List of cities in Nauru

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The Republic of Nauru originally consisted of 169 villages; by 1900 these were already partly abandoned, uninhabited or destroyed. With the increasing population growth the single villages merged into a single connected settlement, which today is spread out around the entire coastal strip.

Directory: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

Name of village District
Abab Ewa
Abwaw Buada
Adibor Anabar
Adwongeo Ijuw
Adreyi Anibare
Adrurior Baiti
Adungidungur Buada
Aeibur Anabar
Aeonun Baiti
Agabwe Anibare
Aiburi Ewa
Aioe Denigomodu
Aiwo Aiwo
Amet Uaboe
Anabar Anibare
Anabaredi Meneng
Anakawida Baiti
Anakawidua Anibare
Anakawiduwa Nibok
Anakawidwo Buada
Anamangidrin Boe
Anapodu Denigomodu
Anatip Denigomodu
Anawe Meneng
Anebenok Ijuw
Anebweyan Anetan
Anera Anibare
Anerowe Denigomodu
Angoweang Nibok
Anibawo Denigomodu
Anigobwi Yaren
Anitobu Anibare
Aniwen Meneng
Anna Ewa
Anoreo Buada
Anut Baiti
Anuuroya Anetan
Anwer Ewa
Ara Buada
Araji Meneng
Aramen Ewa
Araro Anabar
Areb Anabar
Aribimomo Meneng
Aribeang Anibare
Aribweabwe Aiwo
Ariyeyen Denigomodu
Aromwemwe Buada
Aro Ijuw
Arubo Ewa
Arwango Meneng
Atabwagabap Meneng
Atae Meneng
Ataneu Baiti
Ataro Meneng
Ate Anibare
Atebar Anabar
Atedi Anetan
Atibuyinor Anabar
Atirabu Baiti
Atomo Yaren
Atowedudu Meneng
Atowong Anabar
Atsiyeiubar Meneng
Atubwinumar Boe
Atumurumur Denigomodu
Autibwere Ewa
Awidayungiyung Meneng

[edit] B

Name of village District
Badi Meneng
Bagabap Meneng
Bagetareor Anabar
Baiti Baiti
Bangabanga Buada
Biteye Boe
Bodeadi Anabar
Bogemaru Ijuw
Bogi Buada
Boneda Anibare
Boreboren Ewa
Bowagae Denigomodu
Butimangum Denigomodu
Bwaterangerang Denigomodu
Bweranibek Anibare
Bwerigi Denigomodu
Bweteboe Anibare
Bweteoaru Anibare
Bwidin Uaboe

[edit] D

Name of village District
Daubugingarawa Nibok
Deradae Baiti

[edit] E

Name of village District
Eanuawirieria Buada
Eatabwerik Ijuw
Eatamebure Ijuw
Eatebibido Anetan
Eatedeta Anetan
Eatedogi Anibare
Eateduna Anetan
Eateegoba Buada
Eateneno Denigomodu
Eateragabe Nibok
Eaterienago Aiwo
Eaterieri Anabar
Eatibwer Ijuw
Eatoborowada Aiwo
Eatobwadae Nibok
Edet Nibok
Edet Uaboe
Etabae Nibok
Etamor Anibare
Etur Ijuw
Era Meneng

[edit] G

Name of village District
Gabab Aiwo
Ganoko Nibok
Ganokoro Ijuw
Gene Anibare

[edit] I

Name of village District
Ibedwe Baiti
Ibonga Ijuw
Ibuge Denigomodu
Ibwe Meneng
Ibwenape Yaren
Ibwerin Anetan
Imangengen Baiti
Imaraga Baiti
Imwenom Uaboe
Imweteyung Anabar
Imwitada Denigomodu
Irebedi Meneng

[edit] K

Name of village District
Kareeub Boe
Kawinanut Anibare
Kibepe Yaren

[edit] M

Name of village District
Mangadab Baiti
Marerawua Ewa
Medang Ewa
Mediteru Anetan
Mererawua Anetan
Mereren Baiti
Merubo Anibare
Meure Yaren
Miage Nibok
Mwea Anetan
Mweoen Uaboe

[edit] N

Name of village District
Ngengan Anetan

[edit] O

Name of village District
Oreb Buada
Orro Aiwo

[edit] R

Name of village District
Redeta Buada
Ronawi Anetan
Ruebe Denigomodu

[edit] T

Name of village District
Tarawoa Denigomodu
Tebata Aiwo
Tieniben Ijuw
Tsigamei Aiwo

[edit] U

Name of village District
Uaboe Uaboe
Ubweno Buada
Umaruru Baiti
Urigomagom Ijuw

[edit] W

Name of village District
Webwebin Buada
Wengom Nibok
Weo Meneng
Wereda Anabar

[edit] Y

Name of village District
Yangor Denigomodu
Yanmwitebwiyeye Anibare
Yaranemat Denigomodu
Yaren Yaren
Yatabang Baiti
Yaterangia Anabar
Yedwen Nibok
Yoe Ewa
Yongin Yaren
Yorangeb Ewa
Yuwinengin Anabar
v  d  e
Topics in Nauru
History Nauruan Tribal War
Geography Districts | Cities | Canals
Politics Constitution | Political parties | Parliament | Elections
Economy Transport | Communications | Demographics | Companies | Nauru Phosphate Corporation
Culture Indigenous religion | Languages: Nauruan, Creole, Gilbertese | Sport | Music | Cuisine
Other Holidays | Operation Weasel
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