Obu
- 9914 Obukhova
- 15870 Oburka
[edit] Oc
- 6525 Ocastron
- 20081 Occhialini
- 5067 Occidental
- 224 Oceana
- 9713 Oceax
- 61404 Ocenasek
- 6024 Ochanomizu
- 20574 Ochinero
- 7343 Ockeghem
- 9496 Ockels
- 475 Ocllo
- 4927 O'Connell
- 8357 O'Connor
- 598 Octavia
[edit] Od
- 1144 Oda
- 8952 ODAS
- 10948 Odenwald
- 2606 Odessa
- 3989 Odin
- 2775 Odishaw
- 4637 Odorico
- 1143 Odysseus
[edit] Oe
- 8602 Oedicnemus
- 8959 Oenanthe
- 215 Oenone
- 16167 Oertli
- 9825 Oetken
[edit] Of
- 19676 Ofeliaguilar
- 10820 Offenbach
- 7639 Offutt
- 17051 Oflynn
[edit] Og
- 5158 Ogarev
- 10169 Ogasawara
- 12221 Ogatakoan
- 6389 Ogawa
- 14315 Ogawamachi
- 14116 Ogea
- 7476 Ogilsbie
- 3973 Ogilvie
- 4013 Ogiria
- 7955 Ogiwara
- 33056 Ogunimachi
- 1259 Ogyalla
[edit] Oh
- 4675 Ohboke
- 5970 Ohdohrikouen
- 2351 O'Higgins
- 439 Ohio
- 7898 Ohkuma
- 24750 Ohm
- 9062 Ohnishi
- 8909 Ohnishitaka
- 5180 Ohno
- 4801 Ohre
- 3626 Ohsaki
- 12479 Ohshimaosamu
- 8912 Ohshimatake
- 5868 Ohta
- 2960 Ohtaki
- 10138 Ohtanihiroshi
[edit] Oi
- 2667 Oikawa
- 9907 Oileus
- 58096 Oineus
- 3843 OISCA
- 3379 Oishi
- 42516 Oistrach
- 16407 Oiunskij
- 4458 Oizumi
[edit] Oj
- 5080 Oja
- 3565 Ojima
[edit] Ok
- 16494 Oka
- 6737 Okabayashi
- 8416 Okada
- 4156 Okadanoboru
- 6244 Okamoto
- 4505 Okamura
- 9845 Okamuraosamu
- 12439 Okasaki
- 1701 Okavango
- 2084 Okayama
- 6585 O'Keefe
- 46563 Oken
- 4042 Okhotsk
- 8062 Okhotsymskij
- 8428 Okiko
- 13688 Oklahoma
- 6838 Okuda
- 3149 Okudzhava
- 5174 Okugi
- 10990 Okunev
- 7769 Okuni
- 11959 Okunokeno
- 5125 Okushiri
- 5142 Okutama
- 52872 Okyrhoe
- 7242 Okyudo
[edit] Ol
- 44479 Olaheszter
- 18984 Olathe
- 2454 Olaus Magnus
- 8869 Olausgutho
- 1002 Olbersia
- 10515 Old Joe
- 5656 Oldfield
- 2897 Ole Romer
- 9242 Olea
- 7726 Olegbykov
- 19127 Olegefremov
- 3501 Olegiya
- 2438 Oleshko
- 9034 Oleyuria
- 304 Olga
- 21661 Olgagermani
- 9684 Olieslagers
- 14972 Olihainaut
- 2177 Oliver
- 44216 Olivercabasa
- 10716 Olivermorton
- 835 Olivia
- 2201 Oljato
- 3287 Olmstead
- 8697 Olofsson
- 30564 Olomouc
- 13411 OLRAP
- 2310 Olshaniya
- 5166 Olson
- 582 Olympia
- 1022 Olympiada
[edit] Om
- 3095 Omarkhayyam
- 3637 O'Meara
- 9375 Omodaka
- 6971 Omogokei
- 3406 Omsk
[edit] On
- 6569 Ondaatje
- 16817 Onderlicka
- 7204 Ondrejov
- 16273 Oneill
- 6987 Onioshidashi
- 4353 Onizaki
- 3355 Onizuka
- 12868 Onken
- 5294 Onnetoh
- 1389 Onnie
- 7678 Onoda
- 8939 Onodajunjiro
- 10163 Onomichi
- 9599 Onotomoko
- 2330 Ontake
[edit] Oo
- 12800 Oobayashiarata
- 11151 Oodaigahara
- 8533 Oohira
- 10627 Ookuninushi
- 11152 Oomine
- 2649 Oongaq
- 1691 Oort
- 1738 Oosterhoff
- 5214 Oozora
[edit] Op
- 5055 Opekushin
- 171 Ophelia
- 2099 Opik
- 255 Oppavia
- 1492 Oppolzer
- 39382 Opportunity
- 2736 Ops
[edit] Or
- 1195 Orangia
- 58095 Oranienstein
- 1080 Orchis
- 90482 Orcus
- 2406 Orelskaya
- 8982 Oreshek
- 12576 Oresme
- 13475 Orestes
- 21125 Orff
- 4540 Oriani
- 7489 Oribe
- 701 Oriola
- 2188 Orlenok
- 11339 Orlik
- 2724 Orlov
- 2517 Orma
- 350 Ornamenta
- 17777 Ornicar
- 6795 Ornskoldsvik
- 4733 ORO
- 4201 Orosz
- 3361 Orpheus
- 5284 Orsilocus
- 4533 Orth
- 2329 Orthos
- 10665 Ortigao
- 8944 Ortigara
- 551 Ortrud
- 2043 Ortutay
- 48482 Oruki
- 11246 Orvillewright
- 11020 Orwell
- 5823 Oryo
[edit] Os
- 7434 Osaka
- 7140 Osaki
- 11930 Osamu
- 19310 Osawa
- 43889 Osawatakaomi
- 12258 Oscarwilde
- 5592 Oshima
- 13569 Ōshū
- 3593 Osip
- 4986 Osipovia
- 10259 Osipovyurij
- 1923 Osiris
- 1837 Osita
- 750 Oskar
- 7305 Ossakajusto
- 7584 Ossietzky
- 1369 Ostanina
- 5935 Ostankino
- 7113 Ostapbender
- 343 Ostara
- 2525 O'Steen
- 9471 Ostend
- 1207 Ostenia
- 6107 Osterbrock
- 6797 Ostersund
- 5859 Ostozhenka
- 8442 Ostralegus
- 11128 Ostravia
- 3169 Ostro
- 2681 Ostrovskij
- 29427 Oswaldthomas
[edit] Ot
- 5975 Otakemayumi
- 9844 Otani
- 4491 Otaru
- 21328 Otashi
- 7752 Otauchunokai
- 4405 Otava
- 4979 Otawara
- 4840 Otaynang
- 1529 Oterma
- 1126 Otero
- 913 Otila
- 21270 Otokar
- 3911 Otomo
- 7364 Otonkucera
- 3738 Ots
- 670 Ottegebe
- 994 Otthild
- 401 Ottilia
- 2962 Otto
- 2108 Otto Schmidt
- 2227 Otto Struve
- 10787 Ottoburkard
- 10709 Ottofranz
- 19126 Ottohahn
- 6657 Otukyo
- 5803 Otzi
[edit] Ou
- 3089 Oujianquan
- 7463 Oukawamine
- 1512 Oulu
- 4644 Oumu
- 1473 Ounas
- 10771 Ouro Preto
- 1396 Outeniqua
- 21574 Ouzan
[edit] Ov
- 19625 Ovaitt
- 67308 Oveges
- 5038 Overbeek
- 2800 Ovidius
[edit] Ow
- 2648 Owa
- 15608 Owens
- 3464 Owensby
[edit] Oy
- 9602 Oya
- 10863 Oye
[edit] Oz
- 7358 Oze
- 6747 Ozegahara
- 10760 Ozeki
- 6839 Ozenuma
[edit] P
[edit] Pa
- 1740 Paavo Nurmi
- 25001 Pacheco
- 4972 Pachelbel
- 19754 Paclements
- 11755 Paczynski
- 15551 Paddock
- 21575 Padmanabhan
- 363 Padua
- 9700 Paech
- 1061 Paeonia
- 1032 Pafuri
- 16110 Paganetti
- 2859 Paganini
- 71556 Page
- 3807 Pagels
- 10306 Pagnol
- 22829 Paigerin
- 1535 Paijanne
- 5188 Paine
- 953 Painleva
- 3636 Pajdusakova
- 12482 Pajka
- 1889 Pakhmutova
- 1921 Pala
- 1834 Palach
- 40444 Palacky
- 2066 Palala
- 2456 Palamedes
- 21715 Palaniappan
- 415 Palatia
- 6793 Palazzolo
- 4233 Pal'chikov
- 17970 Palepu
- 12128 Palermiti
- 10001 Palermo
- 49 Pales
- 4850 Palestrina
- 4832 Palinurus
- 914 Palisana
- 11970 Palitzsch
- 2 Pallas
- 372 Palma
- 12575 Palmaria
- 16168 Palmen
- 1548 Palomaa
- 1598 Paloque
- 26963 Palorapavy
- 8977 Paludicola
- 24194 Palus
- 2885 Palva
- 29148 Palzer
- 5200 Pamal
- 1243 Pamela
- 14157 Pamelasobey
- 21474 Pamelatsai
- 539 Pamina
- 4852 Pamjones
- 17077 Pampaloni
- 4450 Pan
- 2878 Panacea
- 11120 Pancaldi
- 21716 Panchamia
- 4028 Pancratz
- 2674 Pandarus
- 55 Pandora
- 21717 Pang
- 7306 Panizon
- 17075 Pankonin
- 2378 Pannekoek
- 1444 Pannonia
- 70 Panopaea
- 10413 Pansecchi
- 4198 Panthera
- 4754 Panthoos
- 5990 Panticapaeon
- 2973 Paola
- 12840 Paolaferrari
- 12813 Paolapaolini
- 3176 Paolicchi
- 19523 Paolofrisi
- 8524 Paoloruffini
- 13150 Paolotesi
- 13111 Papacosmas
- 471 Papagena
- 17063 Papaloizou
- 2480 Papanov
- 15041 Paperetti
- 5310 Papike
- 4241 Pappalardo
- 29448 Pappos
- 37044 Papymarcel
- 15278 Paquet
- 34854 Paquifrutos
- 2239 Paracelsus
- 2791 Paradise
- 3963 Paradzhanov
- 1779 Parana
- 6836 Paranal
- 5298 Paraskevopoulos
- 1857 Parchomenko
- 4914 Pardina
- 2484 Parenago
- 7913 Parfenov
- 347 Pariana
- 16174 Parihar
- 5303 Parijskij
- 3317 Paris
- 12506 Pariser
- 5392 Parker
- 10041 Parkinson
- 5585 Parks
- 6550 Parler
- 6039 Parmenides
- 19287 Paronelli
- 14277 Parsa
- 2095 Parsifal
- 4087 Part
- 11 Parthenope
- 25384 Partizanske
- 19810 Partridge
- 19415 Parvamenon
- 2847 Parvati
- 2331 Parvulesco
- 888 Parysatis
- 2860 Pasacentennium
- 5100 Pasachoff
- 2200 Pasadena
- 3855 Pasasymphonia
- 4500 Pascal
- 11669 Pascalscholl
- 12766 Paschen
- 11191 Paskvic
- 21719 Pasricha
- 12670 Passargea
- 16498 Passau
- 3508 Pasternak
- 4804 Pasteur
- 21482 Patashnick
- 7511 Patcassen
- 14060 Patersonewen
- 12509 Pathak
- 451 Patientia
- 12511 Patil
- 22582 Patmiller
- 2727 Paton
- 1347 Patria
- 1978 Patrice
- 436 Patricia
- 77696 Patriciann
- 2748 Patrick Gene
- 24000 Patrickdufour
- 18009 Patrickgeer
- 15128 Patrickjones
- 5919 Patrickmartin
- 7561 Patrickmichel
- 17108 Patricorbett
- 617 Patroclus
- 1601 Patry
- 1791 Patsayev
- 3310 Patsy
- 5178 Pattazhy
- 2511 Patterson
- 58535 Pattillo
- 19826 Patwalker
- 3525 Paul
- 1314 Paula
- 23120 Paulallen
- 5307 Paul-Andre
- 65697 Paulandrew
- 7519 Paulcook
- 6870 Pauldavies
- 10934 Pauldelvaux
- 14372 Paulgerhardt
- 23699 Paulgordan
- 5349 Paulharris
- 278 Paulina
- 4674 Pauling
- 3743 Pauljaniczek
- 8326 Paulkling
- 7386 Paulpellas
- 45305 Paulscherrer
- 12443 Paulsydney
- 6226 Paulwarren
- 537 Pauly
- 5269 Paustovskij
- 12761 Pauwels
- 18123 Pavan
- 5203 Pavarotti
- 16810 Pavelaleksandrov
- 21471 Pavelchvykov
- 16274 Pavlica
- 7008 Pavlov
- 1007 Pawlowia
- 1152 Pawona
- 679 Pax
- 14574 Payette
- 2039 Payne-Gaposchkin
[edit] Pe
- 14595 Peaker
- 3612 Peale
- 9987 Peano
- 3304 Pearce
- 29458 Pearson
- 12306 Pebronstein
- 43724 Pechstein
- 1629 Pecker
- 18460 Peckova
- 7531 Pecorelli
- 3312 Pedersen
- 20454 Pedrajo
- 24048 Pedroduque
- 18242 Peebles
- 21445 Pegconnolly
- 9261 Peggythomson
- 12658 Peiraios
- 19226 Peiresc
- 26763 Peirithoos
- 2893 Peiroos
- 7107 Peiser
- 118 Peitho
- 2045 Peking
- 1190 Pelagia
- 6149 Pelcak
- 2202 Pele
- 11311 Peleus
- 7532 Pelhrimov
- 49036 Pelion
- 7433 Pellegrini
- 8535 Pellesvanslos
- 1667 Pels
- 8307 Peltan
- 3850 Peltier
- 16177 Pelzer
- 1429 Pemba
- 10219 Penco
- 21059 Penderecki
- 7165 Pendleton
- 22542 Pendri
- 13181 Peneleos
- 201 Penelope
- 48798 Penghuanwu
- 14134 Penkala
- 20455 Pennell
- 12227 Penney
- 48801 Penninger
- 271 Penthesilea
- 3189 Penza
- 19022 Penzel
- 15501 Pepawlowski
- 10634 Pepibican
- 1102 Pepita
- 18022 Pepper
- 11043 Pepping
- 1680 Per Brahe
- 554 Peraga
- 8758 Perdix
- 2817 Perec
- 6620 Peregrina
- 2951 Perepadin
- 7622 Pergolesi
- 15663 Periphas
- 2482 Perkin
- 17222 Perlmutter
- 4043 Perolof
- 8230 Perona
- 12222 Perotto
- 2422 Perovskaya
- 10027 Perozzi
- 14278 Perrenot
- 100596 Perrett
- 6779 Perrine
- 1515 Perrotin
- 5529 Perry
- 10969 Perryman
- 9637 Perryrose
- 399 Persephone
- 975 Perseverantia
- 9275 Persson
- 3953 Perth
- 12465 Perth Amboy
- 33157 Pertile
- 10866 Peru
- 32570 Peruindiana
- 4250 Perun
- 3005 Pervictoralex
- 9399 Pesch
- 11444 Peshekhonov
- 6817 Pest
- 21682 Pestafrantisek
- 2970 Pestalozzi
- 3745 Petaev
- 21640 Petekirkland
- 1716 Peter
- 10331 Peterbluhm
- 19551 Peterborden
- 16217 Peterbroughton
- 12397 Peterbrown
- 30724 Peterburgtrista
- 20468 Petercook
- 13923 Peterhof
- 13154 Petermrva
- 4115 Peternorton
- 84075 Peterpatricia
- 34420 Peterpau
- 9207 Petersmith
- 5833 Peterson
- 8086 Peterthomas
- 16952 Peteschultz
- 21473 Petesullivan
- 17799 Petewilliams
- 7740 Petit
- 4483 Petofi
- 3492 Petra-Pepi
- 12722 Petrarca
- 9449 Petrbondy
- 50413 Petrginz
- 21476 Petrie
- 482 Petrina
- 16801 Petrinpragensis
- 10170 Petrjakes
- 3244 Petronius
- 830 Petropolitana
- 4785 Petrov
- 9545 Petrovedomosti
- 3017 Petrovic
- 5319 Petrovskaya
- 8805 Petrpetrov
- 4790 Petrpravec
- 9707 Petruskoning
- 7258 Pettarin
- 3831 Pettengill
- 968 Petunia
- 3716 Petzval
- 7314 Pevsner
- 2944 Peyo
- 11636 Pezinok
[edit] Pf
- 29491 Pfaff
- 9962 Pfau
- 12774 Pfund
[edit] Ph
- 174 Phaedra
- 322 Phaeo
- 3200 Phaethon
- 296 Phaetusa
- 14588 Pharrams
- 30704 Phegeus
- 17351 Pheidippos
- 13433 Phelps
- 10664 Phemios
- 2357 Phereclos
- 4753 Phidias
- 274 Philagoria
- 6580 Philbland
- 4448 Phildavis
- 20270 Phildeutsch
- 280 Philia
- 11581 Philipdejager
- 20796 Philipmunoz
- 977 Philippa
- 631 Philippina
- 10030 Philkeenan
- 5133 Phillipadams
- 7220 Philnicholson
- 52309 Philnicolai
- 1869 Philoctetes
- 196 Philomela
- 227 Philosophia
- 5260 Philveron
- 46793 Phinney
- 25 Phocaea
- 15510 Phoeberounds
- 4543 Phoinix
- 5145 Pholus
- 443 Photographica
- 1291 Phryne
- 189 Phthia
- 39463 Phyleus
- 556 Phyllis
- 4185 Phystech
[edit] Pi
- 614 Pia
- 3772 Piaf
- 10573 Piani
- 26917 Pianoro
- 1000 Piazzia
- 12540 Picander
- 4221 Picasso
- 1366 Piccolo
- 20488 Pic-du-Midi
- 12051 Picha
- 803 Picka
- 5716 Pickard
- 784 Pickeringia
- 12398 Pickhardt
- 11912 Piedade
- 1523 Pieksamaki
- 1536 Pielinen
- 5162 Piemonte
- 2816 Pien
- 7061 Pieri
- 7197 Pieroangela
- 46720 Pierostroppa
- 11401 Pierralba
- 1392 Pierre
- 65696 Pierrehenry
- 312 Pierretta
- 4573 Piestany
- 3713 Pieters
- 17031 Piethut
- 10655 Pietkeyser
- 22263 Pignedoli
- 10220 Pigott
- 3759 Piironen
- 1975 Pikelner
- 21355 Pikovskaya
- 4174 Pikulia
- 17025 Pilachowski
- 1990 Pilcher
- 21720 Pilishvili
- 15614 Pillinger
- 4368 Pillmore
- 19456 Pimdouglas
- 6521 Pina
- 20352 Pinakibose
- 5928 Pindarus
- 19497 Pineda
- 10198 Pinelli
- 18111 Pinet
- 6790 Pingouin
- 12719 Pingre
- 7976 Pinigin
- 19367 Pink Floyd
- 19419 Pinkham
- 14678 Pinney
- 2694 Pino Torinese
- 12927 Pinocchio
- 12470 Pinotti
- 8580 Pinsky
- 3445 Pinson
- 33103 Pintar
- 4869 Piotrovsky
- 648 Pippa
- 12369 Pirandello
- 3228 Pire
- 2506 Pirogov
- 1082 Pirola
- 7313 Pisano
- 20963 Pisarenko
- 2672 Pisek
- 18623 Pises
- 9056 Piskunov
- 11240 Piso
- 8051 Pistoria
- 37432 Piszkesteto
- 11359 Piteglio
- 17832 Pitman
- 48785 Pitter
- 5768 Pittich
- 9306 Pittosporum
- 484 Pittsburghia
- 19182 Pitz
- 16466 Piyashiriyama
- 4609 Pizarro
- 7377 Pizzarello
[edit] Pl
- 6121 Plachinda
- 10648 Plancius
- 1069 Planckia
- 2639 Planman
- 46719 Plantade
- 6808 Plantin
- 2905 Plaskett
- 9309 Platanus
- 9158 Plate
- 11966 Plateau
- 5451 Plato
- 3620 Platonov
- 2179 Platzeck
- 1986 Plaut
- 6076 Plavec
- 2172 Plavsk
- 14479 Plekhanov
- 5999 Plescia
- 4229 Plevitskaya
- 11524 Pleyel
- 3226 Plinius
- 4626 Plisetskaya
- 9535 Plitchenko
- 6616 Plotinos
- 14619 Plotkin
- 3860 Plovdiv
- 29643 Plucker
- 6615 Plutarchos
- 134340 Pluto
- 2613 Plzen
[edit] Po
- 1908 Pobeda
- 4487 Pocahontas
- 14974 Pocatky
- 3441 Pochaina
- 4086 Podalirius
- 13062 Podarkes
- 42849 Podjavorinska
- 3311 Podobed
- 7455 Podosek
- 10348 Poelchau
- 946 Poesia
- 4468 Pogrebetskij
- 1830 Pogson
- 3606 Pohjola
- 12284 Pohl
- 2021 Poincare
- 12874 Poisson
- 10205 Pokorny
- 17208 Pokrovska
- 3348 Pokryshkin
- 4078 Polakis
- 142 Polana
- 8066 Poldimeri
- 4940 Polenov
- 21584 Polepeddi
- 24847 Polesny
- 4562 Poleungkuk
- 4780 Polina
- 21432 Polingloh
- 13151 Polino
- 1708 Polit
- 4867 Polites
- 5226 Pollack
- 5800 Pollock
- 5278 Polly
- 21585 Polmear
- 1112 Polonia
- 2006 Polonskaya
- 2983 Poltava
- 29646 Polya
- 4619 Polyakhova
- 6174 Polybius
- 4708 Polydoros
- 33 Polyhymnia
- 5982 Polykletus
- 20947 Polyneikes
- 81203 Polynesia
- 3709 Polypoites
- 14312 Polytech
- 595 Polyxena
- 22227 Polyxenos
- 308 Polyxo
- 2771 Polzunov
- 32 Pomona
- 203 Pompeja
- 29647 Poncelet
- 13117 Pondicherry
- 1305 Pongola
- 2792 Ponomarev
- 9609 Ponomarevalya
- 7332 Ponrepo
- 7645 Pons
- 10433 Ponsen
- 18928 Pontremoli
- 4166 Pontryagin
- 13227 Poor
- 10216 Popastro
- 11090 Popelin
- 3074 Popov
- 8444 Popovich
- 39464 Poppelmann
- 8647 Populus
- 7231 Porco
- 3896 Pordenone
- 9429 Porec
- 1499 Pori
- 2570 Porphyro
- 84902 Porrentruy
- 3276 Porta Coeli
- 1636 Porter
- 2333 Porthan
- 757 Portlandia
- 3933 Portugal
- 7900 Portule
- 6311 Porubcan
- 1757 Porvoo
- 8759 Porzana
- 1131 Porzia
- 4341 Poseidon
- 1572 Posnania
- 89903 Post
- 11184 Postma
- 1484 Postrema
- 9915 Potanin
- 13480 Potapov
- 6954 Potemkin
- 18830 Pothier
- 1345 Potomac
- 5816 Potsdam
- 10431 Pottasch
- 7320 Potter
- 7758 Poulanderson
- 4348 Poulydamas
- 4281 Pounds
- 21586 Pourkaviani
- 3760 Poutanen
- 14829 Povalyaeva
- 12753 Povenmire
- 37141 Povolny
- 9739 Powell
- 11063 Poynting
- 7979 Pozharskij
[edit] Pr
- 21928 Prabakaran
- 15890 Prachatice
- 4889 Praetorius
- 2367 Praha
- 3164 Prast
- 8973 Pratincola
- 18116 Prato
- 6560 Pravdo
- 547 Praxedis
- 5983 Praxiteles
- 1238 Predappia
- 2896 Preiss
- 11855 Preller
- 7695 Premysl
- 20581 Prendergast
- 19637 Presbrey
- 59419 Presov
- 24779 Presque Isle
- 13682 Pressberger
- 20433 Prestinenza
- 3792 Preston
- 790 Pretoria
- 5628 Preussen
- 18624 Prevert
- 6157 Prey
- 15506 Preygel
- 529 Preziosa
- 8881 Prialnik
- 884 Priamus
- 10293 Pribina
- 9884 Pribram
- 1359 Prieska
- 5577 Priestley
- 46731 Prieurblanc
- 11964 Prigogine
- 40410 Prihoda
- 6467 Prilepina
- 7919 Prime
- 970 Primula
- 508 Princetonia
- 2653 Principia
- 4595 Prinz
- 2137 Priscilla
- 13653 Priscus
- 9539 Prishvin
- 997 Priska
- 1192 Prisma
- 21702 Prisymendoza
- 60622 Pritchet
- 17519 Pritsak
- 902 Probitas
- 14024 Procol Harum
- 6162 Prokhorov
- 194 Prokne
- 6172 Prokofeana
- 3159 Prokof'ev
- 6681 Prokopovich
- 1809 Prometheus
- 4315 Pronik
- 26 Proserpina
- 2372 Proskurin
- 7292 Prosperin
- 9313 Protea
- 3540 Protesilaos
- 22203 Prothoenor
- 12444 Prothoon
- 22278 Protitch
- 147 Protogeneia
- 52228 Protos
- 4474 Proust
- 474 Prudentia
- 5932 Prutkov
- 7543 Prylis
- 14624 Prymachenko
- 261 Prymno
- 3059 Pryor
[edit] Ps
- 21389 Pshenichka
- 10711 Pskov
- 16 Psyche
[edit] Pt
- 5011 Ptah
- 4001 Ptolemaeus
[edit] Pu
- 4579 Puccini
- 11105 Puchnarova
- 32096 Puckett
- 39571 Puckler
- 8763 Pugnax
- 4516 Pugovkin
- 2841 Puijo
- 762 Pulcova
- 12519 Pullen
- 1209 Pumma
- 115801 Punahou
- 1659 Punkaharju
- 7270 Punkin
- 18617 Puntel
- 3359 Purcari
- 4040 Purcell
- 5341 Purgathofer
- 13063 Purifoy
- 3701 Purkyne
- 3494 Purple Mountain
- 8585 Purpurea
- 2208 Pushkin
- 82656 Puskas
- 7665 Putignano
- 3577 Putilin
- 2557 Putnam
- 55331 Putzi
[edit] Py
- 2192 Pyatigoriya
- 2122 Pyatiletka
- 6631 Pyatnitskij
- 8590 Pygargus
- 2720 Pyotr Pervyj
- 14871 Pyramus
- 632 Pyrrha
- 5283 Pyrrhus
- 6143 Pythagoras
- 432 Pythia
[edit] Q
[edit] Qi
- 25240 Qiansanqiang
- 3763 Qianxuesen
- 20278 Qileihang
- 2255 Qinghai
[edit] Qu
- 1297 Quadea
- 10200 Quadri
- 3876 Quaide
- 5865 Qualytemocrina
- 9911 Quantz
- 3335 Quanzhou
- 50000 Quaoar
- 32807 Quarenghi
- 35165 Quebec
- 5457 Queen's
- 8643 Quercus
- 8755 Querquedula
- 9588 Quesnay
- 1239 Queteleta
- 1915 Quetzalcoatl
- 18699 Quigley
- 4372 Quincy
- 13192 Quine
- 9569 Quintenmatsijs
- 755 Quintilla
- 18376 Quirk
- 58098 Quirrenbach
- 10793 Quito
- 52301 Qumran
- 3513 Quqinyue
[edit] R
[edit] Ra
- 3184 Raab
- 1786 Raahe
- 1624 Rabe
- 11189 Rabeaton
- 5666 Rabelais
- 5040 Rabinowitz
- 21742 Rachaelscott
- 18698 Racharles
- 674 Rachele
- 19568 Rachelmarie
- 4345 Rachmaninoff
- 11051 Racine
- 20268 Racollier
- 12426 Racquetball
- 13748 Radaly
- 1420 Radcliffe
- 2581 Radegast
- 2375 Radek
- 11144 Radiocommunicata
- 2833 Radishchev
- 17881 Radmall
- 4485 Radonezhskij
- 3923 Radzievskij
- 9797 Raes
- 128036 Rafaelnadal
- 18664 Rafaelta
- 21589 Rafes
- 9957 Raffaellosanti
- 3648 Raffinetti
- 1644 Rafita
- 1839 Ragazza
- 5056 Rahua
- 4518 Raikin
- 1450 Raimonda
- 16802 Rainer
- 6366 Rainerwieler
- 10008 Raisanyo
- 1137 Raissa
- 18658 Rajdev
- 14654 Rajivgupta
- 12374 Rakhat
- 4108 Rakos
- 3332 Raksha
- 5825 Rakuyou
- 5051 Ralph
- 4517 Ralpharvey
- 20851 Ramachandran
- 55753 Raman
- 20837 Ramanlal
- 4130 Ramanujan
- 9683 Rambaldo
- 21722 Rambhia
- 9083 Ramboehm
- 18028 Ramchandani
- 4734 Rameau
- 3926 Ramirez
- 18170 Ramjeawan
- 110393 Rammstein
- 20693 Ramondiaz
- 117413 Ramonycajal
- 8001 Ramsden
- 4416 Ramses
- 4248 Ranald
- 3928 Randa
- 3163 Randi
- 31664 Randiiwessen
- 17224 Randoross
- 72633 Randygroth
- 14114 Randyray
- 9308 Randyrose
- 6821 Ranevskaya
- 11605 Ranfagni
- 22543 Ranjan
- 20012 Ranke
- 6440 Ransome
- 1530 Rantaseppa
- 18874 Raoulbehrend
- 708 Raphaela
- 16180 Rapoport
- 12522 Rara
- 1148 Rarahu
- 11400 Rasa
- 4113 Rascana
- 48588 Raschroder
- 2100 Ra-Shalom
- 24697 Rastrelli
- 21724 Ratai
- 18115 Rathbun
- 927 Ratisbona
- 5774 Ratliff
- 8661 Ratzinger
- 5266 Rauch
- 10025 Rauer
- 1882 Rauma
- 20291 Raumurthy
- 9165 Raup
- 29674 Rausal
- 4237 Raushenbakh
- 5603 Rausudake
- 4977 Rauthgundis
- 4727 Ravel
- 22810 Rawat
- 16561 Rawls
- 2854 Rawson
- 8983 Rayakazakova
- 3985 Raybatson
- 5840 Raybrown
- 18191 Rayhe
- 10050 Rayman
- 15945 Raymondavid
- 18836 Raymundto
- 11039 Raynal
- 90528 Raywhite
- 3790 Raywilson
[edit] Re
- 20474 Reasoner
- 7098 Reaumur
- 3007 Reaves
- 20354 Rebeccachan
- 572 Rebekka
- 10932 Rebentrost
- 573 Recha
- 3365 Recogne
- 2884 Reddish
- 7886 Redman
- 17518 Redqueen
- 4587 Rees
- 6475 Refugium
- 4347 Reger
- 3778 Regge
- 33994 Regidufour
- 285 Regina
- 84096 Reginaldglenice
- 22877 Reginamiller
- 574 Reginhild
- 1117 Reginita
- 9307 Regiomontanus
- 9863 Reichardt
- 20582 Reichenbach
- 8684 Reichwein
- 3422 Reid
- 12529 Reighard
- 6565 Reiji
- 5239 Reiki
- 10320 Reiland
- 6163 Reimers
- 12280 Reims
- 7661 Reincken
- 7689 Reinerstoss
- 16705 Reinhardt
- 18092 Reinhold
- 7148 Reinholdbien
- 1111 Reinmuthia
- 4593 Reipurth
- 1577 Reiss
- 13327 Reitsema
- 3871 Reiz
- 6299 Reizoutoyoko
- 40459 Rektorys
- 3739 Rem
- 27985 Remanzacco
- 10119 Remarque
- 8395 Rembaut
- 4511 Rembrandt
- 2552 Remek
- 58672 Remigio
- 5695 Remillieux
- 9137 Remo
- 29443 Remocorti
- 15563 Remsberg
- 14683 Remy
- 21674 Renaldowebb
- 575 Renate
- 1416 Renauxa
- 16781 Rencin
- 20518 Rendtel
- 10285 Renemichelsen
- 15507 Rengarajan
- 1792 Reni
- 6190 Rennes
- 5509 Rennsteig
- 6677 Renoir
- 8877 Rentaro
- 6291 Renzetti
- 1204 Renzia
- 4930 Rephiltim
- 2468 Repin
- 906 Repsolda
- 11111 Repunit
- 2254 Requiem
- 1081 Reseda
- 7046 Reshetnev
- 1371 Resi
- 3356 Resnik
- 16930 Respighi
- 54362 Restitutum
- 17190 Retopezzoli
- 2303 Retsina
- 8474 Rettig
- 1096 Reunerta
- 8666 Reuter
- 13358 Revelle
- 13647 Rey
- 14684 Reyes
- 59830 Reynek
- 12776 Reynolds
- 21605 Reynoso
- 528 Rezia
- 21726 Rezvanian
[edit] Rh
- 38083 Rhadamanthus
- 15949 Rhaeticus
- 9316 Rhamnus
- 577 Rhea
- 6070 Rheinland
- 9142 Rhesus
- 5366 Rhianjones
- 16912 Rhiannon
- 21727 Rhines
- 6529 Rhoads
- 907 Rhoda
- 1197 Rhodesia
- 437 Rhodia
- 166 Rhodope
- 5689 Rhon
- 4934 Rhoneranger
[edit] Ri
- 879 Ricarda
- 12407 Riccardi
- 14074 Riccati
- 13642 Ricci
- 18462 Ricco
- 1230 Riceia
- 3972 Richard
- 7966 Richardbaum
- 10217 Richardcook
- 22837 Richardcruz
- 15599 Richardlarson
- 21552 Richardlee
- 11002 Richardlis
- 22002 Richardregan
- 20857 Richardromeo
- 21680 Richardschwartz
- 12530 Richardson
- 20306 Richarnold
- 4129 Richelen
- 1214 Richilde
- 22839 Richlawrence
- 16264 Richlee
- 12395 Richnelson
- 22156 Richoffman
- 11187 Richoliver
- 3338 Richter
- 20583 Richthammer
- 8358 Rickblakley
- 22812 Ricker
- 9983 Rickfienberg
- 22835 Rickgardner
- 51823 Rickhusband
- 13744 Rickline
- 3692 Rickman
- 1514 Ricouxa
- 4763 Ride
- 4025 Ridley
- 16189 Riehl
- 1025 Riema
- 4167 Riemann
- 6145 Riemenschneider
- 4327 Ries
- 20016 Rietschel
- 1796 Riga
- 16766 Righi
- 9427 Righini
- 12811 Rigonistern
- 6420 Riheijyaya
- 15415 Rika
- 16262 Rikurtz
- 9833 Rilke
- 20495 Rimavska Sobota
- 4635 Rimbaud
- 1883 Rimito
- 4534 Rimskij-Korsakov
- 6705 Rinaketty
- 118178 Rinckart
- 23999 Rinner
- 11334 Rio de Janeiro
- 16669 Rionuevo
- 21932 Rios
- 7711 Rip
- 8599 Riparia
- 4090 Risehvezd
- 34696 Risoldi
- 2654 Ristenpart
- 2690 Ristiina
- 1180 Rita
- 84417 Ritabo
- 15145 Ritageorge
- 8640 Ritaschulz
- 3466 Ritina
- 10781 Ritter
- 4871 Riverside
- 1426 Riviera
- 13743 Rivkin
[edit] Ro
- 5945 Roachapproach
- 22152 Robbennett
- 6057 Robbia
- 4667 Robbiesh
- 9518 Robbynaish
- 19457 Robcastillo
- 57359 Robcrawford
- 21607 Robel
- 1145 Robelmonte
- 21439 Robenzing
- 1377 Roberbauxa
- 7323 Robersomma
- 335 Roberta
- 4809 Robertball
- 15965 Robertcox
- 18088 Roberteunice
- 10116 Robertfranz
- 5817 Robertfrazer
- 13937 Roberthargraves
- 10786 Robertmayer
- 5109 Robertmiller
- 84200 Robertmoore
- 14964 Robertobacci
- 14919 Robertohaver
- 37022 Robertovittori
- 7488 Robertpaul
- 6188 Robertpepin
- 3428 Roberts
- 2328 Robeson
- 6312 Robheinlein
- 18932 Robinhood
- 3819 Robinson
- 12820 Robinwilliams
- 79129 Robkoldewey
- 6334 Robleonard
- 10389 Robmanning
- 73491 Robmatson
- 58365 Robmedrano
- 21706 Robminehart
- 26376 Roborosa
- 15907 Robot
- 21469 Robschum
- 115449 Robson
- 4153 Roburnham
- 17879 Robutel
- 20460 Robwhiteley
- 41800 Robwilliams
- 5183 Robyn
- 38237 Roche
- 4172 Rochefort
- 18572 Rocher
- 904 Rockefellia
- 3579 Rockholt
- 17058 Rocknroll
- 2529 Rockwell Kent
- 2703 Rodari
- 4659 Roddenberry
- 3873 Roddy
- 16194 Roderick
- 6258 Rodin
- 11257 Rodionta
- 4465 Rodita
- 18689 Rodrick
- 13760 Rodriguez
- 1557 Roehla
- 1657 Roemera
- 6401 Roentgen
- 4426 Roerich
- 8075 Roero
- 69312 Rogerbacon
- 8168 Rogerbourke
- 3741 Rogerburns
- 7362 Rogerbyrd
- 920 Rogeria
- 9452 Rogerpeeters
- 7894 Rogers
- 13196 Rogerssmith
- 8860 Rohloff
- 13435 Rohret
- 17860 Roig
- 2058 Roka
- 3736 Rokoske
- 12870 Rolandmeier
- 6508 Rolcik
- 1269 Rollandia
- 19383 Rolling Stones
- 472 Roma
- 13200 Romagnani
- 2516 Roman
- 11015 Romanenko
- 18171 Romaneskue
- 5302 Romanoserra
- 10921 Romanozen
- 3761 Romanskaya
- 66458 Romaplanetario
- 942 Romilda
- 10386 Romulus
- 2285 Ron Helin
- 11724 Ronaldhsu
- 17853 Ronaldsayer
- 4024 Ronan
- 8680 Rone
- 15228 Ronmiller
- 17097 Ronneuman
- 10139 Ronsard
- 14697 Ronsawyer
- 13497 Ronstone
- 3293 Rontaylor
- 13701 Roquebrune
- 5643 Roques
- 223 Rosa
- 22581 Rosahemphill
- 314 Rosalia
- 900 Rosalinde
- 540 Rosamunde
- 34366 Rosavestal
- 7583 Rosegger
- 6472 Rosema
- 2057 Rosemary
- 85389 Rosenauer
- 16243 Rosenbauer
- 9672 Rosenbergerezek
- 18114 Rosenbush
- 21610 Rosengard
- 5039 Rosenkavalier
- 21467 Rosenstein
- 100268 Rosenthal
- 4911 Rosenzweig
- 2856 Roser
- 9241 Rosfranklin
- 5795 Roshchina
- 985 Rosina
- 22870 Rosing
- 117439 Rosner
- 4211 Rosniblett
- 21611 Rosoff
- 19487 Rosscoleman
- 1646 Rosseland
- 1350 Rosselia
- 8814 Rosseven
- 3969 Rossi
- 8181 Rossini
- 14973 Rossirosina
- 5670 Rosstaylor
- 1440 Rostia
- 4071 Rostovdon
- 4918 Rostropovich
- 615 Roswitha
- 20893 Rosymccloskey
- 21391 Rotanner
- 31414 Rotarysusa
- 7700 Rote Kapelle
- 5595 Roth
- 20512 Rothenberg
- 874 Rotraut
- 5197 Rottmann
- 5412 Rou
- 1413 Roucarie
- 2978 Roudebush
- 22082 Rountree
- 2950 Rousseau
- 1518 Rovaniemi
- 8809 Roversimonaco
- 4599 Rowan
- 19535 Rowanatkinson
- 18196 Rowberry
- 10557 Rowland
- 43844 Rowling
- 317 Roxane
- 14533 Roy
- 6901 Roybishop
- 4550 Royclarke
- 5208 Royer
- 13274 Roygross
- 8817 Roytraver
- 16199 Rozenblyum
- 9813 Rozgaj
- 5360 Rozhdestvenskij
- 6267 Rozhen
- 3986 Rozhkovskij
- 4070 Rozov
[edit] Ru
- 1638 Ruanda
- 8398 Rubbia
- 9482 Rubendario
- 10151 Rubens
- 8592 Rubetra
- 10764 Rubezahl
- 11302 Rubicon
- 5726 Rubin
- 2457 Rublyov
- 4286 Rubtsov
- 2474 Ruby
- 16191 Rubyroe
- 10542 Ruckers
- 3574 Rudaux
- 7073 Rudbelia
- 1907 Rudneva
- 44613 Rudolf
- 4146 Rudolfinum
- 10356 Rudolfsteiner
- 2629 Rudra
- 10010 Rudruna
- 8149 Ruff
- 8587 Ruficollis
- 4107 Rufino
- 21074 Rugen
- 12035 Ruggieri
- 15762 Ruhmann
- 15273 Ruhmkorff
- 4073 Ruianzhongxue
- 4101 Ruikou
- 17086 Ruima
- 15395 Rukl
- 21732 Rumery
- 5139 Rumoi
- 1773 Rumpelstilz
- 4154 Rumsey
- 5495 Rumyantsev
- 4570 Runcorn
- 5505 Rundetaarn
- 11853 Runge
- 2899 Runrun Shaw
- 353 Ruperto-Carola
- 1953 Rupertwildt
- 1443 Ruppina
- 4455 Ruriko
- 3756 Ruscannon
- 3516 Rusheva
- 26390 Rusin
- 4810 Ruslanova
- 1762 Russell
- 15582 Russellburrows
- 3952 Russellmark
- 232 Russia
- 11955 Russrobb
- 1171 Rusthawelia
- 38541 Rustichelli
- 17033 Rusty
- 9326 Ruta
- 14815 Rutberg
- 20478 Rutenberg
- 5886 Rutger
- 798 Ruth
- 22890 Ruthaellis
- 3285 Ruth Wolfe
- 65363 Ruthanna
- 1249 Rutherfordia
- 2518 Rutllant
- 1427 Ruvuma
- 1856 Ruzena
[edit] Ry
- 5344 Ryabov
- 21936 Ryan
- 21427 Ryanharrison
- 19597 Ryanlee
- 20794 Ryanolson
- 20595 Ryanwisnoski
- 4258 Ryazanov
- 2523 Ryba
- 12674 Rybalka
- 10506 Rydberg
- 19663 Rykerwatts
- 9566 Rykhlova
- 8927 Ryojiro
- 11135 Ryokami
- 6031 Ryokan
- 2835 Ryoma
- 8304 Ryomichico
- 21460 Ryozo
- 16175 Rypatterson
- 20120 Ryugatake
- 5969 Ryuichiro
- 5343 Ryzhov