List of country nicknames

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This list of country nicknames compiles the aliases and slogans that countries are sometimes known by, officially and unofficially, to locals, outsiders or their tourism boards.


[edit] Albania

  • Land of the Eagles - from a folk etymology of the native name, Shqipëria

[edit] Australia

[edit] Belarus

  • White Rus' - translation of the name 'Belarus'
  • Great Lithuania or Great Litva - used by some Belarusian intellectuals, derived from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  • Kryvia (Kryǔja)- derived from the first Belarusian state, the Kryvic Principality of Polatsak.

[edit] Bhutan

  • Land of the thunder dragon - translation of Bhutanese name for the country (Druk Yul)
  • The Last Shangri-La, referring to a fictional Himalayan paradise

[edit] Brazil

Pindorama - from Tupi, "land of palm trees". Almost always used disparagingly, when discussing some backward aspect of the country

Land of the Future - after a book by Stefan Zweig

[edit] Burkina Faso

  • Land of the Upright Men - translation of the name 'Burkina Faso'

[edit] Cameroon

  • The Armpit of Africa - from its location on the 'armpit' between west and central Africa
  • The Hinge of Africa - from its location on the 'hinge' between west and central Africa

[edit] Canada

  • The Great White North
  • Canadialand
  • 51st state - due to Canada's perceived similarity with the United States of America
  • A few acres of snow - a quotation from Voltaire about 18th-century Canada's perceived economic unworth as a colony
  • Soviet Canuckistan - first use by Pat Buchanan, from Canada's perceived anti-American and left-wing political alignment.
  • America's Hat
  • America's Cousin
  • America's Little Buddy
  • America Junior

[edit] Chad

  • The Dead Heart of Africa - from its remoteness and largely desert climate

[edit] Costa Rica

  • Switzerland of Central America - referring to the financial prosperity and peaceful nature

[edit] Croatia

  • Lijepa naša (Our beautiful) - term which Croats use when speaking about their country

[edit] Czech Republic

[edit] Ethiopia

  • Abyssinia
  • Burnt face - how Greeks used to call them to refer to Ethiopians' dark skin.
  • Kush (Cush) - referring to the biblical name of people in that area.
  • The Mother Land (la patria) - referring to the origin of mankind and due to the oldest archeological findings located in the country.
  • We are starving for attention -they literally are starving

[edit] Finland

  • 'Land of the Midnight Sun' - specifically the northern section within the arctic circle

[edit] France

  • L'Hexagone (The Hexagon) - from the shape of the country
  • La fille ainée de l'Eglise (Church's older daughter) - nickname of controversial origin
  • L'Etat de céder - The Surrender State

[edit] Greece

  • Hellas - today's Greek still name their country as their Ancient forefathers did (so perhaps 'Greece' is the nickname here)

Greek people have only relatively recently called themselves Ellines. Actually until the revolution in 1821 they called themselves Rumaioi, and theoretically their new country could have been 'Rumelia' or even 'Rumania'. There is a subtle but distinct conceptual and ideological difference between 'Ellinismos' or Hellenism, and 'Romeosyne', which is a related with Byzantine awareness as a Christian Orthodox successor to Rome.

[edit] Iceland

  • Land of the midnight sun (this is also attributed to the other Nordic countries)
  • Frón - sometimes with the prefix 'farsælda' which means prosperous.
  • Landið bláa - The blue land
  • Ástkæra hrímhvíta móðir - Loving snowhite mother
  • Ísaland - Ice land, the Icelandic version with an added 'a' giving ice a plural meaning
  • Fögru landi ísa - beautiful land of ice
  • Köldu landi ísa - cold land of ice
  • Klakinn - The Ice
  • Skerið - The Reef
  • Kletturinn - The Rock
  • Guðsvolaða land - Land forgotten by God

[edit] India

  • The Jewel in the Crown - given by the British at the time of British India.
  • The Subcontinent

[edit] Indonesia

  • Emerald of the equator - because of its location

[edit] Iran

[edit] Iraq

  • Mesopotamia - Historical name
  • Mess 'O Potamia - Parody of "Mesopotamia", popularized by Jon Stewart
  • The Sandbox - Used by some American military personnel

[edit] Ireland

  • The Emerald Isle - from the lush green of the Irish landscape
  • Erin - from the Irish name for Ireland (Éire), most commonly used in the expression 'Erin Go Bragh'
  • Hibernia - Latin name for Ireland
  • Land of saints and scholars - from the strong educational and religious tradition in Ireland in the middle ages
  • Poor old woman - from the Irish Sean Bhean Bhocht, a traditional nationalist song (also spelt phonetically as 'Sean Van Vocht')
  • Silk of the kine - from the Irish síoda na mbó
  • The Old Sod - faux-maudlin term used by the Irish abroad

[edit] Republic of Ireland

  • The South - as distinct from Northern Ireland
  • The Twenty-Six counties - as distinct from the 32 counties of the whole island; now chiefly a derogatory term used by anti-partition republicans
  • The Free State - name of the first southern state after partition; now exclusively a derogatory term used either by anti-partition republicans or some unionists
  • The ould sod. Used by sentimental Irish Americans. refers to the sods or peat that were used for heating and for cooking.

[edit] Israel

The most popular nicknames for Israel are:

Some anti-Israel persons call it:

  • Little Satan - a pejorative term used almost exclusively by the Iranian government
  • The Zionist Entity - used quite frequently in the radical islamist and far-left literature to deny Israel's status as a nation

[edit] Italy

  • The Boot (Lo Stivale) - from the shape of the country
  • The Peninsula (La Penisola) - as an antonomasia
  • The Beautiful Country (Il Belpaese)
  • Land of saints, poets and sailors

[edit] Japan

  • Land of the Rising Sun - more or less a translation of the Chinese name 日本, later adopted into Japanese as Nihon or Nippon.

[edit] Kazakhstan

  • Horde, Kazakh Horde - tsarist name Казацкая орда, Казачья орда was used to the Kazakh Khanate.

[edit] Korea (North/South)

  • Land of the morning calm
  • The Hermit Kingdom

See also Names of Korea

[edit] Lebanon

  • Middle East's Switzerland - from its reputation for financial prosperity (at least before the Civil War) as much as from its ski resorts
  • The Pearl of the Mediterranean

[edit] Lesotho

  • The Kingdom in the Sky - due to the fact that Lesotho is high up in the Drakensberg Mountains

[edit] Malaysia

  • Bolehland or Boleh Land - from the infamous 'Malaysia Boleh' slogan.

[edit] Mongolia

  • Land of the blue sky

[edit] New Zealand

  • God's Own Country
  • Godzone - abbreviation of the above nickname
  • Land of the long white cloud - from English translation of Māori name for the islands (Aotearoa)
  • The land of the long white shroud
  • The shakey isles - due to the number of earthquakes
  • Kiwiland
  • The People's Democratic Republic of Helengrad - from the near-dictatorial ruling style of left-wing Prime Minister Helen Clark ('Helengrad' is derived from 'Stalingrad'). Sometimes it is shortened to just Helengrad.
  • Australia's Canada

[edit] Pakistan

[edit] Paraguay

  • 'An island surrounded by land' - first used by author Augusto Roa Bastos in reference to both the country's insularity and landlocked geography

[edit] Philippines

  • Pearl of the Orient Seas
  • Pinas - shortened form of the Filipino word "Pilipinas", which means "Philippines"
  • SMS or Texting Capital of the World

[edit] Portugal

  • Lusitania - from the Roman province of the same name which covered much of the country, more commonly used is Lusophone (Portuguese speaking)
  • Rectângulo - Rectangle in Portuguese after the shape of the country
  • Pays du Soleil - Country of the sun in French
  • Metropole - Metropolis, because it was the centre of a colonial empire.

[edit] Russia

[edit] Rwanda

  • Land of a thousand hills - from the hilly geography of the country

[edit] Singapore

  • The Fine Country - Used in a sarcastic or satirical manner; it playfully describes the highly efficient nature of law enforcement in Singapore as the island nation is known to have meted out high fines for petty offences such as littering.
  • The Garden City - The island nation is known for its lush amount of greenery, even in its city streets.
  • The Lion City

[edit] Slovenia

  • The Country on the Sunny Side of the Alps (or simply "On the Sunny Side of the Alps") - Originally a tourist slogan, this popular nickname refers to Slovenia's position between the Alps and the sunny Adriatic coast.
  • The Green Piece of Europe - Tourist slogan
  • Europe in miniature - Tourist slogan

[edit] South Africa

  • Azania - used by some black nationalists for representing the 'real South Africa'
  • Rainbow Nation - term coined by Desmond Tutu to describe the multiethnic nature of post-apartheid South Africa, and in very wide use today
  • Mzansi - this term is widely used by urban South African youth. It comes from umzantsi, which is Xhosa for "south"
  • Seffrica - A centralised, lax way of referring to South Africa.
  • The Republic - New Zealand and Australian rugby supporters often refer to South Africa as The Republic

[edit] Soviet Union

  • The Great Bear - used by some during the Cold War to symbolize this one 'super power'

[edit] Spain

  • La piel de toro, the bull's skin - from the country's shape
  • Hispania - old Roman name

[edit] Sri Lanka

  • Pearl of the Indian Ocean
  • India's teardrop - from the country's shape
  • Pearl of the Orient - again, from the country's shape
  • Ceylon
  • Traprobain
  • Serendib - by Arab navigators in the in the 6th and 7th centuries
  • Zeilan - by the Portuguese

[edit] Sweden

  • Svea - poetical name for Sweden (originally a tribe near Stockholm)

[edit] Switzerland

  • Helvetia - Latin name for the country
  • Land of chocolate and cuckoo clocks
  • Land of milk and money

[edit] Taiwan

  • Formosa - name given by Portuguese and by which it was known in the Western world until post-World War II

[edit] Thailand

  • The Land of Smiles - after the perceived gentleness of its inhabitants
  • Siam - after the ancient Kingdom

[edit] Tonga

  • Friendly Islands - former name for the islands, though still used to refer to them

[edit] Turkey

[edit] Ukraine

  • Little Russia
  • Bread Basket of Europe - from the rich dark soil and the vast fields of wheat

[edit] United Kingdom

  • 51st state - due to the UK's perceived similarity with/deference to America
  • British Empire - Commonwealth usage
  • Across the Pond - occasionally used by Americans
  • Albion - ancient name, often used specifically as a name for England
  • Blighty - originally a slang name for Britain, often used sentimentally during warfare by soldiers
  • Britannia - Latin name for Britain, specifically England, though now used to refer to the entire island
  • Perfidious Albion - ancient name, used in Spain and caused by the historic relations between both countries since the kingdom of Philip II.
  • The Soggy Isles - this name is given to the UK by the many Australian and South African immigrants working there, due to the rainfall and greyness.
  • Disunited Queendom - name used by some to more accurately describe the country's status

[edit] England

  • Anglia - Latin name for the country
  • Green and pleasant land - from the opening line of William Blake's poem 'Jerusalem'
  • Land of hope and glory - from the patriotic song of the same name
  • Pommieland, Pomgolia - Aussies and Kiwis
  • South of the Border - Scots
  • Sceptre'd Isle - from act 2 scene 1 of Shakespeare's King Richard II: "This royal throne of kings, this sceptre'd isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war, This happy breed of men, this little world, This precious stone set in the silver sea, Which serves it in the office of a wall, Or as a moat defensive to a house, Against the envy of less happier lands, This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England"
  • Londontown
  • La perfide Albion or Albion perfide. Perfidious Albion Used by the French who considered the English to be faithless and unreliable.

[edit] Northern Ireland

  • Norn Iron - derived from the pronunciation of the words "Northern Ireland" in an exaggerated Ulster accent
  • The North - used by Nationalists/Republicans to emphasise Irish geographic unity (sometimes 'the north of Ireland')
  • The Province - used by Unionists/Loyalists to emphasise unity with Britain
  • Six Counties - used by Nationalists/Republicans to emphasise Irish unity (sometimes with the prefix 'occupied')
  • Ulster - one of the four ancient Provinces of Ireland, Northern Ireland contains six of its nine counties

[edit] Scotland

  • Scotia - Latin name for the country, after the Scoti
  • Bonnie Scotland or Bonny Scotland. Scots derived from French 'bonne' for 'good'.
  • Scotland the Brave also a favourite pipe tune and song

[edit] Wales

[edit] United States of America

  • Land of the Free and Home of the Brave! - Because Americans consider themselves free and brave (comes from the national anthem)
  • Uncle Sam - America's national personification.
  • Lady Liberty - another one of America's national personifications.
  • Amerika - German spelling of 'America,' used to suggest Nazism/Fascism (note also Amerika (Kafka novel))
  • AmeriKKKa - Used occasionally by American anarchists and other political extremists on both the left and right
  • Columbia - poetic name, now rarely used
  • Great Satan - chiefly Arab/Muslim epithet alleging American imperialism and also dissoluteness
  • Home of the Brave - from the national anthem 'The Star Spangled Banner'
  • Land of the Free - from the national anthem 'The Star Spangled Banner,
  • The States - a widely used colloquial name
  • Uncle Sugar - used by University of Chicago political science and international relations professor John Mearsheimer to describe the United States' massive power and wealth during World War II
  • Uncle Sap - used in reference to America's perceived extension of aid to other countries against her own best interests.
  • Uncle Sucker - used in reference to America's welfare fraud problem
  • Yankeeland/Yanklandia - Aussie and English usage
  • Global cancer - Referring to the perceived ravaging and demoralizing impact of it’s global economy.
  • The World - Sometimes used by military personnel stationed in another country (mainly overseas).
  • Gringolandia - Used by Spanish-speaking Latin Americans

[edit] Uruguay

  • South America's Switzerland - from its reputation for financial prosperity

[edit] Vietnam

  • Nam - shortening of 'Vietnam,' a widespread nickname during the Vietnam War period

[edit] See also

[edit] External link