List of literary terms
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The following is a list of literary terms; that is, those words used in discussion, classification, and analysis of literature.
This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Contents |
[edit] A
- Abecedarius
- Academic drama
- Acatalectic
- Accent
- Accentual verse
- Acrostic
- Act
- Action
- Aesthetic distance
- Aestheticism
- Aesthetics
- Affective fallacy
- Afflatus
- Afterword
- Agon
- Alazon
- Alba
- Alexandrine
- Allegory
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Altar poem
- Ambiguity
- Amphiboly
- Amphibrach
- Amphimac
- Anabasis
- Anachronism
- Anacoluthon
- Anacreontic verse
- Anacrusis
- Anagnorisis
- Anagogical
- Anagram
- Analects
- Analogy
- Anapest
- Anaphora
- Anastrophe
- Angry Young Men
- Annal
- Annotation
- Antagonist
- Antepenult
- Anthology
- Anticlimax
- Anti-hero
- Anti-masque
- Anti-romance
- Antinovel
- Antistrophe
- Antithesis
- Antonym
- Aphorism
- Apocope
- Apocrypha
- Apollonian and Dionysian
- Apologue
- Apology
- Apothegm
- Aposiopesis
- Apostrophe
- Apron stage
- Arcadia
- Archaism
- Archetype
- Aristeia
- Argument
- Arsis
- Art for art's sake
- Aside
- Assonance
- Atmosphere
- Attitude
- Aube
- Aubade
- Autobiography
- Autotelic
- Avant-garde
[edit] B
- Ballad
- Ballade
- Ballad stanza
- Bard
- Baroque
- Bathos
- Beast epic
- Beat Generation
- Beginning rhyme
- Belles-lettres
- Bestiary
- Beta reader
- Bibliography
- Bildungsroman
- Biography
- Black humor
- Blank verse
- Bloomsbury Group
- Body
- Bombast
- Boulevard drama
- Bourgeosis drama
- Bouts-rimés
- Bowdlerize
- Breviloquence
- Broadside
- Burlesque
- Burletta
- Burns stanza
- Buskin
- Byronic hero
[edit] C
- Cacophony
- Cadence
- Caesura
- Calligram
- Canon
- canso
- Canticum
- Canto
- Canzone
- Capa y espada
- Captivity narrative
- Caricature
- Carmen figuratum
- Carpe diem
- Catachresis
- Catalectic
- Catalexis
- Catastrophe
- Catharsis
- Cavalier drama
- Cavalier poetry
- Celtic Renaissance
- Celtic Twilight
- Cesura
- Chain of Being
- Chain verse
- Chanson de geste
- Chansonnier
- Chant royal
- Chantey
- Chanty
- Chapbook
- Character
- Charactonym
- Chaucerian stanza
- Chiasmus
- Chivalric romance
- Choriamb
- Choriambus
- Chorus
- Chronicle
- Chronical play
- Classicism
- Classification of rhymes (Peter Dale)
- Clerihew
- Cliché
- Climax
- Cloak-and-sword play
- Closed heroic couplet
- Closet drama
- Comédie larmoyante
- Comedy
- Comedy of errors
- Comedy of humors
- Comedy of intrigue
- Comedy of manners
- Comedic relief
- Commedia dell'arte
- Comic relief
- Common measure
- Commonplace book
- Common rhyme
- Comoedia erudate
- Comparative linguistics
- Compensation
- Complaint
- Conceit
- Concordance
- Concrete universal
- Confessional literature
- Confidant/confidante
- Conflict
- Connotation
- Consistency
- Consonance
- Convention
- Copyright
- Counterplot
- Coup de théâtre
- Couplet
- Courtesy book
- Courtly love
- Cowleyan ode
- Cradle books
- Craft cycle
- Crisis
- Criticism
- Cross acrostic
- Crown of sonnets
- Curtain raiser
- Curtal sonnet
[edit] D
- Dactyl
- Dada
- Dale's classification of rhymes
- Dandyism
- Débat
- Decadence
- Decasyllabic verse
- Decorum
- Denotation
- Denoument
- Description
- Descriptive lingustics
- Detective story
- Deus ex machina
- Deuteragonist
- Dialogue
- Dibrach
- Diction
- Didactic
- Digest
- Dime novel
- Diameter
- Dipody
- Dirge
- Dissociation of sensibility
- Dissonance
- Distich
- Distributed Stress
- Dithyramb
- Diverbium
- Divine afflatus
- Doggerel
- Dolce stil nuove
- Domestic tragedy
- Donnée
- Doppelgänger
- Double
- Double rhyme
- Drama
- Drama of sensibility
- Dramatic irony
- Dramatic lyric
- Dramatic monologue
- Dramatic proverb
- Dramatis personae
- Dramatugy
- Dream allegory
- Dream vision
- Droll
- Dumb show
- Duodecimo
- Duologue
- Duple meter/duple rhythm
- Dystopia
[edit] E
- Echo verse
- Eclogue
- Edition
- Elegiac couplet
- Elegiac meter
- Elegy
- Elision
- Emblem
- Emblem book
- Emendation
- Emotive language
- Encomiastic verse
- End rhyme
- End-stopped line
- English sonnet
- Enjambment
- Entr'acte
- Envoy/envoi
- Èpater le bourgeois
- Epic
- Epic simile
- Epic Theater
- Epigram
- Epilogue
- Epiphany
- Episode
- Epistle
- Epistolary novel
- Epitaph
- Epithalamion
- Epithet
- Epizeuxis
- Epode
- Equivalence
- Erziehungsroman
- Essay
- Euphony
- Euphuism
- Exegesis
- Exemplum
- Existentialism
- Exordium
- Experimental novel
- Explication de texte
- Exposition
- Expressionism
- Extended metaphor
- Extension
- Extrametrical verse
- Extravaganza
- Eye rhyme
[edit] F
- Fable
- Fabliau
- Falling action
- Falling rhythm
- Fancy and imagination
- Farce
- Feeling
- Feminine ending
- Feminine rhyme
- Figurative language
- Figure of speech
- Fin de siècle
- Flashback
- Flat character
- Fleshly school
- Folio
- Folk drama
- Folklore
- Folk tale
- Foot
- Foreshadowing
- Form
- Four levels of meaning
- Four meanings of a poem
- Fourteener
- Frame story
- Free verse
- French forms
- Freytag's pyramid
- Fugitives and Agrarians
- Fustian
- Futurism
[edit] G
- Gallows humor
- Gathering
- Genetic fallacy
- Genius and talent
- Genre
- Georgian poetry
- Georgic
- Gesta
- Gloss
- Gnomic verse
- Golden line
- Goliardic verse
- Gongorism
- Gonzo journalism
- Gothic novel
- Grand Guignol
- Graveyard poetry
- Graveyard school
- Greek tragedy
- Grub Street
- Grundyism
- Guignol
[edit] H
- Hagiography
- Hagiology
- Haiku
- Half rhyme
- Hamartia
- Headless line
- Head rhyme
- Hebraism-Hellenism
- "The Hedgehog and the Fox"
- Hemistich
- Hendecasyllable
- Hendecasyllabic verse
- Heptameter
- Heptastrich
- Heresy of Paraphrase
- Hero
- Heroic couplets
- Heroic drama
- Heroic quatrain
- Heroic stanza
- Hexameter
- Hexastich
- Hiatus
- High comedy
- Higher criticism
- Historical lingustics
- Historical novel
- Historic present
- History play
- Hokku
- Holograph
- Homeric epithet
- Homeric simile
- Homily
- Horatian ode
- Horatian satire
- Hornbook
- Hovering accent
- Hubris
- Hudibrastic verse
- Humor
- Humours
- Hybris
- Hymn
- Hymnal stanza
- Hyperbole
- Hypercatalectic
- Hypermetrical
- Hypocorism
- Hysteron-proteron
[edit] I
[edit] J
- Jacobean era
- Jeremiad
- Journal
- Judicial criticism
- Juncture
- Juvenalian satire
[edit] K
[edit] L
- Lament
- Legend
- Light poetry
- Light verse
- Linguistics
- Literary criticism
- Literary theory
- Literature
- Litotes
- Lyric
[edit] M
- Marxist literary criticism
- Metaphor
- Meter
- Metonymy
- Mimesis
- Mock-heroic
- Modernism
- Mood
- Motif
- Myth
- Mythology
[edit] N
- Narrative point of view
- Naturalism
- Non-fiction
- Non-fiction novel
- Novel
- Novelette
- Novella
- Novelle
[edit] O
- Objective correlative
- Objective criticism
- Octameter
- Ode
- Oedipus complex
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymoron
[edit] P
- Palinode
- Pantoum
- Pantun
- Parable
- Paraclausithyron
- Paradelle
- Paradox
- Pararhyme
- Partimen
- Pastourelle
- Pathetic fallacy
- Pathya Vat
- Parody
- Pastoral
- Pentameter
- Persona
- Personification
- Pièce bien faite
- Platonic
- Plot
- Poem
- Poem and song
- Poetic diction
- Poetic transrealism
- Poetry
- Point of view
- Post-colonialism
- Postmodernism
- Pound's Ideogrammic Method
- Prose
- Prosody
- Protagonist
- Proverb
- Pruning poem
- Psychoanalytic literary criticism
- Psychoanalytic theory
- Pun
- Pyrrhic
[edit] Q
- Quadrivium
- Quantitative verse
- Quantity
- Quarto
- Quatorzain
- Quatrain
- Quiproquo
[edit] R
- Reader-response criticism
- Realism
- Refrain
- Rhetoric
- Rhyme
- Rhythm
- Romance novel
- Romanticism
- Russian formalism
[edit] S
- Satire
- Sea shanty
- Semiotics
- Semiotic literary criticism
- Setting
- Shanty
- Simile
- Soliloquy
- Sonnet
- Stream of consciousness
- Structuralism
- Symbol
- Synecdoche
- Synaesthesia
[edit] T
- Tableau
- Tail rhyme
- Tagelied
- Tale
- Telestich
- Tenor
- Tension
- Tercet
- Terza rima
- Tetrameter
- Tetrastich
- Textual criticism
- Texture
- Theater of Cruelty
- Theater of the Absurd
- Theme
- Thesis
- Thesis play
- Threnody
- Tirade
- Tone
- Tract
- Tractarian Movement
- Tragedy
- Tragedy of blood
- Tragic flaw
- Tragic irony
- Tragicomedy
- Tranche de vie
- Transcendentalism
- Transferred epithet
- Translation
- Travesty
- Triad
- Tribe of Ben
- Tribrach
- Trimeter
- Triolet
- Triple rhyme
- Triple meter
- Triple rhythm
- Triplet
- Tristich
- Tritagonist
- Trivium
- Trobar clus
- Trochee
- Trope
- Troubadour
- Trouvère
- Truncated line
- Tumbling verse
- Type character
[edit] U
- Ubi sunt
- Underground culture
- Underground press
- Unities
- Unity
- Universality
- University Wits
- Understatement
- Utopia
- Utopian and dystopian fiction
[edit] V
- Variable syllable
- Variorum
- Varronian satire (Menippean satire)
- Vates
- Vaudeville
- Vehicle
- Verbal irony
- Verisimilitude
- Verism
- Vers de société
- Verse
- Verse paragraph
- Vers libre
- Verso
- Victorianism
- Viewpoint
- Vignette
- Villain
- Villanelle
- Virelay
- Virgule
- Voice (of the writer)
- Voice (in phonetics)
- Volta
- Vorticism
- Vulgate
[edit] W
- Wardour Street English
- Weak ending
- Weak foot
- Well-made play
- Wimmering
- Wit
- Word accent
- Wrenched accent