List of Slovak companies
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The following is a list of major companies operating in Slovakia.
- SLOVAKIA GROUP (consulting)
- Agrokombinat Sturec (agriculture)
- Billa (retail trade)
- Carrefour (retail; French owned)
- Istrobanka (banking)
- Kia Motors (car production) (Korean-owned) (under construction)
- Matador (car tyres)
- Mlyn Pohronský Ruskov (mill)
- Novácke chemické závody (chemicals)
- OTP Bank (banking) (owned by OTP Bank Rt, Hungary)
- Peugeot SA Trnava (car production; French owned) (under construction)
- Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa (banking)
- Rajo (dairy products) (owned by Meggle AG, Germany)
- Sky Europe (airline)
- Slovnaft (petrol) (owned by MOL Rt, Hungary)
- Slovenská sporiteľňa (banking) (owned by Erste Bank, Austria)
- Slovenské elektrárne (poweplants operator)
- Slovak Telekom (telecommunications) (formerly Slovenské telekomunikácie and Slovak Telecom) (owned by Deutsche Telekom, Germany)
- Tatra banka(banking)
- Tesco (retail; British owned)
- various Teslas
- U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. (steel producer; U.S. owned)
- Vagónka Trebišov (railway coach producer)
- Všeobecná úverová banka (banking)
- Volkswagen Slovakia (car production; German owned)
- Whirlpool (refrigerators; U.S. owned)
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.