List of diseases starting with T
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A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.
Contents |
[edit] T-Tc
- T cell immunodeficiency primary
- Tabatznik syndrome
- Tachycardia
- Taeniasis
- Takayasu arteritis
- Talipes equinovarus
- Tamari Goodman syndrome
- Tang Hsi Ryu syndrome
- Tangier disease
- TAR syndrome
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Taste disorder
- TAU syndrome
- Taurodontia absent teeth sparse hair
- Taurodontism
- Tay syndrome ichthyosis
- Taybi Linder syndrome
- Taybi syndrome
- Tay-Sachs disease
- T-cell lymphoma
[edit] Te
[edit] Tee-Ten
- Teebi Kaurah syndrome
- Teebi Naguib Alawadi syndrome
- Teebi Shaltout syndrome
- Teebi syndrome
- Teeth noneruption of with maxillary hypoplasia and genu valgum
- Tel Hashomer camptodactyly syndrome
- Telangiectasia ataxia variant V1
- Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic
- Telangiectasia
- Telecanthus hypertelorism pes cavus
- Telecanthus with associated abnormalities
- Telencephalic leukoencephalopathy
- Telfer Sugar Jaeger syndrome
- Temporal epilepsy, familial
- Temporomandibular ankylosis
- Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
- Temtamy Shalash syndrome
[edit] Ter-Tet
- Ter Haar Hamel Hendricks syndrome
- Ter Haar syndrome
- Teratocarcinosarcoma
- Teratoma
- Teratophobia
- Testes neoplasm
- Testotoxicosis
- Tetanophobia
- Tetanus
- Tethered spinal cord disease
- Tetraamelia ectodermal dysplasia
- Tetraamelia multiple malformations
- Tetraamelia pulmonary hypoplasia
- Tetraamelia-syrinx
- Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies
- Tetraploidy
- Tetrasomy X
[edit] Th
[edit] Tha-Thi
- Thakker Donnai syndrome
- Thalamic degeneration symmetrical infantile
- Thalamic degenerescence infantile
- Thalamic syndrome
- Thalassemia major
- Thalassemia minor
- Thalassemia
- Thanatophobia
- Thanatophoric dysplasia cloverleaf skull
- Thanatophoric dysplasia Glasgow variant
- Thanos Stewart Zonana syndrome
- Theodor Hertz Goodman syndrome
- Thiele syndrome
- Thiemann epiphyseal disease
- Thies Reis syndrome
- Thin ribs tubular bones dysmorphism
- Thiolase deficiency
- Thiopurine S methyltranferase deficiency
[edit] Tho
- Thomas Jewett Raines syndrome
- Thomas syndrome
- Thombocytopenia X linked
- Thompson Baraitser syndrome
- Thong Douglas Ferrante syndrome
- Thoracic celosomia
- Thoracic dysplasia hydrocephalus syndrome
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Thoraco abdominal enteric duplication
- Thoraco limb dysplasia Rivera type
- Thoracolaryngopelvic dysplasia
- Thoracopelvic dysostosis
- Thost-Unna palmoplantar keratoderma
[edit] Thr-Thu
- Thrombasthenia
- Thrombocytopathy asplenia miosis
- Thrombocytopathy
- Thrombocytopenia cerebellar hypoplasia short stature
- Thrombocytopenia chromosome breakage
- Thrombocytopenia multiple congenital anomaly
- Thrombocytopenia purpura
- Thrombocytopenia Robin sequence
- Thrombocytopenia
- Thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune
- Thrombocytosis
- Thrombomodulin anomalies, familial
- Thrombotic microangiopathy, familial
- Thrush
- Thumb absence hypoplastic halluces
- Thumb absent short stature immune deficiency
- Thumb deformity, alopecia, pigmentation anomaly
- Thumb deformity
- Thumb stiff brachydactyly mental retardation
[edit] Thy
- Thymic carcinoma
- Thymic epithelial tumor
- Thymic renal anal lung dysplasia
- Thymoma
- Thymus neoplasm
- Thyrocerebrorenal syndrome
- Thyroglossal tract cyst
- Thyroid agenesis
- Thyroid cancer
- Thyroid carcinoma, follicular
- Thyroid carcinoma, papillary (TPC)
- Thyroid hormone plasma membrane transport defect
- Thyroid, renal and digital anomalies
[edit] Ti-Tl
- Tibia absent polydactyly arachnoid cyst
- Tibiae bowed radial anomalies osteopenia fracture
- Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly hydrocephalus
- Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly
- Tibial hemimelia cleft lip palate
- Tick paralysis
- Tick-borne encephalitis
- Tièche-Jadassohn nevus
- Tietz syndrome
- Tinnitus
- T-Lymphocytopenia
[edit] To
[edit] Tod-Tot
- Todd's paralysis
- Togaviridae disease
- Tollner Horst Manzke syndrome
- Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
- Toluene antenatal infection
- Tomaculous neuropathy
- Tome Brune Fardeau syndrome
- Tongue neoplasm
- Toni Debre Fanconi maladie
- Toni-Fanconi syndrome
- Topophobia
- TORCH syndrome
- Toriello Carey syndrome
- Toriello Lacassie Droste syndrome
- Toriello syndrome
- Toriello-Higgins-Miller syndrome
- Torres Ayber syndrome
- Torsion dystonia 7
- Torticollis
- Torticollis keloids cryptorchidism renal dysplasia
- Torulopsis
- Tosti Misciali Barbareschi syndrome
- Total Hypotrichosis, Mari type
[edit] Tou-Tox
- Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome
- Tourette syndrome
- Townes-Brocks syndrome
- Toxic conjunctivitis
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Toxocariasis
- Toxopachyoteose diaphysaire tibio peroniere
- Toxoplasmosis congenital
- Toxoplasmosis
[edit] Tr
[edit] Tra
- Tracheal agenesis
- Tracheobronchomalacia
- Tracheobronchomegaly
- Tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica
- Tracheoesophageal fistula symphalangism
- Tracheoesophageal fistula
- Tracheophageal fistula hypospadias
- Trachoma
- Tranebjaerg Svejgaard syndrome
- Transcobalamin II deficiency
- Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood
- Transient Global Amnesia
- Transient neonatal arthrogryposis
- Transitional cell carcinoma
- Transplacental infections
- Transposition of great vessels
- Transverse limb deficiency hemangioma
- Transverse myelitis
- TRAPS (TNF-receptor-associated periodic syndrome)
- Traumatophobia
[edit] Tre
- Treacher Collins syndrome
- Treft Sanborn Carey syndrome
- Tremophobia
- Tremor hereditary essential
- Treponema infection
- Trevor disease
[edit] Tri
[edit] Tria
- Triatrial heart
[edit] Tric
[edit] Trich
[edit] Trichi
[edit] Tricho
- Tricho dento osseous syndrome type 1
- Tricho odonto onycho dermal syndrome
- Tricho odonto onychodysplasia syndactyly dominant type
- Tricho onychic dysplasia
- Tricho onycho hypohidrotic dysplasia
- Tricho retino dento digital syndrome
- Trichodental syndrome
- Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
- Trichodermodysplasia dental alterations
- Trichodysplasia xeroderma
- Trichoepithelioma multiple familial
- Trichofolliculloma
- Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome
- Trichomalacia
- Trichomegaly cataract hereditary spherocytosis
- Trichomegaly retina pigmentary degeneration dwarfi
- Trichomoniasis
- Trichoodontoonychial dysplasia
- Trichopathophobia
- Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I
- Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type II
- Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type III
- Trichostasis spinulosa
- Trichothiodystrophy sun sensitivity
- Trichothiodystrophy
- Trichotillomania
[edit] Tricu
- Tricuspid atresia
- Tricuspid dysplasia
[edit] Trig-Trip
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Trigger thumb
- Trigonocephaly bifid nose acral anomalies
- Trigonocephaly broad thumbs
- Trigonocephaly ptosis coloboma
- Trigonocephaly ptosis mental retardation
- Trigonomacrocephaly tibial defect polydactyly
- Trihydroxycholestanoylcoa oxidase isolated deficiency
- Trimethadione antenatal infection
- Trimethylaminuria
- Triopia
- Triose phosphate-isomerase deficiency
- Triphalangeal thumb non opposable
- Triphalangeal thumb polysyndactyly syndrome
- Triphalangeal thumbs brachyectrodactyly
- Triple A syndrome
- Triplo X Syndrome
- Triploid Syndrome
- Triploidy
[edit] Tris
- Trismus pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
- Trisomy 1 mosaicism
- Trisomy 11 mosaicism
- Trisomy 12 mosaicism
- Trisomy 14 mosaicism
- Trisomy 2 mosaicism
- Trisomy 3 mosaicism
- Trisomy 6
- Trisomy
[edit] Tro-Try
- Trochlear dysplasia
- Trophoblastic Neoplasms (gestational trophoblastic disease)
- Trophoblastic tumor
- Tropical Spastic Paraparesis
- Tropical sprue
- Tropophobia
- Troyer syndrome
- Trueb Burg Bottani syndrome
- Trypanophobia
- Trypanosomiasis, east-African
- Trypanosomiasis, west African
[edit] Ts
- Tsao Ellingson syndrome
- Tsukahara Azuno Kajii syndrome
- Tsukahara Kajii syndrome
- Tsukuhara syndrome
[edit] Tu-Tw
- Tuberculophobia
- Tuberculosis, pulmonary
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculous meningitis
- Tuberculous uveitis
- Tuberous Sclerosis, type 1
- Tuberous Sclerosis, type 2
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Tucker syndrome
- Tuffli Laxova syndrome
- Tufted angioma
- Tularemia
- Tungiasis
- Tunglang Savage Bellman syndrome
- Turcot syndrome
- Turner Kieser syndrome
- Turner Morgani Albright
- Turner-like syndrome
- Turner's syndrome
- Tutuncuoglu syndrome
- Twin twin transfusion syndrome
[edit] Ty-Tz
- Typhoid
- Typhus
- Tyrosinemia
- Tyrosine-oxidase temporary deficiency