List of common newspaper names

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Newspaper names are usually selected to invoke a particular image. Most commonly the name is intended to imply accuracy and authority, as in the Times, the Record, or the Journal. At other times, a paper may be named for its editors' perceived role in society: a Guardian or a Sentinel, a Sun illuminating the darkness or a Tribune defending the common people. Currency may have been underscored with a name like Telegraph.

Mergers and acquisitions have resulted in various compound names such as Star-Tribune. In a few cases, the combined names create an unintended ambiguity, as with the Chattanooga News-Free Press (latterly renamed the Chattanooga Times Free Press).

  • The Advance
  • The Advertiser
  • The Advocate
  • The Banner
  • The Beacon
  • The Bee
  • The Bulletin
  • The Chronicle
  • The Citizen
  • The Clarion
  • The Colonna
  • The Commoner
  • The Courier
  • The Daily
  • The Democrat
  • The Dispatch
  • The Eagle
  • The Enterprise
  • The Enquirer
  • The Examiner
  • The Free Press
  • The Frontier
  • The Gazette
  • The Gleam
  • The Gleaner
  • The Graphic
  • The Guardian
  • The Harbinger
  • The Herald
  • The Independent
  • The Informer
  • The Inquirer
  • The Inquisitor
  • The Journal
  • The Ledger
  • The Life
  • The Messenger
  • The Mirror
  • The Monitor
  • The News
  • The Observer
  • The Outlook
  • The Pioneer
  • The Plain Talk or Plain Dealer
  • The Planet
  • The Post
  • The Press
  • The Reader
  • The Record
  • The Recorder
  • The Register
  • The Report
  • The Reporter
  • The Republic
  • The Republican
  • The Review
  • The Sentinel
  • The Standard
  • The Star
  • The Sun
  • The Telegram
  • The Telegraph
  • The Times
  • The Transcript
  • The Tribune
  • The Union
  • The Voice
  • The Weekly
  • The World

[edit] See also