List of megafauna recently discovered

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The following is a list of megafauna recently discovered by western science (with their respective date of discovery), but which may have been known to native peoples in some areas. The definition of megafauna varies, but this list includes some of the more notable examples.

[edit] Megafauna believed extinct, but rediscovered

[edit] Megafauna previously unknown from fossil record

[edit] Megafauna initially believed to have been fictitious or hoaxes

  • Okapi Okapia johnstoni, (1901)
  • Giant squid Architeuthis dux (first seen live in natural habitat, 2005, previously known from washed up carcasses (globsters), and dying specimens on the surface. Some 19th century scientists had claimed it was fictitious, and it does appear to have been the basis of various legends. Its existence was only generally accepted after 1878, but was never seen until the 21st century alive, and even then by automatic cameras.)
  • Hoan Kiem Turtle Rafetus leloii {2004. A legendary creature since the 1400's, it was treated as superstition by both French and Vietnamese scientists until 1992 when professor Ha Dinh Duc began looking into the matter. He found skeletal parts, and eventually took video footage of a living specimen. He published a description in 2004. It is significant in being the largest freshwater turtle known: Up to 200 kilograms, with a carapace up to 1.8 meters in length.}