List of common Chinese surnames in Singapore

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The following is a list of the most common Chinese surnames amongst the ethnic Chinese population in Singapore in the year 2000. Surnames are listed according to their romanised Chinese dialects, hence similar surnames may be listed more than once despite representing the same Chinese character. For example, one single surname, (Chén in Pinyin, is Tan in Hokkien and Chan in Cantonese, yet appears as two entries here. On the other hand, Wong can refer to , or depending on dialect group, but are listed as a single entry.

Surname Number % of Chinese population
Char. Mandarin Chinese Dialect
Chén Tan 237,800 9.5
Lín Lim 166,000 6.6
Lee 112,600 4.5
Huáng Ng 106,200 4.2
or Wáng or Wāng Ong 66,700 2.7
, or Wáng or Huáng Wong 65,000 2.6
Goh, Ng 56,200 2.2
Cài Chua 54,600 2.2
or Chén or Zēng Chan 48,400 1.9
Koh 48,100 1.9
Zhāng Teo 46,800 1.9
Hóng Ang 43,600 1.7
Yáng Yeo 36,600 1.5
Zhèng Tay, Teh 35,800 1.4
Ho 35,000 1.4
Liú Low, Lau 31,600 1.3
or Dù or Zhuō Toh 25,300 1.0
Shěn Sim 23,800 0.9
or Zhuāng or Zhāng Chong 23,100 0.9
Xiè Chia 22,600 0.9

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