List of books with the subtitle "Virtue Rewarded"

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Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded (1742). Mr B reads Pamela's letter.
Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded (1742). Mr B reads Pamela's letter.

This is a chronological list of books with the subtitle Virtue Rewarded. A subtitle will usually offer a generalization or moral drawn from the work's plot. Subtitles are a common feature of English literary works of the 17th and 18th centuries, especially plays. In the early 17th century, this convention is sometimes made fun of, as in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, or, What You Will; while in the sententious 18th century, subtitles will normally point a serious morality, even in case of comic works. An example of a serious subtitle is "Virtue Rewarded", a reminder or boast to reader/audience that the neoclassical principle of poetic justice will be upheld by the plot. With changing cultural perceptions, such a principle has again become a joke, as witness the 20th-century items on this list. Note the rhyme Sordid/Rewarded in the title of Winifred Phelps' "Melodrama". In academic discourse in the 20th century, subtitles began to be full explanations of the subject of a work, while the title itself was a gnomic or cryptically poetic phrase. This reliance upon the subtitle is part of the comic density of literary reference brought into play in the Anatomy of Melancholy by Cook et al., implying that dissertation-writing is governed both by the poetic justice principle—virtue rewarded—and by the depressive symptoms described in Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy (1622).

This is a list of works whose full subtitle is "Virtue Rewarded". Thus The Crafty Chambermaid, or, Beauty and Virtue Rewarded (London, 1800) does not qualify, nor Virtue Rewarded, or, The Faithful Lady (London, 1795).

Author Title Genre Year Story Virtuous person Virtue Reward
Colley Cibber Love's Last Shift, or, Virtue Rewarded Play 1696 Amanda reclaims her rakish husband. married woman chastity and wifely tact return of straying husband
Charles Shadwell Irish Hospitality, or, Virtue Rewarded Play 1720 Sir Patrick Worthy helps his children and neighbours. middle-aged Irish squire good nature, thoughtful fatherhood chorus of praise, children well settled
Samuel Richardson Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Novel 1740 Pamela rebuffs her aristocratic would-be seducer. 15-year-old lady's maid humility and embattled chastity grand marriage to aforesaid would-be seducer
Elizabeth Barrett Browning "Sebastian, or, Virtue Rewarded" Poem 1815 ? ? ? ?
Eliza Pope Henry and Julietta, or, Virtue Rewarded: A Tale, Founded on Fact Novel 1818 ? ? ? ?
M. Bryant My Uncle’s Present, or, Virtue Rewarded Collection of moral tales 1820 ? ? ? ?
? History of Constantius and Pulchera; or, Virtue rewarded ...[1] A work of fiction. 1821 ? ? ? ?
T. H. Cauldwell History of Lorenzo and Virginia, or, Virtue Rewarded: An Address to the Young Ladies of Columbia 1834
John Charles Tarver James, or, Virtue Rewarded Novel 1896 ? ? ? ?
Winifred Phelps Temptation Sordid, or, Virtue Rewarded, A Melodrama Play 1960 Two lovers defeat the machinations of a fortunehunter. a pure-hearted young couple resistance of diabolical wiles union of love over dead bodies of enemies
David Slavitt (Henry Sutton) Rochelle, or, Virtue Rewarded Erotic fiction 1966 A young woman resists the lure of vice. dull but virtuous girl ? ?
Stanley Cook, William Sullivan, Fred Moramarco Anatomy of Melancholy, or, Virtue Rewarded: The Making of the Dissertation Textbook 1969 A doctoral dissertation gets written. the dissertation-writer work ethic, overcoming writer's cramp Ph.D.

[edit] References