List of films made involving PhotoRealistic RenderMan

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Every movie nominated for a Visual Effects Oscar in the last 10 years relied on Pixar's PhotoRealistic RenderMan (PRMan). In addition, PRMan has won an Oscar from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

The following is a selection of movies containing visual effects sequences that uitilized PRMan.


[edit] 2006

[edit] 2005

[edit] 2004

[edit] 2003

[edit] 2002

[edit] 2001

[edit] 2000

[edit] 1999

[edit] 1998

[edit] 1997

[edit] 1996

[edit] 1995

[edit] 1994

[edit] 1993

[edit] 1992

[edit] 1991

[edit] 1990

[edit] 1989

[edit] 1987

  • StarQuest

[edit] 1985