List of Székely settlements

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Following is a list[1] of Székely settlements. The list contains the municipalities belonging to the Székely Seats in the 19th century, before the administrative reform in Hungary. The Seats were the traditional self-governing territorial units of the Transylvanian Székely estate during medieval times. (Saxons were also organised in Seats.)

"Szék" in Hungarian means "Seat" or "Chair" - one explanation of the meaning of word "Székely" is "a person belonging to the Seat". The Seats were not part of the traditional Hungarian county system, and their inhabitants enjoyed a higher level of freedom (especially until the the 16th century) than those living in the counties.


[edit] Aranyosszék

Name of the Székely Seat: Aranyos
Administrative centre: Felvinc (Unirea)
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Alsószentmihály Sinmihaiu de Jos Cluj
Aranyosmohács Măhăceni Alba
Aranyosrákos Vălenii de Arieş Cluj today part of Moldoveneşti
Bágyon Bădeni Cluj
Csákó Cicau Alba
Csegez Pietroasa Cluj
Dombró Dumbrava Alba
Felsőszentmihály Mihai Viteazu* Cluj *Renamed in the 20th century. Original
Romanian name: Sânmihaiu de Sus
Felvinc Unirea Alba
Harasztos Călăraşi Cluj
Inakfalva Inoc Alba
Kercsed Stejeriş Cluj
Kövend Plăieşti Cluj
Marosörményes Ormeniş Alba
Marosveresmart Veresmort Alba today part of Unirea
Mészkő Cheia Cluj
Sinfalva Corneşti Cluj
Székelyföldvár Războieni-Cetate Alba
Székelyhidas Podeni Cluj
Székelykocsárd Lunca Mureşului Alba
Várfalva Moldoveneşti Cluj

[edit] Csíkszék

Name of the Székely Seat: Csík
Administrative centre: Csíkszereda (Miercurea-Ciuc)
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Agyagfalva Lutiţa Harghita
Balánbánya Bălan Harghita
Borszék Borsec Harghita
Csatószeg Cetăţuia Harghita
Csíkbánkfalva Bancu Harghita
Csíkcsicsó Ciceu Harghita
Csíkcsomortán Şoimeni Harghita
Csíkdánfalva Dăneşti Harghita
Csíkjenőfalva Ineu Harghita
Csíkmadaras Mădăraş Harghita
Csíkménaság Armăşeni Harghita
Csíkrákos Racu Harghita
Csíksomlyó Şumuleu Ciuc Harghita today part of Miercurea Ciuc
Csíkszentdomokos Sândominic Harghita
Csíkszentgyörgy Ciucsângeorgiu Harghita
Csíkszentimre Sântimbru Harghita
Csíkszentkirály Sâncraieni Harghita
Csíkszentlélek Leliceni Harghita
Csíkszentmiklós Nicoleşti Harghita
Csíkszentsimon Sânsimion Harghita
Csíkszenttamás Tomeşti Harghita
Csíkszereda Miercurea Ciuc Harghita
Csíktapolca Topliţa Ciuc Harghita today part of Miercurea Ciuc
Csíkverebes Vrabia Harghita
Ditró Ditrău Harghita
Galócás Gălăutaş Harghita
Gyergyóalfalu Joseni Harghita
Gyergyóbékás Bicazu Ardelean Neamţ
Gyergyóremete Remetea Harghita
Gyergyószentmiklós Gheorgheni Harghita
Gyergyóvárhegy Subcetate Harghita
Gyimesbükk Ghimeş-Făget Bacău* *Since 1951
Gyimesfelsőlok Lunca de Sus Harghita
Gyimesközéplok Lunca de Jos Harghita
Karcfalva Cârţa Harghita
Kászonaltíz Plaieşi de Jos Harghita
Kászonfeltíz Plaieşi de Sus Harghita
Kászonimpér Imper Harghita
Lázárfalva Lăzăreşti Harghita
Madéfalva Siculeni Harghita
Salamás Sărmaş Harghita
Szárhegy Lăzarea Harghita
Szépvíz Frumoasa Harghita
Tekerőpatak Valea Strâmbă Harghita
Tusnád Tuşnad Harghita
Tusnádfürdő Băile Tuşnad Harghita

[edit] Háromszék

Name of the Székely Seat: Háromszék (=Three Seats)
Administrative centre: Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfantu-Gheorghe)
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Aldoboly Dobolii de Jos Covasna
Angyalos Angheluş Covasna
Bereck Breţcu Covasna
Bölön Belin Covasna
Csomakőrös Chiuruş Covasna
Eresztevény Eresteghiu Covasna today part of Moacşa
Esztelnek Estelnic Covasna
Felsőcsernáton Cernatu de Sus Covasna
Gelence Ghelinţa Covasna
Hilib Hilib Covasna
Illyefalva Ilieni Covasna
Kézdimartonos Mărtănuş Covasna
Kézdioroszfalu Ruseni Covasna today part of Târgu Secuiesc
Kézdiszászfalu Săsăuşi Covasna today part of Târgu Secuiesc
Kézdiszentlélek Sinzieni Covasna
Kézdivásárhely Târgu Secuiesc Covasna
Kilyén Chilieni Covasna
Kisbacon Băţanii Mici Covasna
Kisborosnyó Boroşneu Mic Covasna
Komolló Comolau Covasna today part of Reci
Középajta Aita Medie Covasna
Kurtapatak Valea Scurtă Covasna
Lemhény Lemnia Covasna
Maksa Moacşa Covasna
Málnás Malnaş Covasna
Nagyajta Aita Mare Covasna
Nagybacon Băţanii Mari Covasna
Nagyborosnyó Boroşneu Mare Covasna
Nyujtód Lunga Covasna
Oltszem Olteni Covasna
Ozsdola Ojdula Covasna
Sepsibodok Bodoc Covasna
Sepsiszentgyörgy Sfântu Gheorghe Covasna
Sósmező Poiana Sărată Bacău
Szacsva Saciova Covasna
Szárazajta Aita Seacă Covasna
Torja Turia Covasna
Uzon Ozun Covasna
Zabola Zăbala Covasna
Zágon Zagon Covasna

[edit] Marosszék

Name of the Székely Seat: Maros
Administrative centre: Marosvásárhely (Târgu-Mureş)
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Ákosfalva Acăţari Mureş
Backamadaras Păsăreni Mureş
Berekeresztúr Bâra Mureş
Buzaháza Griuşorul Mureş
Csókfalva Cioc Mureş today part of Trei Sate
Fintaháza Cinta Mureş
Folyfalva Foi Mureş today part of Crăciuneşti
Geges Ghineşti Mureş
Harasztkerék Roteni Mureş
Havad Neaua Mureş
Illyésmező Ilieşi Mureş
Káposztásszentmiklós Nicoleşti Mureş today part of Crăciuneşti
Kebele Sânişor Mureş
Kebeleszentivány Ivăneşti Mureş
Kelementelke Călimăneşti Mureş
Kibéd Chibed Mureş
Kisgörgény Gruişor Mureş
Kislekence Lechincioara Mureş
Lukfalva Gheorghe Doja* Mureş *Renamed in the 20th century. Original
Romanian name:
Lukailencfalva Ilieni Mureş today part of Gheorghe Doja
Makfalva Ghindari Mureş
Malomfalva Moreşti Mureş
Marosvásárhely* Târgu-Mureş Mureş *medieval Hungarian name:
Meggyesfalva Mureşeni Mureş
Mezőbergenye Berghia Mureş
Mezőcsávás Ceuaşu de Câmpie Mureş
Mezőfele Câmpeniţa Mureş
Mezőkölpény Culpiu Mureş
Mezőmadaras Mădăraş Mureş
Mezőménes Herghelia Mureş
Mezőpanit Pănet Mureş
Mezűrücs Râciu Mureş
Mezősámsond Gheorghe Şincai* Mureş *Renamed in the 20th century. Original
Romanian name: Şamşud
Mezőszabad Voiniceni Mureş
Mikháza Călugăreni Mureş
Nagyernye Ernei Mureş
Nyárádmagyarós Măgherani Mureş
Nyárádremete Eremitu Mureş
Nyárádselye Şilea Nirajului Mureş
Nyárádszentbenedek Murgeşti Mureş
Nyárádszereda Miercurea Nirajului Mureş
Nyárádtő Ungheni Mureş
Rigmány Rigmani Mureş
Sóvárad Sărăţeni Mureş
Szabéd Săbed Mureş
Székelyabod Abud Mureş
Székelybere Bereni Mureş
Székelyhodos Hodoşa Mureş
Székelylengyelfalva Poloniţa Mureş
Székelyszentistván Stefăneşti Mureş today part of Trei Sate
Székelyvaja Vălenii Mureş
Szentgerice Gălăţeni Mureş
Szentháromság Troiţa Mureş
Szováta Sovata Mureş

[edit] Udvarhelyszék

Name of the Székely Seat: Udvarhely
Administrative centre: Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc)
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Alsóboldogfalva Bodogaia Harghita
Atyha Atia Harghita
Bágy Bădeni Harghita
Bözödújfalu Bezidu Nou Mureş not inhabited since
the Ceauşescu era
Énlaka Inlăceni Harghita
Erdőfüle Filia Covasna
Etéd Atid Harghita
Farkaslaka Lupeni Harghita
Felsőboldogfalva Feliceni Harghita
Fenyéd Brădeşti Harghita
Firtosmartonos Firtănuş Harghita
Firtosváralja Firtuşu Harghita
Gagy Goagiu Harghita
Homoródalmás Mereşti Harghita
Homoródjánosfalva Ioneşti Braşov
Homoródújfalu Satu Nou Harghita
Kadicsfalva Cădişeni Harghita today part of Odorheiu Secuiesc
Kápolnásfalu Căpâlniţa Harghita today part of Vlahiţa
Korond Corund Harghita
Kőrispatak Crişeni Harghita
Küküllőkeményfalva Târnoviţa Harghita
Küsmöd Cuşmed Harghita
Medesér Medişoru Harghita
Olasztelek Tălişoara Covasna
Oroszhegy Dealu Harghita
Parajd Praid Harghita
Siklód Şiclod Harghita
Sükő Cireşeni Harghita
Székelybetlenfalva Beclean Harghita today part of Odorheiu Secuiesc
Székelydálya Daia Harghita
Székelyfancsal Fincel Harghita
Székelykeresztúr Cristuru Secuiesc Harghita
Székelypálfalva Păuleni Harghita
Székelyszentkirály Sincrai Harghita
Székelyszenttamás Tămaşu Harghita
Székelyudvarhely Odorheiu Secuiesc Harghita
Szentegyházasfalu Vlăhiţa Harghita
Szentlélek Bisericani Harghita
Tarcsafalva Tărceşti Harghita
Tibód Tibod Harghita
Újszékely Secuieni Harghita
Ülke Ulcani Harghita
Vargyas Vârghiş Covasna
Zetelaka Zetea Harghita

[edit] Other Hungarian settlements

Other Hungarian (or partly Hungarian) settlements in and around
the Székely Land, not belonging to the Seats
(19th century)
In Romanian Present county Note
Bácsfalu Baciu Braşov County today part of Săcele
Csernátfalu Cernatu Braşov County today part of Săcele
Hosszúfalu Satu Lung Braşov County today part of Săcele
Pürkerec Purcăreni Braşov County today part of Săcele
Réty Reci Covasna County
Tatrang Tărlungeni Braşov County
Türkös Turcheş Braşov County today part of Săcele
Zajzon Zizin Braşov County
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
To be completed

[edit] References

  1. ^ This list may not be complete because it only contains the settlements mentioned in Balázs Orbán: Székelyföld leírása (Description of Székely Land), 1868. The list also fails to cover those settlements that were originally part of the Székely Seats but gave up, or lost their freedom before the 19th century.
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