List of craters on Ganymede

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Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, and thus has many craters covering its hard surface. Here is a list of ganymedean craters that have been given names. Most are named after figures from Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and other ancient Middle Eastern myths.

Crater Named after
Achelous Achelous
Adad Adad
Adapa Adapa
Agreus Agreus
Agrotes Agrotes
Aleyin Aleyin
Ammura Ammura
Amon Amon
Amset Amset
Anat Anat
Andjeti Andjeti
Anhur Anhur
Antum Antum
Anu Anu
Anubis Anubis
Anzu Anzu
Apophis Apophis
Ashîma Ashîm
Asshur Asshur
Atra-hasis Atra-hasis
Aya Aya
Ba'al Ba'al
Bau Bau
Bes Bes
Chrysor Chrysor
Cisti Cisti
Danel Danel
Dendera Dendera
Diment Diment
Ea Ea
El El
Enkidu Enkidu
Enlil Enlil
En-zu En-zu
Epigeus Epigeus
Erichthonius Erichthonius
Eshmun Eshmun
Etana Etana
Gad Gad
Geb Geb
Geinos Geinos
Gilgamesh Gilgamesh
Gir Gir
Gula Gula
Halieus Halieus
Hapi Hapi
Harakhtes Harakhtes
Haroeris Haroeris
Hathor Hathor
Hay-tau Hay-tau
Hedetet Hedetet
Hershef Hershef
Humbaba Humbaba
Ilah Ilah
Ilus Ilus
Irkalla Irkalla
Ishkur Ishkur
Isimu Isimu
Isis Isis
Kadi Kadi
Keret Keret
Khensu Khensu
Khepri Khepri
Khnum Khnum
Khonsu Khonsu
Khumbam Khumbam
Kingu Kingu
Kishar Kishar
Kittu Kittu
Kulla Kulla
Lagamal Lagamal
Latpon Latpon
Lugalmeslam Lugalmeslam
Lumha Lumha
Maa Maa
Mehit Mehit
Melkart Melkart
Min Min
Mir Mir
Misharu Misharu
Mont Mont
Mor Mor
Mot Mot
Mush Mush
Nabu Nabu
Nah-Hunte Nah-Hunte
Namtar Namtar
Nanna Nanna
Nefertum Nefertum
Neheh Neheh
Neith Neith
Nergal Nergal
Nidaba Nidaba
Nigirsu Nigirsu
Ningishzida Ningishzida
Ninkasi Ninkasi
Ninki Ninki
Ninlil Ninlil
Ninsum Ninsum
Nut Nut
Osiris Osiris
Ptah Ptah
Punt Punt
Ruti Ruti
Sapas Sapas
Sati Sati
Sebek Sebek
Seima Seima
Seker Seker
Selket Selket
Serapis Serapis
Shu Shu
Sin Sin
Tammuz Tammuz
Tanit Tanit
Tashmetum Tashmetum
Ta-urt Ta-urt
Teshub Teshub
Thoth Thoth
Tros Tros
Upuant Upuant
Wadjet Wadjet
We-ila We-ila
Wepwawet Wepwawet
Zakar Zakar
Zaqar Zaqar

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