List of member fraternities of the Cartellverband

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These fraternities are all members of the Cartellverband.

The order of preference is based on the date of entry into the Cartellverband. The name of each fraternity is a combination of letters, which precede the actual name, and the city where they are located. The letters after the name of the fraternities are the commonly used abbreviation of the name. The first date is the date when the fraternity was originally founded. The second date is the date of entry into the Cartellverband.


[edit] Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen (CV)

[edit] full members

  • 1. KDStV Aenania München - Ae - Germany - 1851 - 1856
  • 2. KDStV Winfridia Breslau zu Münster - Wf - Germany - 1856 - 1856
  • 3. AV Guestfalia Tübingen - Gu - Germany - 1859 - 1864
  • 4. KDStV Bavaria Bonn - BvBo - Germany - 1844 - 1865
  • 5. KDStV Markomannia Würzburg - Mm - Germany - 1871 - 1871
  • 6. VKDSt Saxonia Münster - Sx - Germany - 1863 - 1871
  • 7. KDStV Hercynia Freiburg - Hr - Germany - 1873 - 1873
  • 8. KAV Suevia Berlin - Sv - Germany - 1875 - 1876
  • 9. VKDSt Rhenania Marburg - Rh - Germany - 1879 - 1880
  • 10. KDStV Burgundia Leipzig zu Düsseldorf - BuL - Germany - 1879 - 1880
  • 11. VKDSt Hasso-Rhenania Gießen - H-RG - Germany - 1883 - 1883
  • 12. AV Silesia Halle zu Bochum - Ss - Germany - 1881 - 1883
  • 13. KDStV Badenia Straßburg zu Frankfurt a. M. - Bd - Germany - 1882 - 1884
  • 14. AV Palatia Göttingen - PG - Germany - 1883 - 1884
  • 15. KDStV Arminia Heidelberg - ArH - Germany - 1887 - 1887
  • 16. KDStV Teutonia Fribourg - Tt - Switzerland - 1890 - 1891
  • 17. KDStV Alemannia Greifswald und Münster - Ale - Germany - 1891 - 1891
  • 18. KDStV Gothia Erlangen - GEl - Germany - 1892 - 1892
  • 19. KDStV Ferdinandea Prag zu Heidelberg - Fd - Germany - 1886 - 1896
  • 20. KDStV Vindelicia München - Vc - Germany - 1897 - 1897
  • 21. AV Rheno-Guestfalia Kiel - R-GK - Germany - 1897 - 1897
  • 22. AV Tuiskonia Königsberg zu Bonn - TsK - Germany - 1897 - 1897
  • 23. KDStV Franconia Aachen - FcA - Germany - 1898 - 1898
  • 24. KDStV Rheno-Franconia München - R-F - Germany - 1899 - 1899
  • 25. AV Alania Stuttgart - AlSt - Germany - 1870 - 1899
  • 26. KDStV Borusso-Saxonia Berlin - B-S - Germany - 1899 - 1899
  • 27. KDStV Ripuaria Freiburg - RFb - Germany - 1899 - 1899
  • 28. CV-V Rheno-Palatia Breslau zu Mainz - R-P - Germany - 1900 - 1900
  • 29. AV Hansea Berlin zu Köln - Hs - Germany - 1900 - 1900
  • 30. AV Cheruscia Münster - ChM - Germany - 1901 - 1901
  • 31. AV Zollern Münster - Z - Germany - 1901 - 1901
  • 32. KDStV Normannia Karlsruhe - Nm - Germany - 1890 - 1901
  • 33. KDStV Nassovia Darmstadt - Na - Germany - 1896 - 1901
  • 34. KDStV Thuringia Würzburg - Th - Germany - 1902 - 1902
  • 35. AV Frisia Hannover - Fs - Germany - 1902 - 1902
  • 36. KDStV Sugambria Jena zu Göttingen - Sb - Germany - 1902 - 1903
  • 37. KDStV Langobardia München zu Bayreuth - Lb - Germany - 1903 - 1903
  • 38. AV Alsatia Münster - Als - Germany - 1904 - 1904
  • 39. KDStV Baltia Danzig zu Aachen - Bl - Germany - 1904 - 1904
  • 40. KDStV Vandalia Prag zu München - Va - Germany - 1905 - 1905
  • 41. KDStV Rappoltstein Straßburg zu Köln - Rap - Germany - 1905 - 1905
  • . KDStV Salia Breslau zu Köln - Sal - Germany - 1904 - 1905 (inactive fraternity)
  • 42. KDStV Ripuaria Bonn - RBo - Germany - 1863 - 1905
  • 43. KDStV Gothia Würzburg - GW - Germany - 1895 - 1905
  • 44. KDStV Staufia Bonn - St - Germany - 1905 - 1905
  • 45. KDStV Hohenstaufen Freiburg - Ho - Germany - 1905 - 1905
  • . AV Arminia Münster - ArM - Germany - 1901 - 1905 (inactive fraternity)
  • 46. KDStV Moenania München - Moe - Germany - 1907 - 1907
  • 47. KDStV Burgundia München - BuM - Germany - 1899 - 1907
  • 48. KDStV Saxo-Silesia Hannover - S-S - Germany - 1887 - 1907
  • 49. KDStV Makaria Berlin zu Aachen - Mk - Germany - 1896 - 1907
  • 50. KDStV Arminia Freiburg - ArF - Germany - 1874 - 1910
  • 51. KDStV Alania Bonn - AlBo - Germany - 1905 - 1910
  • 52. KDStV Frankonia Czernowitz zu Erlangen - FcC - Germany - 1905 - 1910
  • 53. KDStV Marchia Breslau zu Aachen - Mch - Germany - 1910 - 1910
  • 54. KDStV Sauerlandia Münster - Sd - Germany - 1847 - 1911
  • 55. KDStV Novesia Bonn - Nv - Germany - 1863 - 1911
  • 56. KDStV Bavaria Berlin - BvBl - Germany - 1898 - 1911
  • 57. KDStV Tuiskonia München - TsM - Germany - 1900 - 1911
  • 58. KDStV Palatia Marburg - PM - Germany - 1907 - 1911
  • 59. AV Cheruskia Tübingen - ChT - Germany - 1902 - 1911
  • 60. KDStV Cheruscia Würzburg - ChW - Germany - 1893 - 1912
  • 61. KDStV Falkenstein Freiburg - Fl - Germany - 1913 - 1913
  • 62. KDStV Hasso-Nassovia Frankfurt - H-Na - Germany - 1913 - 1913
  • 63. KDStV Rheinland Köln - Rl - Germany - 1913 - 1919
  • 64. KDStV Wiking Hamburg - Wk - Germany - 1919 - 1919
  • 65. KDStV Asgard Düsseldorf zu Köln - Asg - Germany - 1914 - 1919
  • . VKDSt Eckart Köln - Eck - Germany - 1905 - 1920 (inactive fraternity)
  • . KDStV Germania Berlin - Gr - Germany - 1895 - 1920 (inactive fraternity)
  • 66. KDStV Niedersachsen Braunschweig - Nds - Germany - 1920 - 1920
  • 67. KDStV Kaiserpfalz Aachen - Ks - Germany - 1920 - 1920
  • 68. KDStV Saxo-Thuringia Dresden zu Bochum - S-T - Germany - 1920 - 1920
  • 69. KDStV Ascania Bonn - Asc - Germany - 1894 - 1920
  • 70. AV Glückauf-Salia Clausthal-Zellerfeld - GlC - Germany - 1920 - 1920
  • 71. KDStV Teuto-Rhenania Hannover - T-R - Germany - 1920 - 1920
  • 72. KDStV Rheinpfalz Darmstadt - Rpf - Germany - 1921 - 1921
  • 73. KDStV Schwarzwald Karlsruhe - Sch - Germany - 1921 - 1921
  • 74. KDStV Nibelungia Brünn zu Darmstadt - NbB - Germany - 1899 - 1921
  • 75. KDStV Trifels München - Tfs - Germany - 1922 - 1922
  • 76. KDStV Bergland Freiberg zu Aachen - Ber - Germany - 1921 - 1922
  • 77. KDStV Nordgau Prag Stuttgart zu Koblenz - NdP - Germany - 1921 - 1922
  • 78. KDStV Grotenburg Detmold zu Köln - Gbg - Germany - 1920 - 1922
  • 79. KDStV Carolingia Stuttgart-Hohenheim - Cg - Germany - 1910 - 1923
  • 80. KDStV Elbmark Tetschen-Liebwerd zu Duisburg - Elb - Germany - 1923 - 1922
  • . KDStV Hohentwiel Stuttgart - Ht - Germany - 1924 - 1924 (inactive fraternity)
  • . KDStV Algovia München - Alg - Germany - 1900 - 1924 (inactive fraternity)
  • 81. KDStV Greiffenstein Breslau zu Frankfurt - Gf - Germany - 1924 - 1924
  • 82. KDStV Wildenstein Freiburg - Wld - Germany - 1924 - 1924
  • 83. AV Rheinstein Köln - Rst - Germany - 1924 - 1925
  • 84. KDStV Churpfalz Mannheim - Cpf - Germany - 1920 - 1925
  • 85. KDStV Rheno-Baltia Köln - R-Bl - Germany - 1922 - 1926
  • 86. KDStV Borusso-Westfalia Bonn - B-W - Germany - 1927 - 1927
  • 87. FAV Rheno-Guestfalia Hannoversch Münden zu Göttingen - R-GM - Germany - 1927 - 1927
  • 88. KDStV Ostmark Nürnberg - Ost - Germany - 1921 - 1928
  • . KDStV Landeck Freiburg - La - Germany - 1929 - 1929 (inactive fraternity)
  • 89. KDStV Nordmark Rostock zu Essen - Ndm - Germany - 1929 - 1929
  • 90. KDStV Franco-Raetia Würzburg - F-Rt - Germany - 1905 - 1930
  • 91. KDStV Radaspona Regensburg zu München - Rad - Germany - 1922 - 1930
  • 92. KDStV Fredericia Bamberg - Fre - Germany - 1913 - 1923
  • 93. KDStV Agilolfia Freising-Weihenstephan - Alf - Germany - 1922 - 1935
  • . KDStV Aureata Eichstätt zu München - Aur - Germany - 1947 - 1950 (inactive fraternity)
  • 94. KDStV Rupertia Regensburg - Rup - Germany - 1947 - 1950
  • 95. VKDSt Hasso-Rhenania Mainz - H-RM - Germany - 1946 - 1950
  • 96. KDStV Rhenania-Moguntia Mainz - R-M - Germany - 1949 - 1950
  • . KDStV Rheinfels Bonn - Rfs - Germany - 1946 - 1950 (inactive fraternity)
  • . KDStV Rheno-Bavaria Köln - R-Bv - Germany - 1951 - 1951 (inactive fraternity)
  • 97. KDStV Angrivaria Sarstedt zu Dortmund - Ang - Germany - 1950 - 1952
  • 98. KDStV Guestfalo-Silesia Paderborn - G-S - Germany - 1952 - 1952
  • 99. KDStV Carolus Magnus Saarbrücken - CM - Germany - 1953 - 1953
  • 100. KDStV Moeno-Franconia Frankfurt - M-F - Germany - 1955 - 1955
  • . KDStV Ostland Clausthal-Zellerfeld - Old - Germany - 1957 - 1957 (inactive fraternity)
  • 101. KDStV Alcimonia Eichstätt - Alm - Germany - 1958 - 1959
  • 102. KDStV Churtrier Trier - Ctr - Germany - 1960 - 1960
  • 103. KDStV Saarland (Saarbrücken) Jena - Sld - Germany - 1961 - 1961
  • 104. KDStV Algovia Augsburg - AlgA - Germany - 1962 - 1963
  • 105. KDStV Vasgovia Landau - Vg - Germany - 1960 - 1967
  • 106. KDStV Welfia Weingarten - WlW - Germany - 1963 - 1968
  • . AV Rupert Mayer Frankfurt - RMy - Germany - 1957 - 1969 (inactive fraternity)
  • 107. KDStV Merowiniga Kaiserslautern - Mw - Germany - 1970 - 1970
  • 108. AV Suebo-Danubia Ulm - Sb-D - Germany - 1973 - 1973
  • 109. AV Widukind Osnabrück - Wd - Germany - 1973 - 1973
  • 110. KDStV Bodensee Konstanz - Bs - Germany - 1974 - 1974
  • 111. KDStV Bergisch-Thuringia Wuppertal - B-Th - Germany - 1979 - 1979
  • 112. KDStV Oeno-Danubia Passau - Oe-D - Germany - 1979 - 1979
  • 113. AV Sparrenberg Bielefeld - Sp - Germany - 1985 - 1985
  • 114. KDStV Adolphiana Fulda - Ad - Germany - 1986 - 1986
  • 115. KDStV Ripuaria Aachen - RAa - Germany - 1912 - 1985
  • 116. KAV Capitolina Rom - Cp - Italy - 1986 - 1987
  • 117. KDStV Germania Leipzig - GrL - Germany - 1993 - 1986
  • 118. KDStV Chursachsen Dresden - Cs - Germany - 1993 - 1992
  • 119. KDStV Rheno-Saxonia Köthen zu Halle - R-S - Germany - 1993 - 1993
  • 120. KDStV Norbertina Magdeburg - Nor - Germany - 1995 - 1994
  • 121. AV Salia-Silesia Gleiwitz - S-Ss - Poland - 1993 - 1992
  • 122. KDStV Guelfia Würzburg - Gu-W - Germany - 1927 - 2003
  • 123. KDStV Aureo-Danubia Ingolstadt - Au-D - Germany - 2004 - 2004

[edit] free members

  • KDStV Suevia-Danubia Fünfkirchen - Sv-D - Hungary - 1991 - 1991

[edit] associated members

  • KAV Lovania Löwen - Lov - Belgium - 1896 - 1897
  • AV Edo-Rhenania Tokio - E-Rh - Japan - 1963 - 1964
  • EStV Robert Schumann Argentorata Straßburg - RSA - France - 1992 - 1993

[edit] Cartellverband der katholischen österreichischen Studentenverbindungen (ÖCV)

[edit] full members

  • 1. AV Austria Innsbruck - AIn - Austria - 1864 - 1864
  • 2. KAV Norica Wien - Nc - Austria - 1883 - 1883
  • 3. KÖHV Carolina Graz - Cl - Austria - 1888 - 1889
  • 4. KÖHV Leopoldina Innsbruck - Le - Austria - 1901 - 1903
  • 5. KÖStV Austria Wien - AW - Austria - 1876 - 1906
  • 6. KÖStV Rudolfina Wien - Rd - Austria - 1898 - 1906
  • 7. KÖHV Nordgau Wien - NdW - Austria - 1900 - 1906
  • 8. KÖStV Kürnberg Wien - Kb - Austria - 1900 - 1906
  • 9. KAV Saxo-Bavaria Prag in Wien - S-B - Austria - 1907 - 1907
  • 10. KÖStV Traungau Graz - Trn - Austria - 1908 - 1908
  • 11. KÖStV Nibelungia Wien - NbW - Austria - 1908 - 1908
  • 12. KÖHV Rugia Wien - Rg - Austria - 1908 - 1908
  • 13. AV Raeto-Bavaria Innsbruck - R-B - Austria - 1908 - 1908
  • 14. KAV Marco-Danubia Wien - M-D - Austria - 1908 - 1909
  • 15. KÖStV Aargau Wien - Aa - Austria - 1908 - 1909
  • 16. KÖHV Franco-Bavaria Wien - F-B - Austria - 1908 - 1909
  • 17. KÖHV Amelungia Wien - Am - Austria - 1907 - 1919
  • 18. KHV Welfia Klosterneuburg - Wl - Austria - 1910 - 1920
  • 19. KHV Babenberg Wien - BbW - Austria - 1910 - 1920
  • 20. KÖStV Babenberg Graz - BbG - Austria - 1920 - 1920
  • 21. KÖHV Alpenland Wien - Alp - Austria - 1921 - 1921
  • 22. KÖStV Glückauf Leoben - GlL - Austria - 1922 - 1923
  • 23. KAV Rheno-Danubia Innsbruck - R-D - Austria - 1927 - 1927
  • 24. KAV Bajuvaria Wien - Baj - Austria - 1920 - 1929
  • 25. KÖHV Rheno-Juvavia Salzburg - R-J - Austria - 1932 - 1932
  • 26. KAV Danubia Wien - Dan - Austria - 1907 - 1932
  • 27. AV Vindelicia Innsbruck - Vl - Austria - 1901 - 1933
  • 28. KÖHV Alpinia Innsbruck - AlIn - Austria - 1940 - 1945
  • 29. ÖKAV Rheato-Danubia Wien - Rt-D - Austria - 1930 - 1946
  • 30. KÖHV Pannonia Wien - Pan - Austria - 1932 - 1948
  • 31. KÖHV Mercuria Wien - Merc - Austria - 1947 - 1950
  • 32. KÖHV Neostadia Wiener-Neustadt - Ne - Austria - 1950 - 1954
  • 33. KÖStV Kristall Leoben - Kr - Austria - 1954 - 1955
  • 34. KÖHV Sängerschaft Waltharia Wien - Walth - Austria - 1928 - 1957
  • 35. KAV Austro-Peisonia Wien - A-P - Austria - 1925 - 1958
  • 36. KÖHV Albertina Graz - Alb - Austria - 1961 - 1962
  • 37. ÖKAV Theresiana Wiener Neustadt - The - Austria - 1960 - 1962
  • 38. KÖHV Rupertina Salzburg - Rp - Austria - 1962 - 1966
  • 39. KAV Austro-Danubia Linz - A-D - Austria - 1966 - 1966
  • 40. KÖAV Carinthia Wien - Ca - Austria - 1972 - 1972
  • 41. KÖStV Veritas Baden - V-B - Austria - 1976 - 1976
  • . KÖAV Vindemia Feldkirch - VF - Austria - 1976 - 1976 (inactive fraternity)
  • 42. KÖAV Floriana St. Pölten - FlP - Austria - 1978 - 1979
  • 43. KÖStV Severina Linz - Se - Austria - 1982 - 1982
  • 44. KSHV Lodronia Salzburg - Lo - Austria - 1927 - 1983
  • 45. AV Austro-Ferrea Eisenstadt - A-F - Austria - 2001 - 2001
  • 46. AV Meinhardia Bozen - M-B - Tirol - 1999 - 2000

[edit] associated members

  • AV Edo-Rhenania Tokio - E-Rh - Japan - 1963 - 1964
  • AV Austria-Sagitta Wien - A-S - Austria - 1975 - 1978
  • AV Claudiana Innsbruck - Cld - Austria - 1984 - 1986
  • KÖStV Golania Arne - Gol - Syria - 1994 - 2001
  • SKAS Istropolitan Bratislava - Ist - Slovakia - -
  • KAV Capitolina Rom - Cp - Italy - 1986 - 1987
  • EStV Robert Schumann Argentorata Straßburg - RSA - France - 1992 - 1993
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