List of archaeologists
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Archaeology is a discipline that was virtually unknown until the 19th century. Archaeology, originally an amateur pastime, is becoming increasingly popular, and it is now possible for archaeologists to become minor celebrities as a result of media exposure.
This is a list of eminent and well-known archaeologists.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- Jorge Alarcao Portuguese, Portugal
- William F. Albright (1891-1971) U.S.A., Orientalist
- Susan E. Alcock Roman provinces
- Jim Allen (1891-1971) Australian, Oceania
- Manolis Andronicos (1919-1992) Greek, Greece
- Mikhail Artamonov (1898-1972) Russian/Soviet, Khazarist
- Mick Aston (born 1946) English, popularizer
- Richard Atkinson (1920-94) English, England
[edit] B
- Churchill Babington (1881-1821) English
- Paul Bahn (born 19?? ) English
- Geoff Bailey (born 19?? ) English
- Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier (1840-1914) American
- Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli (1900-1975) Italian, Estruscans & art
- Philip Barker (1920 – 2001) British
- Ofer Bar-Yosef (born 1937) Israeli
- Thomas Bateman (1821-1861) English
- Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778–1823) Italian
- Mark Beech (b. 1963) English,
- Gerhard Bersu (1889 – 1964) German
- Leopoldo Batres
- Charles Ernest Beule (1826 – 1874) French, Greece
- Martin Biddle
- Lewis Binford (born 1930) American, theory
- Flavio Biondo(1392 – 1463) Italian, Rome
- Glenn Albert Black (1900 - 1964) American, US Mid-West
- Frederick Jones Bliss (1857 - 1939) American, Palestine
- Harriet Boyd-Howes
- Giacomo Boni (1859 - 1925) Italian, Roman architecture
- François Bordes(1919 - 1981) French
- Jacques Boucher de Crèvecœur de Perthes (1788 - 1868) French, France
- Jan Bouzek
- Richard Bradley
- R. Joe Brandon
- Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814 - 1874) French, Meso-America
- James Henry Breasted(1865 - 1935) American, Egypt
- Eric Breuer (b. 1968) Swiss, Roman/Medieval chronology
- Jacques Breuer( ) Belgian, Roman Belgium
- Patrick MMA Bringmans ( ) , Thracians
- Aisling Bronach (b. 19??) American, Irish archaeology
- Don Brothwell (b. ????) British, paleopathology
- Elizabeth Brumfiel (b. ????) American, Mesoamerican archaeology
- Bernard Bruyère (1879 - 1971) French, Egypt
- Aubrey Burl (b. 19??) British?, British megaltihic monuments
- Karl Butzer (19??) American, environmental archaeology
[edit] C
- Frank Calvert (1828 – 1908), English, Troy
- Luigi Canina (1795 – 1856) Italian
- Bob Carr ( ) American, Florida historic Indians
- Martin Carver (b. 19??) British, British Middle Ages?
- Howard Carter (1874– 1939) English, Egypt
- Joanna Casey (b. 19??) , Africa and ethnoarchaeology
- Alfonso Caso (1896 - 1970) Mexican, Mexico
- Dilip Chakrabarti
- Jean-François Champollion (1790 – 1832) French, Egypt
- John F. Cherry Aegean prehistory
- Vere Gordon Childe (1892 - 1957) Australian, Europe / neolithic
- Leopoldo Cicognara (1767 – 1834) Italian, Italy
- Bob Clarke (Historian) English, Prehistoric and Modern Era
- David Clarke (1937 – 1976) English, theory
- John Desmond Clark
- Grahame Clark
- John Coles
- John Collis ( - ) English, Iron Age Europe
- Sir Richard Colt Hoare (1758 - 1838) English, England
- Margaret Conkey (b. 19??) , France / paleothic
- Graham Connah (b. 19??) Australian?, historic Africa and Australia
- Gudrun Corvinus (1931 - 2006?) German, India/Nepal/Africa
- O.G.S. Crawford (1886 - 1957) English, aerial archaeology
- Georg Friedrich Creuzer
- Joseph George Cumming
- Barry Cunliffe
- Ben Cunnington
- Maud Cunnington
- William Cunnington
- James Curle
- Ernst Curtius
[edit] D
- George F. Dales, United States (1927 – 1992)
- Glyn Daniel
- Théodore Davies
- William Boyd Dawkins
- Janette Deacon
- Hilary Deacon
- James Deetz
- Jules Desnoyers
- Adolphe Napoleon Didron
- Wilhelm Dörpfeld
- Hans Dragendorff
[edit] E
- Sir Arthur Evans
- Sir John Evans
[edit] F
- Georg Fabricius
- Rev. Brian Faussett
- Carlo Fea
- Sir Charles Fellows
- Karl Ludwig Fernow
- Israel Finkelstein
- William D. Finlayson
- Kent Flannery
- Rand Flem-Ath
- James A. Ford
- Alfred Foucher
- Cyril Fox
- William Flinders Petrie
[edit] G
- Stane Gabrovec
- Antoine Galland
- Clive Gamble
- Thomas Gann
- Percy Gardner
- Dorothy Garrod
- William Gell
- Friedrich William Eduard Gerhard
- Diane Gifford-Gonzalez
- Marija Gimbutas
- Pere Bosch-Gimpera
- Einar Gjerstad
- Albert Goodyear
- Avraham Gopher
- Yuval Goren
- Ian Graham
- Canon William Greenwell
- Alan Greaves
- James Bennett Griffin
- W. F. Grimes
- Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden
[edit] H
- Robert Hall
- Phil Harding
- Emil Haury, 2 May 1904-5 December 1992, Southwestern United States
- Christopher Hawkes
- Thor Heyerdahl
- Christian Gottlob Heyne
- Eric Higgs
- Catherine Hills
- Ian Hodder
- Simon Holdaway
- Marcel Homet
- John Horsley
- Jean-Louis Huot
[edit] I
[edit] J
- Otto Jahn
- Llewellyn Jewitt
- Donald Johanson
- Gregory Johnson
- Martin Jones
- Rhys Maengwyn Jones (1941-2001) Welsh/Australian, Tasmania
- Rosemary Joyce Mayan, Feminist
(1891-05-24–September 19/1971-09-20)
[edit] K
- Johan Kamminga
- Kathleen Kenyon
- Alfred V. Kidder
- Richard Klein
- Robert Koldewey
- Gustav Kossinna
[edit] L
- C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky
- Luigi Lanzi
- Peter Lape
- Pierre Henri Larcher
- Donald Lathrap
- Jean-Philippe Lauer
- Sir Austen Henry Layard
- Louis Leakey, 1903-1972, British archaeologist and paleoanthropologist.
- Mary Leakey, 1913-1996, British archaeologist and paleoanthropologist.
- Richard Leakey, 1944- , Kenyan paleoanthropologist
- Charles Lenormant
- François Lenormant
- André Leroi-Gourhan
- Jean Antoine Letronne
- Carenza Lewis
- William D. Lipe
- Edward Lhuyd
- Mary Aiken Littauer
- Georg Loeschke
- Victor Loret
- William A. Longacre
- Sir John Lubbock
- Rev. W. C. Lukis
[edit] M
- Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister
- Father John MacEnery
- Sir Max Mallowan
- John Manley
- Auguste-Édouard Mariette
- Spyridon Marinatos
- John Hubert Marshall
- Ronald J. Mason
- Gaston Maspero
- Alfred P. Maudslay
- Amihai Mazar
- Benjamin Mazar
- Eilat Mazar
- August Mau
- Charles McBurney
- Betty Meggers
- Paul Mellars
- Michael Mercati
- Prosper Mérimée
- Sir Ellis Minns
- Oscar Montelius
- Pierre Montet
- Sylvanus G. Morley
- John Robert Mortimer
- Keith Muckelroy
- John Mulvaney
- Tim Murray
[edit] N
- Ezzat Ol, llah Negahban
- Evzen Neustupný
- Charles Thomas Newton
[edit] O
[edit] P
- John Parkington
- William Pengelly
- Alessandro Pezzati
- Philip Phillips
- Stuart Piggott
- John Pinkerton
- Augustus Pitt Rivers
- George Pitt Rivers
- Nikolaos Platon
- Reginald Stuart Poole
- Georges Posener
- Gregory Possehl
- Timothy W. Potter (1944-2000), British Classical archaeologist.
- Richard Potts
- Francis Pryor
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Philip Rahtz
- Sir Andrew Ramsay
- George (Rip) Rapp, Jr.
- Desire Raoul Rochette
- Jean Gaspard Felix Ravaisson-Mollien
- Colin Renfrew
- Julian Richards
- Derek Roe
- Wil Roebroeks
- Malcolm J. Rogers (1890 - 1960), American, California
- Michael Rostovtzeff
- Emmanuel de Rouge
- Peter Rowley-Conway
- Ron Rule
- Alberto Ruz Lhuillier
- Donald P. Ryan
[edit] S
- Yannis Sakellarakis
- Daniel H. Sandweiss
- Viktor Sarianidi
- Otto Schaden
- Claude Schaeffer
- Michael Brian Schiffer
- Heinrich Schliemann
- Philippe-Charles Schmerling
- Carmel Schrire
- Francesco Scipione
- Jean Baptiste Louis George Seroux D'Agincourt
- Michael Shanks
- Thurstan Shaw
- Isobel Smith
- William Robertson Smith
- Steven Snape
- E. Lee Spence
- Flaxman Charles John Spurrell
- Rev. Frederick Spurrell
- Carl Steen
- Marc Aurel Stein
- Nicola Stern
- William Duncan Strong
[edit] T
- Jean Michel de Tarragon
- Joan Du Plat Taylor
- Walter Willard Taylor, Jr.
- Alexander Thom
- Julian Thomas
- J. Eric S. Thompson
- Christian Jürgensen Thomsen
- John Thurman
- Christopher Tilley
- Alfred Marston Tozzer
- Bruce Trigger
[edit] U
[edit] V
- Henri de Vaux
- Dominique Vivant Denon
- Mary Voight
[edit] W
- John Bryan Ward-Perkins (1912-1981), British Classical architectural historian and archaeologist.
- Charles Warne
- Clarence H. Webb
- Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker
- Mortimer Wheeler
- Theodor Wiegand
- Johann Joachim Winckelmann
- Leonard Woolley
- Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae
- John Wymer
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- Norman Yoffee
[edit] Z
- Ezra Zubrow
- Irit Ziffer
[edit] External links
- Fictional Archaeologists -- characters from film, video and computer games, and fiction.
- Archaeologist Biographies