List of male film actors (A-K)

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This is an alphabetical list of notable male film actors.

A certain number of actors of this list are also well-known because of their roles in television films and series, and are therefore included in both, this list and the list of television actors.

See also:  Actors,   List of female movie actors,   List of male television actors  and  List of female television actors.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L-Z

[edit] A

[edit] Ab-Ak

Anant Kumar ( 1936-2004)

[edit] Al-Am

[edit] An

[edit] Ar-As

[edit] At-Az

[edit] B

[edit] Bac-Ban

[edit] Bar-Bax

[edit] Be

[edit] Bea-Bel

[edit] Ben-Bey

[edit] Bi-Bl

[edit] Bo

[edit] Br

[edit] Bu-By

[edit] C

[edit] Ca

[edit] Caa-Can

[edit] Car

[edit] Cas-Cav

[edit] Ce-Ci

[edit] Cl

[edit] Co

[edit] Coa-Col

[edit] Con-Coo

[edit] Cor-Coy

[edit] Cr

[edit] Cu

[edit] D

[edit] Da

[edit] De-Dh

[edit] Di-Dr

[edit] Du

[edit] F

[edit] Fa-Fe

[edit] Fi-Fu

[edit] G

[edit] Ga-Ge

[edit] Gi-Go

[edit] Gr-Gu

[edit] H

[edit] Ha

[edit] Hac-Han

[edit] Har-Hay

[edit] He-Hi

[edit] Ho

[edit] Hu

[edit] I

[edit] J

[edit] K

[edit] Ka-Kh

[edit] Ki-Ku