List of collective nouns by subject I-Z
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This is a list of collective nouns by subject, beginning from I to Z.
idiots | A thicket of idiots | Spurious |
impediments | A vagary of impediments | Uncertain |
infantry | A creche of infantry | Spurious |
information | A wealth of information |
irritants | A rash of irritants |
islands | A chain of islands |
islands | An archipelago of islands |
jays | A party of jays |
jays | A scold of jays | Uncertain |
jays | A band of jays |
jellyfish | A fluther of jellyfish | |
jellyfish | A smack of jellyfish |
Jews | A minyan of Jews | Spurious |
jewels | A cache of jewels |
jugglers | A neverthriving of jugglers |
kangaroos | A court of kangaroos[1] | Spurious |
kangaroos | A mob of kangaroos |
kangaroos | A troop of kangaroos |
keys | A ring of keys |
knights | A rout of knights |
knights | A banner of knights |
ladies | A bevy of ladies |
lapwings | A desert of lapwings |
lapwings | A deceit of lapwings |
larks | An ascension of larks |
larks | An exaltation of larks |
lawyers | A murder of lawyers |
leopards | A leap of leopards |
leopards | A spot of leopards | Spurious |
lepers | A colony of lepers |
lions | A pride of lions |
lions | A sowse of lions |
lions | A sault of lions |
locusts | A plague of locusts |
lorries | A convoy of lorries |
magpies | A tiding(s) of magpies |
mallards | A sord of mallards |
mallards | A lute of mallards | Uncertain |
men | A band of (merry) men |
maps | An atlas of maps |
martens | A richness of martens |
matrons | A riches of matrons | Uncertain |
mechanics | A shrug of mechanics | Spurious (from the Tom and Ray show on NPR) |
midges | A bite of midges | Uncertain |
misers | A horde of misers | Spurious |
mites | A mite of mites | Uncertain |
moles | A labour of moles |
moles | A company of moles |
moles | A movement of moles |
money | A wad of money |
riches | An embarrassment of riches | Uncertain |
winnings | A purse of winnings |
monitors | A bank of monitors |
monks | An abomination of monks [2] | Erroneous |
monkeys | A circus of monkeys | Spurious |
monkeys | A tribe of monkeys |
monkeys | A troop of monkeys |
monkeys | A mission of monkeys |
mosquitoes | A scourge of mosquitoes |
mountains | A range of mountains |
mice | A nest of mice |
mice | A mischief of mice |
mudhen | A fleet of mudhen | Uncertain |
mules | A barren of mules |
mules | A rake of mules |
munters | A montage of munters |
natives | A tribe of natives |
nightingales | A watch of nightingales |
nuns | A superfluity of nuns |
objects | A collection of objects |
onlookers | A crowd of onlookers |
otters | A bevy of otters |
otters | A romp of otters |
owls | A parliament of owls |
owls | A stare of owls |
oxen | A team of oxen |
oxen | A yoke of oxen |
oxen | A span of oxen |
oysters | A bed of oysters |
young oysters | A set of young oysters |
pages | A chapter of pages |
painters | An illusion of painters | Uncertain |
paper | A ream of paper [3] | Spurious |
parrots | A pandemonium of parrots | Uncertain |
parrots | A company of parrots |
partridges | A covey of partridges |
partridges | A bew of partridges | Uncertain |
peacocks | A pride of peacocks |
peacocks | A muster of peacocks |
peacocks | An ostentation of peacocks |
pekingese | A pomp of pekinese |
penguins | A parcel of penguins | Uncertain |
penguins | A rookery of penguins | Spurious |
penguins | A creche of penguins |
penguins | A huddle of penguins |
penguins | A colony of penguins |
performers | A troupe of performers |
pheasants | A covey of pheasants |
pheasants | A nye of pheasants |
pheasants | A bouquet of pheasants |
physicians | A college of physicians | Spurious |
hogs | A parcel of hogs |
hogs | A drift of hogs | Uncertain |
hogs | A passel of hogs |
piglets | A farrow of piglets |
piglets | A litter of piglets |
pigs | A drove of pigs |
pigs | A herd of pigs |
pigs | A sounder of pigs |
pigeons | A kit of pigeons | Uncertain |
pigeons | A loft of pigeons |
pistols | A brace of pistols (brace = pair) |
plovers | A congregation of plovers |
polar bears | An aurora of polar bears | Uncertain |
polecats | A chine of polecats |
porpoises | A school of porpoises | √ |
porpoises | A turmoil of porpoises | Uncertain |
possum | A passel of possum | Uncertain |
potage | A mess of potage | Uncertain |
preachers | A converting of preachers |
preachers | A pontification of preachers |
preachers | A pulpititude of preachers | Uncertain |
prelates | A pontifica of prelates | Uncertain |
princes | A state of princes | Uncertain |
prose | An anthology of prose |
harlots | A heard of harlots | Uncertain |
prostitutes | An anthology of pros [4] | Uncertain |
quail | A covey of quail |
quail | A bevy of quail |
conies | A bury of conies |
kittens (rabbits) | A wrack of kittens (rabbits) |
rabbits | A colony of rabbits |
rabbits | A bury of rabbits |
rabbits | A nest of rabbits |
raccoons | A gaze of raccoons |
rats | A pack of rats |
rats | A colony of rats |
rats | A swarm of rats |
rats | A rabble of rats |
ravens | An unkindness of ravens |
ravens | A conspiracy of ravens |
rebuttals | A quiver of rebuttals |
rhinoceroses | A crash of rhinoceroses |
rooks | A building of rooks |
rooks | A clamour of rooks |
rooks | A parliament of rooks |
ruffs | A hill of ruffs |
salmon | A run of salmon |
salmon | A bind of salmon |
sandpipers | A fling of sandpipers |
satellites | A constellation of satellites | Uncertain |
Scots | A disworship of Scots |
Scots | A fifth of Scots |
sea fowl | A cloud of sea fowl |
seagulls | A flock of seagulls |
seals | A spring of seals |
seals | A pod of seals |
seals | A plum of seals | Uncertain |
senators | A house of senators |
servants | An obeisance of servants | Uncertain |
sharks | A shiver of sharks | Uncertain |
lambs | A fall of lambs |
sheep | A flock of sheep |
sheep | A trip of sheep |
sheldrakes | A doading of sheldrakes |
sailors | A crew of sailors |
ships | A flotilla of ships |
ships | A fleet of ships |
ships | An armada of warships |
skeletons | A drudge of skeletons |
snails | A rout of snails |
snakes | A den of snakes |
snakes | A bed of snakes |
snakes | A pit of snakes |
snakes | A nest of snakes |
snakes | A slither of snakes |
snipe | A walk of snipe |
snipe | A wisp of snipe |
soldiers | A company of soldiers |
soldiers | A brigade of soldiers |
soldiers | A squad of soldiers |
soldiers | A platoon of soldiers |
soldiers | A division of soldiers |
sparrows | A ubiquity of sparrows |
sparrows | A quarrel of sparrows |
sparrows | A host of sparrows |
spiders | A clutter of spiders |
spiders | A cluster of spiders |
squirrels | A dray of squirrels |
stairs | A flight of stairs |
stars | A galaxy of stars |
starlings | A murmuration of starlings |
sticks | A faggot of sticks |
stick insects | A bushel of stick insects |
storks | A muster of storks |
storks | A phalanx of storks | Uncertain |
students | A class of students |
students | A cohort of students |
swallows | A flight of swallows |
swallows | A gulp of swallows | Spurious |
swans (flying) | A wedge of swans (flying) |
swans | A gaggle of swans | √ |
swans | A whiteness of swans | Uncertain |
swans | A bevy of swans |
swans | A bank of swans |
swans | An eyrar of swans | Uncertain |
swans | A garggle of swans | √ |
swine | A sounder of swine |
swine | A drift of swine |
submarines | A pack of submarines |
tasks | An agenda of tasks |
teal | A spring of teal |
teal | A diving of teal |
tennis games | A set of tennis games |
tests | A battery of tests |
thieves | A den of thieves |
thrushes | A mutation of thrushes |
tigers | A streak of tigers |
tigers | An ambush of tigers |
toads | A knot of toads |
tourists | A flock of tourists |
trees | A grove of trees |
trees | A thicket of trees |
trees | A stand of trees |
troops | A parel of troops |
trout | A hover of trout |
trucks | A convoy of trucks |
turkeys | A lurkey of turkeys | Uncertain |
turkeys | A rafter of turkeys |
turkeys | A raffle of turkeys |
turtles | A turn of turtles |
turtles | A dule of turtles |
turtles | A bale of turtles |
turtledoves | A pitying of turtledoves |
unicorns | A blessing of unicorns |
vaginas | A birthday party of vaginas | Uncertain |
vicaries (vicars) | A prudence of vicaries (vicars) |
vipers | A nest of vipers |
wagers | A book of wagers |
walruses | A herd of walruses |
walruses | An ugly of walruses |
waterfowl | A plump of waterfowl |
waterfowl | A knob of waterfowl | Uncertain |
weasels | A sneak of weasels |
whales | A school of whales |
whales | A herd of whales |
whales | A pod of whales |
whales | A gam of whales |
widgeon | A coil of widgeon |
witches | A coven of witches |
wolves | A pack of wolves |
wolves | A rout of wolves |
women | A gaggle of women | Uncertain |
woodpeckers | A descent of woodpeckers |
worms | A clew of worms | Uncertain |
worshippers | A congregation of worshippers |
yeomen | A fellowship of yeomen |
zebra | A zeal of zebra |
zebra | A herd of zebra |
zombie | A plague of zombies | Uncertain |
[edit] Notes
- ^ The phrase "A court of kangaroos" is frequently thought to be legitimate, given the (quite unrelated) expression "a kangaroo court". There is no known evidence of its legitimacy as a collective noun, however.
- ^ The phrase "An abomination of monks" is frequently cited as a legitimate collective noun for monks. It is actually a misinterpretation of the title of a protestant treatise written by Jan Hus around 1400. A gaggle of geese in Czech would be a 'hejno hus.'
- ^ A "ream of paper" - A ream is traditionally defined as 480 sheets (twenty quires of twenty-four sheets each); the more usual modern count is 500 sheets to the ream. This is more a measure of paper than a collective noun, however.
- ^ An "anthology of prostitutes" is a pun on "anthology of prose", as "pro" is a common contraction for prostitute in Britain and elsewhere.