List of baseball jargon (K)

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[edit] K
The traditional abbreviation for a strikeout. A backwards K is often used to denote a called strikeout. Invented by Henry Chadwick by taking the "most prominent" letter of "struck" and reinforced by inference of "knockout" or "K.O." That connotation still exists, when the announcer says the pitcher "punched out" the batter, a play on words that also refers to "punching" a time clock.

[edit] keep the line moving
reference to a series of batters getting on base safely, alluding to an assembly line.

[edit] keystone sack
Second base. Like the keystone of an arch, second base is the key to both scoring (a runner on the base is in scoring position) and defense (with strength up the middle).

[edit] knocks
  • To score an RBI. "The cleanup hitter knocked in 3 runs."
  • A hit, as in "two-base knock."
  • Hard hits or extra base hits, not necessarly producing RBI's or referring to a specific type of hit. "Curtis had some solid knocks today."

[edit] knuckleball
A pitch thrown with no spin, traditionally thrown with the knuckles, but also with the fingertips. It tends to flutter and move suddenly on its way to the plate. Also refers to a batted ball that flutters "like a knuckleball."