List of mathematics articles (I)
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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] Ia
IA automorphism -- IBGE -- ICER -- Icosagon -- Icosahedral symmetry -- Icosahedron -- Icosidodecadodecahedron -- Icosidodecahedron -- Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron -- Ideal class group -- Ideal machine -- Ideal number -- Ideal (order theory) -- Ideal quotient -- Ideal (ring theory) -- Ideal theory -- Ideal triangle -- Idealised population -- Idempotence -- Identical particles -- Identically zero -- Identifiability condition -- Identity component -- Identity element -- Identity function -- Identity (mathematics) -- Identity matrix -- Identity theorem -- Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces -- Identric mean --
[edit] If
If and only if -- Ignorability -- Ihara zeta function -- Ikeda map -- Illegal prime -- Illinois Loop -- Illustration of the central limit theorem -- Image (category theory) -- Image (mathematics) -- Imaginary number -- Imaginary part -- Imaginary unit -- Imagining Numbers -- Immanant of a matrix -- Immersed submanifold -- Immersion (mathematics) -- Immigration (CA) -- IMO selection process -- IMPA -- Impartial game -- Imperfect group -- Implementation of mathematics in set theory -- Implicant -- Implicational propositional calculus -- Implicit function -- Implicit function theorem -- Implicit surface -- Implied volatility -- Importance sampling -- Impossible cube -- Impossible object -- Impredicative -- Improbability -- Improper integral -- Improper rotation -- Impulse -- Impulse response -- Imputation (statistics) --
[edit] Ina
Inaccessible cardinal -- Inada conditions -- Incidence algebra -- Incidence (geometry) -- Incidence geometry (structure) -- Incidence matrix -- Incidence structure -- Incircle and excircles of a triangle -- Inclined plane -- Inclusion-exclusion principle -- Inclusion map -- Inclusive -- Incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral -- Incomplete gamma function -- Incomplete polylogarithm -- Incompressible flow -- Incompressible surface -- Increasing process -- Indecomposable continuum -- Indecomposable distribution -- Indecomposable module -- Indefinite and fictitious large numbers -- Indefinite inner product space -- Indefinite logarithm -- Independence-friendly logic -- Independence (mathematical logic) -- Independence system -- Independent and identically-distributed random variables -- Independent component analysis -- Independent equation -- Independent set -- Independent set problem -- Independent variable -- Indeterminacy in computation -- Indeterminate -- Indeterminate equation -- Indeterminate form -- Indeterminate system -- Indeterminate (variable) -- Index calculus algorithm -- Index (mathematics) -- Index notation -- Index of coincidence -- Index of dissimilarity -- Index of diversity -- Index set -- Indexed family -- Indexed language -- Indian logic -- Indian mathematics -- Indian numbering system -- Indian numerals -- Indian Statistical Institute -- Indiana Pi Bill -- Indicator function -- Indiscernibles -- Induced metric -- Induced path -- Induced representation -- Inductive dimension -- Inductive inference -- Inductive set -- Inductive set (axiom of infinity) -- Industrial-grade prime --
[edit] Ine
Ineffable cardinal -- Ineffably Ramsey cardinal -- Inequality -- Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means -- Inequation -- Inexact differential -- Inferential statistics -- Infimum -- Infinitary logic -- Infinite conjugacy class property -- Infinite descending chain -- Infinite descent -- Infinite-dimensional holomorphy -- Infinite-dimensional optimization -- Infinite divisibility -- Infinite loop -- Infinite monkey theorem -- Infinite-period bifurcation -- Infinite product -- Infinite set -- Infinite skew polyhedron -- Infinitesimal -- Infinitesimal transformation -- Infinity -- Infinity-Borel set -- Infinity plus one -- Infix -- Infix notation -- Inflection point -- Informal mathematics -- Information -- Information bottleneck method -- Information entropy -- Information geometry -- Information set -- Information theory -- Information theory and measure theory -- Infrared fixed point -- Infrared repellor --
[edit] Inh
Inhabited set -- Initial algebra -- Initial object -- Initial topology -- Initial value problem -- Injective cogenerator -- Injective function -- Injective hull -- Injective metric space -- Injective module -- Injective object -- Injective sheaf -- Inner angle -- Inner automorphism -- Inner derivative -- Inner measure -- Inner model -- Inner model theory -- Inner product space -- Inner regular measure -- Innumeracy (book) -- Input selection -- Inscribe -- Inscribed angle -- Inscribed sphere -- INSEE code -- Inseparable differential equation -- Instability -- Instanton -- Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques -- Institut français d'opinion publique -- Institute for Advanced Study -- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications -- Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Mechanics -- Institute of Statistical Mathematics -- Institute of Statisticians -- Institution (computer science) -- Institutional model theory -- Instituto Nacional de Estatística -- Instrumental variable --
[edit] Int
Integer -- Integer factorization -- Integer lattice -- Integer matrix -- Integer sequence -- Integer square root -- Integer-valued polynomial -- Integrability -- Integrability conditions for differential systems -- Integrable function -- Integrable system -- Integral -- Integral closure -- Integral domain -- Integral equation -- Integral Equations and Operator Theory -- Integral extension -- Integral geometry -- Integral representation theorem for classical Wiener space -- Integral test for convergence -- Integral transform -- Intégrale, longueur, aire -- Integrally closed -- Integrated mathematics -- Integrating factor -- Integration by parts -- Integration by substitution -- Integrator -- Integrodifference equation -- Intelligent control -- Intention to treat analysis -- Intentional validity -- Inter-rater reliability -- Inter-School Mathematics Contest -- Interaction (statistics) -- Interaction variable -- Interactive evolutionary computation -- Interactive genetic algorithm -- Interactive geometry software -- Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP) -- Interactive theorem proving -- Intercept -- Interchange of limiting operations -- Interclass dependence -- Interest -- Interesting number paradox -- Interim analysis -- Interior algebra -- Interior point method -- Interior (topology) -- Interleave sequence -- Intermediate logic -- Intermediate treatment of tensors -- Intermediate value theorem -- Intermittency -- Internal angle -- Internal set -- Internal set theory -- International Centre for Mathematical Sciences -- International Congress of Mathematicians -- International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics (IJAMAS) -- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences -- International Journal of Tomography & Statistics (IJTS) -- International Mathematical Olympiad -- International Mathematical Union -- International Mathematics Competition for University Students -- International Society for Bayesian Analysis -- International Society for Mathematical Sciences -- Internet shorthand notation -- Interpolation -- Interpretability -- Interprime -- Interquartile mean -- Interquartile range -- Intersection cohomology -- Intersection graph -- Intersection number -- Intersection (set theory) -- Intersection theorem -- Intersection theory -- Interval estimation -- Interval exchange transformation -- Interval graph -- Interval (mathematics) -- Interval temporal logic -- Intervening variable -- Intransitivity -- Intrinsic coordinates -- Intrinsic metric -- Introduction to Arithmetic -- Introduction to Commutative Algebra -- Intuitionism -- Intuitionistic logic -- Intuitionistic type theory --
[edit] Inv
Invalid proof -- Invariance of domain -- Invariance theorem -- Invariant basis number -- Invariant differential operators -- Invariant (mathematics) -- Invariant measure -- Invariant polynomial -- Invariant subspace -- Invariant subspace problem -- Invariant theory -- Invariants of tensors -- Inventiones Mathematicae -- Inventory control problem -- Inverse chain rule method -- Inverse-chi-square distribution -- Inverse distance weighting -- Inverse eigenvalues theorem -- Inverse element -- Inverse function -- Inverse function theorem -- Inverse functions and differentiation -- Inverse Galois problem -- Inverse gambler's fallacy -- Inverse-gamma distribution -- Inverse Gaussian distribution -- Inverse hyperbolic function -- Inverse image functor -- Inverse iteration -- Inverse limit -- Inverse (mathematics) -- Inverse Mills ratio -- Inverse probability -- Inverse problem -- Inverse quadratic interpolation -- Inverse relation -- Inverse relationship -- Inverse scattering transform -- Inverse semigroup -- Inverse-square law -- Inverse system -- Inverse transform sampling -- Inverse trigonometric function -- Inversion (geometry) -- Inversion in a point -- Inversion transformation -- Inversive congruential generator -- Inversive plane -- Inversive ring geometry -- Inverted bell -- Inverted pendulum -- Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron -- Invertible matrix -- Invertible sheaf -- Investigations in Numbers, Data, and Space -- Involutary matrix -- Involute -- Involute gear -- Involution --
[edit] Ip
IP set -- I.Q. (film) -- Irish Mathematical Society -- Irrational base discrete weighted transform -- Irrational number -- Irreducible component -- Irreducible fraction -- Irreducible (mathematics) -- Irreducible polynomial -- Irregular matrix -- Irrotational vector field -- Irving Joshua Matrix -- IS group -- Isaac Newton Institute -- Isaac Newton's early life and achievements -- Isaac Newton's later life -- Isaac Newton's occult studies -- Ising model -- Islamic mathematics -- ISO 31-11 -- Isodynamic point -- Isogonal conjugate -- Isogonal trajectory -- Isolated point -- Isolated singularity -- Isolated vertex -- Isometric dilation -- Isometric illusion -- Isometric projection -- Isometries in physics -- Isometry -- Isometry group -- Isometry (Riemannian geometry) -- Isomorphism -- Isomorphism class -- Isomorphism of categories -- Isomorphism theorem -- Isoperimetric dimension -- Isoperimetry -- Isopsephy -- Isoptic -- Isosceles trapezoid -- Isospectral -- Isotonic regression -- Isotopy invariant -- Isotropic manifold --
[edit] Ita
Italian school of algebraic geometry -- Iterated binary operation -- Iterated function -- Iterated function system -- Iterated logarithm -- Iterated monodromy group -- Iteration -- Iterative Closest Point -- Iterative deepening depth-first search -- Iterative learning control -- Iterative method -- Itō calculus -- Itō isometry -- Itoh-Tsujii inversion algorithm -- Itō's lemma -- Iverson bracket -- Iwasawa theory --