List of films set in ancient Rome

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=====A list of films based more or less accurately upon historical events and famous persons of Ancient Rome. ===== In Chronological order:

Circa 1000 BC --- Aeneas settles in Latium

753 BC --- Founding of Rome

Around 745 BC --- The rape of the Sabines women

673-642 BC --- During the Reign of Tullus Hostilius, the Horatii fight the Curiatii from Alba Longa for the sake of Rome.

Around 494 BC --- Coriolanus leads the Plebeians in a fight for their rights against the senate.

390 BC --- Romans defeated by the Gauls under Brennus at the Battle of Allia. Gauls sack Rome, only the Capitol is defended by the citizenry.

218-201 BC --- Second Punic war.

Hannibal invades Italy.

211 BC --- Siege of Syracuse. Bright defenses by Archimedes.

73 BC --- Slaves revolt.

Julius Caesar

Around 52 BC --- Conquest of Gaul.

48 - 30 BC --- Julius Caesar in Egypt, Fight between Marcus-Anthony and Octavius.

44 BC --- Last days of Julius Caesar

The Julio-Claudian dynasty from 24 BC to Claudius death in 54 AD

60-62 Queen Boudica leads a rebellion in Britannia

70-73 Revolt in Palestine

79 Destruction of Pompeii

180-192 Marcus Aurelius and Commodus

260-272 Queen Zenobia of Palmyra seizes large areas of Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt and sets up an independent empire until defeated and taken prisoner by Aurelian

310-315 Conversion of Constantine I (emperor)

434-453 Attila's war with Rome