List of cruisers

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This is a so far incomplete list of cruisers 1860-present. It includes protected, light, armoured, battle-, heavy and missile cruisers. Dates are launching dates.


[edit] Argentina

  • Patagonia (1885)
  • Nicochea (1890) - Renamed Veinticinco de Mayo
  • Nueve de Julio (1892)
  • Buenos Aires (1895)
  • Italian Giuseppe Garibaldi class
    • General Garibaldi (1895)
    • General San Martín (1896)
    • General Belgrano (1897)
    • General Pueyrredón (1897)
  • Veinticinco de Mayo class
  • La Argentina (1939)) - BU 1974

[edit] Australia

Small cruisers


Heavy cruisers

[edit] Brazil

  • Almirante Tamandaré (1890), named after the Marquis of Tamandaré
  • Benjamin Constant (1892)
  • Republica (1892)
  • Almirante Barrozo (1896)
  • Bahia class
    • Bahia (1909) - lost 1945
    • Rio Grande do Sul (1910) - BU 1948

[edit] Canada

Protected cruiser

Light cruisers

Armored cruiser

[edit] Chile

  • Arturo Prat - Renamed Tsukushi
  • Esmeralda (1883) - Renamed Idzumi
  • Presidente Errazuriz class
    • Presidente Errazuriz (1890)
    • Presidente Pinto (1890)
  • Blanco Encalada (1893) - stricken 1945
  • Ministro Zenteno (1896)
  • Chacabuco (1898) - stricken 1959

Armored cruisers

  • Esmeralda (1894)
  • General O'Higgins (1897) - discarded 1954

[edit] China

  • Chao Yung class
    • Chao Yung (1880) - Sunk 1894
    • Yang Wei (1881) - Sunk 1894
  • Chi Yuan (1883) - Captured by Japan 1895
  • Kai Che class
    • Kai Che (1882) - Explosion 1902
    • King Ch'ing (1886)
    • Huan T'ai (1886) - Collision 1902
  • Nan Thin class
    • Nan Thin (1883)
    • Nan Shuin (1884)
    • Fu Ch'ing (1893) - Storm 1898
  • Chih Yuan class
    • Chih Yuan (1886) - Sunk 1894
    • Ching Yuan (1886) - Sunk 1895
  • King Yuan class
    • King Yuan (1887) - Sunk 1894
    • Lai Yuan (1887) - Sunk 1895
  • Lung Wei (1888) - Renamed Ping Yuen
  • Tung Chi class
    • Tung Chi (1895) - Sunk 1937
    • Fu An (1894)
  • Hai Tien class
    • Hai Tien (1897) - Sunk 1904
    • Hai Chi (1898) - Sunk 1937
  • Hai Yung class
    • Hai Yung (1897)
    • Hai Chou (1897)
    • Hai Chen (1898)

[edit] Denmark

  • Fyen (1882)
  • Valkyrien (1888)
  • Hekla (1890)
  • Gejser class
    • Gejser (1892)
    • Heimdal (1894)

[edit] France

Early cruising ships

  • Armorique (1862)
  • Circé (1860)
  • Flore (1869)
  • Cosmao class
    • Cosmao (1861)
    • Dupleix (1861)
  • Talisman (1862)
  • Châteaurenault (1868)
  • Linois (1867)
  • Hirondelle (1869) - Stricken 1896
  • Duguay-Trouin (1877)
  • Duquesne (1876) - Stricken 1901
  • Tourville (1876) - Stricken 1901
  • Laperouse class
    • Laperouse (1877) - Wrecked 1898
    • D'Estaing (1879) - Stricken 1901
    • Nielly (1880) - Stricken 1902
    • Primauguet (1882) - Stricken 1901
  • Villars class
    • Villars (1879) - Stricken 1896
    • Forfait (1879) - Stricken 1897
    • Magon (1880) - Stricken 1896
    • Roland (1882) - Stricken 1898
  • Iphigénie (1881) - Stricken 1905
  • Naïade (1881) - Stricken 1900
  • Aréthuse (1882)
  • Dubourdieu (1884) - Stricken 1899
  • Milan (1884) - Stricken 1908
  • Belliqueuse (1865)

Protected cruisers

  • Sfax (1884) - Stricken 1906
  • Tage (1886) - Stricken 1910
  • Amiral Cecille (1888) - BU 1919
  • Davout (1889) - Stricken 1910
  • Suchet (1893) - Stricken 1906
  • Forbin class
    • Forbin (1888) - BU 1921
    • Coetlogon (1888) - Stricken 1906
    • Surcouf (1888) - Stricken 1921
  • Troude class
    • Troude (1888) - Stricken 1908
    • Cosmao (1889)
    • Lalande (1889)
  • Linois class
    • Linois (1894)
    • Galilee (1896)
    • Lavoisier (1897) - Stricken 1920
  • Alger class
    • Alger (1889) - Hulked 1911
    • Jean Bart (1889) - Wrecked 1907
    • Isly (1891) - Stricken 1914
  • Friant class
    • Friant (1893) - Stricken 1920
    • Chasseloup Laubat (1893)
    • Bugeaud (1893) - Stricken 1907
  • Descartes class
    • Descartes (1894) - Stricken 1920
    • Pascal (1895) - Stricken 1911
  • D'Assas class
    • D'Assas (1896) - Stricken 1914
    • Du Chayla (1895) - Stricken 1921
    • Cassard (1896) - Stricken 1924
  • Catinat class
    • Catinat (1896) - Stricken 1911
    • Protet (1898) - Stricken 1910
  • D'Entrecasteaux (1896) - To Belgium 1922
  • Guichen (1897) - Stricken 1922
  • Chateaurenault (1898) - Torpedoed 1917
  • D'Estrees class
    • D'Estrees (1897) - Stricken 1922
    • Infernet (1899) - Aground 1910
  • Jurien de la Graviere (1899) - Stricken 1922
  • Duguay-Trouin class
  • Pluton (1929) - Intended to be renamed as La Tour d'Auvergne), destroyed in accident 1939
  • Jeanne d'Arc (1930) - BU 1966
  • Emile Bertin (1933) - BU 1959
  • La Galissonniere class
  • De Grasse (1946) - BU 1976
  • Colbert (1956) - Preserved at Bordeaux

Armoured cruisers

  • Dupuy de Lome (1890) - Renamed Peruvier, to Belgium 1920
  • Amiral Charner class
    • Amiral Charner (1893) - Torpedoed 1916
    • Bruix (1894) - BU 1920
    • Chanzy (1894) - Wrecked 1907
    • Latouche-Treville (1892) - BU 1926
  • Pothuau (1895) - BU 1929
  • Jeanne d'Arc (1899) - BU 1934
  • Gueydon class
    • Gueydon (1899) - BU 1942
    • Montcalm (1900) - BU 1943
    • Dupetit-Thouars (1901) - Torpedoed 1918
  • Dupleix class
    • Dupleix (1900) - BU 1922
    • Desaix (1901) - BU 1927
    • Kleber (1902) - Mined 1917
  • Gloire class
    • Gloire (1900) - Stricken 1922
    • Marseillaise (1900) - Stricken 1929
    • Sully (1901) - Wrecked 1905
    • Condé (1902) - Stricken 1933
    • Amiral Aube (1902) - Stricken 1922
  • Leon Gambetta class
    • Leon Gambetta (1901) - Torpedoed 1915
    • Jules Ferry (1903) - Stricken 1927
    • Victor Hugo (1904) - BU 1930
  • Jules Michelet (1905) - Stricken 1937
  • Ernest Renan (1906) - Stricken 1931
  • Edgar Quinet class
    • Edgar Quinet (1907) - Sank 1930
    • Waldeck-Rousseau (1908) - BU 1941-44

Heavy cruisers

[edit] Germany

Protected and light cruisers

  • Zieten (1876) - BU 1921
  • Blitz class
    • Blitz (1882) - BU 1921
    • Pfeil (1882) - BU 1922
  • Greif (1886) - BU 1921
  • Wacht class
    • Wacht (1887) - Collision 1901
    • Jagd (1888) - BU 1920
  • Meteor class
    • Meteor (1890) - BU 1919
    • Comet (1892) - BU 1921
  • Nixe (1885) - BU 1916
  • Charlotte (1885)
  • Schwalbe class
    • Schwalbe (1887) - BU 1922
    • Sperber (1889) - BU 1922
  • Bussard class
    • Bussard (1890) - BU 1913
    • Falke (1891) - BU 1913
    • Seeadler (1892) - Sunk 1917
    • Condor (1892) - Stricken 1920
    • Cormoran (1892) - Scuttled 1914
    • Geier (1894) - Captured 1917, sunk 1918
  • Kaiserin Augusta (1892) - BU 1920
  • Gefion (1893) - BU 1923
  • Hela (1895) - Torpedoed 1914
  • Gazelle class
    • Gazelle (1898) - Stricken 1920
    • Niobe (1899) - Stricken 1925, sold to Yugoslavia and renamed Dalmacija, captured by Italy 1941, captured by Germany 1943, sunk
    • Nymphe (1899) - Stricken 1931
    • Thetis (1900) - Stricken 1929
    • Ariadne (1900) - Sunk 1914
    • Amazone (1900) - Stricken 1913
    • Medusa (1900) - Scuttled 1945
    • Frauenlob (1902) - Sunk 1916
    • Arcona (1902) - Scuttled 1945
    • Undine (1902) - Sunk 1915
  • Bremen class
    • Bremen (1903) - Mined 1915
    • Hamburg (1903) - Bombed 1944, refloated, BU
    • Berlin (1903) - Scuttled 1947 with poison gas shells
    • Lübeck (1904) - BU 1922
    • München (1904) - BU 1919
    • Leipzig (1905) - Sunk at the Battle of the Falklands, 1914
    • Danzig (1905) - BU 1921-23
  • Konigsberg class
    • Konigsberg - Scuttled 1915
    • Nurnberg - Sunk 1914
    • Stuttgart - BU 1921
    • Stettin
  • Dresden class
    • Dresden - Scuttled 1915
    • Emden - Wrecked 1914
  • Kolberg class
    • Kolberg - BU 1929
    • Mainz - Sunk 1914
    • Coln - Sunk 1914
    • Augsberg - BU 1922
  • Magdeburg class
    • Magdeburg - Sunk 1914
    • Breslau - Mined 1918
    • Strassburg - To Italy, renamed Taranto, sunk 1943
    • Stralsund - BU 1935
  • Karlsruhe class
    • Karlsruhe - Blew up 1914
    • Rostock - Sunk 1916
  • Graudenz class
    • Graudenz - To Italy 1921, renamed Ancona, BU 1938
    • Regensburg - To France 1920, renamed Strasbourg, recaptured 1940
  • Pillau class
    • Pillau - To Italy 1921, renamed Bari, sunk 1943
    • Elbing - Sunk 1916
  • Wiesbaden class
    • Wiesbaden - Sunk in Battle of Jutland 1916
    • Frankfurt - Surrendered 1918, scuttled 1921
  • Konigsberg class
    • Konigsberg - To France 1920
    • Karlsruhe - Scuttled Scapa Flow 1919
    • Emden - BU 1926
    • Nurnberg - Sunk 1922
  • Brummer class
    • Brummer - Scuttled Scapa Flow 1919
    • Bremse - Scuttled Scapa Flow 1919
  • Coln class
    • Coln - Scuttled Scapa Flow 1919
    • Wiesbaden - BU 1920
    • Dresden - Scuttled Scapa Flow 1919
  • Emden (1926) - Scuttled 1945, BU 1947
  • 'K' class
  • Leipzig (1929) - To Britain, scuttled 1946
  • Nürnberg (1934) - To Russia 1946, BU c. 1960
  • 'SP' class (not built)
    • SP 1
    • SP 2
    • SP 3

Armoured cruisers

  • Victoria Louise class
    • Victoria Louise (1897) - BU 1923
    • Hertha (1897) - BU 1920
    • Freya (1897) - BU 1921
    • Vineta (1897) - BU 1920
    • Hansa (1898) - BU 1920
  • Fürst Bismarck (1897) - BU 1919-20
  • Prinz Heinrich (1900) - BU 1920
  • Prinz Adalbert class
    • Prinz Adalbert (1901) - Torpedoed 1915
    • Friedrich Carl (1902) - Mined 1914
  • Roon class
    • Roon (1903) - BU 1921
    • Yorck (1904) - Mined 1914
  • Scharnhorst class
  • Blücher - Sunk 1915


Heavy cruisers

[edit] Greece

  • Navarhos Miaoulis (1879)
  • Elli - Acquired in 1912, torpedoed by Italian submarine 1940
  • Georgios Averoff (1911) - Italian Pisa class, preserved as museum
  • Elli (1935, ex-Italian Eugenio di Savoia, obtained 1951 as war reparations)

[edit] Italy

Protected and light cruisers

  • Giovanni Bausan (1883)
  • Etna class
    • Etna (1885)
    • Vesuvio (1886)
    • Stromboli (1886)
    • Ettore Fieramosca (1888)
  • Dogali (1885) - Sold to Uruguay 1908 and renamed Montevideo, BU 1932
  • Piemonte (1888)
  • Umbria class
    • Umbria (1891)
    • Lombardia (1890)
    • Etruria (1891) - Sank 1918
    • Liguria (1893)
    • Elba (1893)
    • Puglia (1898)
  • Calabria (1894)
  • Libia
    • Basilicata
    • Campania
  • Quarto
    • Nino Bixio
    • Marsala
  • Taranto (1911, ex-German Strassburg) - scuttled 1943, sunk 1943 & 1944, BU postwar
  • Bari (1914, ex-German Pillau) - Sunk 1943, BU 1948
  • Brindisi (ex-Austrian Helgoland) - BU
  • Venezia (ex-Austrian Saida) - BU
  • Ancona (ex-German Graudenz) - BU
  • Di Giussano class
  • Cadorna class
  • Montecuccoli class
  • Duca d'Aosta class
  • Duca degli Abruzzi class
  • Capitani Romani class (Only those units marked * were completed)
    • Attilio Regolo* (1940) - Sold to France 1948 and renamed Chateaurenault
    • Scipione Africano* (1941) - Sold to France 1948 and renamed Guichen
    • Pompeo Magno* (1941) - Surrendered 1943
    • Ulpio Traiano (1942) - Torpedoed 1943
    • Ottaviano Augusto (1942) - Sunk 1943
    • Cornelio Silla (1941) - Sunk 1944
    • Claudio Druso (-) - BU
    • Caio Mario (1941) - Scuttled 1943/44
    • Paolo Emilio (-) - BU
    • Vipsania Agrippa (-) - BU
    • Giulio Germanico (1941) - Renamed San Marco, BU 1971/80
    • Claudio Tiberio (-)
  • Etna class (not completed)
    • Etna (1942) - Scuttled 1943, refloated, BU postwar
    • Vesuvio (1941) - Scuttled 1943, refloated, BU postwar
  • Cattaro (ex-Yugoslav Dalmacija, captured 1941, ex-German Niobe, purchased 1924) - Torpedoed 1943
  • FR 11 (ex-French Jean de Vienne, captured 1943) - Captured by Germany 1943, sunk 1944
  • FR 12 (ex-French La Galissonniere, captured 1943) - Captured by Germany 1943, sunk 1944

Armoured cruisers

  • Marco Polo (1892)
  • Vettor Pisani class
    • Vettor Pisani (1895)
    • Carlo Alberto (1896)
  • Giuseppe Garibaldi class
    • Giuseppe Garibaldi (1895) - To Argentina as General Garibaldi
    • Varese (1896) - To Argentina as General San Martin
    • Varese (1897) - To Argentina as General Belgrano
    • Giuseppe Garibaldi (c. 1896) - To Spain as Cristobal Colon 1897, sunk at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba, 1898
    • Giuseppe Garibaldi (1897) - To Argentina as General Pueyrredon
    • Varese (1899)
    • Giuseppe Garibaldi (1899)
    • Francesco Ferruccio (1902)
    •  ? (1902) - To Japan as Kasuga
    •  ? (1903) - To Japan as Nisshin
  • Pisa class
    • Pisa
    • Amalfi - Sunk 1915
  • San Marco class
    • San Marco - Sunk c. 1944
    • San Giorgio - Sunk 1941

Heavy cruisers

  • Trento class
    • Trento (1927) - Sunk 1942
    • Trieste (1926) - Sunk 1943
  • Zara class
    • Zara (1930) - Sunk 1941
    • Pola (1931) - Sunk 1941
    • Fiume (1930) - Sunk 1941
    • Gorizia (1930) - Sunk 1944
  • Bolzano (1932) - Sunk 1944

[edit] Japan

Small cruisers

  • Naniwa class
    • Naniwa (1885) - Wrecked 1912
    • Takachiho (1885) - Torpedoed 1914
  • Unebi (1886) - Sank 1887
  • Matsushima class
    • Matsushima (1890) - Explosion 1908
    • Itsukushima (1889) BU 1922
    • Hashidate (1891) BU 1927
  • Akitsushima (1892)
  • Yoshino (1892)
  • Idzumi (1883) - Discarded 1912
  • Sai Yen (1883, ex-Chinese Chi Yuan, captured 1895) - Mined 1904
  • Suma class
    • Suma (1895) - BU 1928
    • Akashi (1897) - Scuttled 1930
  • Takasago (1897) - Mined 1904
  • Chitose class
    • Chitose (1898)
    • Kasagi (1898)
  • Tsushima class
    • Tsushima (1902)
    • Niitaka (1902)
  • Otowa (1903)

Armoured cruisers

  • Chiyoda (1890) - BU 1927
  • Asama class
    • Asama (1898) - BU 1947
    • Tokiwa (1898) - Air attack 1945, BU
  • Yakumo (1899)
  • Adzuma (1899)
  • Idzumo class
    • Idzumo (1899) - BU 1947
    • Iwate (1900) - BU 1947
  • Kasuga class (modified Italian Giuseppe Garibaldi class)
    • Kasuga (1902)
    • Nisshin (1903)


  • Tsukuba class battlecruisers
    • Tsukuba
    • Ikoma
  • Ibuki class battlecruisers
    • Ibuki
    • Kurama
  • Kongō class
    • Kongō (1912) - Torpedoed and blew up, 1944
    • Hiei (1912) - Sunk 1942
    • Haruna (1913) - Bombed 1945, BU 1946
    • Kirishima (1913) Damaged and scuttled, 1942

Light and heavy cruisers

  • Tenryū class
  • Kuma class
    • Kuma (1919) - Sunk 1944
    • Tama (1920) - Sunk 1944
    • Kitakami (1920) - Scrapped postwar
    • Oi (1920) - Sunk 1944
    • Kiso (1920) - Sunk 1944
  • Nagara class
  • Sendai class
  • Yubari (1923) - Sunk 1944
  • Furutaka class
  • Aoba class
  • Myōkō class
  • Takao class
  • Mogami class
  • Tone class
  • Agano class
    • Agano (1941) - Sunk 1944
    • Noshiro (1942) - Sunk 1944
    • Yahagi (1942) - Sunk 1945
    • Sakawa (1944) - Expended in US A-bomb tests 1946
  • Ōyodo (1942) - Sunk 1945
  • Ibuki (1943) - Conversion to aircraft carrier abandoned 1945, BU 1947

[edit] Netherlands

Small cruisers

[edit] New Zealand

  • Achilles - Formerly British Achilles
  • Achilles - Formerly British Leander

[edit] Norway

Protected cruisers

  • Viking (1891)
  • Frithjof (1896)

[edit] Peru

Former merchant ships

  • Sócrates class (ex-Portuguese)
    • Sócrates (1880) - Renamed Lima
    • Diógenes (1881) - Renamed Callao, not delivered, purchased by the United States in 1889 as USS Topeka

Light cruisers

[edit] Poland

[edit] Portugal

  • Adamastor (1896)
  • Sao Gabriel class
    • Sao Gabriel (1898)
    • Sao Rafael (1898)
  • Dom Carlos I (1898)
  • Rainha Dona Amelia (1899) - Renamed Republica

[edit] Romania

Protected cruiser

  • Elisabeta (1888)

[edit] Russia/USSR

Small cruisers

  • Variag class
    • Variag (1862) - Stricken c. 1887
    • Vitiaz (1862) - Stricken c. 1894
    • Askold (1863) - Stricken c. 1890
  • Pamiat Merkuria (1879)
  • Vitiaz class
    • Vitiaz (1884) - Wrecked 1893
    • Rynda (1885)
  • Admiral Kornilov (1887)
  • Svietlana (1896) - Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima 1905
  • Pallada class
    • Pallada (1899) - Sunk 1904, captured by Japan, refloated, renamed Tsugaru, BU 1923
    • Diana (1899) - BU 1922
    • Aurora (1900) - Preserved St Petersburg
  • Variag (1899) - BU 1921
  • Askold (1900) - BU 1921
  • Bogatyr class
    • Bogatyr (1901) - BU 1922
    • Kagul (1902) - Renamed Otchakov, renamed General Kornilov
    • Pamiat Merkuria (1903) - Renamed Komintern, Sunk 1942
    • Oleg (1903) - Torpedoed 1919
  • Novik (1900) - Damaged and scuttled, 1904, captured by Japan, refloated, renamed Suzuya
  • Boyarin (1901) - Sunk 1904
  • Izumrud class
    • Izumrud (1903) - Wrecked 1905
    • Zemtchug (1903) - Sunk 1914
  • Svetlana class
    • Svetlana (1915) - Renamed Krasnyi Krym, BU 1960
    • Admiral Spiridov (1916)
    • Admiral Greig (1916) - Aground 1938
  • Admiral Nakhimov class
  • Murmansk (ex-Milwaukee)

Armoured cruisers

  • General Admiral class
    • General Admiral (1873) - BU 1940
    • Gerzog Edinburgski (1875)
  • Vladimir Monomakh (1882) - Torpedoed at the Battle of Tsushima 1905
  • Dmitri Donskoi (1883) - Scuttled after the Battle of Tsushima 1905
  • Admiral Nakhimov (1885) - Torpedoed and scuttled at the Battle of Tsushima, 1905
  • Pamiat Azova (1888) - Torpedoed 1919
  • Rurik (1892) - Sunk 1904
  • Rossia (1896) - BU 1922
  • Gromoboi (1899) - BU 1922
  • Bayan class
    • Bayan (1900) - Scuttled 1932
    • Admiral Makarov (1906) BU 1922
    • Bayan (1907) - BU 1922
    • Pallada (1906) - Torpedoed 1914
  • Rurik (1906) - BU 1923

Heavy cruisers

  • Kirov class (Kirov subclass)
    • Kirov (1936)
    • Voroshilov (1935) - BU 1960s
  • (Maksim Gorkyy subclass)
    • Maksim Gorkyy (1938) - BU 1958
    • Molotov (1939) - Renamed Slava 1958
    • Kaganovich (1943)
    • Kalinin (1943)
  • Chapaev class
    • Chapayev (1940)
    • Zhelezniakov (1940)
    • Frunze (1940)
    • Kuibyshev (1941)
    • Chkalov (1948)
    • 6 others
  • Sverdlov class
    • Sverdlov (1952)
    • Dzerzhinsky (1952)
    • Ordzhonikidze (1952) - Sold to Indonesia 1962
    • Zhdanov (1951)
    • Alexander Nevski (1952)
    • Admiral Nakhimov (1953)
    • Admiral Ushakov (1953)
    • Admiral Lazarev (1952)
    • Alexander Suvorov (1953)
    • Admiral Senyavin (1953)
    • Dmitry Pozharski (1954)
    • Oktyabrskaya Revolutsia (1954)
    • Murmansk (1955)
    • Mikhail Kutuzov (1954)

Missile cruisers

  • 'Kynda' class
    • Grozny (1962)
    • Admiral Fokin (1964)
    • Arseniy Golovko (ex-Admiral Golovko) (1964)
    • Varyag (1965)
  • 'Kresta I' class
    • Admiral Zozulya (1967)
    • Vize-Admiral Drozd (1968)
    • Vladivostok (1969)
    • Sevastopol (1969)
  • 'Kresta II' class
    • Krondstadt (1969)
    • Admiral Isakov (1970)
    • Admiral Nakhimov (1971)
    • Admiral Makarov (1972)
    • Khabarovsk (ex-Marshall Voroshilov) (1972)
    • Admiral Oktyabrsky (1973)
    • Admiral Isachenkov (1974)
    • Marshal Timoshenko (1975)
    • Vasily Chapaev (1976)
    • Admiral Yumashev (1977)
  • 'Kara' class
    • Nikolayev (1971)
    • Ochakov (1973)
    • Kerch (1974)
    • Azov (1975)
    • Petropavlovsk (1976)
    • Tashkent (1977)
    • Vladivostok (ex-Tallinn) (1979)
  • Slava class
    • Moskva (ex-Slava) (1982)
    • Marshal Ustinov (1986)
    • Varyag (ex-Chervona Ukrayina) (1989)
    • Ukrayina (ex-Admiral Flota Lobov) slowly being completed for the Ukrainian Navy
  • Kirov class

[edit] Spain

Protected cruisers

  • Isla de Luzon class
  • Reina Regente class
    • Reina Regente (1887) - Sank 1895
    • Alfonso XIII (1891)
    • Lepanto (1892)
  • Rio de la Plata (1898)
  • Extremadura (1900)
  • Reina Regente (1906)

First class cruisers

  • Aragon class
  • Alfonso XII class
    • Alfonso XII (1887)
    • Reina Cristina (1887) - Sunk at the Battle of Manila Bay, 1898
    • Reina Mercedes (1887)

Small cruisers

  • Velasco class
    • Velasco (1881) - Sunk at the Battle of Manila Bay 1898
    • Gravina (1881) - Sank 1885
    • Infanta Isabel (1885) - Stricken c. 1910
    • Isabel II (1886) - Stricken c. 1905
    • Cristobal Colon (1887) - Sank 1895
    • Don Juan de Austria (1887) - Sunk at the Battle of Manila Bay, 1898, refloated
    • Don Antonio Uloa (1887) - Sunk at the Battle of Manila Bay, 1898
    • Conde del Venadito (1888) - Stricken c. 1905

Armoured cruisers

Light and scout cruisers

  • Navarra (ex-Republica, ex-Reina Victoria Eugenia) (1923)
  • Blas de Lezo class
    • Blas de Lezo (1925) - Wrecked 1932
    • Mendez Nuñez (1924)
  • Almirante Cervera class
    • Almirante Cervera (1928)
    • Galicia (ex-Libertad, ex-Principe Alfonso) (1927)
    • Miguel de Cervantes (1930)

Heavy cruisers

[edit] Sweden

Armoured cruiser

  • Fylgia (1905) - Sold for BU 1957

Seaplane cruiser

Light cruisers

Mine cruiser

Torpedo cruisers

  • Claes Horn
  • Claes Uggla
  • Jacob Bagge
  • Psilander
  • Örnen

[edit] United Kingdom

[edit] United States

See List of cruisers of the United States Navy.