List of kingdoms in Twelve Kingdoms

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Map of the Twelve Kingdoms.

The following is a list of kingdoms in the anime The Twelve Kingdoms.

In this world, there are a total of thirteen lands. At the center of the world lie Koukai and Mt. Hou which are entrusted to Seioubo. There are twelve kingdoms, twelve rulers and twelve Kirins. Each kingdom has its own Kirin, called a Saiho, who must chose a ruler. The ruler will then have immortal life as long as he keeps the kingdom healthy and their heads are not severed from their body.


[edit] Kei

Ruler: Youko Nakajima ("Sekishi")
Saiho: Keiki
Kanji: 慶 (jubilation, congratulations, rejoicing)

The reign of the previous queen of Kei, Jokaku (posthumously called You-Ou) lasted only six years. She was in love with Keiki and was noted for expelling all of the women from the kingdom. She was an ineffective ruler and caused Keiki to become ill with shitsudou. To save his life, she killed herself. Afterwards, Keiki searched for the next ruler of Kei and found Youko in Horai (Japan).

[edit] En

Ruler: Naotaka Komatsu ("Shoryuu")
Saiho: Rokuta (Enki)
Kanji: 雁 (wild goose)

The Kingdom of En is a prosperous kingdom that has been ruled by the current king for over 500 years. It is very peaceful and youma are rarely seen. As the ruler has been fulfilling the wishes of Tentei, the lands are fertile. Both En-Ou and Enki are taika from Japan. Enki was abandoned by his family during the time of civil war in Japan when he was very young, and he was starving when his nyokai found him. As as result of his past, he had an aversion to kings, seeing them as warmongers and the ones responsible for destroying a country.

He created a Meishoku, a mini-shoku invoked by the kirin when it is under immense stress or in danger, and returned to Japan, where he found Shoryuu, the son of a pirate chief. Following the massacre of Shoryuu's people, Enki brought him over to En. Their relationship is further developed in the fourth arc of the anime.

[edit] Tai

Ruler: Sou ("Gyousou") - Missing
Saiho: Taiki (Takasato Kaname), nicknamed "Kouri" - Missing
Kanji: 戴 (be crowned with, live under a ruler, receive)

The kingdom of Tai has been in the midst of a civil war. It was said that the king and saiho of Tai died after a short reign. However, as there has been no new ranka on Mt. Hou for the kingdom of Tai, it is likely that the kirin and ruler are still alive. The war continues. In the anime and book series, it is also revealed that Taiki is alive in Wa/Japan and is a high school student obscured. Tai's kirin is a Hiena, a non-adult kirin. He is also a black kirin and extremely rare.

[edit] Kou

Ruler: Emperor Kou **deceased**
Saiho: Kourin **deceased**
Kanji: 巧 (skill, ingenuity)

The first kingdom that Yoko set foot on. The king wanted to eliminate Yoko before she became queen and control Kei by setting up an imposter.Both are deceased. Kou-Ou was posthumously named Saku-Ou, meaning literally, "wrong king" or "foolish king".

Note: The new ranka of Kou is growing on Mt. Hou.

[edit] Hou

Ruler: King Hou **deceased**
Saiho: Hourin **deceased**
Kanji: 芳 (perfume, fragrant)

The people of Hou rebelled under provincial Lord Gekkei who later takes on the mock-rulership of Hou. The former King and Kirin were "killed" and the Princess of the family was sent away. She later is sent to Kyou before running to Kei to confront Youko Nakajima. She takes part in a rebellion and becomes a courtier in Kei. Her family name was Sonshou, but her royal name was Shoukei.

Note: There has been no new Kirin ranka born for Hou.

[edit] Ryu

Ruler: Emperor Ryuu
Saiho: Ryuuki
Kanji: 柳 (willow)

A strict 100 year long kingdom that seems to be suffering from Shitsudou. The officials are openly corrupt, and willingly accepted a bribe from Shoukei.

[edit] Kyou

Ruler: Shushou
Saiho: Kyouki
Kanji: 恭 (respect, reverent)

Empress Shushou of Kyou has ruled for over 80 years, although she has the appearance of a teenage girl, as that was when she was chosen to be empress. Empress Shushou is often seen as cruel and cynical. Her story is told in one of the novels that were not animated, Tonan no Tsubasa, or The Aspired Wings.

[edit] Han

Ruler: Emperor Han
Saiho: Hanrin
Kanji: 範 (pattern, example, model)

Emperor and Hanrin have ruled for 100 years. They have a rather cold relationship with En-Ou and Enki; Enki considers them to be rather eccentric. The kingdom of Han is known for their beautiful crafts, which are exported to the other kingdoms. They are mentioned once in the anime, though they are seen in one of the novels.

[edit] Sai

Ruler: Empress Sai (Kouko)
Saiho: Sairin (Youran)
Kanji: 才 (genius)

Empress Sai and Sairin have ruled for about 100 years. Sairin and Empress Sai are both known for being kind hearted. Sai-Ou's royal name is Kouko, meaning "golden mother-in-law", as she was a great-aunt to a previous Sai-Ou. She is Sairin's second king. Sairin is always seen carrying a branch with leaves on it, as a memento of the promise that her first king made to her to govern the country well, which he broke, giving her shitsudou.

[edit] Sou

Ruler:Emperor Sou
Saiho: Sourin
Kanji: 奏 (to play music, speak to a ruler, complete)

Longest rulership in any kingdom of 600 years, never formally introduced. The family of Sou-Ou helps to run the country, and are actively involved in social improvement projects (as mentioned by Kyou-Ou)

[edit] Ren

Ruler: Emperor Ren
Saiho: Renrin
Kanji: 漣 (ripples) Palace: Urou Palace (雨潦宮, lit. Showering Rain), located at the north of Mt. Jyuurei (重嶺山).

Ren-Ou's name is Ou Seitaku. The Emperor of Ren has ruled for about 100 years and comes from a family of farmers. As such, he is not a person who is familiar with formalities, and prefers to spend his time in his farmyard in the palace. In contrast to him, Renrin is very proper and places a lot of emphasis on propriety. She possesses a bracelet that connects the world of the Twelve Kingdoms with our world without creating a shoku. It was used to return Taiki to Mt. Hou. Ren had recently undergone a rebellion that was put down.

They are further developed as characters in one of the novels that were not animated, Kasyo no Yume-Toei, or Dreams of Kasyo-Prosperity in Winter. In that book, Taiki thanks Renrin and Ren-Ou for bringing him back to Tai.

[edit] Shun

Ruler: Emperor Shun
Kanji:舜 (morning glory, rose of Sharon, althea)

Ruling for somewhere between 50-100 years, it's unknown what the condition of this two is. The kingdom itself is known for crystals and also being very mysterious to most. All that is known is the gender of the rulers as stated by Enki in the anime.