List of mathematics articles (S-U)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] S
S-duality -- S matrix -- S-number -- S plane -- SA subgroup -- Saccheri quadrilateral -- Sacred geometry -- Saddle-node bifurcation -- Saddle point -- Saddle surface -- Sadleirian Chair -- Safe prime -- Safe sex makespan -- Safety in numbers -- Sail curve -- Sainte-Laguë method -- Salem number -- Salem Prize -- Sample continuous process -- Sample exclusion dimension -- Sample size -- Sample space -- Sample (statistics) -- Sampling distribution -- Sampling error -- Sampling fraction -- Sampling frame -- Sampling (statistics) -- Sampling variogram -- Sangaku -- Sanskrit numerals -- Santa Fe Institute --
[edit] Sar
Sard's lemma -- Sarkovskii's theorem -- Sasakian manifold -- SASTRA Ramanujan Prize -- SAT calculator program -- Sato-Tate conjecture -- Saturated array -- Saturated measure -- Saturated model -- Saturation arithmetic -- Saturation (graph theory) -- Savitzky–Golay smoothing filter -- Sawtooth wave -- Saxon (teaching method) -- Scalar curvature -- Scalar field -- Scalar (mathematics) -- Scalar multiplication -- Scalar potential -- Scalar resolute -- Scalar-tensor theory -- Scale analysis (mathematics) -- Scale analysis (statistics) -- Scale factor -- Scale-free network -- Scale invariance -- Scale-invariant feature transform -- Scale-inverse-chi-square distribution -- Scale parameter -- Scaleogram -- Scaling (geometry) -- Scaling limit -- Scattering theory -- Scatterplot --
[edit] Sch
Schanuel's conjecture -- Schauder basis -- Scheinerman's conjecture -- Scheme (mathematics) -- Scherk surface -- Schiffler point -- Schiffler's theorem -- Schinzel's hypothesis H -- Schläfli-Hess polychoron -- Schläfli symbol -- Schlegel diagram -- Schmidt decomposition -- Schnirelmann density -- Schnirelmann's constant -- Schnorr group -- Schnorr signature -- Schnyder's theorem -- Schock prize -- Schoen-Yau conjecture -- Schoenflies notation -- Scholz conjecture -- Schönhage-Strassen algorithm -- Schoof-Elkies-Atkin algorithm -- Schoof's algorithm -- School Mathematics Project -- School Mathematics Study Group -- Schottky group -- Schottky problem -- Schouten tensor -- Schreier conjecture -- Schreier refinement theorem -- Schreier-Sims algorithm -- Schreier vector -- Schreier's subgroup lemma -- Schrödinger equation -- Schrödinger method -- Schubert calculus -- Schur complement -- Schur-convex function -- Schur decomposition -- Schur multiplier -- Schur polynomial -- Schur test -- Schur's inequality -- Schur's lemma -- Schur's theorem -- Schwartz-Bruhat function -- Schwartz kernel theorem -- Schwartz set -- Schwartz space -- Schwartz-Zippel lemma and testing polynomial identities -- Schwarz–Ahlfors–Pick theorem -- Schwarz-Christoffel mapping -- Schwarz criterion -- Schwarz lemma -- Schwarz reflection principle -- Schwarz triangle -- Schwarzian derivative -- Schwarzschild coordinates -- Schwarzschild metric -- Schwinger function -- Schwinger model -- Schwinger parametrization -- Schwinger's variational principle --
[edit] Sci
Scientific notation -- Score (statistics) -- Score test -- Scorer's function -- Scott continuity -- Scott core theorem -- Scott domain -- Scott–Potter set theory -- Scottish Book -- Scottish Café -- Screened Poisson equation -- Screw axis -- Scytale -- Sealed bid auction -- SEAMEO Mathematics Olympiad -- Search algorithm -- Secant -- Secant line -- Secant method -- Second-countable space -- Second derivative test -- Second fundamental form -- Second generation wavelet transform -- Second Hardy-Littlewood conjecture -- Second-order arithmetic -- Second order cellular automaton -- Second order cone programming -- Second-order logic -- Second-order predicate -- Second partial derivative test -- Second stellation of icosahedron -- Secondary calculus and cohomological physics -- Secondary Mathematics -- Section (mathematics) -- Sectional curvature -- Secular equation -- Secular function --
[edit] Sed
Sedenion -- Seeds (CA) -- Seemingly unrelated regression -- Segal conjecture -- Segal-Shale-Weil distribution -- Segre classification -- Segre embedding -- Seiberg duality -- Seidel adjacency matrix -- Seifert conjecture -- Seifert fiber space -- Seifert surface -- Seifert–van Kampen theorem -- Seifert-Weber space -- Selberg class -- Selberg trace formula -- Selberg zeta function -- Selection bias -- Selector calculus -- Self-adjoint -- Self-adjoint operator -- Self-affinity -- Self-consistent mean field (biology) -- Self-descriptive number -- Self-dual polyhedron -- Self-Indication Assumption Doomsday argument rebuttal -- Self number -- Self-organization -- Self-organized criticality -- Self-selection -- Self-similarity -- Self-verifying theories -- Sellmeier equation --
[edit] Sem
Semantic network -- Semi-continuity -- Semi-differentiability -- Semi-Hilbert space -- Semi-local ring -- Semi-locally simply connected -- Semi-major axis -- Semi-Markov process -- Semi-minor axis -- Semi-simple operator -- Semi-symmetric graph -- Semicircle -- Semicubical parabola -- Semidefinite programming -- Semidirect product -- Semigroup -- Semigroupoid -- Semilattice -- Semilog graph -- Semimetric space -- Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki -- Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (1950-1959) -- Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki (1960-1969) -- Seminormal subgroup -- Semiparametric model -- Semiparametric regression -- Semiperfect magic cube -- Semiperfect number -- Semipermutable subgroup -- Semiprime -- Semiprime ring -- Semiprimitive ring -- Semiregular 4-polytope -- Semiregular polyhedron -- Semiregular space -- Semiring -- Semiset -- Semisimple -- Semisimple Lie algebra -- Semisimple module -- Semistable elliptic curve -- Semivariance --
[edit] Sen
Senary -- Sensitivity (tests) -- Sentence logic -- Sentence (mathematical logic) -- Separability -- Separable differential equation -- Separable extension -- Separable partial differential equation -- Separable polynomial -- Separable sigma algebra -- Separable space -- Separated sets -- Separating axis theorem -- Separation axiom -- Separation of variables -- Separatrix (dynamical systems) -- Septemvigesimal -- Septenary -- Sequence -- Sequence space -- Sequence transformations -- Sequent -- Sequent calculus -- Sequential analysis -- Sequential closure operator -- Sequential estimation -- Sequential probability ratio test -- Sequential space -- Series (mathematics) -- Series-parallel networks problem -- Serpentine curve -- Serre conjecture -- Serre conjecture (number theory) -- Serre duality -- Serre spectral sequence -- Serre's multiplicity conjectures -- Serre's property FA -- Servomechanism --
[edit] Ses
Seshadri constant -- Sesquialterum -- Sesquilinear form -- Sesquiquartum -- Sesquiquintum -- Sesquitertium -- Set -- Set-builder notation -- Set (computer science) -- Set cover problem -- Set of all sets -- Set of uniqueness -- Set packing -- Set system of finite character -- Set-theoretic definition of natural numbers -- Set-theoretic limit -- Set theoretic programming -- Set-theoretic topology -- Set theory -- Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs -- Set theory (music) -- Set theory of the real line -- SETAR (model) -- Setoid -- Setpoint -- Seven Bridges of Königsberg -- Seven Bridges of Königsberg/key -- Seven dimensional cross product -- Seventeen or Bust -- Several complex variables -- Severi-Brauer variety --
[edit] Sex
Sexagesimal -- Sextant -- Sextic plane curve -- Sexual dimorphism measures -- Sexy prime -- Shabakh -- Shadow price -- Shanks' square forms factorization -- Shanks-Tonelli algorithm -- Shannon expansion -- Shannon-Fano coding -- Shannon–Hartley theorem -- Shannon index -- Shannon number -- Shannon switching game -- Shannon-Weaver model -- Shannon's noiseless coding theorem -- Shape -- Shape dissection -- Shape of the Universe -- Shape optimization -- Shapiro inequality -- Shapiro-Wilk test -- Sharp-P -- Sheaf cohomology -- Sheaf (mathematics) -- Sheaf spanned by global sections -- Shear (mathematics) -- Shear matrix -- SHEEP (symbolic computation system) -- Sheffer sequence -- Sheffer stroke -- Shekel function -- Shelah cardinal -- Shell integration -- Shell sort -- Shephard's lemma -- Sherman-Morrison formula --
[edit] Shi
Shift matrix -- Shift operator -- Shifting nth-root algorithm -- Shooting method -- Shor's algorithm -- Short five lemma -- Short map -- Short-time Fourier transform -- Shortest common supersequence -- Shortest path first -- Shortest path problem -- Shortlex order -- Shrinkage (statistics) -- Shrinking space -- Shuffling -- Shusaku number -- SI base unit -- SI prefix -- Sides of an equation -- Siegel modular form -- Siegel upper half-plane -- Siegel-Walfisz theorem -- Siegel zero -- Siegel's theorem on integral points -- Sierpinski carpet -- Sierpiński curve -- Sierpinski number -- Sierpinski triangle -- Sierpiński's constant -- Sieve (category theory) -- Sieve (mathematics) -- Sieve of Atkin -- Sieve of Eratosthenes -- Sieve theory --
[edit] Sig
SIGINT -- Sigma additivity -- Sigma-algebra -- Sigma approximation -- Sigma-compact space -- Sigma-finite measure -- Sigma function -- Sigma-ideal -- Sigma-ring -- Sigmoid function -- Sign convention -- Sign function -- Sign test -- Signal-to-noise statistic -- Signature (mathematical logic) -- Signature (mathematics) -- Signature matrix -- Signature of a knot -- Signature (topology) -- Signature (universal algebra) -- Signed-digit representation -- Signed distance function -- Signed graph -- Signed measure -- Signed number representations -- Significance arithmetic -- Significand -- Silver machine -- Silver ratio -- Silverman–Toeplitz theorem --
[edit] Sim
Sim (pencil game) -- Similar matrix -- Similarity (geometry) -- Similarity invariance -- Similarity (mathematics) -- Similarity matrix -- Similarity score -- Similarly sorted -- Similitude (model) -- Simple (abstract algebra) -- Simple algebra -- Simple example of Azuma's inequality for coin flips -- Simple extension -- Simple function -- Simple group -- Simple harmonic motion -- Simple Lie group -- Simple linear regression -- Simple magic cube -- Simple module -- Simple polygon -- Simple random sample -- Simple rational approximation -- Simple ring -- Simple set -- Simple theorems in the algebra of sets -- Simplex -- Simplex algorithm -- Simplex algorithm method -- Simplicial approximation theorem -- Simplicial complex -- Simplicial manifold -- Simplicial set -- Simplification (logic) -- Simply connected space -- Simply typed lambda calculus -- Simpson index -- Simpson's paradox -- Simpson's rule -- Simson line -- Simulated annealing -- Simulation preorder -- Simultaneous equation model -- Simultaneous equations --
[edit] Sin
Sinc function -- Sine and cosine transforms -- Sine-Gordon equation -- Sine wave -- Single machine scheduling -- Single-valued function -- Singlet -- Singleton bound -- Singleton (mathematics) -- Singly even number -- Singular cardinal hypothesis -- Singular control -- Singular distribution -- Singular homology -- Singular measure -- Singular perturbation -- Singular point of a curve -- Singular point of an algebraic variety -- Singular solution -- Singular value decomposition -- Singularity theory -- Sinkov statistic -- Sir Edmund Whittaker Memorial Prize -- Sixth Term Examination Paper -- Skein relation -- Skeleton (category theory) -- Skellam distribution -- Skew-Hermitian matrix -- Skew lines -- Skew polygon -- Skew-symmetric matrix -- Skewes' number -- Skewness -- Skewness risk --
[edit] Ski
SKI combinator calculus -- Skolem hull -- Skolem–Noether theorem -- Skolem normal form -- Skolem's paradox -- Skorokhod's representation theorem -- Slack variable -- Slant height -- Slashed zero -- Slater determinant -- Sleeping Beauty problem -- Slender group -- Slerp -- Slewing -- Slice knot -- Slice sampling -- Slide rule -- Slide Rule (UIL test) -- Sliding mode control -- Slope -- Slope field -- Slothouber–Graatsma puzzle -- Slutsky's theorem -- Smale's paradox -- Smale's problems -- Small-angle approximation -- Small area estimation -- Small circle -- Small cubicuboctahedron -- Small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron -- Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron -- Small dodecahemicosahedron -- Small dodecahemidodecahedron -- Small dodecicosahedron -- Small dodecicosidodecahedron -- Small gross -- Small icosicosidodecahedron -- Small icosihemidodecahedron -- Small Latin squares and quasigroups -- Small number -- Small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron -- Small rhombidodecahedron -- Small rhombihexahedron -- Small rhombitrihexagonal tiling -- Small set -- Small set (category theory) -- Small set (combinatorics) -- Small snub icosicosidodecahedron -- Small stellated dodecahedron -- Small stellated truncated dodecahedron -- Small subgroup confinement attack -- Small-world network -- Small world phenomenon -- Small world routing -- Smallest grammar problem -- Smarandache-Wellin number -- Smash product --
[edit] Sme
Smearing retransformation -- Smith conjecture -- Smith normal form -- Smith number -- Smith-Volterra-Cantor set -- Smith's Prize -- Smn theorem -- Smooth function -- Smooth infinitesimal analysis -- Smooth number -- Smooth vector -- Smoothed particle hydrodynamics -- Smoothing -- Snake-in-the-box -- Snake lemma -- SnapPea -- Snark (graph theory) -- Snowball sampling -- Snub 24-cell -- Snub cube -- Snub disphenoid -- Snub dodecadodecahedron -- Snub dodecahedron -- Snub (geometry) -- Snub hexagonal tiling -- Snub icosidodecadodecahedron -- Snub polyhedron -- Snub square antiprism -- Snub square tiling -- SO(4) --
[edit] So5
SO(5) -- SO(8) -- Soap bubble -- Soap film -- Sober space -- Sobolev conjugate -- Sobolev inequality -- Sobolev space -- Sociable number -- Social-circles network model -- Social statistics -- Société Mathématique de France -- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics -- Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia -- Socle (mathematics) -- Soddy's hexlet -- Soft independent modelling of class analogies -- Software for calculating π -- Sole sufficient operator -- Solenoid (mathematics) -- Solenoidal vector field -- Solid -- Solid angle -- Solid geometry -- Solid Klein bottle -- Solid modeling -- Solid of revolution -- Solid torus -- Solitary number -- Solitary wave -- Soliton -- Solovay-Strassen primality test -- Solution set -- Solvable -- Solvable group -- Solved game -- Solving quadratic equations with continued fractions -- Solving the geodesic equations -- Solvmanifold --
[edit] Som
Soma cube -- Somer-Lucas pseudoprime -- Somer pseudoprime -- Sommerfeld identity -- Somos' quadratic recurrence constant -- Sophie Germain prime -- Sophie Neveu -- Sorgenfrey plane -- Sorting algorithm -- S.O.S. Mathematics -- Soul theorem -- Soundness -- Soundness theorem -- Soviet Student Olympiads -- Space -- Space contraction -- Space diagonal -- Space-filling curve -- Space form -- Space form problem -- Space group -- Space hierarchy theorem -- Space partitioning -- Space syntax -- Spaceland (book) -- Spacetime -- Spacetime symmetries -- Spanier-Whitehead duality -- Spanning tree (mathematics) -- Sparse binary polynomial hashing -- Sparse graph code -- Sparse grid -- Sparse matrix -- Sparsely totient number -- Spatial aliasing -- Spatial dependence -- Spatial descriptive statistics -- Spatial network -- Spatial variability --
[edit] Spe
Spearman-Brown prophecy formula -- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient -- Special divisor -- Special functions -- Special number field sieve -- Special right triangles -- Special unitary group -- Specialization (pre)order -- Species-area curve -- Species discovery curve -- Specificity (tests) -- Spectral asymmetry -- Spectral density -- Spectral flux -- Spectral graph theory -- Spectral method -- Spectral radius -- Spectral sequence -- Spectral space -- Spectral theorem -- Spectral theory -- Spectral theory of compact operators -- Spectral width -- Spectrogram -- Spectrum continuation analysis -- Spectrum (functional analysis) -- Spectrum (homotopy theory) -- Spectrum of a C*-algebra -- Spectrum of a ring -- Spectrum of a theory -- Speed -- Speed cubing -- Speed prior -- Speedup theorem -- Spence's function -- Sperner family -- Sperner's lemma --
[edit] Sph
Sphadikam -- Sphaleron -- Sphenic number -- Sphenocorona -- Sphenomegacorona -- Sphere -- Sphere packing -- Sphere theorem (3-manifolds) -- Sphere-world -- Sphereland -- Spherical 3-manifold -- Spherical angle -- Spherical cap -- Spherical cone -- Spherical coordinate system -- Spherical geometry -- Spherical harmonics -- Spherical model -- Spherical multipole moments -- Spherical pendulum -- Spherical space form conjecture -- Spherical trigonometry -- Sphericon -- Spheroid -- Spheroidal wave equation -- Spidron -- SPIHT -- Spin group -- Spin network -- Spin-statistics theorem -- Spin structure -- Spin tensor -- Spin-weighted spherical harmonics -- Spin(7)-manifold -- Spinor -- Spinor bundle -- Spiral -- Spiric section -- Spirograph --
[edit] Spl
Splay tree -- Spline interpolation -- Spline (mathematics) -- Split-complex number -- Split link -- Split-octonion -- Split-radix FFT algorithm -- Split-step method -- Splitting -- Splitting circle method -- Splitting field -- Splitting lemma -- Splitting of prime ideals in Galois extensions -- Splitting theorem -- Spontaneous symmetry breaking -- Sports rating system -- Spouge's approximation -- Sprague–Grundy theorem -- Spread of a matrix -- Spread polynomials -- Spreadsheet -- Spring (math) -- Sprouts (game) -- Spurious correlation -- Spurious relationship -- SQ universal group -- Square (algebra) -- Square antiprism -- Square bifrustum -- Square-cube law -- Square cupola -- Square-free -- Square-free integer -- Square-free polynomial -- Square (geometry) -- Square gyrobicupola -- Square lattice -- Square-lattice Ising model -- Square number -- Square orthobicupola -- Square pyramid -- Square pyramidal number -- Square root -- Square root day -- Square root of 2 -- Square root of a matrix -- Square tiling -- Square triangular number -- Square truncated trapezohedron -- Square wave -- Square wheel -- Squarefree word -- Squares in a square -- Squaring the circle -- Squaring the square -- Squeeze mapping -- Squeeze operator -- Squeeze theorem -- Squircle --
[edit] St
St. Petersburg paradox -- Stability -- Stability group -- Stability (probability) -- Stability radius -- Stability theory -- Stabilizer -- Stabilizer code -- Stable homotopy category -- Stable homotopy theory -- Stable manifold -- Stable map -- Stable marriage problem -- Stable polynomial -- Stable set -- Stack (category theory) -- Stand and Deliver -- Standard basis -- Standard deviation -- Standard error (statistics) -- Standard model (basic details) -- Standard normal table -- Standard score -- Standardized coefficient -- Standardized moment -- Stanine -- Stanley-Wilf conjecture -- Stanley's reciprocity theorem -- *-algebra -- *-autonomous category -- Star domain -- Star-free language -- Star (game) -- Star height -- Star height problem -- STAR model -- Star number -- Star polygon -- Star product -- Star refinement -- Star transform -- Starbury -- Stark–Heegner theorem -- Stark's conjecture -- Stata -- State (controls) -- State diagram -- State (functional analysis) -- State observer -- State space (controls) -- Statements true in L -- Statgraphics -- Static analysis -- Stationary ergodic process -- Stationary phase -- Stationary phase approximation -- Stationary point -- Stationary process -- Stationary set -- Stationary wavelet transform -- Statistic -- Statistical assembly -- Statistical assumptions -- Statistical dispersion -- Statistical ensemble (mathematical physics) -- Statistical field theory -- Statistical hypothesis testing -- Statistical independence -- Statistical inference -- Statistical literacy -- Statistical mechanics -- Statistical methodology analysis reporting technique -- Statistical Methods for Research Workers -- Statistical model -- Statistical noise -- Statistical parameter -- Statistical parametric mapping -- Statistical phenomena -- Statistical population -- Statistical power -- Statistical practice -- Statistical probability -- Statistical process control -- Statistical randomness -- Statistical regularity -- Statistical signal processing -- Statistical significance -- Statistical syllogism -- Statistical theory -- Statistical unit -- Statistician -- Statisticians' and engineers' cross-reference of statistical terms -- Statistics --
[edit] Ste
Steady state -- Steane code -- Steenrod algebra -- Stefan problem -- Stein manifold -- Steinberg representation -- Steiner points -- Steiner surface -- Steiner system -- Steiner tree -- Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm -- Steinhaus–Moser notation -- Steinmetz solid -- Stein's example -- Stein's lemma -- Steklov Institute of Mathematics -- Stella octangula -- Stellated truncated hexahedron -- Stellation -- STEM fields -- Stemplot -- Step function -- Step response -- Stepped Reckoner -- Stepwise regression -- Steradian -- Stereographic projection -- Sterling Fractal -- Stern-Brocot tree -- Stern prime -- Stewart-Walker lemma -- Stewart's theorem --
[edit] Sti
Stickelberger's theorem -- Stiefel manifold -- Stiefel–Whitney class -- Stieltjes constants -- Stieltjes matrix -- Stieltjes moment problem -- Stiff equation -- Still life (CA) -- Stimulus-response model -- Stinespring factorization theorem -- Stirling number -- Stirling transform -- Stirling's approximation -- Stochastic -- Stochastic calculus -- Stochastic context-free grammar -- Stochastic differential equation -- Stochastic gradient descent -- Stochastic kernel -- Stochastic Loewner evolution -- Stochastic matrix -- Stochastic process -- Stochastic programming -- Stochastic rounding -- Stochastic tunneling -- Stokes' theorem -- Stolarsky mean -- Stolz-Cesàro theorem -- Stone–Čech compactification -- Stone duality -- Stone method -- Stone–von Neumann theorem -- Stone-Weierstrass theorem -- Stoneham number -- Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras -- Stone's theorem on one-parameter unitary groups -- Stopped process -- Stopping rule -- Størmer's theorem --
[edit] Str
Strachey method for magic squares -- Strähle construction -- Straight skeleton -- Straightedge -- Strain tensor -- Strassen algorithm -- Strategy-stealing argument -- Stratification (mathematics) -- Stratified sampling -- Stratonovich integral -- Stream function -- Streamline diffusion -- Stress-energy-momentum pseudotensor -- Stress-energy tensor -- Stress-strain curve -- Stretched exponential function -- Strict -- Strict function -- Strict logic -- Strict weak ordering -- Strictly differentiable -- Strictly non-palindromic number -- Strictly positive measure -- Strictly proper -- Strictly simple group -- String art -- String diagram -- String rewriting -- String theory -- Strobogrammatic number -- Strobogrammatic prime -- Strong antichain -- Strong cardinal -- Strong coloring -- Strong Frobenius pseudoprime -- Strong generating set -- Strong generative capacity -- Strong Lucas pseudoprime -- Strong monad -- Strong operator topology -- Strong perfect graph theorem -- Strong prime -- Strong prior -- Strong pseudoprime -- Strong topology -- Strong topology (polar topology) -- Strongly compact cardinal -- Strongly connected component -- Strongly monotone -- Strongly positive bilinear form -- Strongly regular graph -- Strongly ribbon category -- Strophoid -- Structural analysis -- Structural equation modeling -- Structural induction -- Structural mechanics -- Structural proof theory -- Structural rule -- Structural stability -- Structure (category theory) -- Structure (mathematical logic) -- Structure tensor -- Structure theorem for Gaussian measures --
[edit] Stu
Studentized residual -- Student's t-distribution -- Student's t-test -- Studia Mathematica -- Stunted projective space -- Sturm-Liouville theory -- Sturmian word -- Sturm's theorem -- Stuttering equivalence -- Suàn shù shū -- Sub-Riemannian manifold -- Subabnormal subgroup -- Subadditive function -- Subalgebra -- Subbase -- Subbundle -- Subcategory -- Subclass reachability -- Subclass (set theory) -- Subcoloring -- Subcompact cardinal -- Subcontrary mean -- Subderivative -- Subdivision (graph theory) -- Subfactor -- Subfactorial -- Subfunctor -- Subgraph isomorphism problem -- Subgroup -- Subgroup analysis -- Subgroup growth -- Subharmonic function -- Subjective expected utility -- Subjectivism -- Sublime number -- Sublinear -- Sublinear function -- Submanifold -- Submatrix -- Submaximal space -- Submersion (mathematics) -- Submodel -- Subnormal operator -- Subnormal subgroup -- Subobject -- Subobject classifier -- Subquadratic time -- Subquotient -- Subring -- Subsemigroup -- Subsequence -- Subsequential limit -- Subset -- Subset sum problem -- Subshift of finite type -- Subspace -- Subspace topology -- Substantive derivative -- Substitution matrix -- Substitution model -- Substitution-permutation network -- Substitution tiling -- Substructural logic -- Subtangent -- Subtended -- Subtle cardinal -- Subtraction -- Subtraction without borrowing -- Subtractive notation -- Subvariety --
[edit] Suc
Successive over-relaxation -- Successor cardinal -- Successor ordinal -- Sucker bet -- SUDAAN -- Sudan function -- Sudoku -- Sufficiency (statistics) -- Sufficiently connected -- Sufficiently large -- Sulba Sutras -- Sum-free sequence -- Sum of normally distributed random variables -- Sum of squares -- Sum-product number -- Sum rule -- Sum rule in differentiation -- Sum rule in integration -- Summa -- Summary statistics -- Summation -- Summation by parts -- Sumset -- Sunrise problem -- Super PI -- Super-Poulet number -- Super vector space -- Superabundant number -- Superadditive -- Superalgebra -- Supercombinator -- Supercommutative algebra -- Supercompact cardinal -- Supercompact space -- Superconductivity -- Superconvergence -- Superdiffeomorphism -- Superellipse -- Superformula -- Supergroup (physics) -- Superhelix -- Superior highly composite number -- Supermanifold -- Supermathematics -- Supermatrix (supersymmetry) -- Supermodular -- Superoperator -- Superparticular number -- Superposition calculus -- Superposition principle -- Superprime -- Superquadrics -- Superreal number -- Supersingular prime -- Supersolvable group -- Superspace -- Superstring theory -- Superstrong cardinal -- Superstructure -- Supertrace -- Supervisory control theory -- Supplementary angles -- Support (mathematics) -- Support (measure theory) -- Support vector machine -- Supporting hyperplane -- Supremum --
[edit] Sur
Surcomplex number -- Surface -- Surface bundle -- Surface bundle over the circle -- Surface fractal -- Surface integral -- Surface normal -- Surface of general type -- Surface of revolution -- Surface subgroup conjecture -- Surface Water Simulation Modelling Programme -- Surgery theory -- Surjective function -- Surplus variable -- Surreal number -- Surrogate model -- Survey sampling -- Survival analysis -- Survival function -- Survival rate -- Survivorship bias -- Surya Siddhanta -- Suslin cardinal -- Suslin set -- Suslin's problem -- Suspension (topology) -- Suzuki group -- Swan's theorem -- Swarm intelligence -- Swiss coordinate system --
[edit] Swu
Swung note -- Syllogism -- Sylow subgroup -- Sylow theorem -- Sylver coinage -- Sylvester–Gallai theorem -- Sylvester matrix -- Sylvester Medal -- Sylvester's law of inertia -- Sylvester's sequence -- Symbolic Cholesky decomposition -- Symbolic combinatorics -- Symbolic computation of matrix eigenvalues -- Symbolic dynamics -- Symbolic integration -- Symbolic logic -- Symbolic mathematics -- Symbolic method -- Symmedian -- Symmetric algebra -- Symmetric bilinear form -- Symmetric derivative -- Symmetric difference -- Symmetric function -- Symmetric graph -- Symmetric group -- Symmetric hypergraph theorem -- Symmetric matrix -- Symmetric monoidal category -- Symmetric polynomial -- Symmetric product of an algebraic curve -- Symmetric relation -- Symmetric space -- Symmetric tensor -- Symmetrically continuous function -- Symmetrization -- Symmetry -- Symmetry (biology) -- Symmetry breaking -- Symmetry combinations -- Symmetry group -- Symmetry groups in one dimension -- Symmetry in mathematics -- Symmetry in physics -- Symmetry of second derivatives -- Symmetry set -- Symplectic cut -- Symplectic filling -- Symplectic group -- Symplectic integrator -- Symplectic manifold -- Symplectic matrix -- Symplectic representation -- Symplectic space -- Symplectic sum -- Symplectic topology -- Symplectic vector field -- Symplectic vector space -- Symplectomorphism --
[edit] Syn
Synchrotron function -- Syndetic set -- Syntactic monoid -- Synthetic differential geometry -- Synthetic geometry -- Syntractrix -- SYSTAT -- System equivalence -- System F -- System identification -- System of imprimitivity -- System of linear equations -- Systematic sampling -- Systole (mathematics) -- Szekeres snark -- Szemerédi regularity lemma -- Szemerédi–Trotter theorem -- Szemerédi's theorem -- Szilassi polyhedron --
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] T
T-design -- T-duality -- T-group -- 't Hooft symbol -- T-integration -- T-norm -- T-schema -- T-Square (fractal) -- T-symmetry -- T-theory -- T1 space -- Table of bases -- Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients -- Table of derivatives -- Table of divisors -- Table of integrals -- Table of Lie groups -- Table of limits -- Table of logic symbols -- Table of mathematical symbols -- Table of Newtonian series -- Table of prime factors -- Table of spherical harmonics -- Tabu search -- Tacit extension -- Tacnode -- TacTix -- Tait-Bryan angles -- Tait's conjecture -- Tak (function) -- Takagi existence theorem -- Takens' theorem -- Takeuti conjecture --
[edit] Tal
Tally marks -- Tame group -- Tameness conjecture -- Tangent -- Tangent bundle -- Tangent half-angle formula -- Tangent space -- Tangle (mathematics) -- Tangloids -- Tangram -- Tanh-sinh quadrature -- Taniyama–Shimura theorem -- Tannaka-Krein duality -- Tannakian category -- Tanner graph -- Tarjan's off-line least common ancestors algorithm -- Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm -- Tarski-Grothendieck set theory -- Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm -- Tarski monster group -- Tarski-Vaught test -- Tarski's axiomatization of the reals -- Tarski's axioms -- Tarski's circle-squaring problem -- Tarski's indefinability theorem -- Tate cohomology group -- Tate conjecture -- Tate module -- Tau function -- Taubes's Gromov invariant -- Taut foliation -- Taut submanifold -- Tautochrone curve -- Tautological bundle -- Tautological one-form -- Tautology (logic) --
[edit] Tav
Tav (number) -- Taxicab geometry -- Taxicab number -- Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables -- Taylor–Proudman theorem -- Taylor series -- Taylor's theorem -- Techniques for differentiation -- TechnoSphere -- Teichmüller space -- Telegrapher's equations -- Telescoping series -- Temperley-Lieb algebra -- Temporal difference model -- Temporal logic -- Temporal mean -- Tensor -- Tensor algebra -- Tensor bundle -- Tensor contraction -- Tensor density -- Tensor field -- Tensor (intrinsic definition) -- Tensor product -- Tensor product of algebras -- Tensor product of fields -- Tensor product of graphs -- Tensor product of modules -- Tent map -- Term algebra -- Term logic -- Term (mathematics) -- Termination -- Ternary Golay code -- Ternary logic -- Ternary numeral system -- Ternary operation -- Terrell rotation --
[edit] Tes
Tessarine -- Tessellation -- Tesseract -- Testing hypotheses suggested by the data -- Tetracategory -- Tetractys -- Tetrad (index notation) -- Tetrad (symbol) -- Tetrad (unit of area) -- Tetragonal trapezohedron -- Tetrahedral hyperprism -- Tetrahedral number -- Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb -- Tetrahedral symmetry -- Tetrahedron -- Tetrahemihexahedron -- Tetrakis hexahedron -- Tetrakis square tiling -- Tetramagic cube -- Tetramagic square -- Tetrated dodecahedron -- Tetration -- Tetraview -- Tetromino -- TeX -- Texas Math and Science Coaches Association -- Thâbit ibn Kurrah rule -- Thabit number -- Thai numerals -- Thakur Sher Singh Parmar -- Thales' theorem --
[edit] The
The Analyst -- The Analyst, or, Mathematical Museum -- The Book of Squares -- The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing -- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time -- The Doctrine of Chances -- The Dot and the Line -- The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry -- The Emperor's New Mind -- The Fourth Dimension (book) -- The Geometer's Sketchpad -- The Geometry Center -- The Greeks -- The Ground of Arts -- The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades 1-4 -- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Calculus -- The Lady Tasting Tea -- The Laws of Thought -- The Library of Babel -- The Long Tail -- The Man Who Counted -- The Man Who Knew Infinity -- The Man Who Loved Only Numbers -- The Martians -- The Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford -- The Mathematical Intelligencer -- The Music of the Primes -- The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art -- The Planiverse -- The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe -- The Sand Reckoner -- The Schoolmaster's Assistant, Being a Compendium of Arithmetic both Practical and Theoretical -- The Tyranny of Numbers -- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences -- The Wright 3 -- The writing of Principia Mathematica -- Thébault's theorem -- Theil index -- Theorem -- Theorem of de Moivre–Laplace -- Theorem of the cube -- Theorem on friends and strangers -- Theorema Egregium -- Theoretical biology -- Theoretical physics -- Theory -- Theory of computation -- Theory of equations -- Theory of Games and Economic Behavior -- Theory of relations -- There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure -- Thermal history modelling -- Thermomagnetic convection -- Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus -- Theta characteristic -- Theta-divisor -- Theta function -- Theta representation -- Θ (set theory) --
[edit] Thi
Thick set -- Thiele's interpolation formula -- Thin group -- Thin plate spline -- Thin set (Serre) -- Think-a-Dot -- Thirring model -- Thirty-six officers problem -- Thom conjecture -- Thom space -- Thomae's function -- Thompson group (finite) -- Thompson groups -- Three cards problem -- Three cottage problem -- Three-dimensional space -- Three Prisoners Problem -- Through and through -- Thue equation -- Thue-Morse sequence -- Thue number -- Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem -- Thue's theorem -- Thurston elliptization conjecture -- TI-58 C -- Tidal force -- Tidal tensor -- Tietze extension theorem -- Tietze transformations -- Tight closure -- Tight span -- Tightness of measures --
[edit] Tij
Tijdeman's theorem -- Tikhonov regularization -- Tiling by regular polygons -- Tiling puzzle -- Tiling with rectangles -- Time dependent vector field -- Time derivative -- Time domain -- Time evolution -- Time hierarchy theorem -- Time-invariant system -- Time reversibility -- Time scale calculus -- Time series -- Time use survey -- Time value of money -- Time-variant system -- Timelike congruence -- Timelike homotopy -- Timelike simply connected -- Timeline of algorithms -- Timeline of mathematics -- Timoshenko Medal -- Tinkerbell map -- Tipping point -- Titanic prime -- Titchmarsh convolution theorem -- Tits group -- TNB frame -- Toda field theory -- Todd class -- Todd-Coxeter algorithm --
[edit] Toe
Toeplitz matrix -- Tohoku Mathematical Journal -- Tokutomi Mathematics Contest -- Tolerant sequence -- Tomahawk (geometric shape) -- Tombstone (typography) -- Tomita–Takesaki theory -- Tomogram -- Tomographic reconstruction -- Tonelli-Hobson test -- Tonnetz -- Toom-Cook multiplication -- Top-dimensional form -- Topogravitic tensor -- Topological abelian group -- Topological algebra -- Topological Boolean algebra -- Topological conjugacy -- Topological defect -- Topological divisor of zero -- Topological entropy -- Topological graph theory -- Topological group -- Topological half-exact functor -- Topological K-theory -- Topological manifold -- Topological module -- Topological property -- Topological quantum number -- Topological ring -- Topological sorting -- Topological space -- Topological tensor product -- Topological vector space -- Topologist's sine curve -- Topology -- Topology glossary -- Topology (journal) -- Topos -- Topos of Music --
[edit] Tor
Tor functor -- Torelli theorem -- Toric geometry -- Toric section -- Toroid -- Toroidal coordinates -- Toroidal graph -- Toronto space -- Torque -- Torricelli's equation -- Torsion -- Torsion (abstract algebra) -- Torsion (differential geometry) -- Torsion-free abelian groups of rank 1 -- Torsion (mathematics) -- Torsion (modules) -- Torsion of connection -- Torsion of curves -- Torsion subgroup -- Torsion tensor -- Torsion (topology) -- Tortuosity -- Torus -- Torus bundle -- Torus knot -- Total coloring -- Total derivative -- Total electronic angular momentum quantum number -- Total Fertility Rate -- Total order -- Total quotient ring -- Total relation -- Total sum of squares -- Total variation -- Total variation diminishing -- Totally bounded space -- Totally disconnected group -- Totally indescribable cardinal -- Totally positive matrix -- Totally real number field --
[edit] Tou
Touchard polynomials -- Tournament (graph theory) -- Tournament of the Towns -- Tower of Hanoi -- Toy problem -- Toy theorem -- Trace class -- Trace-free Ricci tensor -- Trace (linear algebra) -- Traceability matrix -- Traced monoidal category -- Trachtenberg system -- Track transition curve -- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -- Tractor bundle -- Tractrice -- Tractrix -- Traditional mathematics -- Traffic flow -- Trailing zero -- Train track -- Trajectory -- Trajectory optimization -- Trakhtenbrot's theorem -- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society -- Transcendence degree -- Transcendence (mathematics) -- Transcendence theory -- Transcendental curve -- Transcendental equation -- Transcendental function -- Transcendental number -- Transcritical bifurcation -- Transfer function -- Transfer (group theory) -- Transfer matrix -- Transfer operator -- Transfer principle -- Transferable belief model -- Transfinite induction -- Transfinite number -- Transform -- Transformation geometry -- Transformation (mathematics) -- Transformation matrix -- Transformation semigroup -- Transformational theory -- Transforming polynomials -- Transient -- Transition function -- Transition monoid -- Transitive closure -- Transitive dependency -- Transitive reduction -- Transitive relation -- Transitive set -- Transitively normal subgroup -- Transitivity (mathematics) -- Translation (geometry) -- Translation plane -- Translational symmetry -- Transparent Intensional Logic -- Transport function -- Transport of structure -- Transportation network (graph theory) -- Transportation theory -- Transpose -- Transpose graph -- Transposition cipher -- Transposition (mathematics) -- Transversal -- Transversal (disambiguation) -- Transversal line -- Transversality -- Transylvania lottery -- Trapdoor function -- Trapezium rule -- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb -- Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron -- Trapezohedron -- Trapezoid -- Travelling salesman problem --
[edit] Tre
Treap -- Tree automaton -- Tree decomposition -- Tree (descriptive set theory) -- Tree (graph theory) -- Tree rearrangement -- Tree rotation -- Tree (set theory) -- Tree spanner -- Tree traversal -- Trefoil knot -- Trend estimation -- Trend line -- Treviso Arithmetic -- Tri- -- Tri-oval -- Triad (symbol) -- Triadic relation -- Triakis icosahedron -- Triakis octahedron -- Triakis tetrahedron -- Triakis triangular tiling -- Trial division -- Triality -- Triangle -- Triangle-free graph -- Triangle group -- Triangle inequality -- Triangle wave -- Triangular bifrustum -- Triangular cupola -- Triangular dipyramid -- Triangular distribution -- Triangular factor -- Triangular function -- Triangular hebesphenorotunda -- Triangular matrix -- Triangular number -- Triangular orthobicupola -- Triangular prism -- Triangular tiling -- Triangulated category -- Triangulation -- Triangulation (advanced geometry) -- Triangulation (topology) -- Triaugmented dodecahedron -- Triaugmented hexagonal prism -- Triaugmented triangular prism -- Triaugmented truncated dodecahedron -- Tricategory -- Trichotomy -- Trichotomy (mathematics) -- Tricolorability -- Tricontagon -- Tricylinder -- Trident curve -- Tridiagonal matrix -- Tridiagonal matrix algorithm -- Tridiminished icosahedron -- Tridiminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Trigamma function -- Trigenus -- Trigonal trapezohedron -- Trigonometric function -- Trigonometric integral -- Trigonometric interpolation -- Trigonometric polynomial -- Trigonometric rational function -- Trigonometric substitution -- Trigonometry -- Trigonometry in Galois fields -- Trigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron -- Trihexagonal tiling -- Trilateration -- Trilinear coordinates -- Trilinear interpolation -- Trillionth -- Trimagic cube -- Trimagic square -- Trimetric projection -- Trimorphic number -- Trinification -- Trinomial -- Trinomial expansion -- Triple -- Triple bar -- Triple product -- Triple product rule -- Triple quad formula proof -- Triple spiral -- Trisectrix -- Trisectrix of Maclaurin -- Triskaidecagon -- Trispectrum -- Trivial group -- Trivial (mathematics) -- Trivial representation -- Trivial ring -- Trivial topology --
[edit] Tro
Trochoid -- Tromino -- Tropical geometry -- Trott curve -- Trudinger's theorem -- True variance -- Truncatable prime -- Truncated 120-cell -- Truncated 16-cell -- Truncated 24-cell -- Truncated 5-cell -- Truncated 600-cell -- Truncated alternated cubic honeycomb -- Truncated cube -- Truncated cubic honeycomb -- Truncated cuboctahedron -- Truncated distribution -- Truncated dodecadodecahedron -- Truncated dodecahedron -- Truncated great dodecahedron -- Truncated great icosahedron -- Truncated hexagonal tiling -- Truncated icosahedron -- Truncated icosidodecahedron -- Truncated mean -- Truncated octahedron -- Truncated power function -- Truncated regression model -- Truncated rhombic dodecahedron -- Truncated rhombic triacontahedron -- Truncated square tiling -- Truncated tesseract -- Truncated tetrahedron -- Truncated trapezohedron -- Truncated triakis tetrahedron -- Truncation -- Truncation (geometry) -- Trust region -- Truth table -- Truth table reduction --
[edit] Tsa
Tsallis entropy -- Tsallis statistics -- Tschirnhaus transformation -- Tsirelson space -- Tsirelson's bound -- Tube lemma -- Tubular neighborhood -- Tunnell's theorem -- Tuple -- Turán graph -- Turán's theorem -- Turbulence -- Turing completeness -- Turing degree -- Turing jump -- Turing machine -- Turing machine gallery -- Turing reduction -- Turing tarpit -- Turing's proof -- Turn (geometry) -- Turnstile -- Turnstile (symbol) -- Tusi-couple -- Tutte–Coxeter graph -- Tutte polynomial -- Tutte theorem -- Twelfth root of two -- Twelvefold way -- Twiddle factor -- Twin paradox -- Twin prime -- Twin prime conjecture -- Twisted cubic -- Twisted K-theory -- Twistor space -- Twistor theory --
[edit] Two
Two-center bipolar coordinates -- Two-element Boolean algebra -- Two envelopes problem -- Two-form -- Two-graph -- Two New Sciences -- Two plus two make five -- Two-point tensor -- Two-sided Laplace transform -- Two-tailed test -- Two-vector -- Two's complement -- Tychonoff space -- Tychonoff's theorem -- Type-1 Gumbel distribution -- Type-2 Gumbel distribution -- Type I and type II errors -- Type I error -- Type II error -- Type (model theory) -- Type theory -- Typed lambda calculus -- Types of relations -- Typical set -- Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae -- Typographical Number Theory --
Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] U
U-duality -- UCT Mathematics Competition -- Ugly duckling theorem -- Ulam spiral -- Ultraconnected space -- Ultrafilter -- Ultrafinitism -- Ultrametric space -- Ultraparallel theorem -- Ultrapower -- Ultraproduct -- Ultrastrong topology -- Ultraweak topology -- Umbilic torus -- Umbral calculus -- Umpteen -- Unary function -- Unary numeral system -- Unary operation -- Unbounded system -- Uncertainty principle -- Uncertainty quantification -- Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture -- Unconditional convergence -- Uncorrelated -- Uncorrelated asymmetry -- Uncountable set -- Undecimal -- Underactuation -- Undulating number --
[edit] Une
Unexpected hanging paradox -- Unfoldable cardinal -- Uniaxial perfectly matched layer -- Unicity distance -- Unicode Geometric Shapes -- Unicoherent -- Unicycle (cart) -- Unidirectional -- Unification -- Uniform absolute continuity -- Uniform algebra -- Uniform boundedness -- Uniform boundedness principle -- Uniform continuity -- Uniform convergence -- Uniform-cost search -- Uniform distribution (continuous) -- Uniform distribution (discrete) -- Uniform distribution (mathematics) -- Uniform great rhombicosidodecahedron -- Uniform great rhombicuboctahedron -- Uniform isomorphism -- Uniform norm -- Uniform Polychora Project -- Uniform polychoron -- Uniform polyhedron -- Uniform polytope -- Uniform price auction -- Uniform property -- Uniform space -- Uniform tessellation -- Uniform theory of diffraction -- Uniformizable space -- Uniformization -- Uniformization (set theory) -- Uniformization theorem -- Uniformly Cauchy sequence -- Uniformly connected space -- Unifying theories in mathematics -- Unimodal function -- Unimodular lattice -- Unimodular matrix -- Union-closed sets conjecture -- Union (set theory) -- Unipotent -- Unique factorization domain -- Unique negative dimension -- Unique prime -- Uniquely colorable graph -- Uniqueness quantification -- Unistable polyhedron -- Unit circle -- Unit cube -- Unit disk -- Unit disk graph -- Unit distance graph -- Unit fraction -- Unit function -- Unit interval -- Unit matrix -- Unit measure -- Unit ring -- Unit (ring theory) -- Unit root -- Unit root test -- Unit sphere -- Unit square -- Unit tangent bundle -- Unit vector -- Unit-weighted regression -- Unital -- Unitarian trick -- Unitary dilation -- Unitary divisor -- Unitary equivalence -- Unitary group -- Unitary matrix -- Unitary operator -- Unitary perfect number -- Unitary representation -- Unitary representations of a star Lie superalgebra -- Unitary transformation -- United Kingdom Mathematics Trust -- United States of America Mathematical Olympiad -- United States of America Mathematical Talent Search -- Unitized risk -- Units conversion by factor-label -- Unity amplitude -- Univalent function -- Univariate -- Universal algebra -- Universal bundle -- Universal coefficient theorem -- Universal C*-algebra -- Universal enveloping algebra -- Universal graph -- Universal property -- Universal quantification -- Universal set -- Universality (dynamical systems) -- Universally measurable set -- Universe (mathematics) -- University of Chicago School Mathematics Project --
[edit] Unk
Unknot -- Unknotting problem -- Unlink -- Unsolved problems in mathematics -- Unstructured grid -- Untouchable number -- Unusual number -- Unvigintillion -- Up to -- Upper and lower probabilities -- Upper bound -- Upper convected time derivative -- Upper half-plane -- Upper set -- Upper topology -- Upward Löwenheim–Skolem theorem -- Ur-element -- Urban Institute -- Urn problem -- Urysohn's lemma -- U.S. Department of Education exemplary mathematics programs -- Usage analysis -- Uses of trigonometry -- Utility maximization problem -- Utilization -- Utm theorem -- UV fixed point --