List of bones of the human skeleton

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A typical adult human skeleton consists of the following 206 bones, though a small portion of the human population have an extra bone, occurring in the form of an extra rib. (Numbers in bold refer to the diagram at right.)

The human skeleton

In the skull (22):

In the middle ears (6):

In the throat (1):

In the shoulder girdle (4):

In the thorax (25):

In the vertebral column (26):

In the arms (6):

  • 11. humerus (2)
    • 26. condyles of humerus
  • 12. ulna (2)
  • 13. radius (2)
    • 27. head of radius

In the hands (54):

In the pelvis (2):

In the legs (8):

In the feet (52):

The infant skeleton has the following bones in addition to those above:

  1. sacral vertebrae (4 or 5), which fuse in adults to form the sacrum
  2. coccygeal vertebrae (3 to 5), which fuse in adults to form the coccyx
  3. ilium, ischium and pubis, which fuse in adults to form the pelvic girdle

Human Bones
v  d  e
VERTEBRAL COLUMN: vertebrae (cervical - atlas - axis | thoracic | lumbar) | sacrum | coccyx

THORAX: sternum | rib

cranial bones of SKULL: occipital | parietal | frontal | temporal | sphenoid | ethmoid

facial bones of SKULL nasal | maxilla | lacrimal | zygomatic | palatine | inferior nasal conchae | vomer | mandible | hyoid

UPPER EXTREMITY: clavicle | scapula | humerus | ulna | radius

carpals (scaphoid | lunate bone | triquetral | pisiform | trapezium | trapezoid | capitate | hamate) | metacarpals | phalanges (prox | int | dist)

LOWER EXTREMITY: pelvis (ilium, ischium, pubis) | femur | patella | fibula | tibia

tarsals (calcaneus | talus | navicular | cuneiform | cuboid ) | metatarsals | phalanges (prox | int | dist)

OSSICLES: malleus | incus | stapes