List of mathematics articles (A)

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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mathematicians: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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[edit] A

A Beautiful Mind -- A Beautiful Mind (book) -- A Beautiful Mind (film) -- A Course of Pure Mathematics -- A derivation of the discrete Fourier transform -- A group -- A History of π -- A Mathematical Theory of Communication -- A Mathematician's Apology -- A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates -- A-paracompact space -- A priori (math modeling) -- A priori (statistics) -- A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits -- AA postulate -- Abacus -- Abacus logic -- Abacus system -- Abc conjecture -- Abel polynomials -- Abel Prize -- Abel–Ruffini theorem -- Abel transform -- Abelian -- Abelian and tauberian theorems -- Abelian category -- Abelian extension -- Abelian group -- Abelian integral -- Abelian root group -- Abelian variety -- Abelian variety of CM-type -- Abelian von Neumann algebra -- Abel's identity -- Abel's test -- Abel's theorem -- Aberth method --

[edit] Abh

Abhyankar's conjecture -- Abjad numerals -- Abnormal number -- Abnormal subgroup -- Abouabdillah's theorem -- Abramowitz and Stegun -- Absolute continuity -- Absolute convergence -- Absolute deviation -- Absolute Galois group -- Absolute geometry -- Absolute Infinite -- Absolute presentation of a group -- Absolute value -- Absolute value (algebra) -- Absolutely irreducible -- Absolutely simple group -- Absorbing set -- Absorbing set (random dynamical systems) -- Absorption law -- Abstract algebra -- Abstract algebraic logic -- Abstract analytic number theory -- Abstract index notation -- Abstract interpretation -- Abstract machine -- Abstract nonsense -- Abstract polytope -- Abstract semantic graph -- Abstract simplicial complex -- Abstract structure -- Abstract Wiener space -- Abstraction (mathematics) --

[edit] Abu

Abundant number -- Abuse of notation -- Academic Games -- Acceleration -- Accidental sampling -- Accuracy and precision -- Accuracy paradox -- Achilles number -- Ackermann function -- Ackermann steering geometry -- Acnode -- Acoustic analogy -- Acoustic resonance -- ACS Statistician of the Year -- Acta Arithmetica -- Acta Mathematica -- Action (physics) -- Active and passive transformation -- Active set -- Actual infinity -- Actuarial notation -- Actuarial present value -- Actuarial science -- Actuarial Society Of India -- Actuaries Society of India -- Actuary -- Acyclic coloring -- Acyclic object -- AD+ -- Adams operation -- Adams Prize -- Adams spectral sequence -- Adapted process -- Adaptive control -- Adaptive mesh refinement -- Adaptive quadrature -- Adaptive Simpson's method -- Adaptive simulated annealing --

[edit] Add

Addition -- Addition chain -- Addition-chain exponentiation -- Addition of natural numbers -- Addition theorem -- Additional logarithm topics -- Additive category -- Additive function -- Additive group -- Additive identity -- Additive inverse -- Additive number theory -- Additive polynomial -- Additive synthesis -- ADE classification -- Adele ring -- Adelic algebraic group -- Adherent point -- ADHM construction -- Adiabatic theorem -- Adjacency list -- Adjacency matrix -- Adjacent -- Adjacent angles -- Adjacent vertex -- Adjoint -- Adjoint endomorphism -- Adjoint functors -- Adjoint representation -- Adjugate matrix -- Adjunction (field theory) -- Adjunction formula (algebraic geometry) -- Adjunction space --

[edit] Adl

Adleman-Pomerance-Rumely primality test -- Admissible ordinal -- Adomian decomposition method -- Ado's theorem -- Advanced process control -- Advanced Z-transform -- Advection -- Advection equation -- AF-heap -- Affiliated operator -- Affine -- Affine action -- Affine arithmetic -- Affine combination -- Affine connection -- Affine curvature -- Affine geometry -- Affine group -- Affine hull -- Affine involution -- Affine Lie algebra -- Affine logic -- Affine representation -- Affine space -- Affine transformation -- African Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- African Mathematical Union -- Agda theorem prover -- Age (Model theory) -- Age Standardized Mortality Rates -- Ageometresia --

[edit] Agg

Aggregate data -- Agoh-Giuga conjecture -- Airport problem -- Airy function -- Aitken's delta-squared process -- Akaike information criterion -- Akira Haraguchi -- Akra-Bazzi method -- AKS primality test -- Albanese variety -- Aleph number -- Alexander duality -- Alexander horned sphere -- Alexander polynomial -- Alexander-Spanier cohomology -- Alexander's Star -- Alexander's trick -- Alexandrov topology -- Algebra -- Algebra bundle -- Algebra homomorphism -- Algebra i Logika -- Algebra of physical space -- Algebra of random variables -- Algebra of sets -- Algebra over a field -- Algebra Project -- Algebra representation of a Lie superalgebra -- Algebra (ring theory) -- Algebraic algorithm -- Algebraic bracket -- Algebraic closure -- Algebraic connectivity -- Algebraic curve -- Algebraic element -- Algebraic enumeration -- Algebraic equation -- Algebraic extension -- Algebraic function -- Algebraic geometry -- Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry -- Algebraic graph theory -- Algebraic group -- Algebraic independence -- Algebraic integer -- Algebraic K-theory -- Algebraic link -- Algebraic logic -- Algebraic manifold -- Algebraic normal form -- Algebraic notation -- Algebraic number -- Algebraic number field -- Algebraic number theory -- Algebraic set -- Algebraic solution -- Algebraic space -- Algebraic structure -- Algebraic subgroup -- Algebraic surface -- Algebraic topology -- Algebraic torus -- Algebraic variety -- Algebraically closed field -- Algebraically closed group -- Algebraically compact group -- Algebraically compact module -- Algebroid -- Algorism -- Algorithm -- Algorithm characterizations -- Algorithm examples -- Algorithmic composition -- Algorithmic information theory -- Algorithmically random sequence -- Algorithms for calculating variance --

[edit] Ali

Aliasing -- Alice universe -- Alignments of random points -- Aliquant -- Aliquot -- Aliquot sequence -- Aliter -- All horses are the same color (paradox) -- All one polynomial -- All pairs shortest path -- All-pairs testing -- Allais paradox -- Allan variance -- Alligation -- Almost -- Almost all -- Almost complex manifold -- Almost convergent sequence -- Almost disjoint sets -- Almost everywhere -- Almost flat manifold -- Almost ineffable cardinal -- Almost perfect number -- Almost periodic function -- Almost prime -- Almost Ramsey cardinal -- Almost surely -- Alpha-beta pruning -- Alpha helix -- Alpha max plus beta min algorithm --

[edit] Alt

Altern base -- Alternate hypothesis -- Alternating factorial -- Alternating group -- Alternating knot -- Alternating permutation -- Alternating series -- Alternating series test -- Alternating sign matrix -- Alternative algebra -- Alternative set theory -- Alternativity -- Alternatization -- Altitude -- Altitude (triangle) -- Ambient calculus -- Ambient construction -- Ambient isotopy -- Ambient space -- Ambiguity aversion -- Amenable group -- Amenable number -- American Institute of Mathematics -- American Invitational Mathematics Examination -- American Journal of Mathematics -- American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges -- American Mathematical Monthly -- American Mathematical Society -- American Mathematics Competitions -- American Regions Mathematics League -- American Statistical Association --

[edit] Ami

Amicable number -- Amortized analysis -- Ampersand curve -- Ampheck -- Amphichiral knot -- AMPL (programming language) -- AMPLE -- Ample vector bundle -- Amplitude -- An Algebra for Theoretical Genetics -- An inequality on location and scale parameters -- Analysis of categorical data -- Analysis of rhythmic variance -- Analysis of variance -- Analysis Situs (book) -- Analytic and enumerative statistical studies -- Analytic capacity -- Analytic combinatorics -- Analytic continuation -- Analytic element method -- Analytic function -- Analytic geometry -- Analytic manifold -- Analytic number theory -- Analytic proof -- Analytic set -- Analytic space -- Analytic variety -- Analytical engine -- Analytical expression -- Analytical hierarchy -- Analytical mechanics -- Analytical Society -- Analytics -- Analytization trick -- Anamorphism --

[edit] Anc

Ancestral graph -- Ancient Egyptian mathematics -- Ancient Egyptian multiplication -- Ancillary statistic -- ANCOVA -- Anderson-Darling test -- Andreotti–Frankel theorem -- Andrews-Curtis conjecture -- Andrica's conjecture -- Angel problem -- Angle -- Angle bisector theorem -- Angle chasing -- Angle condition -- Angle excess -- Angle of attack -- Angle of incidence -- Angle of parallelism -- Angular acceleration -- Angular diameter -- Angular distance -- Angular eccentricity -- Angular frequency -- Angular mil -- Angular momentum -- Angular momentum coupling -- Angular momentum operator -- Angular momentum quantum number -- Angular velocity -- Animistic fallacy --

[edit] Ank

Ankeny-Artin-Chowla congruence -- Annales de l'Institut Fourier -- Annals of Mathematics -- Annihilator (ring theory) -- Annuity function -- Annulus (mathematics) -- Anomalous scaling dimension -- Anomaly time series -- Anonymous recursion -- Anosov diffeomorphism -- Ansatz -- Ant colony optimization -- Antecedent variable -- Anti-aliasing -- Anti de Sitter space -- Anti-diagonal matrix -- Anti-Fibonacci number -- Anti-racist mathematics -- Antibracket algebra -- Anticausal system -- Antichain -- Anticommutativity -- Antiderivative -- Antiderivative (complex analysis) -- Antifundamental representation -- Antihelix -- Antiholomorphic function -- Antihomomorphism -- Antiisomorphic -- Antilinear map -- Antimagic square -- Antiparallel -- Antiparallelogram -- Antipodal point -- Antiprism -- Antisymmetric -- Antisymmetric relation -- Antisymmetric tensor --

[edit] Any

Anyon -- Anyonic Lie algebra -- AP Calculus -- AP Statistics -- Apartness relation -- APBRmetrics -- Apeirogon -- Aperiodic graph -- Aperiodic monoid -- Aperiodic tiling -- Apéry's constant -- Apex (geometry) -- Apollonian circles -- Apollonian gasket -- Apollonius' theorem -- Apothem -- Apotome -- Appell sequence -- Application of tensor theory in engineering -- Application of tensor theory in physics -- Applications of randomness -- Applied mathematics -- Applied mechanics -- Applied probability -- Applied statistics -- Approach space -- Approximate identity -- Approximation -- Approximation error -- Approximation in algebraic groups -- Approximation property -- Approximation theory --

[edit] Ara

Arabic numerals -- Arbelos -- Arbitrarily large -- Arbitrary constant of integration -- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic -- Arboricity -- Arc elasticity -- Arc (geometry) -- Arc length -- Arc (projective geometry) -- Arc-transitive graph -- Arcadia (play) -- Archimedean field -- Archimedean group -- Archimedean property -- Archimedean solid -- Archimedean spiral -- Archimedes number -- Archimedes Palimpsest -- Archimedes' use of infinitesimals -- Area -- Area compatibility factor -- Area (geometry) -- Area of a disk -- Areal velocity -- Areas of mathematics -- Arf invariant -- Arf invariant (knot) -- Arg max -- Argument principle --

[edit] Ari

Ariadne's thread (logic) -- Aristotle's wheel paradox -- Arithmetic -- Arithmetic and geometric Frobenius -- Arithmetic coding -- Arithmetic function -- Arithmetic genus -- Arithmetic-geometric mean -- Arithmetic group -- Arithmetic lattice -- Arithmetic mean -- Arithmetic of abelian varieties -- Arithmetic progression -- Arithmetic shift -- Arithmetic shortcut -- Arithmetica -- Arithmetica Universalis -- Arithmetical hierarchy -- Arithmetical set -- Arithmetization of analysis -- Arity -- Arm solution -- Armenian numerals -- Armstrong (tickler) oscillator -- Armstrong's axioms -- Arnoldi iteration -- Arnold's cat map -- Arrangement of hyperplanes -- Arrow's impossibility theorem -- Ars Combinatoria (journal) -- Ars Magna (Gerolamo Cardano) --

[edit] Art

Art gallery problem -- Art gallery theorem -- Art of Problem Solving -- Art of Problem Solving Foundation -- Artificial immune system -- Artificial neural network -- Artin approximation theorem -- Artin billiards -- Artin conjecture -- Artin group -- Artin-Hasse exponential -- Artin L-function -- Artin-Mazur zeta function -- Artin reciprocity -- Artin-Schreier theory -- Artin–Wedderburn theorem -- Artinian -- Artinian module -- Artinian ring -- Artin's conjecture on primitive roots -- Aryabhata algorithm -- Aryabhata cipher -- Aryabhata equation -- Arzelà-Ascoli theorem -- Asaṃkhyeya -- Ascendant subgroup -- Ascending chain condition -- Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad -- Asperity -- Aspherical space --

[edit] Ass

Assignment (mathematical logic) -- Assignment problem -- Associated bundle -- Associated Legendre polynomials -- Association for Symbolic Logic -- Association of Teachers of Mathematics -- Association scheme -- Association (statistics) -- Associative algebra -- Associative magic square -- Associativity -- Associator -- A* search algorithm -- Astroid -- Astronomical year numbering -- Asymmetric relation -- Asymmetry -- Asymptote -- Asymptotic analysis -- Asymptotic curve -- Asymptotic distribution -- Asymptotic equipartition property -- Asymptotic expansion -- Asymptotic stability -- Asymptotic theory -- Atiyah–Bott fixed-point theorem -- Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence -- Atiyah–Singer index theorem -- Atkin-Lehner theory -- Atlas (topology) --

[edit] Ato

Atom (measure theory) -- Atomic formula -- Atomic (order theory) -- Atomic sentence -- Atoroidal -- Atriphtaloid -- Attic numerals -- Attractor -- Auction theory -- Audio signal processing -- Augmentation ideal -- Augmented Dickey-Fuller test -- Augmented dodecahedron -- Augmented hexagonal prism -- Augmented matrix -- Augmented pentagonal prism -- Augmented sphenocorona -- Augmented triangular prism -- Augmented tridiminished icosahedron -- Augmented truncated cube -- Augmented truncated dodecahedron -- Augmented truncated tetrahedron -- AUSM -- Australian Aboriginal enumeration -- Australian Bureau of Statistics -- Australian Mathematical Society -- Australian Mathematics Competition -- Auto magma object -- Autochem -- Autocorrelation -- Autocorrelation technique -- Autocovariance -- AUTODYN -- Autoepistemic logic -- Automata theory -- Automated Mathematician -- Automated reasoning -- Automated theorem proving -- Automatic differentiation -- Automatic group -- Automatic label placement -- Automatic layout -- Automatic sequence -- Automorphic form -- Automorphic number -- Automorphism -- Autonomous category -- Autonomous system (mathematics) -- Autonomy-oriented computation -- Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity -- Autoregressive integrated moving average -- Autoregressive moving average model --

[edit] Aux

Auxiliary field Monte Carlo -- Auxiliary view -- Average -- Avrami equation -- Ax–Kochen theorem -- Axial coding -- Axial multipole moments -- Axial ratio -- Axiality and rhombicity -- Axiom -- Axiom A -- Axiom computer algebra system -- Axiom of Archimedes -- Axiom of choice -- Axiom of constructibility -- Axiom of countability -- Axiom of countable choice -- Axiom of dependent choice -- Axiom of determinacy -- Axiom of empty set -- Axiom of extensionality -- Axiom of global choice -- Axiom of infinity -- Axiom of limitation of size -- Axiom of pairing -- Axiom of power set -- Axiom of projective determinacy -- Axiom of real determinacy -- Axiom of regularity -- Axiom of union -- Axiom S5 -- Axiom schema -- Axiom schema of replacement -- Axiom schema of specification -- Axiomatic projective space -- Axiomatic set theory -- Axiomatic system -- Axiomatizable class -- Axiomatization --

[edit] Axo

Axonometric projection -- Azimuthal quantum number -- Azuma's inequality -- Azumaya algebra --