List of minced oaths
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This is a list of minced oaths.
Contents |
[edit] Historical examples
Minced oaths have a long history. Examples used in the 16th or 17th centuries include:
- Criminy = Christ
- Egad = A God or Ye gods
- Gadzooks = God's hooks (referring to the nails in Jesus on the cross)
- Od or Odd = God
- Odds-bodkins = God's nails (again, referring to the nails on the cross)
- Sacre bleu (French, literally "sacred blue") = Sang de Dieu ("God's blood")
- 'Sblood = God's Blood
- 'Sdeath = God's death
- 'Strewth = God's Truth
- Zounds or 'Swounds = God's wounds
- Odsplut = God's Blood
- Darn't = Damn it
[edit] Modern day minced oaths
[edit] Christ
[edit] Christ
- Christmas
- Crikey
- Cripes
- Krimeny
[edit] For Christ's sake
(sometimes corrupted to "for Christ sakes")
- Chrissakes
- For Fuck's sake
- For Pete's sake
- For Heaven's sake
- For Cry (possibly a Pennsylvanianism as it appears in John Updike's "Rabbit" trilogy.)
- For crying out loud (also, a way of hinting at 'fuck' or sanitising it after speaking; "Fuck... rying out loud")
[edit] Jesus
- Gee
- Gee whizz
- Gee willikers
- Hey Zeus (referring to the Spanish pronunciation)
- Jebus (Homer Simpson used this word in an episode of The Simpsons)
- Jeez
- Jehoshaphat
- John Banelis
- Sheesh
- Bejeez/Bujeez
[edit] Jesus Christ
- Christ on a Bike
- Cheese 'n' Rice
- Jason Crisp
- Jeepers Creepers
- Jeepers Cripes
- Jeezum Crow
- Jeezy Creezy
- Jiminy Christmas
- Jiminy Cricket
- Jiminy Jillikers
- Jings Crivvens (Scottish)
- Judas Priest (such as by baseball innovator Branch Rickey)
- Sweet Jesus Harry Christ on a Bike
- 10 Foot Jesus in the Garden (a Newfoundlandism)
[edit] Jesus Christ, God Almighty
- Cheese 'n' rice, got all muddy
[edit] By Jesus
- bejabbers (commonly said by Dave the Barbarian)
- bejeebers
- b'jeezers
[edit] Jumping Jesus
- Jumping Jehoshaphat
- Yumping Yiminy
[edit] Christ defend us
- Crivvens
[edit] Jerusalem
- Gee
- Gee willikers
[edit] Suffering Saviour
- Suffering succotash (tagline of the cartoon character Sylvester the cat)
[edit] God
[edit] God
- Goodness
- God bless America
- Golly
- Gordon Bennett
- Gosh
- Cor
[edit] Good God
- Good garden party
- Good godfather
- Good heavens
- Good grief
- Good gravy
- Goodness gracious
[edit] God almighty
- Gosh a-mighty
[edit] By God
- Begorrah
- By George
- By gosh
- By gum
- By Jove (Jove is another name for Jupiter, the most powerful deity in Roman mythology. Also, using folk etymology, “Jove” might be considered the root of “Jehovah.”)
[edit] By God's body
- By golly
[edit] My God
- My goodness
- My gosh
[edit] God's hooks
(nails pinning Jesus to the cross)
- Gadzooks
[edit] God rot it
- Drat
[edit] My Lord
- My land (Marge Simpson uses this term in an episode of The Simpsons)
- Mylanta (D.J. Tanner uses this term in an episode of Full House)
- Mylantis (Ajak used this term in the independent film Ajack and Gator)
[edit] Damnation
[edit] God damn
- Dad gum
- Doggone
- G.D.
- Goldarn
- Gosh darn
- Cod Dan
- Gorram (Used in Firefly and Serenity as a phonetic corruption based on the Chinese accent.)
[edit] God damn it
- Ad Slahnit
- Bob Saget
- Consarnit
- Dad gummit
- Dablastit
- Dag nammit
- Dag nabbit
- Dang nabbit
- Dog gone it
- Gat Dangit
- God bless it
- Gosh darn it
- Gosh durn it
- Gul Durn It
- Gorram it (In Firefly and Serenity this has replaced, "God damn it," as the result of 500 years of phonetic corruption due to an increased Chinese influence.)
[edit] God blind/blight me
- Cor blimey
- Gorblimey
[edit] Blind/blight me
- Blimey
[edit] Damnation
- Dangnation
- Darnation
- Tarnation
- Thunderation
[edit] Damn
- Dang
- Dare
- Darn
- Dash (Dash my buttons)
- Dern
- Drat
- Man
[edit] Damn it/Dammit
- Namdit
[edit] Fucking dammit
- Duckin' Fammit (spoonerism)
[edit] Hell
[edit] Hell
- Heck (A popular minced oath is "Oh my heck!", but the equivalent expression, "Oh my hell!", does not seem to exist anywhere.)
- H E double toothpicks/hockey sticks
- Sam Hill
- "Hot Eggs Lick Legs/Lollipops", a backronym
[edit] Bloody Hell
- Bleeding heck
- Blinking heck
[edit] What the hell
- What the hey
- What the heck
- What the ham sandwich
[edit] Shit
[edit] Bullshit
- Bullcrap
- Bullcorn
- Blue chips
- Bulldoody
- Blue shoes
- Bolshevik
- Bushwa
- B.S.
[edit] Shit
- Ish
- It
- Schmitt
- Shiitake
- Sheesh
- Sheet
- She, I, It
- Shish Kebab
- Shoot
- Shiz
- Shuck
- Spit
- Stuff
- Sugar
- Sugar honey ice tea (Initialism)
- Shi'ite Muslim
- crap (can be used as a replacement for shit in any other of the listed minced oaths)
[edit] Shit hits the fan
- Excrement hits the air conditioning (from Hocus Pocus)
- Fit hits the shan (spoonerism, Australian)
- Proverbial hits the fan
- Spaghetti hits the fan (from Dr. Strangelove)
- Spit hits the fan (from West Side Story)
[edit] Full of shit
- Full of it (which can also mean 'full of themselves', 'think they're great', etc)
[edit] Holy shit
- Holy balls
- Holy spit (frequently used in comic books in the 1970s)
- Hotel Sierra (military slang, HS from NATO phonetic alphabet)
- Holy crap
- Holy shiznit
[edit] Tough shit
- Shut fit (spoonerism, Australian)
- T.S.
[edit] Fuck
[edit] Fuck
- Fark
- Farm
- Fauck
- Favre
- Feck (not etymologically related: feck is an old Irish expression; however "feck" may still be used as a minced oath)
- Fetch
- Figs
- Fink
- Foot
- Fork
- Frak (commonly used on Battlestar Galactica)
- Freak
- Frick
- Fruit
- Frig (Interestingly, it was originally the word for masturbation, its replacement of fuck seems to have taken place around the turn of the twentieth century.)
- Fuddle duddle
- Fudge
- Fug
- Funk
[edit] Fucking
- Farking
- Farvin'
- Flaming
- Flipping
- Freaking
- Forking
- Friggin'
- Frickin'
- Fsckin'
- Porking
[edit] Fucking Hell
- Far canal
- Flipping heck
- Flaming heck
[edit] Motherfucker
- Futhermucker (spoonerism)
- Maryland farmer
- Melon farmer
- MF (for example in the song "Sexy MF", by Prince)
- Mofo
- Monstertrucker
- Mothertrucker
- Motherfudger
- Motherscratcher
- Mothersucker (or muddasuck)
- Mortar forker
- Muddy funster
- Mother-Father
- Mother Hubbard
- Mickey-fickey
- Melon picker
- Martha Focker
- Motherfunky (as popularised by Big Brother UK Series 6 housemate Roberto Conte)
- Modderfokker (Dutch: Mud Fokker, pronounced nearly the same)
- Othermay Uckerfay (Pig Latin)
[edit] Motherfucking
- Ever-lovin'
- Mother-loving
- Mother-sucking
[edit] Buddy Fucker
(military slang for betrayal among friends)
- Blue Falcon
- Bravo Foxtrot (Initials from NATO phonetic alphabet)
[edit] Fuck off
- Far Gough or Far Cough
- Go forth and multiply
- F.O.
- Foxtrot Oscar (phonetic alphabet)
[edit] Fucked up
- Fup duck
- fubar
[edit] No fucking worries
- No wucking furries/no wuckers (spoonerism, Australian)
[edit] Shit fuck
- Sugarfoot
[edit] Miscellaneous
- Cocksucker (Usually used to refer to a police officer): Copsucker
- Cocksucker: Chinese Dentist
- Cocksucker: Cork Soaker
- Crap: Crud, Crad, Crup
- Son of a bitch: Son of a gun, S.O.B., Sun of a biscuit, son of a nutcracker, sunny beach.
- Suck: Stink, Stuck
- Shut the fuck up: Shut the front door
- Generic vulgarism: Holy cow (famously utilized by Harry Caray), Horse (expletive such as "fuck!" or "shit!", popularized by Alan Alda),. e4spit (pronounced "a force pit")
- Nuckin' futs (spoonerism)