List of false friends

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See also: false cognate, false friend, list of words, list of reference tables

False friends, faux amis, or false cognates, are words that may sound similar in two or more languages but in actuality mean different things. Below is a list of false friends, and may prove very useful when learning a new language.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Examples of false friends between English and other languages

[edit] A

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
a (French) a (he/she/it) has un, une
à (French), a at, to
à (Portuguese), a to/at um, uma, uns, umas
a (Portuguese), a the (feminine singular) um, uma uns, umas
a (Italian, Spanish) a at, to un, una, uno (Italian only), un' (Italian only)
a (Hungarian) a the egy
a (Polish) a and jakiś
a (Czech) a and nějaký (or without translation)
abbé (French) abbey priest or abbot abbaye
accurato (Italian), accurate careful, diligent, thorough (it can also mean accurate meaning precise) esatto, preciso, giusto, corretto
accuser (French) accuse can mean "" (accuser réception = acknowledge receipt), although it means "accuse" in most cases

actual (Romanian, Spanish and Portuguese)
atual (Brazilian Portuguese)
actueel (Dutch)
aktuala (Esperanto)
aktuální (Czech)
actuel (French)
aktueel (Afrikaans)
aktuel (Danish)
aktuell (German , Norwegian and Swedish)
aktualny (Polish)
aktuelan (Serbian)
attuale (Italian)
aktuális (Hungarian)

actual current/topical/relevant

real, verdadero/a, efectivo (Spanish)
echt, werkelijk (Dutch)
egte, ware, werklike (Afrikaans)
pravé, opravdové (Czech)
vrai, véritable, réel, effectif (French)
tatsächlich, wirklich (German)
reale, vero/a, effettivo (Italian)
virkelig, faktisk, reell (Norwegian)
rzeczywisty, faktyczny (Polish)
real, verdadeiro/a (Portuguese)
verklig, faktisk, reell (Swedish)

actualités (French) actualities news, current affairs

adepte (French)
adept (Romanian)
adept (Polish)
adepto (Portuguese)
adepto (Spanish)

adept (proficient) follower, fan/admirer, user

experto, hábil (Spanish)
expert (French)
ekspert (Polish)
experiente (Portuguese)

administré (French) administered citizen (as seen from an elected official; old-fashioned)

user of a public administration (old-fashioned)
may also mean "administered"

ado (French) ado (fuss) short for adolescent Fam. foin; Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing = "Beaucoup de bruit pour rien" de Shakespeare; = sans tergiverser

advertência (Portuguese)
advertencia (Spanish)
avertissement (French)
avertisment (Romanian)
avvertenza (Italian)

advertisement warning

anuncio (Spanish)
pubblicità (Italian)
publicité (French)
publicidade, anúncio, propaganda (Portuguese)

affettare (Italian) to affect to slice influire (su)

affluent (French)
affluent (Romanian)
afluente (Spanish)
affluente (Italian)

affluent (wealthy) tributary (of a river) [opposite of effluent]

rico, adinerado (Spanish)
(homme) riche, (société) d'abondance (French)
ricco, abbiente, facoltoso (Italian)

After (German) after anus nach
affettare (Italian) affect slice fare effetto su, influenzare, influire
againn (Irish and Scottish Gaelic) again at us, we have aris
agencé (French) agency laid out or arranged agence
àgh/àigh (Scots Gaelic) high (phonetically) joy àrd
ail (French) ail (sicken) garlic What ails you?: Pr. de quoi souffres-tu?; Fig. qu'est-ce qui te prend?
aimer (French) to aim to love or to like viser
air (Malay and Indonesian) air water udara
air (Scots Gaelic) air on adhar, àile, aidhear, iarmailt
aire (French) air area (e.g. aire de repos = rest area) air
aire (Scots Gaelic) air attention, care adhar, aidhear, àile
aisé (French) easy well-off (of a person) facile
alas (Finnish) alas! down (direction) ikävä kyllä, valitettavasti
alas (Latin) alas! wings (acc. pl.) heu!
ale (Finnish) ale (pronounced [eil]) short for alennus in alennusmyynti "discount sale" ale-olut [eil olut]
ale (Polish) ale (pronounced [eil]) but ale - angielskie piwo
allegare (Italian) (to) allege enclose, attach (as in documents) dichiarare, affermare, asserire
alerte (French) alert agile, alert
also (Afrikaans, German)

alltså (Swedish)
altså (Norwegian)

also thus auch (German), ook (Afrikaans)
även, också (Swedish)
også (Norwegian)
allure (French) allure (the power to attract) speed, bearing; allure
alto (French) alto (singer) viola, alto (singer)
alto (Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) alto (singer, which comes from the same root as alto singers have high voices) high; in Spanish and Portuguese it can also mean "Stop!" (imperative) contralto (Italian and Spanish)
americano (Spanish) American (of or relating to the U.S.A.), or americano (a type of coffee) of or relating to the Americas (North America and South America estadounidense, norteamericano (literally North American), gringo or yanqui (slang)
Ampel (German) ample Traffic light üppig
ampua (Finnish) to amputate to shoot amputoida
an (Latin) an or (whether) unus, quidem
αν (Greek) an if ένας, μία, ένα
an (Irish or Scottish Gaelic) an the

ananas (Dutch, French, Finnish, Italian, Hebrew, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Romanian and Serbian)
Ananas (German)
Ananás (Portuguese and Spanish)
ανανάς (Greek)

bananas pineapple

banaan (Dutch)
banaani (Finnish)
banane (French)
Banane (German)
bananah (בננה) (Hebrew)
banan (Norwegian, Swedish, Polish)
banana (Portuguese, Italian)
μπανάνα (Greek)

ancien (French) ancient before the noun, usually means "former" after the noun, usually means "ancient"

anciano (Spanish)
anziano (Italian)

ancient very old, elderly person, can be ascribed to a person without negative connotation

antiguo (Spanish)
antico (Italian)

angel (Dutch)

angel, angle spike


angina (Polish)
angine (French)

angina pectoris tonsillitis (angine tonsillaire), sore throat

dusznica bolesna (Polish)
angine de poitrine (French)

ankara (Finnish) Ankara strict
ânon (French) anon (short for anonymous) baby donkey anonyme
anón (Spanish) anon (short for anonymous) sweetsop anónimo
anser (Latin) answer goose
anta (Portuguese) ant tapir formiga
ānus (Latin) anus old woman anus (the difference is phonetical; namely, the length of the "a")

apologie (French)
apologie (Romanian)
apología (Spanish)
apologia (Italian and Portuguese)

apology praise, vindication, (this is alsoa less common meaning of the English word "apology," as in Plato's Apology.)

disculpa (Spanish)
scusa (Italian)
excuse (French)
desculpa (Portuguese)

appoint (French) appoint (extra) contribution or help nommer (un fonctionnaire: a civil servant)

apontar (Portuguese)
apuntar (Spanish)

appoint (to) aim; (to) note down; (to) button up; (to) point at nombrar (for "nominate" meaning) (Spanish)

nomear (Portuguese)

arc (French and Romanian) arc, ark longbow, arc arche (French, ark)
arm (Afrikaans, Dutch, German and Norwegian) arm poor

arm (Afrikaans, Dutch, Norwegian), Arm (German) (body part)
wapen (Afrikaans, Dutch),
Waffe (German),
våpen (Norwegian) (weapon)

arme (French)
arma (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)
armă (Romanian)

arm (body part) weapon

brazo (Spanish)
braccio (Italian)
bras (French)
braço (Portuguese)
braţ (Romanian)

Art (German) art kind, sort, species Kunst
arts (Afrikaans, Dutch) arts doctor, physician kuns (Afrikaans)

kunst (Dutch)

Arzt (German) artist doctor, physician Künstler
Ass / As (German), asso (Italian), as (Spanish, Polish, Serbian and French) ass / as ace Esel (donkey), so/als/wie (adverb), Arsch/Hintern/Po (arse)

asino (donkey), come (adverb), culo (arse) (Italian)
asno (donkey), como (adverb), culo (arse) (Spanish)
osioł (donkey), jako że/ponieważ (adverb), dupa/tyłek (arse) (Polish)
aussi (as much), âne (donkey), derrière, Pop. cul (arse) (French)

às (Portuguese), as the (feminine plural) como
as (Afrikaans) ass / as ash; if donkie, esel
soos (like); want, omdat (because)
as Irish and Scottish Gaelic ass / as from, out of mar (adverb)
asal (ass, donkey)
asbestos (Greek) asbestos quicklime αμίαντος
asia (Finnish) Asia errand, issue, matter, an abstract "thing" Aasia
ask (Swedish) ask small box; ash (tree) fråga
aß, ass (German) ass ate Arsch, Hintern
assortie (French) assorted matched, matching

assister (French)
asistir (Spanish)
assistere (Italian)
assistir (Portuguese)

assist attend (means both assist and attend in Italian and Spanish)

aider (French)
aiutare (Italian)
ayudar (Spanish)

atendi (Esperanto)
attendere (Italian)
attendre (French)

attend to wait for; to expect

prizorgi (malsanulon: to a sick person), ĉeesti (spektaklon: a show) (Esperanto)
soigner (un malade: to a sick person), assister à (un spectacle: a show) (French)

atender (Spanish) attend (an event) to attend to, to serve, to take care of asistir, presentarse a (Spanish)
atualmente actually nowadays na verdade, realmente
aura (Finnish) aura plough sädekehä (a divine aura, halo)
aura (French) aura he/she/it will have aura

[edit] B

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
baan (Afrikaans, Dutch) barn path, lane, course, job (in casual Dutch) skuur (Afrikaans)
schuur (Dutch)
Bad (German)

bad (Dutch)
bad (Swedish)

bad bath schlecht (poor quality), böse (malicious)(German)

slecht (poor quality), kwaadaardig (malicious)(Dutch)
dålig (poor quality), elak (malicious)(Swedish)

bald (German) bald soon kahlköpfig
bán (Irish)

bàn (Scottish Gaelic)

ban white, fair, fair-haired bacadh (Scottish Gaelic)
ban (Romanian) ban money, coin, small change interzice
banc (French),

bank (Dutch)

bank bench

banque (French), bank (Dutch) (financial institution)
rive (river bank)
jour férié (bank holiday)

barn (Swedish and Norwegian)

bairn (Scots, and Geordie)

barn child, children lada, ladugård (Swedish),

låve (Norwegian)

bás (Irish),

bàs (Scottish Gaelic)

bass (the fish or the singing voice) death
bat (Polish) but (the same pronunciation)
(baseball) bat
whip ale
pałka, kij (bejsbolowy)
bàth (Scottish Gaelic) bath to drown amar, amar-ionnlaid
bean (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) bean woman, female pònair (Scottish Gaelic)
beag (Irish, Scottish Gaelic)

beg (Manx)

beg or big little mór (Irish), mòr (Scottish Gaelic), guidh (to beg) (Scottish Gaelic)
bekommen (German) become obtain, receive, get (compare English "come by")
(Note: There is a joke to this in German: a German comes into a British restaurant and waits half an hour for his food. Finally, he asks the waiter: "When shall I become a steak?" "I should hope never, sir."
Benzin (German,Danish)

benzine (Dutch)
benzini (βενζίνη) (Greek)
benzyna (Polish)
bensin (Swedish)

benzene petrol, gasoline Benzol (German)

benzeen (Dutch)
benzolio (βενζόλιο) (Greek)
benzen (Polish) bensen (Swedish)

beraten (German) berate advise, discuss diskutieren, ausschelten
Bett (German) bet bed Wette, Wetteinsatz
big (Dutch) big piglet groot
bilion (Romanian, Serbian, Polish)

bilione (Italian)
biljon (Swedish)
Billion (German)
billion (Faroese, French and Norwegian)
billón (Spanish)

billion trillion (1012 or million million) miljard (Swedish),
milliard (Faroese and Norwegian),
Milliarde (German),
miliardo (Italian)
miliard (Polish)
bilon (Polish) billion change (i.e. coins as opposed to bank notes) miliard
Bimbō (貧乏) (Japanese) bimbo poor person ばか者 (baka mono)
Bimbo (German) bimbo nigger Tussi, Schlampe
bin (Turkish) bin thousand
bin (German) bin am Kasten, Abfalleimer
binn (Scots Gaelic) bin (receptacle) fine, melodious, dulcet ciste
bite (French) to bite or a byte dick (slang for penis) mordre (to bite), octet (byte)
bizarro (Spanish) bizarre courageous raro, extraño
blankett (Swedish) blanket form (paper to fill in) filt (Swedish)
blasda/blasta (Scottish Gaelic) blast delicious, tasty gaoitheag, osag, osna (these three referring to wind); blosgadh ("blasting"), milleadh ("destroying")
blesser (French) (to) bless (to) injure bénir
bloc (Spanish)

Block (German)
blok (Serbian, Polish)
block (Swedish)
blokk (Norwegian)

block (noun) e.g. boulder, notepad (not necessarily a false friend) road block: Sperre, Stau (German)

trafikstockning (Swedish)
kvarter(Swedish, block of buildings)

bob (Welsh) bob every
bod (Scots Gaelic) bod (a slang form of "body") penis corp, colann, bodhaig (when used in anatomy)
boleta/o (Spanish) bullet admission ticket Bala
bombos (βόμβος - also vomvos) (Greek) bomb buzz, whir bomba (βόμβα - also vomva
bond (French) bond leap, bound lien
Boot (German)

boot (Dutch)

boot boat Stiefel


bore (Welsh) bore morning
brancher (French) branch (to) be plugged in, (to) be cool (colloq.)
brand (Swedish, Dutch)

Brand (German)

brand fire (the emergency) Marke, Warenzeichen (German)

merk, waarmerk (Dutch)
(varu)märke (Swedish)

bras (French) bra(ssiere)s arm (the body part) soutien-gorge; soutien; Fam. sousou
bra (Swedish and Norwegian) bra(ssiere)s good, well BH, behå (Swedish and Norwegian)
brat (брат) (Russian, Serbian,Ukrainian)

brat (Polish)

brat brother bachor (Polish)
brat (Scottish Gaelic) brat garment/covering(Scottish Gaelic) droch isean, peasan (Scottish Gaelic)
brav (German)

braaf (Dutch)
bravo/a (Italian)

brave well-behaved mutig (German)

dapper, moedig (Dutch)
coraggioso (Italian)

bride (French) bride bridle, reins fiancée
brief (Dutch, Brief German) brief letter (mail) kurz (German)

kort (Dutch)

breit (German) bright broad hell
broek (Afrikaans) brook trousers, pants, underwear spruit
brood (Afrikaans) brood bread broiesel (of chicks etc)
broom (Afrikaans, Dutch) broom bromine besem (Afrikaans)

bezem (Dutch)

brushing (French) to brush a blow-dry (hairdresser's) brosser
brutaal (Dutch) brutal bold gewelddadig
bulle (French) bull bubble taureau
Bulle (German) bull cop (Bulle in German means "bull", but also [sl.] cop, policeman) Stier/Bulle
bulle (Swedish) bull bun (pastry) tjur
bump (Welsh) bump five (mutated form)
bunt (German) bunt colorful
but /pron. boot/ (Polish) but shoe, boot ale
być /pron. bitch/ (Polish) bitch to be
byta ut x [mot y] (Swedish) substitute x [for y] substitute [y] for x byta ut [y] mot x

[edit] C

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
cake (French) cake fruitcake, quickbread gâteau
caldo (Italian) cold warm, hot freddo (Italian)
caldo (Spanish, Portuguese) cold soup, broth frío (Spanish), frio (Portuguese)
calla (Scots Gaelic) call domestic (of an animal) gairm, glaodh
calzón / calzones (Spanish), calzone / calzoni (Italian), caleçon (French) calzone underwear (of course calzone comes from Italian, but in that language the main use of the word is for underwear)
camera (Italian) camera (bed)room macchina fotografica, fotocamera
campo (Spanish) and (Italian) camp field, country(side) campamento(Spanish)

campeggio (Italian)

can (Spanish) can dog lata (noun), poder (verb)
canes (Latin) canes dogs bacula
canto (Latin, Italian and Spanish) canto I sing; in Spanish, can also mean pebble, edge, or piece
car (French) car bus or coach; for, because voiture
car (Romanian) car I carry
car (Polish) car tsar samochód, auto

carácter (Spanish, European Portuguese)
caráter (Brazilian Portuguese)
carattere (Italian)
caractère (French)

character temperament; can also mean "character" in the typographic meaning
carpeta (Spanish) carpet folder, also doily alfombra, alfombrilla
casserole (French) casserole saucepan cocotte en terre
casino (Italian) casino brothel casinò
casualmente (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) casually fortuitously despreocupadamente, con aire de indiferencia (Spanish)

con nonchalance, in modo disinvolto (Italian)

casualidad (Spanish)

casualità (Italian)

casualty fortuituousness, chance víctima, muerto, herido, baja, pérdida (Spanish)

vittima, morto, ferito, infortunato, perdita (Italian)

cat (Indonesian) cat paint

caution (French)
cauzione (Italian)

caution deposit, bail attenzione, cautela (Italian)
centre (Lojban) centre centimetre (cuk)midju
celer (Latin) celery swift, fast apium
chair (French) chair flesh chaise
champ (French) champ field champion; mâchonner
champignon (Dutch, French), champiñón (Spanish) champion mushroom or champignon kampioen (Dutch)

champion (French)
campeon (Spanish)

chance (French) chance luck hasard
chat (French) chat (conversation) cat bavarder

chef (French)
chefe (Portuguese)
Chef (German)
szef (Polish)
šef (Serbian)
Chef (Swedish)
sjef (Norwegian)

chef boss or chief (in French, occasionally means "cook" or "head cook") kokk (Norwegian), Küchenchef/Chefkoch (German), cuisinier (French), Kock (Swedish),
szef kuchni (Polish)
chips (British Engl.) chips (American Engl.) french fries (Am. Engl.) crisps (Br. Engl.)
chute (Portuguese) chute kick, shot
cínico (Spanish) cynical shameless liar desconfiado
clod (Welsh) clod praise
cognato (Italian)

cuñado (Spanish)

cognate brother-in-law cognado (Spanish)
coin (French) coin corner pièce de monnaie
coin (Scottish Gaelic) coin dogs
collège (French) college secondary school (UK),
junior high school (USA)
lycée (UK), université (UK & USA)
See: Secondary education in France
Education in France
come (Italian) come how, like venire
come (Spanish) come (he/she) eats venir
comes (Latin) comes companion venit
compare (Italian) compare godfather, sponsor; friend, mate; accomplice paragonare, comparare
comprensivo (Spanish), compreensivo (Portuguese) comprehensive understanding extenso, exhaustivo
compromiso (Spanish)

compromisso (Portuguese)

compromise commitment
concorrenza (Italian)

concorrência (Portuguese)

concurrence competition (in the commercial sense) coincidenza, concomittanza
confetti (Italian) confetti (actually a case of pseudo-italianism rather than a false friend) sugar-coated almonds traditionally given at weddings, baptisms, etc. coriandoli
confezione (Italian) confection packaging; pack dolciume
conscience (French) conscience consciousness, awareness conscience morale
consistant French) consistent constisting in (present participle), dense, complete (adjective). constant
constipado (Spanish) and Portuguese constipated someone who has a cold estreñido (in Spanish) com prisão de ventre (in Portuguese)
contesto (Italian) contest context gara, concorso, competizione (as a noun)
contesto (Spanish) contest I answer concurso, competición (as a noun)
contrôler (French) control monitor, inspect commander
conviction (French) conviction set, strong belief (never in the sense of "Criminal conviction") condamnation
corne (French)

corno (Italian, Portuguese)
cuerno (Spanish)

corn horn, also Brazilian Portuguese for a man who has been cheated on by his wife/girlfriend

maïs (French)
blé d'inde (Québec)
mais, granturco (grain) (Italian)
maíz (grain) (Spanish)
milho (Portuguese)

couffin (French) coffin baby basket cercueil

crayon (French)<;br /> creion (Romanian)

crayon pencil crayon de cire (French)
criatura (Spanish) creature (meaning an animal in an affectionate sense) newborn baby, infant, OR something imaginary to be afraid of animalito (Spanish
culte (French)

kult (Polish)
culto (Spanish, Portuguese)

cult worship (as in lieu de culte = house of worship). In Spanish and Portuguese it can also mean "educated". secte (French)<br /Seita (Portuguese)
cul (French)

culo (Spanish and Italian)

cool arse frais/fraîche (French)

fresco (Spanish and Italian)

cùrsa (Scottish Gaelic) curse course, direction mallaich (to curse), mallachd.
curve (Lojban) curve pure kruvi

[edit] D

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
dag (דג) (Hebrew) dog fish kelev (כלב‎)
dag (Afrikaans, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish) dog day hond (Afrikaans, Dutch), hund (Norwegian and Swedish)
damit (German) damn it with it, so that verdammt
dam (дам) (Russian)

dam (Polish)

dam I will give дамба

tama, grobla

dash (дашь) (Russian)

dasz (Polish)

dash you will give (punctuation) тире

(punctuation) pauza

data (дата) (Russian)

data (Polish)
data (Portuguese)

data date dannyye (данные) (Russian)

dane (Polish)
dados (Portuguese)

decepción (Spanish)

decepção (Portuguese)

deception disappointment engaño (Spanish), engano (Portuguese)
décevoir (French) to deceive to disappoint tromper, abuser
décolletage (French) décolletage 1. lowering of the neckline (the action, not the result)

2. Agric. cutting the leaves of cultivated roots
3. Tech. producing several identical parts (screws, bolts, etc.) one after another from a single metallic bar on a lathe

deliberar (Spanish, Portuguese) (to) deliver (to) think deeply before acting (May be a true cognate of "(to) deliberate" despachar
delusione (Italian) delusion disappointment illusione
demandar (Spanish) to demand to sue exigir
demander (French)

domandare (Italian)

to demand to ask or request exiger (French)

esigere (Italian)

derogatorio (Spanish) derogatory something that repeals despectivo
desfilar (Spanish) to defile to parade profanar
desservir (French) to deserve (a gift; a compliment; an honour) to do (s.o.) a disservice; to clean (the table); to lead into (a station); to minister to (a parish) mériter
dessin (French) design drawing
deutsch (German)

duits (Dutch)

Dutch German niederländisch; holländisch (German)

Nederlands (Dutch)

dewiza (Polish) devise motto obmyślać; wynaleźć
die (German) (to) die the [feminine and plural article; example: die Ehefrau (the wife), die Häuser (the houses)] sterben
dick (German) dick (slang for the penis or a detective) also short for Richard, e.g. in idiom "every Tom, Dick and Harry" fat (adjective only), thick Schwanz
diverse (Dutch, German, Norwegian and Swedish) diverse various mångsidig (Swedish)

forskjellige, mangfoldige, ulike (Norwegian)
vielfältig (German) verscheidene (Dutch)

diversión (Spanish) diversion amusement distracción
diverso (Italian) diverse different svariato
divisa (Italian) devise uniform (as in distinctive clothing) ideare; inventare; escogitare
do (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) do to deanamh
do (Polish)

do (до) (Russian)

do to, into; till, until; up to robić

delat' (делать)

dog (Swedish) dog died (verb) hund (Swedish)
dom (Afrikaans, Dutch) dome stupid koepel
Dom (German)

dom (Dutch) Duomo (Italian)

dome cathedral Kuppel (German)

koepel (Dutch) cupola (Italian)

dom (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) dome to me cruinneacháin
dom (Serbian, Polish)

dom (дом) (Russian)

dome home kopuła (Polish)

kupol (купол) (Russian)

dom (Norwegian) dome judgement kuppel
drinkki (Finnish) drink mixed alcoholic drink juoma (noun), juoda (verb)
dungo (Esperanto) dung employment (horse) dung: ĉevalfekaĵo
douche (Dutch, French)

dusch (Swedish)
dusj (Norwegian)
Dusche (German)

douche shower (bath) Spülung (German)
drei (German) dry three trocken (adj.), trocknen (v. intr./tr.)
d(a)rum (German) drum therefore Trommel

[edit] E

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
each (Scottish Gaelic) each horse gach
editor (Romanian), éditeur (French) editor publisher redactor (Romanian), rédacteur (French)
eekhoorn (Dutch) acorn (phonetic false friend) squirrel eikel
egg (Swedish and Norwegian) egg edge of a cutting tool, such as knife edge ägg

(egg also means egg (as in hen and egg) in Norwegian)

ego (Latin) ego I
egregio (Italian) egregious distinguished flagrante
eike (Afrikaans), eiken (Dutch) acre (phonetic false friend) oaks akker
Eileiter (German) highlighter (phonetic false friend) Fallopian tube Marker
eis (Dutch) ice demand ijs
eis (Dutch) ace (phonetic false friend) demand aas (one-spot card), ace (single-stroke tennis point)
elch (German)
elg (Norwegian)
elk (US) moose (US) Rothirsch (German)
hjort (Norwegian)
eleven (Spanish) eleven elevate! (imperative) once
eleven (Hungarian) eleven the living tizenegy
elev, eleven (Norwegian)

élève (French)

eleven pupil or student elleve


elf (German, Dutch) elf eleven Elfen (German, elf Dutch)
empirer (French) empire to become worse empire
angajat (Romanian)

engagerad (Swedish)

engaged considered or involved in something in Swedish; involved or employed in Romanian
émail (French)

Email (German)

email, e-mail enamel; Herald. colour (not or or argent which are "metals") courriel, e-mail, courrier électronique, mél

E-Mail, electronische Post

embarazada (Spanish) embarrassed pregnant avergonzado/a
intitolare (Italian) entitle (to) title, call, give a name dare diritto a
engin (French) engine any sort of moving plant or mechanism - usually large moteur
enjoyar (Spanish) enjoy (to) adorn with jewels disfrutar
entrée (French) entrée (US), main dish entrance, entry, first course; entrée (Brit.) plat de résistance; plat principal
equanimità (Italian) equanimity impartiality equilibrio, serenità
equivocare (Italian) equivocate misunderstand raggirare (verbalmente)
eras (Latin) eras you were saecula
esquela (Spanish) scale note balanza
estate (Italian) estate summer proprietà (land); patrimonio (inheritance)
etichetă (Romanian)

etichetta (Italian)
etiket (Dutch)
Etiketa (Serbian)
Etikett (German)
etikett (Norwegian)
etiqueta (Spanish, Portuguese)
étiquette (French)
etiketti (Finnish)

etiquette label (can also mean etiquette in Finnish, French, Romanian, Portuguese, Spanish or Serbian, but is mostly used as label) etiquette (Dutch)

etikette, skikk og bruk (Norwegian)

eventual (Romanian)

eventualmente (Spanish and Italian)
eventueel (Dutch)
eventuell (German, Norwegian and Swedish)
éventuellement (French)
ewentualnie (Polish)
eventualno (Croatian)

eventually maybe, perhaps, possibly uiteindelijk (Dutch)

schließlich (German)
finalement finally; ultérieurement at some later time (French)
ostatecznie, wreszcie (Polish)
zadnje, konačno, na kraju (Croatian),
etterhvert (Norwegian)

esile (Italian) exile slender, thin; weak esilio (the state); esule, esiliato (the person)
europé (Swedish) Europe European person Europa
éxito (Spanish) exit success salida

[edit] F

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
fabbrica (Italian)

fabrică (Romanian)
fábrica (Spanish)
fabriek (Dutch, Afrikaans)
Fabrik (German)
fabrik (Swedish)
fabrikk (Norwegian)
fabrika (Serbian)
fabryka (Polish)
fabrique (French)

fabric factory (compare 'fabricate') Possible origin due to large Victorian factories producing woven fabric. stoffa, tessuto (Italian)

tela, tejido (Spanish)
stof, materiaal (Dutch)
materiaal (Afrikaans)
Gewebe, Stoff (German)
tyg (Swedish)
stoff, tøy (Norwegian)
tissu (French)
tkanina (Polish)

facet (Polish) facet man (informal) aspekt; faseta
facilidad (Spanish)

facilité (French)
facilità (Italian)

facility ease instalación (Spanish)

facilities: aménagements; installations; équipements; (transport f.) moyens de transport; (shopping f.) magasins, boutiques; Euph. can I use the f. puis-je utiliser les lavabos? (French)

vak (Afrikaans)

fack (Swedish)

fuck topic or subject (Afrikaans)

deposit box, slot, or short for "fackförening": trade union/labour union (Swedish)


knulla (verb), fan (swear word)

faces (Latin) face(s) torches facies
fad (Irish) fad length teidhe
fagotto (Italian)

fagot (Dutch, Polish, Spanish)
fagott (Hungarian, Norwegian)
Fagott (German)
fagotti (Finnish)

faggot bassoon Schwuchtel (vulg., off.) (German)

flikker (Dutch)
pedał (off.) Polish
maricón (Spanish)
frocio (Italian)
hintti (Finnish) (vulg., off.)
homse (vulg., off.) (Norwegian)

Fahrt (German)

vaart (Dutch, Afrikaans)
fart (Swedish), (Norwegian)
fart (Polish)
fart (Catalan)

fart journey; speed; trip, excursion, voyage (German)

similar, but only used for ships, also canal (Dutch)
speed (Swedish), (Norwegian)
luck (Polish)
tired, satiated (Catalan)

Furz (noun), furzen (v. intr.) (German)

wind, windje, scheet (vulg.), ruft (vulg.) (Dutch)
poep (Afrikaans)
fis, prutt, fjärt (nouns, add -a to make them verbs) (Swedish)
fis, promp, fjert (nouns, add -e to make them verbs) (Norwegian)
pierdnąć (Polish)
pet (Catalan)

farmer (Hungarian) farmer jeans gazda, földműves, paraszt (also pejorative), speaking of US also farmer.
fáil (Irish) fail to get bris, teip
fail (Irish) fail hiccup bris, teip
fáinne (Irish),

fàinne (Scottish Gaelic)

fanny ring
Falle (German) fall trap Herbst, e.g. Untergang
familiär (German) familiar familial bekannt, vertraut
familiar (Spanish) familiar relative, kin conocido, familiar
familiya (фамилия) (Russian) family surname semya (семья)
fan (Swedish)

faen (Norwegian)

fan satan (swear word) fläkt (Swedish)

vifte (e.g. electric fan) (Norwegian)

fantasia (φαντασία) (Greek) fantasy imagination; conceit fantasiosi (φαντασίωση)
far (French) far a kind of dessert from Brittany loin, éloigné
far (Romanian and Catalan) far lighthouse lluny (Catalan)
far (Swedish and Norwegian) far father lång(t) (Swedish),

lang(t) (Norwegian)

farmaki (φαρμάκι) (Greek) pharmacy poison farmakio (φαρμακείο)
farsi (φαρσί) (Greek) Farsi fluently Persika (Περσικά)
fast (German) fast nearly, almost schnell
fast (Swedish and Norwegian) fast firm, steady (compare "steadfast") snabb (Swedish)

hurtig, rask, kvikk (Norwegian)

faster (Swedish) faster paternal aunt snabbare, fortare (Swedish)
fastidioso (Spanish and Italian) fastidious irritating, annoying, vexing; tedious, irksome, tiresome exigente, meticuloso, pedante, quisquilloso (Spanish)

esigente, meticoloso, incontentabile, meticoloso; schizzinoso, schifiltoso Italian)

fat (Swedish and Norwegian) fat (dinner) plate fet, fett (both)
fat (發) (Cantonese) fat to exhibit; to distribute; prosperity (used in conjunction with 財, as in gong hei fat choi)
fattoria (Italian) factory farm fabbrica
fax (Latin) fax torch
fear (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) fear man eagal
feit (Afrikaans, Dutch) fête fact fees, feesdag Afrikaans)

feest, feestdag (Dutch)

femelle (French) female means female, but only when speaking about animal for human, use femme
ferret (Latin) ferret would bring
figure (French) figure face taille
file (French) file line; queue (in computing) fichier (in computing)
lime (tool)
file (Dutch) file tailback bestand (in computing)
vijl (tool)
file (Dutch) feel (can be a phonetic false friend) traffic congestion voelen (verb)
fin (French, Spanish) fin end (aquatic) nageoire (French)

aleta (Spanish)

final (Romanian) finally (as in "at last") at the end (as in "finish")
fir (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) fir men giúis
flint (Swedish) flint bald head flinta
flor (Spanish) floor flower piso
Ik fok (Dutch) I fuck I breed (animals) Ik neuk
footing (Spanish) footing jogging equilibrio
for (Esperanto) for away por
for (Latin) for I speak pro, nam, enim
foresto (Esperanto) forest absence arbaro
fort (French)

forte (Italian)

fort strong (but can also mean fort)
four (French)

φούρνος (fournos) (Greek)

four, furnace oven quatre (French)

tessera (τέσσερα) (Greek)

full (Swedish and Norwegian) full drunk, inebriated mätt (Swedish)

mett, full, oppfylt (Norwegian)

Fuchs (German) fucks fox
fur (Latin) fur thief pellis

[edit] G

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
gàirdean (Scottish Gaelic) garden arm gàradh
gala (γάλα) (Greek) gala milk yiorti (γιορτή)
galla (Scottish Gaelic) gala bitch (latha)-sollain
gaol (Scottish Gaelic) ghoul, gaol (jail) love (usually more intimate) prìosan (Scottish Gaelic)
garder (French) guard to keep, e.g., gardez froid=keep cool [of food, etc.]
gave (Dutch) gave gift (special talent), giftedness gaf (imperfect singular), gaven (imperfect plural)
gaza (γάζα) (Greek) Gaza gauze Gaza (Γάζα)
Geld (German) geld money kastrieren
geloof (Dutch) glove belief, religion handschoen (Dutch) (literally: hand-shoe)
génial (French) genial genius (as an adjective) réconfortant
Gift (German)

gif (Dutch)

gift poison geschenk (Dutch)

Geschenk (German)

gift (Swedish and Norwegian) gift married, poison gåva, present (Swedish)

gave, presang (Norwegian)

glace (French) glass ice, icecream, or mirror verre
glass (Swedish) glass icecream glas
Glut (German) glut heat; glow; embers Überschuss
glut (Polish) glut snot przesycenie
go (Japanese) (go) to go five; Japanese board game iku
go (Irish) to go to, also used to form adverb form adjective - e.g: maith - good, go maith - well téigh
go (Polish) to go him iść
god (Swedish and Norwegian) god good gud
gracioso (Spanish) gracious funny; cute gentil, amable
grabar (Spanish) grab record, save (computing) agarrar
Graf (German)

граф (Russian)

graph count (nobleman) Graph, Graf


gráin (Irish),

gràin (Scots Gaelic)

grain, gran (short form of "granny") hate, loathing gráinne (Irish), gràinne (Scots Gaelic)
gramma (γράμμα) (Greek) gram letter; also education grammario (γραμμάριο)
grape(French) grape cluster raisin
gregario (Spanish) gregarious faithfully follows the ideas of others because of lack of own ideas. sociable
greippi (Finnish) grape grapefruit viinirypäle
grej (Swedish)

greie (Norwegian)

grey thing (slang) grå (Swedish and Norwegian)
grei (Norwegian) grey straight, clear, plain, good grå
grey (Spanish) grey flock of sheep, pastor's flock gris
gren (Swedish and Norwegian) green branch grön (Swedish)

grønn (Norwegian)

grinn (Scottish Gaelic) grin fine, charming, elegant braois, càir, drèin (although used in

the context of "grimace")

grippe (French)

Grippe (German)
gripa / gripe (Spanish)
gripe (Portuguese)

grip (hold) or gripe (complaint) influenza Griff, Halt (German)
groin (French) groin snout
grosería (Spanish) grocery profanity, bad word compra, adquisición
gueule (French) gull (phonetic false friend) jaws, mouth (of an animal) goéland, mouette
gun (棍) (Chinese) (gùn)

gun (Scottish Gaelic)
gùn (Scottish Gaelic)

gun an ancient weapon (Chinese)

without (Scottish Gaelic)

qiāng (Traditional: 槍, Simplified: 枪)

gunna (Scottish Gaelic)

Gymnasium (German)

gymnasium (Dutch)
gymnasium or gymnasieskola (Swedish)
gimnaziu (Romanian)

gym(nasium) high(er) school, grammar school (see Secondary education) Turnhalle (German)

gymzaal (in a school), sportschool (commercial venture) (Dutch)
sporthall, idrottshall, gymnastiksal (Swedish)

Gummi gummi rubber, eraser
gut (German) gut good Darm (intestines), Bauch (belly)

[edit] H

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
haai (Afrikaans, Dutch)

hai (Finnish and Norwegian)
Hai (German)
haj (Swedish)

high; hi! shark hoog; hoi/hallo! (Dutch)

korkea; hei! (Finnish)
hoch; hallo! (German)
høy; hei! (Norwegian)
hög; hej! (Swedish)

hai (はい) (Japanese) high; hi! yes takai; yaa
haïr (French) hair to hate cheveux
half (German) half helped halb (adv.), Hälfte (noun)
handel (Dutch

Handel (German)
handel (Swedish)

handle commerce, trade greep (Dutch)

Griff (German)
handtag (Swedish)

handled (Swedish) handled wrist hanterat
Handy (German) handy mobile phone, cell phone ("Handy" is not really German, it is artificial (pseudo-English) from English and German "hand", but most Germans think that the word is English). It's a pseudo-anglicism. nützlich
Haß (German) has hatred hat
hat (German) hat (he/she/it) has Hut
hat (Hungarian) hat six kalap
hat (Norwegian/Swedish) hat hate, hatred hatt
haul (Welsh) haul sun
he (Finnish) he they (plural of he/she) hän
he (היא) (Hebrew) he she hu (הוא)
hell (German) hell bright Hölle
hell (Norwegian) hell luck helvete
helmet (Finnish) helmet pearls kypärä
hemp (Afrikaans) hemp shirt dagga
hen (Welsh) hen old
her (German) her ago, away sie, ihr
herb (German) herb harsh Kraut, Marihuana
herein (German) herein in(wards) hierin
Herr (German, Swedish) her, hair Mr. sie, Haar(e) (german)
hon, hår (swedish)
hi (Latin) hi! these salve
hielo (Spanish) yellow ice amarillo
hiiri (Finnish) hire mouse palkata
hindî (Tagalog) Hindi no
hintti (Finnish) hint gay, fairy, fag vinkki
his (Latin) his to/for/by/with/from these eius
hit (Swedish and Norwegian) hit to here slå
Hochschule (German
high school college/university Gymnasium (German)
gymnasium(Swedish) (not exactly the same)
home (Finnish) home (pronounced IPA /houm/, confusable in spelling only — Finnish word pronounced like IPA /home/ (hoh-meh) mold koti
home (Galician) home man casa
horno (Spanish) horn oven cuerno
Hose (German) hose (pair of) trousers Schlauch
ospitale (Italian) hospital hospitable, gracious ospedale
host (Czech) host guest hostitel (-ka, f.)
host (Swedish and Norwegian) host cough värd (Swedish),
vert (Norwegian)
hot (Swedish) hot threat het, hett
hu (הוא)(Hebrew) who he mi (מי)
Hut (German) hut hat Hütte, Baracke
huta (Polish)
hut steel works chata, chatka, domek
hyypiö (Finnish)) hippy creep (person)

[edit] I

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
i (Latin) I go! (imperative, singular) ego
i (Italian) I the (m. pl.) io
i (Irish, Swedish and Norwegian) I in mé (Irish)

jag (Swedish)
jeg (Norwegian)

i (Polish,Ukrainian)

i (и) (Russian)

I and ja
ya (я) (Russian)
i (Scots Gaelic) I she, her mi
idiosincrasia (Italian) idiosyncrasy strong aversion tratto caratteriale; eccentricità
Igel (German) eagle hedgehog Adler
igel (Swedish)

igle (Norwegian)

eagle leech örn (Swedish)

ørn (Norwegian)

ignorar (Spanish) ignore It is not known whether ~ .
incidente (Italian) incident accident, crash (car wreck) episodio, vicenda
inhabité (French) inhabited uninhabited habité
into (Finnish) into eagerness the illative case -(h)Vn (e.g. talo·on or maa·han)
introducir (Spanish) introduce introduce (sexual context) presentar
ire (Latin) ire to go ira
irons (French) irons we will go fers (à repasser)
is (Norwegian) is ice cream, ice er
is (Latin) is you go; he, it est
is (Swedish) is ice är
is (Hungarian) is also van (although usually omitted)
Island (Norwegian, Swedish and German)

Ísland (Icelandic)
Islande (French)
Islanda (Italian, Romanian)
Islandia (Spanish, Polish)
Ysland (Afrikaans)
IJsland (Dutch)

island Iceland ö (Swedish)

øy (Norwegian)
Insel (German)
ey/eyja/-ey (Icelandic)
île (French)
isola (Italian)
insulă (Romanian)
isla (Spanish)
wyspa (Polish)
eiland (Afrikaans) and (Dutch)

issue (French) issue (of a magazine) point of discussion, exit numéro
it (Latin) it he/she/it goes id

[edit] J

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
jest (Polish) jest is żart, kpina; pośmiewisko
joli (French) jolly nice, cute jovial, gai
journée (French) journey day, daytime voyage
juntta (Finnish) junta [hunta] pile driver, ramming machine sotilasjuntta
juu (Finnish) you [juu] yeah sinä (singular), te (plural or polite)

[edit] K

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
kabinet (кабинет) (Russian) cabinet office
kamppi (Finnish) camp tripping up

Kamppi (district in Helsinki)

kanin (Swedish) canine rabbit (noun) hund (noun), hund-, hundaktig (adjective) (Swedish)
kanto (Finnish) canto treestump
Kapitel (German)

kapittel (Afrikaans, Dutch)
kapitel (Swedish)

capital chapter Hauptstadt (German)

hoofdletter, kapitaal, hoofdstad (Dutch)
huvudstad (Swedish)
hoofsom, kapitaal, kapiteel, hoofstad (Afrikaans)

kau (German) cow (phonetic false friend) chew Kuh
Kaution (German) caution deposit, bail Vorsicht
kedr (Кедр) (Russian) cedar Pine, cedar
ken (Finnish) ken (Scottish dialect) who (archaic) tietää, tuntea
ki (קיא) (Hebrew) key vomit Maphte'aχ
kid (Swedish) kid (baby goat, child) fawn unge
killa (Swedish)

kile (Norwegian)

kill, killer tickle, scratch döda/mörda, mördare (Swedish)

drepe, drapsmann (Norwegian)

killinki (Finnish) killing farthing, coin (cf. "shilling") tappo, tappaminen
kind (Dutch)

Kind (German)

kind child aardig (Dutch)

(some kind of:) Art, Sorte; (to be kind:) freundlich (German)

kind (Swedish) kind cheek slag, sort, typ (noun)

vänlig (adjective)

king (Estonian) king shoe
kin (Dutch)

Kinn (German)

kin chin Verwandschaft (German)
kinn (Norwegian) kin cheek slekt
kis (Afrikaans)

kist (Dutch)

kiss box, chest, coffin soen, kus (Afrikaans)

zoen, kus (Dutch)

kis (Hungarian) kiss small csók
kissa (Finnish) kiss cat suudella (verb), suudelma (noun)
kiss (Swedish) kiss urine kyss
kit (Hungarian) kit whom csomag
knot (Polish) knot wick węzeł
koi (Finnish) coy /koi/ moth; dawn kaino
konsekwent (Afrikaans)

consequent (Dutch)
konsequent (German)

consequent consistent gevolglik, logies (Afrikaans)
kontrollieren (German)

controleren (Dutch)
kontrollera (Swedish)
kontrollere (Norwegian)

control (verb) check (verb), examine (verb) steuern (German)

styra (Swedish)

korn (Swedish) corn barley majs
Korn (German) corn grain, ceral Mais
kot (Polish)

kot (кот) (Russian)

cot cat łóżeczko (Polish)
kraai (Afrikaans, Dutch) cry (phonetic false friend) crow roep, skreeu, huil (Afrikaans)

roep, schreeuw, huil (Dutch)

Kraft (German)

kraft (Swedish and Norwegian)

craft power, strength hantverk, skrå, fartyg

Fertigkeit, Handwerk, Fahrzeug (German)

kreatur (Swedish) creature cattle varelse, djur
krawat (Polish)

Krawatte (German)

cravat tie apaszka (Polish)
krayion (κραγιόν) (Greek) crayon lipstick crayioni (κραγιόνι)
Kritik (German, Swedish) critic criticism, review Kritiker (German, Swedish)
kroon (Afrikaans, Dutch) croon crown neurie
kropp (Swedish, Norwegian) crop body, mathematical field gröda (Swedish)
kut (Dutch, vulgar) cut cunt snijden (verb), snee (noun)
kult (Norwegian, German) cult (to be) cool sekt (kult also means cult in Norwegian)
Sekte (Kult also means cult in German)
kurwa (Polish) curve whore; fuck (as interjection)

WARNING: this word is regarded as one of the most offensive in Polish language

krzywa; zakręt
kuula, koolaus (Finnish) cool [kuul], cooling kuula: bullet; (of granules) pellet, ball

koolaus: studwork (in construction)

känni (Finnish) canny /käni/ (the experience of) drunkenness kiero, taitava
kyk (Afrikaans) cake (phonetic false friend) look koek

[edit] L

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
làb (Scots Gaelic) lab (short form of laboratory) mud, labor, dirt, mire, swamp seòmar-obrach, obairlann, deuchainnlann
lac (French, Romanian) lack lake manque (French)

fără (Romanian)

lack (Swedish), lak (Dutch), lakk (Norwegian), lakka (Finnish) lack lacquer gebrek (Dutch)

sakna (Swedish)
mangle (Norwegian)

lakki (Finnish) lack hat, cap (the clothing accessory) puute, -ttomuus/-ttömyys
lammas (Finnish) Lammas sheep
laos (λαός) (Greek) Laos the people, the citizenry Laos (Λάος)
lappu (Finnish)

Lapp (numerous languages)

lap slip, tag, label, patch

("Lapp" or is also a politically incorrect xenonym for the Sámi, suggesting they are bums in patched clothes.)

Last (German)

last (Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch)
lasti (Finnish)

last load, burden letzter /-e /-es (German)

sist(e) (Swedish and Norwegian)
laatst(e) (Dutch)
viimeinen, viimeise- (Finnish)

leeu (Afrikaans)

leeuw (Dutch)

lieu lion in pleks van (Afrikaans)
in plaats van (Dutch)
(lit. "In place of")
Lieder (German) leader (phonetic false friend) songs Leiter
leg (Swedish and Norwegian) leg ID, identification papers (short for "legitimation") ben
lemoen (Afrikaans) lemon orange suurlemoen (Afrikaans)
limoen (Dutch) lemon lime citroen (Dutch)
lente (Afrikaans, Dutch) Lent Spring vastyd (Afrikaans), Vasten, Vastentijd (Dutch)
lepel (Afrikaans, Dutch) lapel spoon kraagpunt, lapel (Afrikaans)

revers (Dutch)

levy (Finnish) levee disk, disc (particularly, phonogram)
liar (Spanish)

lier (French)


to lie

to tie/bind mentiroso

mentir (false), coucher (horizontal)

librería (Spanish)
libreria (Italian)
librairie (French)
library bookstore biblioteca (Spanish, Italian and Portuguese)
bibliothèque (French)
lid (Spanish) lid lawsuit tapa
lied (Dutch)

Lied (German)

lied song loog ((Dutch))

log, hat gelogen (German)

Leiter (German) lighter (phonetic false friend) leader, conductor; ladder Feuerzeug; leichter
lime (French) lime file (the tool) citron vert (fruit), chaux (mineral)
Limo (German) limo soft drink, lemonade limousine
limon (French) lemon alluvium citron
limonadi (Finnish) lemonade general term for sweet, flavoured and carbonated soft drink sitruunalimonadi (carbonated) (lit. lemon limonadi)
limpa (Swedish) limp loaf (bread), carton of cigarette packages halt, halta
limppa (Finnish) limp short for "limonadi", lemonade rampa
limppi (Finnish) limp lump rampa
links (Dutch, German) links left (direction, opposite of right) verbindingen (Dutch)
Verbindungen (German)
List (German)

list (Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch)

list cunning, artfulness, ruse Liste (German),

lijst (Dutch),
lista (Swedish),
liste (Norwegian)

list (лист) (Russian)

list (Polish)
list (лист) (Ukrainian)

list leaf

leaf, letter
letter (written message)

spisok (спи́сок)


lyk (Afrikaans)

lijk (Dutch)

lake (phonetic false friend) corpse meer
listiä (Finnish) to list bump off, (of insects) kill listata
lokki (Finnish) lock seagull lukko
log (German) log lied Baumstamm
logos (λόγος) (Greek) logo reason, word logotypo (λογότυπο)
loop (Afrikaans, Dutch) loop walk lissie, hingsel, kykgat (Afrikaans)
luis (Afrikaans, Dutch) lace (phonetic false friend) louse veter, rygband, kant, boorsel
lukki (Finnish) luck spider onni
luid (Scots Gaelic) lewd a slut (vulgar) draosda, collaidh, baoiseach
lujuria (Spanish)

lussuria (Italian)
luxure (French)

luxury lust lujo (Spanish)

lusso (Italian)

lul (Dutch, vulgar) lull penis windstilte,
periode van rust
Lump (German) lump blackguard Klumpen
lump (Swedish) lump discarded fabric, slang for mandatory military service klump
lunatique (French) lunatic capricious, mercurial fou, dément
Lust (German)

lust (Swedish)

lust wish, intent (sexuelle) Begier, (sexuelle) Begierde, (sexuelle) Lust

[edit] M

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
ma (מה) (Hebrew) ma (mother) what? ima (‎אמא)
ma (Italian)

μα (Greek)

ma (mother) but mana (μάνα) (Greek)
ma (Polish) ma (mother) (he, she, it) has mama
ma (Irish, Scots Gaelic) ma (short form of "mama", a pet form of "mother") if mamaí, mam (Irish); mamaidh, màmag, mam (Scots Gaelic)
maa (Finnish) ma (mother) earth, ground, land, country äiti
macchina (Italian) machine car macchina
made (Dutch) made maggot gemaakt
made (Finnish) made burbot teki, tehnyt (subject); tehtiin, tehty (object)
magasin (French, Swedish)

magazzino (Italian)
magazin (магазин) (Russian)
magazijn (Dutch)
μαγαζί (Greek)

magazine store, shop; also warehouse in Italian
storehouse in Dutch and Swedish
magazine, revue (French)

tidskrift (Swedish)
rivista (Italian)
zhurnal (журнал) (Russian)
tijdschrift (Dutch)
περιοδικό (Greek)

magot (French), maggot Barbary macaque, treasure asticot
maidín (Irish),

madainn (Scots Gaelic)

maiden morning maighdeann (Irish, Scots Gaelic),

rìbhinn (Scots Gaelic)

mai (مّي) (Arabic) my (/mai/) water
mai (Italian) my (/mai/) never il mio, la mia
main (French) main hand principal
maine (Finnish) Maine reputation
male (Italian) male evil (n.), bad, wicked, evil (adj.) maschio (n.); maschile (adj.)
mama (Georgian) mother father
man (German) man one (impersonal subject pronoun) Mann
mano (Spanish) man hand hombre
Männer (German) manner men Weise, Art
manner (Finnish) manner continent tapa (noun)
mansione (Italian) mansion task magione, casa signorile, palazzo
maratho (μάραθο) (Greek) marathon fennel marathonios (μαραθώνιος)
marca (Spanish)

marka (Polish)

mark brand mancha, huella (Spanish)

znak (Polish)

mare (Italian, French and Romanian) mare sea (Italian and Romanian), pond (French)

giumenta, cavalla (Italian)
jument (French)
iapă (Romanian)

mark (Afrikaans, Norwegian) mark market (Afrikaans),

worm (Norwegian)

merk, teken, stempel (Afrikaans),

merke, tegn (Norwegian)

Marmelade (German) marmalade jam Orangenmarmelade
marmite (French) Marmite large covered cooking pot
marron (French) maroon brown (as an adjective), sweet chestnut (as a noun) bordeaux
máscara (Spanish) mascara mask rimel
math (Scottish Gaelic)

maith (Irish)

math good, well eòlas-àireamh (Scottish Gaelic)
Maß or Mass (German) mass measure or beer stein, stein Masse (quantity of matter); Messe (Catholic cult)
mate (Spanish) mate traditional infusion made from yerba (herbs)
mayim (מים) (Hebrew) mime water Mime act- Pantomima (פנטומימה); Mime artist- Pantomima'i (פנטומימאי)
me (Finnish and Estonian) me /mii/ we minua, minut (Finnish)
me (麼) (Mandarin) me (phonetic false friend: may) interrogative marker
me (Sumerian) me (phonetic false friend: may) (divine) aura
media (Spanish) media half, middle, medium, average; sock medio
mena (Swedish), meinen (German), mene (Norwegian) mean have an opinion betyda (Swedish), bedeuten (German), bety, mene (Norwegian)
meni (Finnish) many (phonetic false cognate) went monta
merci (French) mercy thank you grâce; in some frozen expressions merci
meri (Finnish and Estonian) merry sea
métro (μέτρο) (Greek) metro (transport, subway) meter, meterstick, bar; also restraint, moderation; also step (rarely) metró (μετρό) (itself not to be confused with μετρώ, the corresponding verb of μέτρο)
mi (מי) (Hebrew) me who? Varies according to preposition. To me - li (לי); Towards me - Elai (אלי); For me- Bishvili (בשבילי); And me - Ve'ani (ואני); In me - Bi (בי); On me - Alai (עלי); With me - Iti (איתי); By me - Leyadi (לידי); From me - Mi'meni (ממני); and others
mi (Hungarian) me what? én
míle Irish language, mìle Scottish Gaelic mille (Italian and French)

Mille (German (slang))
mil (Spanish)

million, mile thousand; also "mile" in French, in Scottish Gaelic and in Irish
mille (Finnish) mill to what, to which mylly
mire (Scots Gaelic) mire joy, delight, ecstasy clàbar, eabar, làb, poll
mis (Finnish) miss colloquial form of "where?" neiti (young woman); kaivata (wish to come back); mennä ohi (not hit)
misère (French) A)misery B)miser poverty A)malheur B)avare
miséricorde (French)

misericordia (Italian and Spanish)

misery mercy, forgiveness malheur (French)

infelicità, tormento, sofferenza, pena; indigenza, povertà (Italian
desdicha, aflicción, sufrimiento, pena; estrechez, pobreza (Spanish)

Mist (German) mist manure, droppings Nebel
miting (Serbian) meeting political demonstration sastanak
modder (Dutch) mother (phonetic false friend) mud moeder, ma, mam, mams
Mode (German)

mode (Swedish, Dutch)
moda (Spanish and Italian)
moda (Polish)

mode fashion, haute couture (Art und) Weise, Modus (German)

modus, manier, wijze (Dutch)
sätt, vis, läge (Swedish)
tryb, sposób (Polish)

molestar (Spanish) molest bother, disturb acosar sexualmente

moneda (Spanish)
moneta (Italian)
moneta (Polish)
monnaie (French)

money currency; also "coin" in Spanish and Italian, and "change" (returned from a purchase) in French
coin (Polish)
dinero (Spanish)

soldi, denaro (Italian)
pieniądze (Polish)
argent (French)

monster (Dutch language) monster sample monster
mór (Irish)

mòr (Scottish Gaelic)

more big, great tuilleadh, bàrrachd (Scottish Gaelic)
mòran (Scottish Gaelic) moron much, many neach lag-inntinneach
morbido (Italian) morbid soft, delicate morboso, malsano
moroso (Spanish)

moroso (Italian)

morose in arrears; (noun, fam., N. Italy) boyfriend, fiancé cupo, imbronciato, scontroso (Italian)

hosco, taciturno, intratable (Spanish)

Mörder (German),

morder (Norwegian)

murder murderer Mord (German),

mord (Norwegian)

most (мост) (Russian) most bridge больше [всего]
multiplicatsiya (мультипликация) (Russian) multiplication animation umnozheniye (умножение)
mut (Finnish) mutt colloquial for "me" (telic) mopsi (polite); rakki, piski (rude)
Mut (German) mutt courage
my (Polish) my we mój

[edit] N

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
nacke ((Swedish) neck back of the neck hals
nai (ναι) (Greek)

no (Czech, Polish)

nay, no yes όχι (Greek)

ne (Czech)
nie (Polish)

nai + partitive object (Finnish)

nai + accusative object (Finnish)

nay fuck


nain + partitive object (Finnish)

nain + accusative object (Finnish)

nine /nain/ I fuck

I marry

nais- (Finnish) nice woman, female (used at the start of compound words) kiltti (behaving nicely), kiva, siisti (general positive)
natie (Dutch) Nazi nation nazi
nauru (Finnish) Nauru laughter
nein (German) nine (phonetic false cognate) no neun
nett (German) net nice, friendly, jolly Netz
no (Finnish) no /nou/ uh, well ei
no (но) (Russian) no but, however nyet (нет)
no (Irish, Scots Gaelic) no or There are not direct equivalents of "yes" or "no" in Gaelic; usually, the positive ("is", "will do", etc.) and negative ("is not", "will no do", etc.) forms of the verb are used instead.
noleggio (Italian) knowledge hire, rental conoscenza
Not (German) not need (noun) nicht
noticias (Spanish) notices news anuncios
Novelle (German)

novell (Swedish)
novelle (Norwegian)
novella (Italian)
novela (Spanish)
novelli (Finnish)
nouvelle (French)
nowela (Polish)

novel short story, novella (in French also news, news item) Roman (German)

roman (Swedish and Norwegian)
romaani (Finnish)
roman (French)
powieść (Polish)

[edit] O

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
oder (German) odor or Geruch
of (Dutch) of/off or uit
officina (Italian) office workshop ufficio
ohayo (Japanese) Ohio good morning Ohio
ombrelle (French) umbrella sunshade parapluie
on (Polish, Serbian)

on (он) (Russian)

on he na (Polish, Serbian)

na (на) (Russian)

on (Finnish) on is -lla, -llä
on (French) on we, nondescript subject (cf. passive "one") sur
once (Spanish) once eleven una vez
one (Polish) one they (f.) jeden
open (Finnish) open colloquial form of "of the teacher" auki (adverb), avoin (adjective), avata (verb)
or (French) or gold, now (introducing second proposition of a syllogism) ou
ordynarny (Polish) ordinary rude zwykły, pospolity
ospitale (Italian) hospital hospitable ospedale
ostrica (Italian) ostrich oyster struzzo
ours (French) ours a bear le(s) nôtre(s)

[edit] P

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
paa (Finnish) pa (father) Colloquial for "put" (literal) or "have sex" (slang) isä (literal) or isi (childish)
pace (Italian) pace peace passo, andatura
pain (French) pain bread douleur
paini (Finnish) pain pressure; wrestling; weight kipu
pan (Spanish), (Japanese) pan bread sartén (kitchen cookware) (Spanish), Furaipan (Japanese)
pan (Polish, Ukrainian (пан)) pan sir, mister patelnia (Polish)
papa (Spanish) Papa (slang) (father) potato (in American and Spanish from southern Spain) Papá (Spanish)
parente (Italian)

pariente (Spanish) parente (Portuguese)

parent relative, member of kin genitore (Italian)

padre (Spanish)
pai(s) (Portuguese)

pasta (Polish, Greek (πάστα)) pasta paste, spread zimarika (Greek (τα ζυμαρικά))

makaron (Polish)

pasta (Portuguese) pasta briefcase, folder massa
pasuuna (Finnish) bassoon trombone fagotti
pateettinen (Finnish) pathetic high-flown (i.e. full of pathos) säälittävä
patetic (Romanian)

pathétique (French)

pathetic emotional (in French, can also mean pathetic)
patetyczny (Polish) pathetic solemn, sombre żałosny, godny pogardy
pathetisch (German) pathetic solemn, lofty erbärmlich
pavimento (Italian) pavement floor
pellet (Latin) pellet will drive
pen (Welsh) pen head
pennen (German) pen slang for "to sleep"
peperoni (Italian) pepperoni (actually a case of pseudo-italianism rather than a false friend) bell peppers / sweet peppers salamino
perse (Finnish) per se (Latinism) arse, ass sinänsä
pétulant (French) petulant playful
penzion (Czech) pension guesthouse, bed and breakfast hotel důchod
phon (Italian) phone hair dryer telefono
phrase (French) phrase sentence expression
piano (πιάνω) (Greek) piano to take; to start; to catch πιάνο
pie (Spanish) pie foot empanada
pie (French) pie Magpie tarte
pies (Polish) pies dog
pii (Finnish) π silicon the element, also archaic "tooth"
pijl (Dutch) pile arrow stapel, hoop
pilli (Finnish) pill drinking straw pilleri
pilsneri (Finnish) pilsner low-alcohol beer
pimppi (Finnish) pimp childish world for "female genitalia" parittaja, sutenööri
pingouin (French) penguin auk manchot
pis- (Slavonic languages) piss root (linguistics) for "write"
pit (Scots Gaelic) pit the vulva, and can be used as an explitive poll, sloc, poll, toll
pocket(bok) (Swedish) pocket paperback ficka (Swedish)
poke (Finnish) poke /pouk/ slang for "bouncer, doorman"

also, a contraction of "pornografia"

tökätä, tökkiä
poligon (Polish) polygon military area wielokąt
polisie (Afrikaans) policy police beleid, polis
polizia (Italian)

policía (Spanish)

policy police polizza (Italian)

póliza, política (Spanish)

poll (Scots Gaelic) (voting) poll mud, mire, pit, bog, dirt ainm-chlàr
pollution (Swedish) pollution nocturnal emission förorening
pom (Romanian) Pommie, Pom Fruit bearing tree
pomm (Estonian)

pommi (Finnish)

Pommie, Pom bomb
pomme (French) Pommie, Pom (see Alternate words for British) apple
Pony (German) ponytail fringe Pferdeschwanz
possum (Latin) possum I can
pourchasser (French) to purchase to hunt about, to chase about acheter (to buy), acquérir (to acquire)
pragmatikos (πραγματικός) (Greek) pragmatic real, actual pragmatistikos (πραγματιστικός)
pregnant (Romanian, Swedish, Dutch)

prägnant (German)

pregnant short but informative; remarkable, prominent gravid (Swedish), schwanger (German), zwanger (Dutch)
preservativo (Spanish, Portuguese and Italian)

prezervativ (Romanian)
Präservativ (German)
prezerwatywa (Polish)
préservatif (French) (1)

preservative condom; also "preservative" in Spanish conservante (Spanish and Italian),

Konservierungsmittel (German)

pretendere (Italian)

pretender (Spanish,Portuguese)

pretend aspire to, expect; (to) court (Spanish, Portuguese) / demand, require, claim (Italian) fingir, aparentar (Spanish)

fingere di essere, far finta di (Italian)

prick (Swedish)

prikk (Norwegian)

prick dot, period kuk, balle (vulgar Swedish),

kuk, pikk (vulgar Norwegian)

privet (Russian) привет private greeting
propaganda (Spanish)


propaganda advertising
prospecto (Spanish)

prospetto (Italian)
prospect (Romanian)
Prospekt (German)

prospect brochure, leaflet, prospectus posibilidad, perspectiva (Spanish)

Perspektive (German)

prospekt (Swedish and Norwegian) prospect prospectus, document or brochure detailing an offer (usually from a travel agent) förväntning, utsikt, möjlighet (Swedish)
prospekt (проспект) (Russian, Ukrainian) prospect avenue
proces (Romanian)

proces (Polish)
process (Swedish)
prosess (Norwegian)
Prozess (German)

process trial (at court) / (in Swedish, Norwegian and German mainly used to denote process but also means trial) bearbeta, behandla, handlägga (Swedish)

bearbeiten (German)

prune (French) prune plum pruneau
pub (French) pub (public house) short for publicité (advertisement) bar
pump (Welsh) pump (spelling)
pimp (pronunciation)
punkki (Finnish) punk acarus (the tick) roisto "thug", pikkurikollinen "minor offender"
pure (Italian) pure however pulito
pus (Finnish),

puss (Swedish)

pus onomatopoeia for a kiss visva (Finnish), var (Swedish)
pussi (Finnish) pussy bag for the genitals: emätin (biological), vittu (derogatory); for pussy cats: (kissi)mirri
puu (Finnish) poo (phonetic false friend) tree, wood kakka (childish), paska (rude)
puzzle (French, Italian, Polish, Romanian)

Puzzle (German)
puzle (Esperanto)

puzzle jigsaw puzzle casse-tête (French)

Geduldsspiel (German) rompicapo (Italian)

[edit] Q

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
quince (Spanish) quince fifteen membrillo
quicar (Portuguese) to kick to bounce chutar

[edit] R

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
raftis (ράφτης) (Greek) raft tailor schedia (σχεδία)
raisin (French) raisin grape raisin sec
rang (French, Afrikaans)

Rang (German)

range rank

Reichweite, Auswahl, ... (German)

rankki, rankka (Finnish) rank rankki: distiller's grain; (in paper manufacturing) spent wash

rankka: hard (on something)

rapa (Finnish) rape dirt raiskata
rapa (Latin) rape rutabaga
rapé (French) raped gratted violée
rapa (Swedish)

rape (Norwegian)

rape burp våldta (Swedish),

voldta (Norwegian)

rat (Afrikaans) rat gear rot
Rat (German)
rat house
advice; council; councilor (U.S.), councillor (Br.)
town hall
rat (Serbian) rat war pacov
ratti (Finnish)

ratt (Norwegian)

ratty steering wheel rottamainen (Finnish)
realizar (Spanish) realize carry out darse cuenta
réal (Irish) real star fíor
real (Spanish) real royal real, verdadero/a
realtà (Italian) realty reality beni immobili
red, redt (Dutch) red save, saves (both verb) rood
red (Spanish) red net rojo
rein (French) rein kidney bride
rein ((Dutch))


rein pure, clean teugel ((Dutch))

Zügel (German)

renta (Spanish) rent profit arrienda
resorte (Spanish)

ressort (French)

resort (noun) spring (as in coiled elastic device); can also be means, as in "means to an end" (Sp.), pep (Fr.: Fig.) recurso; sitio de vacaciones

station (station de ski, station de sports d'hiver = ski resort)

Rest (German)

rest (Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish)
reste (French)
reshta (решта) (Ukrainian)
reszta (Polish)
resto (Spanish and Italian)

rest remainder (cf. "The rest is silence") Pause (German)

vila (Swedish)
wypoczynek (Polish)
rust (Dutch)

rest (Estonian)
rest crate, grid
restar (Spanish) (to) rest to subtract, deduct descansar, reposar
rester (French)

restare (Italian)

(to) rest to stay; to remain riposare (Italian)
resumen (Spanish)

résumé (French)

resume summary reanudar (Spanish)
rice (Old English) rice kingdom great
rij (Dutch) ray (phonetic false friend) queue (noun) straal
rijp (Dutch) rape (phonetic false friend) mature, ready (for something), hoar frost verkrachten (verb), verkrachting (noun)
riporto (Italian) report hair combed over a bald spot rapporto (n.)
riski (Finnish) risky (of persons) strong
rok (Afrikaans) rock dress (clothing) rots, klip
rok (Dutch)

Rock (German)

rock skirt (clothing) rots (Dutch)

Fels, Stein (German)

rok (Polish) rock year skała
roman (Dutch, French, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian and Swedish)

Roman (German)
romaani (Finnish)
roman (роман) (Russian)

Roman novel romersk, romer/romerinne (male/female roman) (Norwegian)

roomalainen (Finnish)
Romeins (Roman empire), Romaans (Roman languages or architecture) (Dutch)
Römer (person), römisch (adjective) (German)

romans (романс) (Russian) romance romantic song roman
romi (ρώμη) (Greek) Rome robustness Romi (Ρώμη)
romp (Afrikaans) romp skirt (clothing) baljaar, jakker
room (Afrikaans, Dutch) room cream kamer
rot (Afrikaans) rot rat vrot (noun and verb), ontbind (verb)
rot (Catalan) rot burping podrir (verb)
rún (Irish)

rùn (Scottish Gaelic)

run, rune secret, beloved ruith (to run), rann (rune) (Scottish Gaelic)

[edit] S

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
sad (Polish) sad orchard smutny
sad (сад) (Russian) sad garden
saikou (Japanese) psycho the best
sake (Japanese) sake Japanese rice wine tame
sale (French) sale dirty vente
sale (Italian) sale salt vendita
sale (Estonian) sale slender
sale (Spanish) sale goes out venta
Sale (Finnish) sale nickname for Sauli alennusmyynti, ale
sale (Polish) sale rooms sprzedaż
salivit (Latin) salivate he/she/it jumped
salon (French, Polish) salon living room salon (French, Polish)
salto (σάλτο) (Greek) salt leap (noun) alati (αλάτι)
salvaje (Spanish) salvage savage, wild recuperar, salvar (v.)
salve (Latin) salve hello linimentum
same (Polish) same (they (non-virile)): alone, themselves taki sam
sang (French) sang blood chantait
sanoma (Finnish) son of a... (phonetic false friend) message ...n penikka
santa (Lojban) Santa Claus umbrella
scannare (Italian) scan to skin fare scansione, scannerizzare / esaminare attentamente (as in examine minutely)
scarpa (Italian) scarf shoe sciarpa
schema (σχήμα) (Greek) scheme shape; format; figure schedio (σχέδιο)
schinken (German) chicken ham Huhn
scolaro (Italian) scholar schoolboy studioso, persona colta
scope (Italian) scope brooms scopo, obiettivo (aim); gamma, raggio, estensione (range)
sechs (German)

sex (Swedish)
seks (Norwegian)
sex (Latin)

sex six sex (Swedish and Norwegian)

Sex (German)
sexus (Latin)

secte (French)

Sekte (German)
secta (Spanish)
sekta (Serbian)

sect cult, sect
see (Estonian) see this, that
See (German) see See (m.): lake; See (f): sea sehen (v.)
sei (Finnish) say black cod sanoa
Seide (German) side silk Seite
Seite (German) site page
-seksi, as a suffix (Finnish) sexy The suffix -nen in translative, e.g. Räikkönen -> Räikköseksi seksikäs
Sekt (German) sect champagne, sparkling wine
Sensation (German) sensation blowoff, scorcher
sensibel (German)

sensibile (Italian)
sensible (French and Spanish)

sensible sensitive sensato, razonable (Spanish)
sentence (French) sentence (Gramm.) 1. verdict (also Fr. "verdict") 2. precept, maxim (also Fr. précepte, maxime) phrase
sentimiento (Spanish) sentiment feeling (physical)
shé (舌) (Mandarin) she tongue tā (她)
side (Finnish) side [said] bandage, bond, tie, blindfold puoli
Sie (German) see you (formal), she, they sehen (v.)
siin (spoken Finnish)

siin (Estonian)

seen there (also means "here" in Estonian) Finnish: nähnyt (subject), nähty (object)
silli(Finnish) silly herring typerä
Sinn (German) sin sense, mind, meaning, acceptance, aesthesia, signification, tenor, appreciation Sünde
sin (Irish, Scottish Gaelic) sin that (referring to something closer in proximity) cionta, peacadh (Scottish Gaelic)
sin (Serbian)

syn (сын) (Russian)

sin son
grekh (грех) (Russian)
sin (Spanish) sin without pecado
sin (Swedish and Norwegian) sin "one's own", genitive reflexive pronoun synd (both languages)
sin (spoken Finnish) sin short for sinne, "into there" synti
since (Lojban) since snake ba lo nu (after), ki'u lo nu (because)
sissi (Finnish) sissy soldier on a special mission; guerrilla raukkis
sit (spoken Finnish) sit then istua
sky (Norwegian) sky cloud himmel
slang (Afrikaans, Dutch) slang snake straattaal, slang (Dutch)
slang (Dutch, Swedish),

slange (Norwegian)

slang hose (in Norwegian it also means snake) slang(språk), slang(ord) (Swedish)
sled (след) (Russian) sled footprint, trail sani (сани)
Slip (German)

slip (Italian)

slip (clothing) knickers, panties (It's a pseudo-anglicism.) sottoveste (clothing) (Italian)
slot (Danish, Dutch)

slott (Swedish)
slott (Norwegian)

slot castle
slot (Dutch) slot lock gleuf, sleuf
slut (Swedish)

slutt (Norwegian)

slut end, finish slampa (Swedish)

slut (Norwegian)

smal ((Dutch))

schmal (German)

small narrow klein (both languages)
Smoking (German)

smoking (Dutch, Portuguese, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish and Swedish)
esmoquín (Spanish)
σμόκιν (Greek)

smoking dinner jacket (Br.), tuxedo (U.S.); but not smoking jacket (another case of pseudo-anglicism) rauchen, räuchern (German)

fumando (Spanish, Italian)
en fumant (French)
palenie (Polish)
rökning (Swedish)
roken (Dutch)
κάπνισμα (Greek)

Sodomie (German)

sodomi (Norwegian)

sodomy bestiality Analverkehr (German)
soet (Afrikaans) soot sweet roet
sok (Polish)

sok (сок) (Russian)

sock juice skarpetka

nosok (носок)

son (Afrikaans) son sun seun
son (Spanish) son (they) are; song hijo
son (French) son sound; bran; his/her (masculine thing possessed) fils
son (сон) (Russian) son sleep syn (сын)
sopa (Spanish) soap soup jabón
sopa (Mexican Spanish) soup sopa seca ("dry soup"), a rice or pasta dish served as a side dish or first course; soup (less common) caldo, sopa aguada ("wet soup")
sou (Japanese) so in that way sou
soy (Spanish) soya soybean (I) am soya, soja
spiti (σπίτι) (Greek) spit home ftino (φτύνω - to spit); ftima (φτίμα - spit (noun)); souvla (σούβλα - for roasting)
square (French) square public open space in towns carré
stage (French) stage internship étage, scène
star (Dutch)

starr (German)

star rigid ster (Dutch)

Stern (German)

Star (German) star starling Stern
stare (Italian) stare to be sguardo fisso (noun), osservare (verb)
stare (Polish) stare old (girls or things) spojrzenie
stark (German and Swedish) stark strong bar, naken (Swedish

nackt (German)

stanza (Italian) stanza room strofa
stem (Afrikaans, Dutch) stem voice stam, steel

stingel (Afrikaans)/stengel (Dutch)

step (Chumash) step flea
stor (Swedish, and Norwegian) store big, large affär, butik (Swedish)

forretning, butikk (Norwegian)

stout (Dutch) stout naughty stout
strafen (German) strafe punish
sum (Latin) sum I am summa
sun (spoken Finnish) sun /san/ your aurinko
superbo (Italian)

superbus (Latin)

superb proud, haughty, arrogant, overbearing ottimo, maestoso, stupendo, splendido (but also superbo--it's a partial false friend)
supplier (French) to supply to beg, to beseech fournir; être fournisseur de
surgeon (French) surgeon basal shoot, sucker chirurgien
sveti, sweti
(several Slavic languages, e.g.:)

święty (Polish)
sveti (свети) (Bulgarian)

sweaty Saint spocony (Polish)
simpatic (Romanian)

simpatico (Italian)
simpático (Spanish and Portuguese)
sympathique (French)
sympathisch (German)
sympatyczny (Polish)
sympatisk (Swedish and Norwegian)

sympathetic likeable, friendly medfølende (Norwegian)

compasivo, comprensivo (Spanish)
współczujący (Polish)
sympatisk (Swedish - half false friend)

[edit] T

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
tablette (French) tablet (rectanglar) block of a solid material, such as chocolate; specifically means lozange (phamaceutical preparation) comprimé
Tag (German)

tag (Swedish)

tag German: day

Swedish: take!

Etikett, fangen (the game) (German)

lapp, kull/tafatt (the game) (Swedish)

tame (Japanese) tame sake
tikki, täkki, takki, tukki (Finnish) tick [tik], tack [täk], tuck [tak] stitch, quilt, jacket, log, respectively tick: punkki (the Ixodidae or Argasidae insect); tack: nupi; tuck: pienennysleikkaus (in plastic surgery)
taimi (Finnish?) time /taim/ sapling aika
talon (Finnish) talon of the house raatelukynsi
talon (Polish) talon coupon, voucher pazur, szpon
talli (Finnish) tally (n.) garage, stable luku (n.)
tanner (Finnish) tanner ground nahkuri
tar (Swedish, Norwegian) tar takes tjära, beck (Swedish),

tjære (Norwegian)

tarra (Finnish) tar sticker terva
táxi (τάξη) (Greek) taxi class (grade), classroom taxí (ταξί)
tekniikka (Finnish) technique ([tek'niik]) usually "technology" as a discipline (työ)tekniikka, tekotapa
teippi (Finnish) tape adhesive tape nauha
teknologi (Swedish) technology technology as a discipline teknik
teli (Finnish) telly /teli/ floe, bogie telkkari
tempo (Portuguese) tempo (flow) weather, time rapidez, fluidez
tempto (Latin) to tempt to try, to attempt
ten (Spanish) ten take! (imperative tense) diez
ten (Polish) ten this dziesięć
tie, tai (Finnish) tie [tai] tie "road", tai "or" sitoa, solmia (verb); solmio (cravat)
Tier (German) tier animal
tiili (Finnish?) teal /tiil/ brick tavi

to (Polish)
to (Serbian)

to (in writing) this, that do (Polish)
tóin (Irish), tòin (Scots Gaelic) ton, tonne (a measure of weight) arse tonna (Irish), tunna (Scots Gaelic)
toll (Scots Gaelic) toll hole, cavity, (to) drill, (to) bore càin, cìs
toll (German) toll great, cool (colloquial) Abgabe
topikos (τοπικός) (Greek) topical local epikairos (επίκαιρος)
travel (Norwegian) travel busy reise
traversa (τραβέρσα) (Greek) traverse crossbar perasma (πέρασμα - (noun))
travesti (τραβεστί) (Greek) travesty transvestite diakomodisi (διακωμώδηση)
tri (Welsh)

tri (три) (Russian)

tree three colfen

derevo (дерево)

triviale (Italian) trivial vulgar, offensive, coarse banale, ovvio
trombone (French) trombone trombone, or paperclip
trépasser (French) trespass to die dépasser
truc (French) truck stuff camion
truculent (French) truculent colorful, energetic féroce, cruel
true (Norwegian) true threaten, menace sann, ekte, rett
tu (Polish)

tu (Serbian)

to (in pronunciation) there
tu (French, Scots Gaelic, Italian)

tú (Irish, Spanish)
thu (Scots Gaelic)

to, two you (singular, familiar) deux (French),

dos (Spanish),
due (Italian)
dá (Irish),
dhà, dà (Scots Gaelic)

tuin (Afrikaans, Dutch) town garden dorp
toi (spoken Finnish; "tuo" in standard language) toy [toi] that leikkikalu, lelu
t'oi (台) (Hakka) toy tower

[edit] U

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
último (Spanish, Portuguese) ultimate final, last, previous máximo, absoluto
Unterstand (German) (to) understand shelter; dugout; bunker verstehen

[edit] V

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
van (Afrikaans) van surname afleweringsvoertuig, paneelwa
van (Dutch) van of (cf. University of Harvard) busje
van (Spanish) van they go furgoneta
van (Hungarian) van is furgon
vann (Norwegian) van water van, varebil
vazo (βάζω) (Greek) vase to put; to set βάζο
ventilateur (French), Ventilator (German) (medical) ventilator fan insufflateur (French) Beatmungsgerät (German)
veri (Finnish) very blood hyvin
versatile (French) versatile capricious polyvalent, complet
vet (Dutch, Afrikaans) vet(erinarian) fat dierenarts (Dutch), veearts (Afrikaans)
vi (Serbian) we (in reading) you
via (Latin) via road, street, way per
via (βία) (Greek) via force, violence meso (μέσω)
viina (Finnish), viin (Estonian) wine liquor viini (Finnish), vein (Estonian)
villa (Finnish) villa wool huvila
villa (Swedish) villa detached house, (villa) romersk villa (Roman villa), (lyx)villa (modern villa) (Swedish)
vink (Swedish, Norwegian)

vinkki (Finnish)

wink hint, wave (salutation) blink (noun), blinka (verb) (Swedish),

blunk (noun), blunke (verb) (Norwegian)

vink (Dutch, Afrikaans) wink finch (bird) knipogen (verb, Dutch), knipoog (noun, Dutch; noun and verb Afrikaans)
volta (βόλτα) (Greek) Volta, volt stroll, ride volt (βολτ)
vrist (Swedish) wrist ankle handled

[edit] W

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
wanken (German) (to) wank to sway; to succumb; to stagger (esp. drunkenly) wichsen
wanna (Polish)

Wanne (German)

contraction of "want to" bath (tub) chcieć (Polish)
will (German)
war (German) war was Krieg
was (Afrikaans) was laundry; to wash was
was (Dutch) was laundry was
was (German) was what war
was Polish was Genitive of wy (you in plural) m był; f była; n było
Webseite (German) web site web page Internet-Auftritt, Internet-Präsenz (actually Website, Web-Seite and Homepage are usually used synonym in German)
weinen (German) (to) whine to cry jammern
wer (German) where who wo
Welt (German) welt world Striemen
wet (Afrikaans, Dutch) wet law nat
Wette (German) wet bet naß
weit (German) white wide weiß
will (German)

vill (Swedish)
vil (Norwegian)
wil (Dutch)

will (law), will (vb.) I/he/she/it wants,

want, wants (Swedish)

German: Testament (last will and testament); Wille (having the will to do sth.); ich werde, du wirst, er wird, wir werden, ihr werdet, sie werden (auxiliary of the future tense).

Swedish: ett testamente (last will and testament); ska(ll) (auxiliary of the future tense).
Norwegian: testamente (last will and testament); skal (auxiliary of the future tense).
Dutch: testament (last will and testament); wil, wilskracht (having the will to do sth.); zal, zullen (auxiliary of the future tense).

wimper (Afrikaans, Dutch)
Wimper (German)
wimper eyelash
winkel (Afrikaans, Dutch) winkle shop
Winkel (German) winkle angle
winken (German) wink to wave zwinkern
wo (German) who, woe where wer; Sorge
wǒmen (我們) (Mandarin) women we nǚrén (女人)
worst (Dutch)

Wurst (German)

worst sausage ergst

schlechtest(e|en|er|es) (German)

[edit] X

[edit] Y

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
yeia (γεια) and yia (για) (Greek) yeah hello/goodbye and for nai (ναι)
yelo (γελώ) (Greek) yellow to deceive; to let down; to laugh at kitrinos (κίτρινος)
yǒu (有) (Mandarin) you to have nǐ (你)

[edit] Z

Non-English word Which resembles English But actually means For an equivalent of the English word use
zesti (ζέστη) (Greek) zesty warm (feminine)
In other languages