List of craters on Ganymede
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Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, and thus has many craters covering its hard surface. Here is a list of ganymedean craters that have been given names. Most are named after figures from Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and other ancient Middle Eastern myths.
Crater | Named after |
Achelous | Achelous |
Adad | Adad |
Adapa | Adapa |
Agreus | Agreus |
Agrotes | Agrotes |
Aleyin | Aleyin |
Ammura | Ammura |
Amon | Amon |
Amset | Amset |
Anat | Anat |
Andjeti | Andjeti |
Anhur | Anhur |
Antum | Antum |
Anu | Anu |
Anubis | Anubis |
Anzu | Anzu |
Apophis | Apophis |
Ashîma | Ashîm |
Asshur | Asshur |
Atra-hasis | Atra-hasis |
Aya | Aya |
Ba'al | Ba'al |
Bau | Bau |
Bes | Bes |
Chrysor | Chrysor |
Cisti | Cisti |
Danel | Danel |
Dendera | Dendera |
Diment | Diment |
Ea | Ea |
El | El |
Enkidu | Enkidu |
Enlil | Enlil |
En-zu | En-zu |
Epigeus | Epigeus |
Erichthonius | Erichthonius |
Eshmun | Eshmun |
Etana | Etana |
Gad | Gad |
Geb | Geb |
Geinos | Geinos |
Gilgamesh | Gilgamesh |
Gir | Gir |
Gula | Gula |
Halieus | Halieus |
Hapi | Hapi |
Harakhtes | Harakhtes |
Haroeris | Haroeris |
Hathor | Hathor |
Hay-tau | Hay-tau |
Hedetet | Hedetet |
Hershef | Hershef |
Humbaba | Humbaba |
Ilah | Ilah |
Ilus | Ilus |
Irkalla | Irkalla |
Ishkur | Ishkur |
Isimu | Isimu |
Isis | Isis |
Kadi | Kadi |
Keret | Keret |
Khensu | Khensu |
Khepri | Khepri |
Khnum | Khnum |
Khonsu | Khonsu |
Khumbam | Khumbam |
Kingu | Kingu |
Kishar | Kishar |
Kittu | Kittu |
Kulla | Kulla |
Lagamal | Lagamal |
Latpon | Latpon |
Lugalmeslam | Lugalmeslam |
Lumha | Lumha |
Maa | Maa |
Mehit | Mehit |
Melkart | Melkart |
Min | Min |
Mir | Mir |
Misharu | Misharu |
Mont | Mont |
Mor | Mor |
Mot | Mot |
Mush | Mush |
Nabu | Nabu |
Nah-Hunte | Nah-Hunte |
Namtar | Namtar |
Nanna | Nanna |
Nefertum | Nefertum |
Neheh | Neheh |
Neith | Neith |
Nergal | Nergal |
Nidaba | Nidaba |
Nigirsu | Nigirsu |
Ningishzida | Ningishzida |
Ninkasi | Ninkasi |
Ninki | Ninki |
Ninlil | Ninlil |
Ninsum | Ninsum |
Nut | Nut |
Osiris | Osiris |
Ptah | Ptah |
Punt | Punt |
Ruti | Ruti |
Sapas | Sapas |
Sati | Sati |
Sebek | Sebek |
Seima | Seima |
Seker | Seker |
Selket | Selket |
Serapis | Serapis |
Shu | Shu |
Sin | Sin |
Tammuz | Tammuz |
Tanit | Tanit |
Tashmetum | Tashmetum |
Ta-urt | Ta-urt |
Teshub | Teshub |
Thoth | Thoth |
Tros | Tros |
Upuant | Upuant |
Wadjet | Wadjet |
We-ila | We-ila |
Wepwawet | Wepwawet |
Zakar | Zakar |
Zaqar | Zaqar |