List of minor Star Wars Jedi knights

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The following is a list of fictional Star Wars Jedi Knights. For Jedi apprentices, see List of minor Star Wars Jedi apprentices. For masters, see List of minor Star Wars Jedi masters.


[edit] Amersu, Xiaan

Star Wars character
Xiaan Amersu

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Ryloth
Species Twi'lek
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi
Portrayed by Not applicable

Xiaan Amersu was once the apprentice of Anx Jedi Master, J'Mikel. When Amersu was very young, the bounty hunter Aurra Sing murdered J'Mikel right in front of her. It was thought that she might be scarred for life. Amersu ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight by the time of the Clone Wars. During a battle with Aurra Sing, Aayla Secura recovered the lightsaber of J'Mikel. She returned it to Amersu just before her first battle as a general. At the end of the Clone Wars, Amersu was sent to Saleucami. During the battle, she mourned the loss of Oppo Rancisis when he was killed by the dark Jedi Sora Bulq. Later on, she flew a Jedi Starfighter there with A'Sharad Hett. When she was hit, Hett told her to land. She didn't because she knew that she wasn't going to make it. She sacrificed herself for the good of the Republic.

[edit] Anno, Klossi

Star Wars character
Klossi Anno

Position Jedi Padawan
Homeworld Chalacta
Species Human
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi
Portrayed by N/A

Klossi Anno was a human female from Chalacta and a Padawan. Unlike her mentor, she survived Order 66.

She accompanied nine other survivors of the Jedi Purge in capturing a SX Troop Shuttle at Dellalt, although four of the Jedi died under fire from ARC-170s and a light cruiser that gave pursuit. The survivors were eventually rescued by the Drunk Dancer.

On Kashyyyk, she tried to fight Darth Vader after he killed Jedi Knights Siadem Forte and Iwo Kulka, but the powerful Sith Lord merely sidestepped her and then slashed her across the back with his lightsaber. Klossi survived the encounter.

After the subjugation of Kashyyyk by the fledgling Galactic Empire, Anno committed herself to finding a way to subtly sabotage the Empire, perhaps in a construction project.

[edit] Appearances

[edit] External links

[edit] Barrek, Daakman

Star Wars character
Daakman Barrek

Position Unknown
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Not applicable

Daakman Barrek appears in Star Wars: Clone Wars as a human Jedi who lead a task force to Hypori. The task force consisted of a few jedi, including Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, and Ki-Adi Mundi, along with many clone troopers. The Battle of Hypori was a disaster for the Jedi, as they were outmatched by Droids and General Grievous. Daakman Barrek attempted to contact Obi-Wan Kenobi on Muulinist, requesting re-enforcements. He was able to describe the current situation and General Grievous, but he was cut down by the Separatist commander.

[edit] Bayts, Soon

Soon Bayts was a renowned Jedi in the years preceding the Jedi Purge. He originally appeared as an assistant to Yoda in "Jedi Council: Acts of War". In the "Obsession" limited series, Obi-Wan speaks well of him and reveals that they haven't met in years. He was slain by General Grievous. He seemed to be fully human. His hair was dark except at the temples, where it was colored white.

[edit] Bees, Nem

Nem Bees was a Jedi Knight during the time of the Clone Wars. He was an Ortolan from the planet Orto, which is where he was stationed at the time of the Separatist invasion of the planet. He was dispatched to his homeworld undercover as the deceased trader Ydde in response to reports of the neutral Ortolan government swearing allegiance to the Separatists. The Sluis sector was already war torn enough at this time and the Republic was fearing the loss of the Rimma Trade Route if the growing instability of this sector was not stopped.

He was too late. The government quickly declared allegiance to the Separatists shortly after his arrival, and that day battle droids stormed the capital city. Unwilling to blow his cover, Bees acted as a frightened civilian and helplessly watched as the droids marched. However, with the help of a Twi'lek servant employed by Financial Minister Belo Tusus, Bees was able to regain contact with Coruscant and arrange for a battalion of troops to come to the planet's aid. Also, he and the servant sabotaged many key shield generators and other military devices as the troops arrived.

Bees then met with Clone Commander Deviss to prepare to remove the separatists from Orto. The Financial Minister fled Orto as the clones arrived. Unfortunately, a week into the campaign, Order 66 was issued and Deviss cut down Bees during the assault on the droid ranks.

[edit] Bok, Aidan

Aidan Bok is a Jedi in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. He was killed by Darth Vader on Nespis 8 and later became a ghost in the Jedi Archives. He appeared to Tash Arranda in the John Whitman novel Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of a Jedi. His spirit was put to rest after he helped Tash defeat Gog and free her brother and uncle (and many other people).

[edit] Brand, Empatojayos

Star Wars character
Empatojayos Brand

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Coruscant
Species Human
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic, Ganathan
Portrayed by N/A

Empatojayos Brand was a Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Old Republic. Brand was apprenticed to Jedi Master Yaddle. Empatojayos was very aggressive and vain, but he overcame his personality flaws to become a full fledged Jedi Knight. He survived the Great Jedi Purge, but at the cost of being severely injured by Darth Vader in a ship battle, which sent him hurtling through a gas nebula near Nar Shadaa. However the Ganathans saved him, gave him a cyborg body, and made him their king. He returned from his self-imposed exile when the Solos, fleeing from bounty hunters, stumbled upon his hidden world, and informed him that Vader was dead. Brand decided that he should aid Luke Skywalker in his attempts to restore the Jedi Order; he proved instrumental during the events of Dark Empire in defeating Dark Siders on New Alderaan. Empatojayos died on Onderon when he sacrificed himself to save the baby Anakin Solo from being filled with the essence and mind of Emperor Palpatine's clone; Empatojayos intercepted Palpatine's spirit preventing the Emperor from taking power from young Anakin Solo. His soul connected to Palpatine's, the two died together, freeing the galaxy from the Emperor's reign forever.

[edit] Bulq, Sora

Star Wars character
Sora Bulq

Position Jedi Knight, Jedi Dissident, Dark Jedi
Homeworld Sriluur
Species Weequay
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sith
Portrayed by Simon "Tor" Larsen

Sora Bulq was a Weequay Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars. He was remembered as one of the greatest lightsaber duelists the order had ever known, having aided Master Windu in perfecting Vaapad. However, he had not mastered the form; rather it had mastered him, as he fell to the dark side.

When reports of Bulq actually being alive after Geonosis appeared, Mace Windu located him on the moon Ruul. He was leading a group of Jedi dissidents including K'Kruhk, Jeisel, Rhad Tarn, and Bulq's former Padawan, Mira. When Asajj Ventress attacked, Windu realized that Bulq had gone to the dark side. Windu was able to bring K'Kruhk and Jeisel back, but Bulq promised to get revenge on the Jedi.

Shortly after, Sora Bulq and Master Tholme engaged Count Dooku on Bakura. Dooku disarmed Sora and blasted him with Force Lightning. Tholme was defeated and lost his left eye. While Dooku trapped Tholme with rocks, he took Sora away and tended to his wounds. Sora Bulq was then corrupted by Dooku, turned to the dark side and joined the CIS.

Under the order of Dooku, Sora rescued Tholme and returned to the Jedi Temple as hero. During the Clone Wars, Bulq was Dooku's right-hand man. For a while, Quinlan Vos believed Bulq to be the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

Sora Bulq assassinated Council Master Oppo Rancisis and later defeated and disarmed Master Tholme. Bulq was later killed by Jedi Master Quinlan Vos after Vos' final internal battle with the dark side. Bulq's body was left by Vos and his Padawan Aayla Secura to be blown up in the internal explosions that followed.

As a Jedi, Bulq wielded two blue lightsabers, one of standard length, the other with a much shorter blade, sometimes known as a lightdagger. He initially retained the blue-coloured blades while having fallen to the Dark Side in order to maintain the pretence of being merely a Jedi dissident. Upon becoming revealed as a Dark Jedi in service to Darth Tyranus, Bulq's dual blades became red in color, presumably replaced with synthetic Sith crystals provided by his new master.

The dual lightsaber-wielding Sora Bulq takes on Mace Windu, as depicted in the Dark Horse Republic comic.
The dual lightsaber-wielding Sora Bulq takes on Mace Windu, as depicted in the Dark Horse Republic comic.

When Jedi Quinlan Vos went undercover in an attempt to infiltrate Tyrannus' Dark Jedi cabal, he became obsessed with discovering the identity of "The Second Sith", as Darth Sidious' existence was at that point only known to the Jedi by inference. After being tricked by Dooku into assassinating a Republic senator he thought was the Sith, Vos became convinced that Sora Bulq was in fact the true Dark Lord. He pursued this obsession almost to his own destruction.

The photograph above, a behind-the-scenes character portrait from Episode II depicts a Weequay Jedi dressed in a white tunic wielding a single blue blade, who is reputedly visible for a split second in the finished film. However, it is reasonable to assume that this anonymous Jedi was, in fact, retroactively declared to be Bulq by Lucasfilm, as this image was added to his Databank file [1] at a much later date, long after his introduction in the Dark Horse comics' series as a Jedi with two lightsabers and a much darker brown tunic (see comic book panel to the left).

Hasbro has released a white tunic-wearing and single lightsaber-wielding Sora Bulq action figure based on the photographic image rather than his comic-book appearance.

[edit] External links

For further reading, see Sora Bulq on Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki.

[edit] Chatak, Bol

Bol Chatak was a Jedi Knight who fought in the Clone Wars. She was stationed on the planet Murkhana with her padawan Olee Starstone and fellow knight Roan Shryne when Palpatine issued Order 66. In order to escape offworld and hopefully gather some information about why their clones had turned on them, all three knights discarded their robes and adopted mercenary disguises. They were arrested and imprisoned with hundreds of other mercenaries. Darth Vader arrived on the planet just as they were preparing to be transported to a prison colony, and Chatak drew her lightsaber to battle the Sith Lord. Chatak fought with grace and skill, while Vader's saber technique was clumsy (he was still adjusting to his new body inside the armor). But despite her finesse, Vader's sheer brute strength overcame her, and he decapitated the Jedi after cutting off her swordarm.

[edit] Chion, Olana

Olana Chion was a Human Jedi Knight from the planet Kegan during the time of the Clone Wars. She was found as an infant by Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Adi Gallia, along with their Padawans, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi. The planet Kegan was very oppressive and her original name was O-Lana, the O representing her gender as every female had an O in front of their names and males had a V. The Jedi helped to topple the oppressive regime on Kegan and were allowed to take O-Lana back to the temple, where she was simply called Olana.

Olana greatly admired Obi-Wan and hoped to become his apprentice someday. However, when Obi-Wan returned from his mission to Naboo, he brought with him his new Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Olana shared most of the misgivings many in the Order had of Skywalker, but hers seemed to be more personal.

She was later apprenticed to Avan Post and served with the Jedi Master for over a decade until he was killed during the Clone Wars. It was also during the Clone Wars that she was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. She kept a wary eye on Skywalker during the war, believing that he embraced war far to easily. Olana was first and foremost a peacekeeper and was unable to actively lead troops in the war. Instead she helped evacuation efforts on various worlds to save endangered populaces. She understood that it was necassary to stop the Separatists, which is likely why she was willing to stay and help in any way she could, instead of joining the growing number of dissident Jedi.

During the Separatist attack on Coruscant, Olana helped move millions to safety from the battle. She would spend the remainder of the war at the Temple. Her misgivings of Skywalker increased as more and more traditions were moved aside for the Knight, eventually leading to his ascent to the Council. Of course, only days later, her misgivings were proved true as Skywalker stormed the Temple with thousands of clones and slaughtered most of the Jedi. Olana worked with Cin Drallig in the Temple resistance and tried to save as many Padawans as possible, but it all proved to be futile. It is assumed she died there with so many of the Order, although her body was never conclusivly identified.

[edit] Dinn, Nelani

Nelani Dinn was a female human Jedi, who had just completed her Jedi Knight trials. She was the only Jedi and the spokesperson for the Jedi Order on the planet Lorrd. Nelani was trying to stop Jacen Solo from turning to the Dark Side (and following the Sith Lumiya), stepped into their quarrel and was killed. Jacen believed that any timeline in which she remained alive would lead to mass confusion and war, and eventually the death of his master, Luke Skywalker. Jacen stabbed her through her heart with his lightsaber, and watched her die for the future of the Jedi and Galaxy.

[edit] Eerin, Bant

Star Wars character
Bant Eerin

Position Jedi Padawan/Jedi Knight
Homeworld Mon Calamari
Species Mon Calamari
Gender female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi Order, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Unknown

Jedi Knight Bant Eerin was a childhood friend of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kit Fisto took her as his apprentice after Bant's first master, Tahl, was killed. Being of the fish-like Mon Calamari species, Bant liked to be around water, and the atmosphere of her quarters at the Jedi Temple was always kept misty and humid. Bant was nearly killed by Xanatos, Qui-Gon Jinn's first apprentice who turned to the dark side. Obi-Wan was the one who saved her life. During the Battle of Geonosis, Bant flew her Jedi starfighter in the space battle that raged above the planet, alongside Adi Gallia and Adi's former Padawan Siri Tachi. Bant was killed in the Great Jedi Purge.

[edit] Farr, Jastus

Jastus Farr is a character from the fictional Star Wars universe. He was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars and was one of the members present during the meeting on Kessel. Farr was one of the last three left alive, and those three had Darth Vader at their mercy, however, the arrival of the 501st Legion put an end to it. Farr was killed by the clones.

[edit] Fi-Ek, Sirch

Sirch Fi-Ek was a Nikto Jedi Knight. He was one of the 200 Jedi sent to Geonosis. He survived and fought in the Clone Wars.

[edit] Forte, Siadem

Star Wars character
Siadem Forte

Position Unknown
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi
Portrayed by N/A

Siadem Forte (?-19 BBY) was a human male, and although only a Jedi Knight rather than a Jedi Master, in years was older than Roan Shryne.

He was injured by Order 66, but survived, as did his Padawan Deran Nalual. He led ten survivors of the Jedi Purge, including his Padawan, in capturing a SX Troop Shuttle at Dellalt, although four of the Jedi died under fire from ARC-170s and a light cruiser that gave pursuit. The survivors were eventually rescued by the Drunk Dancer.

Siadem Forte attacked Darth Vader on Kashyyyk during the planet's subjugation, but the Sith decapitated him. Forte was survived by Nalual, whom was saddened by the loss. Roan Shryne picked up the blue lightsaber of the deceased Forte and attacked Vader himself.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

[edit] Gi, Sha'a

Star Wars character
Sha'a Gi

Position Jedi Padawan
Homeworld Ord Biniir
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1.85 meters
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by John DiMaggio

Sha'a Gi was a human Jedi during the Clone Wars and was one of the Jedi to first encounter General Grievous. He was jumpy and relied on his master, Daakman Barrek, to keep him calm. When his master died, he was left alone and soon cracked under all the pressure leading him to rush out and try to attack his master's killer and was easily killed by Grievous. Like the others killed in the Battle of Hypori, his lightsaber became an addition to Grievous' trophy collection.

Sha'a Gi's name is a reference to Shaggy from Scooby-Doo, and although the characters do bear startling resemblance to each other, it's unclear if this was the original intent, or if it was a joke that was later created once the resemblance was noted. He is cowardly, another resemblance to Shaggy.

[edit] Gon, Tarados

Star Wars character
Tarados Gon

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Klatooine
Species Klatooninian
Gender Male
Height 1.81 meters
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Unknown

Tarados Gon was a Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Old Republic. He was one of the 212 Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala from Separatist Forces. He managed to survive the Geonosis Battle arena bravely but died when his Republic Gunship exploded, as witnessed by Mace Windu.

[edit] Gorfek, Vahn

Vahn Gorfek is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe. His story can be seen in the book, Mind Tricks Volume 1, by Phillip H. Zahn.

A human trained in the arts of the Force before the times of the Sith Wars, Vahn became a full-fledge Jedi Knight when he was twenty-five years old. Before this, he was an excellent pilot who flew in the Grange Academy. His lightsaber was forged from a green gem, found in the caves and presented to him by Jedi Master Cinna Unduri. After being betrayed by his wingmates in an attack on a Zabrak Temple, he lost all faith in the good of the universe. Barely surviving the incident, he decided to learn about the ways of the dark side after meeting Sith Lord Darth Bane (this was before the "Rule of Two" was created). Vahn constructed a double-bladed lightsaber, and became a well-known proponent of the Vaapad technique (an aggressive fighting style, as seen in the films used by Jedi Master Mace Windu). Vahn sought out Jedi to do battle with, simply to see if anyone could beat him and his new found power.

Ultimately, though, it was his amazing piloting skills and uncontrollable deviance that led him back home, to the planet of Eriadu (also the home of Grand Moff Tarkin, a character from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope). Vahn did not want to take on a Sith title; he decided to keep his own name. When he got home, however, the same wingmen who had betrayed him had also destroyed his family's home that he grew up in. He decided to go after them, but having broken his oath to the Jedi he could not call upon them for help.

His story is continued in the upcoming novel, Mind Tricks Part 2, to be released early next year.

[edit] Halagad, Ventor

Unlike many of his peers, Ventor Halagad began his training at a relatively advanced age under Everen Ettene. Towards the end of their partnership, shortly before the Clone Wars, the pair were dispatched to resolve the Virgillian Civil War. Their Jedi transport was destroyed upon arrival at Virgillia 7, killing Ventor's master, Everen. They both were presumed dead, and a funeral for the Jedi losses was held on Coruscant.

It was not realized at the time by the Jedi Council that Halagad Ventor had survived. Halagad went on to home to become a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars, serving as a General under Obi-Wan Kenobi, and was awarded the Medallion of Honor.

Ventor was one of the few Jedi to survive the execution of Order 66 by fleeing to the Outer Rim, but he was captured by the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader stripped from Halagad's mind the Outer Rim hiding place of many surviving Jedi, and with this information he slaughtered them. One of the few survivors of the resulting massacre was Qu Rahn, who believed, as did Vader, that Halagad was beyond help. Vader subsequently released him.

Ventor ended up on Trinta, a planet with a Dark Side nexus that fed off his despair and aged him prematurely, making him appear many decades older than his actual age. A Rebel team found Halagad and redeemed him. Freed of the Dark Side, his decrepit body died, and his Force ghost smiled upon the Rebels. Rahn heard rumor of the redemption, but dismissed it.

[edit] Halcyon, Keiran

Keiran Halcyon was a Corellian Jedi mentioned briefly in the novel I, Jedi, and was Corran Horn's ancestor. He was a Jedi famous for his efforts in Corellia, and especially for halting the rampaging Selonian cult "Afarathu". Corran takes the name as an alias during his brief enrollment at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4. Keiran Halcyon was also known to stand his ground, a trait common in the Horn/Halcyon family line; and like Nejaa Halcyon, he used a silver lightsaber. The silver comes from the unusual inclusion of a Durindfire gem as the focusing crystal. The Halcyon family was also known to be almost totally inept at using telekenetic Force powers; instead they focused on other aspects of the Force. Notably, they trained extra with the lightsaber to enhance their abilities with them. They were gifted with two rare Force abilities; that of alter mind and energy absorption. Harnessing the temporary boost of Force energy granted when they absorbed energy, the Halcyons were able to temporarily use telekenesis.

[edit] Halcyon, Nejaa

Nejaa Halcyon was the Grandfather of Corran Horn. A Corellian Jedi who participated in the Praesitlyn conflict, he was also secretly married. He was killed after the end of the clone wars by a group of Jedi driven to the dark side by the Jedi Purges.

As a Jedi in the Corellian system, Nejaa Halcyon would assist friend Rostek Horn with police duties.

[edit] It'kla, Ylenic

Ylenic It'kla was a Caamasi Jedi Knight that survived the clone wars. Ylenic was a pacifist. He was one of the few members of his species to ever become a Jedi.

Seven days after the Battle of Geonosis he was assigned along with Aayla Secura to a mission to Corellia to find a Techno Union scientist named Ratri Tane, who was willing to give vital information in exchange for security for his family. Ylenic and Aayla were able to accomplish the mission with a little help from the Corellian Jedi Knight Nejaa Halcyon.

He was on the planet Alderaan during the purge. Ylenic's fate throughout the rest of the war is unknown, though it is believed he was on the planet Alderaan, where he became a political advisor until the planet was destroyed in 0 BBY. Appearances: Elusion Illusion.

[edit] Jeisel, Sian

Sian Jeisel was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars. She was the leader of one of the groups that did not return to Coruscant with the beginning of the Clone Wars because they believed the Republic too corrupt to be saved.

When she and the other three leaders — K'kruhk, Rhad Tarn, and Mira — were untied by Sora Bulq, Mace Windu went to meet them on Ruul. During an assassination attempt, Jeisel had to kill Tarn after Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress turned him to the dark side. With the help of Windu, she and K'kruhk escaped, as Tarn and Mira were both dead.

Later on in the war, Jeisel fought in a battle with Jedi Master Tsui Choi. She met Count Dooku, and called him a monster. She later returned to the front.

Jeisel fought later in the Siege of Saluecami. Her relationship with the Jedi Masters was difficult; she didn't trust Quinlan Vos, but she mourned the death of Oppo Rancisis. She fought well during the siege along with A'sharad Hett and K'kruhk, whom she was very close to.

After the first Battle of Coruscant, Jeisel was sent on a mission by the Jedi Council. She survived Order 66, and was later pursued by Darth Vader and a group of bounty hunters. It is unknown what happened to her after, but it is thought that she disappeared, changed her identity and lived a long life, occasionally helping the innocent and the poor.

[edit] Jeng, Sarrissa

Sarrissa Jeng was one of the 200 Jedi who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and died. She sported a blue lightsaber and had brown hair. She was killed in the arena battle.

[edit] Judrelle, Tassida

Tassida Judrelle was one of the 200 Jedi who fought in the Battle of Geonosis and died. Four years prior, she and Anakin Skywlaker had met in the jedi temple on Coruscant. Anakin was only fifteen at the time, and she was twenty-four, but soon Anakin had seduced her. Nine months later she gave birth to a son whom she named, Shermon. She used a green lightsaber and her home planet is Corellia.

[edit] Jurokk

Star Wars character

Position Jedi Temple Gate Guard
Homeworld Jabimm
Species Human
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi Order
Portrayed by Not applicable

Mace Windu left him and Shaak Ti in charge of guarding the gate of the Jedi Temple when he went to arrest Chancellor Palpatine. Later, when Darth Vader returned to the Temple with hundreds of Clone Troopers, Jurokk led the first wave of Jedi against the clones. He and his padawan were the only Jedi to survive the library siege and to see the death of Master Jocasta Nu. He pulled back to safety and joined Shaak Ti's forces. Leading the second attack, he got cut off from his padawan by an explosion. He was quickly disarmed and held captive to be punished by Lord Vader. It is believed that Vader slowly dismembered Jurokk until he died from the intense pain.

[edit] Keto, Serra

"Let's see what you're made of." - Serra Keto

Star Wars character
Serra Keto

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Koros Major
Species Human
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Not applicable

Serra Keto was the ambitious student to Cin Drallig [2], the legendary Jedi swordsmaster. She had a younger "sister" Bene that was a few years younger than herself. Having achieved the rank of Jedi Knight around the same time that Anakin Skywalker did, the two were particular rivals in almost every aspect of their Jedi training during their Padawan years at the Temple. She was very skilled in the art of lightsaber combat. Her lightsaber style was very acrobatic and dynamic, and she often would leap and somersault to avoid lightsaber strikes.

During the Jedi Purge instituted by Order 66, she faced off with Darth Vader in a languorous duel, upon his unceremonious intrusion of the Jedi Temple. Unfortunately, she lost the ensuing battle with the Sith Lord, and was flattened by a pillar to the ground by Darth Vader using the Force.

In the Episode III video game, both she and her master are unlockable characters for the "Bonus Missions" setting and the "Dueling" mini-game.

Serra Keto is thought to be related to Satal Keto and Aleema Keto.

[edit] K'Kruhk

Star Wars character

Position Jedi Master, Jedi Dissident
Homeworld Toola
Species Whiphid
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi
Portrayed by N/A

K'Kruhk was once the apprentice of Lilit Twoseas. As a Padawan, he fought alongside Micah Giiett, Plo Koon and Qui-Gon Jinn during the Yinchorri crisis. It was in this mission that his first master was killed.

During the Clone Wars, K'Kruhk was sent to a battle on Teyr. When he didn't return, he was presumed dead. Mace Windu later discovered him as a part of a group of Jedi Dissidents led by Sora Bulq. After he realized that Bulq had gone to the dark side, K'Kruhk returned to the Jedi Order.

Shortly afterward, he was part of a strike team on Hypori, led by Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti. He was thought killed by General Grievous, and was left behind. In reality, K'Kruhk had entered a state of hibernation, thus appearing dead by all accounts. He eventually awoke and was able to escape Hypori to once more assume the role of General in the Army of the Republic. However, Grievous did steal K'Kruhk's green lightsaber on Hypori and later used it against Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau.

K'Kruhk fought in many battles during the Clone Wars, and was assigned to protect Senator Viento on Coruscant. Unfortunately, K'Kruhk was forced to battle rogue Jedi Quinlan Vos, and suffered injuries after falling from an airspeeder. After bacta treatment, K'Kruhk returned to the front line during the Battle of Saleucami.

During the ensuing Jedi Purge, K'kruhk was one of the few survivors. He took a fellow survivor, a young Padawan under his wing and followed clues to the mysterious "Hidden Temple", a rumored place of refuge for harried Jedi in those dark times. Whether any other survivors reached this Temple, and indeed, its very location is unknown, although many years later Luke Skywalker discovered a quasi-monastery on the planet Toola which had contained the surviving records of the Jedi Library; it was discovered by the Empire eventually. Possibly this site was the Temple, and K'kruhk was killed with the librarian and the other occupants.

[edit] External links

[edit] Koon, Sha

Star Wars character
Sha Koon

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Dorin
Species Kel Dor
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by None

Sha Koon was the niece of Plo Koon in the Expanded Universe. She was also a Jedi, just as her uncle and a great pilot, only matched by Jedi Master Saesee Tiin.

During the Stark Hyperspace War, she used her telepathic abilities to contact her uncle, who was fighting across the galaxy and couldn't reach him by normal means. She played an important role in the war, most notably fighting along side her uncle after Tyvokka, the commander, was killed in the final battle. Plo took command of the confused Jedi, and defeated Stark's forces. For his heroic actions, he was granted a seat on the Jedi Council. Sha continued to pursue a seat on the Council, but it was never granted to her.

Though her current fate is unknown, it is believed she died in the Great Jedi Purge.

[edit] Kulka, Iwo

Iwo Kulka was a Ho'Din Jedi Knight. He survived the Order 66 and partnered Siadem Forte, Olee Starstone, Klossi Anno and three other Jedi in their way to Kashyyyk. During the battle which took place on the planet, Iwo Kulka and Siadem Forte, trying to protect Starstone, attacked Darth Vader and died in the duel.

[edit] Labooda, Sar

Star Wars character
Sar Labooda

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Unknown
Species Chalactan
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Not applicable

Sar Labooda was a Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Old Republic. She was one of the 200 Jedi taskforce assembled by Mace Windu to Geonosis. She fought bravely at the Battle of Geonosis. Unfortunately she died right before the remaining Jedi were forced into the survivor's circle.

[edit] Masona, Roth-Del

Star Wars character
Roth-Del Masona

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Leonard Thomas

Roth-Del Masona was a Jedi during the waning days of the Old Republic. He accompanied Mace Windu and 198 other Jedi to Geonosis and survived. He boarded the same Republic gunship as Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli and Saesee Tiin. He fought at Kamino, Rutan and Garos IV. He was slain by General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant.

[edit] Moudama, Foul

Star Wars character
Foul Moudama

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Alzoc III
Species Talz
Gender Male
Height 2 meters
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by N/A

Foul Moudama was a Talz Jedi Knight from the planet Alzoc III during the waning days of the Old Republic. He was one of the three brave Jedi Masters assigned to protect Chancellor Palpatine along with Shaak Ti and Roron Corobb during the start of the Battle of Coruscant from General Grievous. Foul and Roron eventually fought against General Grievous in the bunker where Palpatine was supposed to hide. Both he and Roron fought valiantly, but were ultimately overwhelmed when Grievous unleased his two extra arms. They fell almost instantly. Shaak Ti, realizing that her companions were in grave danger, dashed to their side, but it was far too late. Grievous had Palpatine clutched in his fists as Foul and Roron lay crumbled on the ground. With a deafening battle roar, Shaak Ti launched herself at Grievous. In her weakened condition, her blade was easily pushed aside. Grievous quickly reached out and grabbed Shaak Ti by the throat.

His name is derived from the Arabic words "Foul Medammas," meaning "Fava Beans."

[edit] Narec, Ky

The background of Star Wars character Jedi Ky Narec is unknown. He may have been exiled by the Jedi for unknown reasons and headed off into space. However, a dialogue between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Asajj Ventress in Dreadnaughts of Rendili (which is covered in issues 69-71 of Dark Horse Comics Republic series) suggests that he may have been on a mission and was believed killed as Kenobi tells Ventress had the Order known he was still alive they would have sent someone to rescue him. Somehow his ship fell down into the barbaric planet Rattatak in approx. 40-50 years before A New Hope and found the orphan girl Asajj Ventress. Because he found the girl strong in the Force, he taught her the Jedi arts, or a form of the Jedi Arts; it is unknown if he was by this point a Dark Jedi or still was a Jedi. But before he finished her Jedi training he was murdered by a Rattatak warlord. She kept his lightsaber as a memento, but it was later stolen by Obi-Wan Kenobi before escaping her. After his death, Asajj Ventress decided she would avenge her Master and destroy all the Jedi who had "betrayed" him.

[edit] Oblaydra, Varion

Varion Oblaydra is a Jedi Knight in the time of the New Jedi Order. Not a whole lot is known of Varion's past except that he was discovered at a young age by Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn, and brought to the Jedi to be trained. Varion's father was an Imperial Moff in the time of the Galactic Civil War. During the time he was a padawan, Varion sought out his father whom he had not seen since he was a very young boy. He held much hostility toward his father for neglecting his mother and him. Varion almost fell to the Dark Side when he gave into his anger and killed his father when he was still a padawan. He has long since meditated, renounced and learned to suppress these feelings. Varion is extremely intelligent and is now the head of the Jedi Library department. At one time during the time he was a padawan he found himself matched up against a high-level Dark Jedi Knight. Varion's good friend and fellow Jedi Knight Sarik Ormana sensed that Varion was in a great deal of trouble, as he was about to be bested by the far superior Dark Sider. Sarik burst into the room in just the knick of time to drive the Dark Sider away, almost giving into the Dark Side himself. Oblaydra lost his right arm in the conflict, and was fitted with a cybernetic replacement. Since being knighted, Varion had not seen much combat to speak of, that is, until the New Republic started to suspect the Imperial Remnant was secretly planning major military action of some kind against them. Varion participated in a multi-Jedi task force which was sent to infiltrate a top-secret Imperial Remnant base on a remote outer-rim world. After the engagement, Varion went back to his duties on Yavin IV at the Jedi Temple.

[edit] Offee, Barriss

Main article: Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee was taken from her parents at an early age to be raised within the confines of the Jedi Temple and the tenets of the Jedi Code. Despite rigid schooling in Jedi doctrine, the young Offee possessed an impulsive streak frowned upon by more conservative Jedi Masters. While she was reserved by nature, and not easily intimidated, there were times when she preferred wielding her lightsaber rather than following the protocols of diplomacy. Her attempts to overcompensate for her youthful exuberance sometimes gave her a cold demeanor. In combat, Barriss Offee specialized in tandem fighting. Her connection to the Force allowed her to perfectly synchronize her actions with that of her Master. Barriss was later stationed on Felucia where she and another Jedi were captured and imprisoned. She was eventually rescued by Jedi Knight Aayla Secura and her clone commander, Bly. After her rescue, Offee remained on Felucia until Palpatine enacted Order 66. She was blasted by an AT-TE walker while striking down a droid.

[edit] Olin, Ferus

Ferus was an apprentice when Anakin Skywalker trained at the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. Siri Tachi chose him as her Padawan learner. Ferus was a stiff, rigid sort of follow-the-rules apprentice who even respectfully spoke to Obi-Wan about his misgivings concerning Anakin. He left the Jedi Order after a training mission to Korriban went horribly wrong. This story was told in Jude Watson's Jedi Quest #10: The Final Showdown. After leaving the Jedi, Ferus learned to loosen up a bit. To his shock, he became one of the Last of the Jedi.

[edit] Oll, Lari

Lari Oll was a brown haired human female Jedi and is stationed with Yoda at the temples beacon on Coruscant during the capture of Palpatine by General Grievous. She is in the book Labyrinth of Evil.

[edit] Othone, Johun

Johun Othone was a Jedi Knight, and former padawan of Lord Hoth. After the Battle of Ruusan, Othone petitioned the Jedi Council for some sort of memorial to Lord Hoth to be built on the planet Ruusan. The Council refused to participate, preferring that the world be forgotten, so Othone instead turned to the Galactic Senate, who provided him with the funds to build the memorials in the Valley of the Jedi.

[edit] Qel-Droma, Cay

Cay Qel-Droma, a Jedi instructed by Master Arca Jeth at his training compound on Arkania some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, he and his brother, and fellow Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma had been born on Alderaan to a great warrior family.

Cay was mechanically minded and always tinkered with machines. He lost his left arm during the Beast Wars of Onderon and replaced it himself during the battle with a prosthetic limb made from parts of an abandoned XT-6 service droid. When his brother, Ulic, turned to the Dark Side of the Force, Cay never stopped trying to bring him back to the Light Side. In a final confrontation, Ulic murdered Cay, an act that immediately filled him with horror and regret.

[edit] Qiyn, Khaat

In the Star Wars movie Attack of the Clones, Khaat Qiyn was a human Jedi Knight who died in the Battle of Geonosis. She supported a green lightsaber and was apprenticed to Plo Koon until Plo took a new apprentice, then was apprenticed to master Saesee Tiin.

[edit] Rahn, Qu

Star Wars character
Qu Rahn
Position Jedi Master
Homeworld Garos IV
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1.83 meters (6 ft )
Affiliation Jedi
Portrayed by Bennet Guillory

Qu Rahn was a Jedi Knight who searched for the lost Valley of the Jedi. The rival to his quest was the Dark Jedi Jerec. When his friend Morgan Katarn discovered its whereabouts, he entrusted his lightsaber to him, to pass on to his son Kyle Katarn whom he sensed was strong with the Force.

He then moved to confront Jerec. He was captured on Dorlo and then aboard the Vengeance where Jerec read his mind and learnt of Morgan Katarn's knowledge of the Valley. Rahn was then executed, after a short but heroic duel on the bridge. He stole Yun's lightsaber, battled Boc, then Sariss, cut Maw in half, and finally clashed blades with Gorc before being blasted with the Force and then being decapitated by Jerec. Later, Rahn's ghost was able to contact Kyle and warn him about Jerec.

Qu Rahn was one of the few survivors of the Great Jedi Purge. Since his ghost appears after his physical death, it is possible he also learned the ability to live on after death from Qui-Gon Jinn, or from Yoda during a visit that Rahn made to Dagobah.

[edit] Ramora, Sartochi

Sartochi Ramora was a Jedi who fell victim to the seduction of the dark side. The aggressiveness and vanity he exhibited when he became a student of Jedi Master Yaddle hinted at his dark future.

[edit] Redath-Gom, Que-Mars

Que-Mars Redath-Gom was a Weequay Jedi Knight. He was one of the 200 Jedi sent to Geonosis, and was killed in the Execution Arena.

[edit] Renz, Tyneir

Tyneir Renz was a Star Wars character, a human Jedi Knight of the Old Republic around the time of the Clone Wars. A native of the planet Jiann, Tyneir was a colonel in the Old Republic military and also served in the Clone Wars. However, the military was not the central focus of Tyneri's life. Tyneir was a husband and the father of two children as well, a son, and a daughter named Padija. Additionally, Tyneir was a student of archaeology and anthropology and greatly enjoyed studying ancient history.

However, when Emperor Palpatine took control of the galaxy, Tyneir was forced to leave his family behind eluding capture. Unfortunately, as a result, Jiann was overrun by the Empire and devastated, claiming his wife and son's life in the process. Luckily however, Tyneir was able to make it back to Jiann in time to save his daughter. Realizing that with his status as a Jedi Knight and Imperial agents looking for him, his daughter was not safe, and as a result, sent her to Alderaan to live with his wife's family.

There, Padija grew into a young woman and eventually attended a university on Alderaan, studying her father's passion: archaeology. In the years that followed, Tyneir eventually joined the Alliance, and only through the will of the Force, met up with his daughter as Rebel field operatives. Reunited, Tyneir and Padija journeyed the galaxy, seeking out relics that had been stolen by the Empire.

Tyneir still carried his lightsaber, which he used to protect his daughter; they were forced to part once before, and Tyneir would do all that was possible to prevent that from happening again. On one such occasion, Tyneir and Padija recovered crystallite skulls belonging to the Nercathi clan, a clan of Twi'leks that soon favored the Alliance due to Tyneir and Padija's work in recovering the skulls for them. Tyneir was injured in the acquisition however, but soon recovered to carry on the fight against the Empire. He was killed when Darth Vader came and slaughtered his daughter and him.

[edit] Scoce, Rudri

Rudri Scoce was a Jedi Knight who studied under Kit Fisto and fought during the Clone Wars. He was a Form V master and powerful force user. He was born on the planet of Alderaan and was recruited into the Jedi order at age 7 along with his soon-to-be life long friend.

[edit] Secura, Aayla

Main article: Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura started her Jedi training at a very young age. She was originally trained by Quinlan Vos. Secura was discovered on her home planet, Ryloth. While on Ryloth, Aayla's uncle, Pol Secura, robbed Aayla and Quinlan of their memories. Not knowing, Pol held Aayla as one of his belongings. Quinlan, who also lost his memory, found Aayla. Not knowing that she could do it, Aayla gave off a huge force outburst, killing Pol Secura, and fled the planet. She then fell under the spell of Ancient Anzati dark Jedi, Volfe Karkko. Karkko was held prisoner on Kiffex. In a trance, Aayla freed Karkko, and attacked Quinlan Vos. At this time, she regained her memory, and realized what was happening. After this conflict, Vos and Secura were separated for a while. Jedi Master Tholme begin training Secura. Secura became a Jedi Knight. Aayla fought in the battle of geonosis. Aayla was killed on Felucia by her clone troopers when Order 66 was executed. She is a playable character on Star Wars: Battlefront II and Felucia is a playable planet. She also has the distinction of being one of the few Jedi that the 501st troops hold genuine respect for, despite her betrayal.

[edit] Seirr, Tarr

Star Wars character
Tarr Seirr

Position Unknown
Homeworld Cerea
Species Cerean
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Not applicable

Tarr Seirr was a Cerean Jedi who fought alongside Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. He was one of the Jedi at the Battle of Hypori. He was eventually killed by having his head crushed to the ground by General Grievous's foot.

[edit] Shelvay, Corwin

Corwin Shelvay was a Human Jedi Knight right at the time Emperor Palpatine began the Great Jedi Purge, hunting down the Jedi Knights and exterminating them from the galaxy. Corwin was the apprentice of the Sullustan Jedi Master Darrin Arkanian. Arkanian had previously been scouring the galaxy, attempting to unite the fragmented Jedi Order to form some sort of resistance against the Emperor. However, the Jedi's fire was dying from the galaxy and Darrin felt things would go better to train an apprentice to become a Jedi Knight.

That apprentice was Corwin Shelvay. However, Darrin was concerned over Corwin's quick temperedness and insistence that they take the fight to the Empire. As was such, Arkanian often told Shelvay to learn to control his emotions. Nonetheless, Darrin was pleased with Corwin's advancement in the ways of the Force and together, the two roamed the Outer Rim, searching for Jedi to join them so that they might rebuild the Jedi Order and bring down the Emperor. Soon however, the Jedi became wanted by the Empire and Imperial forces managed to capture Corwin. Corwin was subjected to Imperial interrogation techniques, but did not reveal the location of his master.

Eventually, Corwin was turned over to High Inquisitor Tremayne, one of the Emperor's Dark Side minions. For two weeks, Corwin underwent torture by the High Inquisitor in an attempt to get Darrin Arkanian's location from him. But Corwin was stronger than anyone might have suspected, including himself, and was able to survive the cruelty delivered by Tremayne. Corwin was able to hold out long enough for his master to infiltrate Coruscant on a rescue mission. However, as they were fleeing, Arkanian faced off with Tremayne in a fierce lightsaber battle. During the battle, Darrin was severely injured and Corwin was forced to jump in and save his master. Attacking Tremayne with a ferocity that bordered on the Dark Side, Corwin severed Tremayne's arm and damaged his face. Leaving Coruscant behind, Corwin did his best to save his master, but Darrin's wounds were too severe. A few days after, Darrin Arkanian became one with the Force and left Corwin without a master. After his master's death, Corwin realized he had given into his anger in fighting Tremayne, and this deeply bothered him. He was haunted by visions of himself at Tremayne's side, and these visions were enough to cause him to be very cautious of the use of his Force powers, and always conscious of the Jedi Code.

He appeared in Dark Vendetta.

[edit] Shryne, Roan

Roan Shryne was a human Jedi Knight who fought in the Clone Wars. Shortly before the end of the Clone Wars he fought in the Battle of Murkhana alongside the Iridonian Zabrak Jedi Bol Chatak and her human female padawan, Olee Starstone.

When Order 66 came down, their lives were spared by the loyal Ion Team whom they were serving alongside. Darth Vader soon showed up to take care of the troopers that disobeyed Order 66. Chatak was beheaded by the Dark Lord, but Shryne and Starstone escaped by influencing one of the trooper guards.

They joined up with a band of smugglers and Shryne's mother, Jula. They later joined up with six more Jedi who had escaped Order 66. The smugglers were then sent on a mission to Alderaan to retrieve Senator Fang Zar, and deliver him back to his home planet. Vader killed the senator, however, and nearly killed Shryne's mother before they escaped. The group decided to go to Kashyyyk to find the Jedi Masters Quinlan Vos, Luminara Unduli and Yoda. But Vader showed up to collect Wookiee slaves for the Empire, and Shryne sacrificed his life to give his comrades enough time to escape.

Shryne was very much in tune with the Force and thought that it would always guide him to the right path. He began to lose his faith, however, as the Clone Wars dragged on. He struggled with self-doubt and his place in the galaxy until his duel with Vader. As Shryne lay dying, having been battered by pieces of the building hurled at him by Vader,latter revealed that he had at one time been known as Anakin Skywalker, and that he had led the assault on the Jedi Temple. Shryne smiled and declared that he knew now that "the Force [would] never die." It may be possible that he also foresaw the fall of the Sith at the Battle of Endor.

[edit] Sibwarra, Ydra Kilwallen

Ydra Kilwallen Sibwarra was a female Jedi Knight in training at the time of rise of the Empire. She survived the Great Jedi Purge by fleeing with her family from her core world home planet, Chandrila, and making her way to the remote Chandrilan colony world G'rho on the Outer Rim. Once on G'rho, she convinced the powers that be to seclude her, and she and her family lived in relative safety from the Empire.

Unfortunately, G'rho was among the planets on the Outer Rim that came under the conquest of the bizarre, reptilian Ssi-Ruuk species. Once the Ssi-Ruuk conquered a world, they would entech the human population using their life force as a power supply. Sibwarra met such a fate.

Before her death, Sibwarra had given birth to a son, Dev, who was strong in the Force. Rather than enteching young Dev, the Ssi-Ruuk allowed him to live and kept him as a slave and a pet. The Ssi-Ruuk aggressively brainwashed him to the point that he loved and revered his masters.

The novel The Truce at Bakura gives the account of the confrontation between Rebel/Imperial forces and the Ssi-Ruuk. Luke Skywalker breaks the hold the Ssi-Ruuk maintain over Dev, who ultimately saves Skywalker's life. The novel indicates that Skywalker had hopes of taking Dev to be his Padawan, but Dev is killed by the Ssi-Ruuk in the conclusion of the novel.

[edit] Skorr, Tol

Tol Skorr was a Jedi Knight in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. He was once shot down by space pirates above the Sith world of Korriban. Count Dooku rescued him, and he followed Dooku loyally since then.

Skorr was a great opponent of Quinlan Vos when the Jedi joined the Confederacy after the Battle of Geonosis and the start of the Clone Wars. He didn't trust Vos, and harboured a great dislike for him. On a mission to Kiffex, when Dooku was trying to convince Quinlan's aunt, Sheyf Tinte`, to join the Confederacy, Skorr witnessed Vos killing his partner, and fellow Dark Jedi, Kadrian Sey. However, Quinlan was seduced to the dark side by Dooku, and Skorr had to suffer Vos' presence throughout the war.

Sixteen months after the Battle of Geonosis, Quinlan and Skorr nearly came to blows on a mission to Korriban while they were trying to steal the holocron of Darth Andeddu. Skorr was trapped by the Sith hound because of Vos, but Dooku saved him. Later, after Quinlan had killed Senator Viento, Skorr was happy that Vos had been made to look a fool.

During the Rendili Crisis, Skorr was partnered with the Dark Jedi, Asajj Ventress, while they were both tracking Vos. They would have succeeded in killing Vos had it not for the arrival of Obi Wan Kenobi, and the fact that Ventress became distracted by her nemesis.

After Vos had stranded the two Dark Jedi on a space wreck, General Grievous arrived to rescue them. Skorr was taken to Dooku, who was displeased with Skorr and Ventress for allowing Vos to escape.

After the disappearance of Ventress, Skorr went to Saluecami with fellow Dark Jedi Sora Bulq. There, they tried to create a new clone army for the Confederacy's use. Though Oppo Rancisis and Xiaan Amersu were both killed in the Siege of Saluecami, it was a loss for the Confederacy.

Quinlan Vos killed both Skorr and Sora Bulq, while being aided by Aayla Secura and Tholme. With their deaths, the Siege of Saluecami ended.

[edit] Sunrider, Andur

Andur Sunrider (4,021 BBY – 4,000 BBY) was the husband of Nomi Sunrider, and the father of Vima Sunrider.

At the age of nineteen, Andur went to H'ratth to train under Master Chamma, a friend of his grandfather Jev Sunrider. Two years later, Andur and his wife Nomi gave birth to their daughter Vima, and Andur had completed his training. Chamma gave the young Jedi several Adegan crystals to deliver to Master Thon of Ambria. While stopping at a hyperspace terminal on the way to visit Master Thon, Andur was killed by thugs loyal to Bogga the Hutt in an attempt to steal the Adegan crystals he was carrying.'

[edit] Swan, Bultar

Star Wars character
Bultar Swan

Position Jedi Knight
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Female
Height Unknown
Affiliation Jedi, Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Mimi Daraphet

Bultar Swan was a skilled Jedi Knight during the final years of the Galactic Republic, apprenticed to Council member Micah Giett. Swan was a master martial artist and acrobat, but she had never killed an opponent. This was merely a statistic to her, as she knew the time would come for her to take a life. She continued her training after Giett's death under Jedi Master Plo Koon. Swan excelled at drawing opponents toward her by minimizing her own physical movements, and then striking forward in a flawless attack of blinding celerity.

She was one of the 200-member Jedi taskforce that arrived on Geonosis on a rescue mission to free Jedi captives from Separatist forces. She was one of the few survivors of that conflict,

A few months later, Swan was a commander during the Battle of Aargonar. Swan fought bravely there as well.

Swan flew a Jedi Starfighter during the invasion of Coruscant. She survived the initial Jedi Purge because she was stationed at a medstation. The healers heard of the attacks and warned her before the clones arrived. She fled and once safe contacted other surviving Jedi such as Tsui Choi and banded together on Kessel in hopes of stopping the Sith. However, during the gathering they were attacked by Darth Vader, Bultar Swan was killed by a fellow Jedi, Koffi Arana, for refusing to give him her lightsaber after Arana had lost his in the battle.

[edit] Tachi, Siri

Siri Tachi was a Jedi Knight who trained with young Obi-Wan Kenobi in Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice series. She had blond hair, intense blue eyes, and a spirited disposition which often set her as a good foil to young Obi-Wan. Adi Gallia took her on as a Padawan learner. During a mission together, Siri and Obi-Wan fell in love, though they knew such feelings were forbidden. After being counseled by Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda when the mission was over, the two Padawans resolved to suppress their feelings for each other so both could stay on the Jedi path.

Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, Siri supposedly abandoned the Jedi Order at the Kessel Run after a severe disagreement with her Master, and allied herself with the ruthless pirate and slave trader Krayn. It was later revealed to be a secret mission to infiltrate Krayn's organization. After her mission ended, she returned to the Order and took a Padawan, Ferus Olin, who was a rival of Obi-Wan's headstrong apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Ferus left the Jedi before taking the trials, and Siri never trained another.

During the Battle of Geonosis, Siri flew her Jedi Starfighter alongside her former Master Adi in the space battle above the planet. At the start of the Clone Wars, she was dispatched to Kamino to investigate the sighting of Jango Fett's ship Slave I, which was piloted back there by his son Boba, but she arrived too late, and Boba managed to escape. Siri died on Azure during a mission with Obi-Wan near the end of the Clone Wars in Jude Watson's Secrets of the Jedi.

[edit] Tahl

Tahl was a Jedi Knight from the planet Noori and recurring character in Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice series. She had dark, gold colored skin and green/gold striped eyes. She bore a long, thin white scar from her chin to her eye from an injury from a mission to Melida/Daan.

She was known for her patience, sharp tongue and diplomatic skills that led her on a mission to Melida/Daan. There, negotiations went awry and Tahl was imprisoned by Wehutti, leader of the Melida. Blinded and badly hurt, Tahl's only hope was rescue. Qui-Gon Jinn, fellow Jedi Knight and friend, and his apprentice came to Melida/Daan to rescue her. Qui-Gon took her back to the Jedi Temple where she learned she would never get her sight back. Unfortunate as it was, Tahl was able to move past her disability and use other skills to help the Jedi in whatever way she could, including finding the perpetrator who was causing disarray to the Temple.

After helping Clee Rhara find the person who was responsible for sabotaging her starfighter training facility, Tahl took up a padawan learner, Bant Eerin, a close friend to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

When the leader, Ewane, was killed on New Apsolon, Tahl left her apprentice behind to deal with the situation, knowing it better than anyone else. Undercover, she was able to find out many things about the criminal group there, the Absolutes, but in doing so, she had to cut all communications from herself to Coruscant. Unnerved by this and having recurring dreams of Tahl's death, Qui-Gon followed her to make sure these dark visions did not come true. At first irritated by Qui-Gon's intrusion, Tahl nevertheless accepted his help and together they were able to discover secrets hidden on the planet, including their building love for one another.

Unfortunately, her cover was blown and she was taken hostage by Balog, a member of the Absolutes. Searching relentlessly, Qui-Gon was finally able to find her and bring her to safety, but it was too late. Balog had caused severe damage to her body with interrogation methods and drugs. Doctors struggled to keep her alive, but she was too weak to live any longer.

[edit] Tur-Mukan, Etain

Etain Tur-Mukan is a Jedi Knight from the novels Star Wars Republic Commando: Hard Contact and Star Wars Republic Commando: Triple Zero.

In the book Star Wars Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Etain Tur-Mukan is sent on a mission with her master on the planet Quilura. Her master is killed by the Mandalorian Ghez Hokan and Etain is stranded on the planet. When Omega Squad lands on the planet she runs into a Republic Commando named Darman. Etain doubts herself and doesn't feel that she is good enough of a Jedi to be Darman's commanding officer. Darman has full confidence in her however and helps her use the Force properly and become a Jedi Knight.

Etain's story continues in the book Star Wars Republic Commando: Triple Zero. In this book she is sent to Coruscant on a task force with Omega Squad and Delta Squad to destroy a terrorrist organization working for the Separatists. When she is reuinited with Darman a romantic interest begins. She becomes pregnant with Darman's child soon after. Instead of telling Darman she decides to talk to his commanding officer, Mandalorian Kal Skirata. Skirata arranges for her to flee to Quilura.

[edit] Vergere

Vergere is a fictional character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. She is a Jedi Knight of the Fosh species, a bird-like race, and the former apprentice of Thracia Cho-Leem.

Before the time of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Council received reports of an attack on the planet Zonama Sekot, which grew incredibly fast spaceships. Vergere went to investigate. Upon arrival, she discovered that the alien attackers, the Yuuzhan Vong, were far more mysterious than expected.

The Yuuzhan Vong were odd, because they cannot be felt through the Force. Like the Zonamans, they used biological technology for ships. Vergere learned that they were from another galaxy. They desired to rule more than Zonama Sekot: they desired control of the galaxy. Realizing that the Galactic Republic and the Jedi were not prepared to fight these creatures, Vergere agreed to go with them into their galaxy if they would break off their attack. Amazed by her Jedi talents, which she told them came from Zonama Sekot, they eagerly agreed.

Over a period of fifty years, Vergere lived with the Yuuzhan Vong, teaching them about the Republic and the Jedi while secretly building up a collection of information about the extragalactic aliens themselves; she was out of Palpatine's reach during the Great Jedi Purge. When the Vong decided to invade the Republic once more, Vergere continued to aid them. She rose through their ranks, becoming an important rival to Nom Anor. The Fosh led young Jedi Jacen Solo into captivity three times before betraying the Yuuzhan Vong and freeing him.

The New Republic imprisoned her for a time while they determined whether she was a defector or a spy. Vergere had several discussions with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker about the nature of the Force and the Yuuzhan Vong. Skywalker wondered why they were seemingly outside of the Force, and whether they deserved the same rights as others. She convinced him that they did, changing some of his opinions on the Jedi Knights' part in the war.

She learned of the deadly Alpha Red bioweapon and destroyed it, which led the New Republic to label her as an enemy and force her into hiding. Vergere died soon after by crashing an A-wing into the asteroid Ebaq 9, saving the Solo twins and killing all but one of the Yuuzhan Vong invaders on the surface, the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah. She appeared to Jacen Solo after her death, comforting him. She and Luke Skywalker believed that he had a special destiny, and that she must aid him in finding it.

Vergere was able to avoid having her Jedi powers detected by the Yuuzhan Vong war coordinators, the yammosks, by learning to make herself small. She would shrink her presence in the Force to a microscopic size, where she was almost undetectable. In this state she could also modify tiny things like molecules. This allowed her to give certain chemical properties to her tears (or anything else if she so chose), such that they could be anything from healing fluids to paralytic toxins. Through them she healed Mara Jade Skywalker and ruined the Alpha Red project.

In the Legacy of the Force series, Lumiya the Dark Lady of the Sith told Jacen Solo that Vergere was a fallen Jedi and failed Sith apprentice. Whether this is true or merely a Sith lie is open for debate.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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