List of VFDs
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- This is a list over the different meanings of the letters VFD in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. For other users of VFD as a three-letter acronym, see VFD.
[edit] Occurrences
- Valley of Four Drafts
- Valorous Farms Dairy
- Venom Feels Delightfull Press (p. 167, LSUA)
- The publishing company for The Mamba du Mal: A Snake That Will Never Kill Me, by Tony Eggmonteror.
- Vapporetto of Favorite Detrius (p. TE)
- Verbal Fridge Dialogue
- Verifying Fernald's Defection (p. 220, GG)
- An article from The Daily Punctilio which states that Fernald was responsible for burning down Anwhistle Aquatics.
- Veritable French Diner (repeatedly in LSUA)
- Jerome Squalor's favorite restaurant and where he met Esmé Squalor.
- Vernacularly Fastened Door
- Verse Fluctuation Declaration (p. 157, GG)
- Versed Furtive Disclosure (p. 153, GG)
- The book Klaus finds in the Gorgonian Grotto.
- Very False Documents Press (p. 162, LSUA)
- The publishing company which published Ivan Lachrymose: Lake Explorer, by Vincent Francis Doyle.
- Very Flavorless Diet (p. 102, TE)
- Klaus invents this meaning as a joke. It refers to the seaweed diet they have to eat which is very flavorless indeed.
- Very Fancy Doilies (throughout EE, invented as a red herring)
- Very Fancy Doily Press (p. 164, LSUA)
- Very Fast Delivery (p. 204, LSUA)
- Very Fresh Dill
- Very Frightening Danger (p. v, LSUA)
- Under the copyright in the Autobiography, Snicket says:
- "If you recognize yourself in any of the photographs or illustrations in this book you may find yourself in Very Frightening Danger and/or slightly embarrassed but there is nothing you can do about it."
- Vessel For Disaccharides
- Village of Fowl Devotees
- Vincent Francis Doyle (p. 162, LSUA)
- The author of Ivan Lachrymose: Lake Explorer.
- Vineyard of Fragrant Drapes
- Violet's Fifteenth Date (p. 249, GG; "date" meaning "birthday")
- Visitable Fungal Ditches (p. 102, GG)
- Volatile Fungus Deportation (throughout GG)
- Voluntary Fish Domestication (p. 98, GG)
- Volunteer Feline Detectives
- Volunteer Fire Department
- Volunteers Fighting Disease (throughout HH)
- Voracious Film Discussion Press (p. 165, LSUA)
Written by Lemony Snicket
(a.k.a. Daniel Handler)
Illustrated by Brett Helquist
(a.k.a. Daniel Handler)
Illustrated by Brett Helquist