List of Negima episodes

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This is a list of episodes in the Negima! anime series and its spin-off, Negima!?.

To fit with the magical theme of the series, the official names for the episodes are Latin phrases written in Latin, with the episode numbers written in Roman numerals.

[edit] Negima!: Magister Negi Magi episodes

# Title Original air date
I "Asinus in cathedra"
"The Blockhead in the Professor's Chair"
II "Omne initium est difficile"
"Every Beginning is Difficult"
III "Amantes, amentes"
"Lovers, Lunatics"
IV "Nullus est instar domus"
"No Place is Like Home"
V "Fama volat"
"Rumor Flies"
VI "A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi"
"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
VII "Fallaces sunt rerum species"
"The Appearances of Things are Deceptive"
VIII "Omnes una manet nox"
"One Night Befalls All of Us"
IX "Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!"
"I'll Get You, Wascally Wabbit!"
X "Ubi concordia, ibi victoria"
"Where There is Harmony, There Is Victory"
XI "Cum tacent clamant"
"When They Are Silent, They Are Shouting"
XII "Aut disce aut discede"
"Either Learn or Leave"
XIII "Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas"
"We Live and Learn"
XIV "Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore"
"I Hope the Memory of Our Friendship Will Be Eternal"
XV "Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur"
"A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed"
XVI "Amor tussisque non celantur"
"Love and a Cough, Are Not Concealed"
XVII "Nihil difficile amanti"
"Nothing is Difficult for Those You Love"
XVIII "Amor ordinem nescit"
"Love Knows No Rules"
XIX "Verba volant, scripta menent"
"Words Fly Away, the Letter Remains"
XX "Nisi credidentis, non intelligentis"
"Unless You Believe, You Will Not Understand"
XXI "Nil desperandum!"
"Never Despair!"
XXII "Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum"
"It Is Difficult to Joke in a Sad Frame of Mind"
XXIII "Memento mori"
"Remember You Will Die"
XXIV "Et arma et verba vulnerant"
"Both Weapons and Words Can Wound"
XXV "Mors certa, hora incerta"
"Certain Death, Uncertain Hour"
XXVI "Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis"
"It's Not for Me, It's Not for You, It's for Everyone""

[edit] Negima!? episodes

The sections contains a list describing the episodes to the anime series Negima!?

Screenshot Ep # English Translation (Unofficial) Japanese Title Original
Kanji Romaji
Snapshot20061012211355.jpg 01 "Huuuh? Even if You Suddenly Tell me '31 People'!" by Negi 「え~っ、いきなり31人って言われても!」 by ネギ "E~h, Ikinari 31-nin tte Iwarete mo!" by Negi October 4, 2006
Negi arrives at Mahora Academy with the duty of being a teacher there.
Negi-02.jpg 02 "No Way, Doing That is a Temporary Pactio?!" by Asuna 「うっそ、仮契約ってそんなことすんの!?」 by 明日菜 "Usso, Karikeiyaku tte Sonna Koto su n no!?" by Asuna October 11, 2006
Negi discovers that Evangeline is the vampire who is targeting his other students.
Negi-03.jpg 03 "Ahhh, So That's How You Use a Temporary Pactio Card?" by Eva 「ほー、仮契約カードはそうやって使うのか」 byエヴァ "Hoo, Karikeiyaku Kaado wa Sou Yatte Tsukau no ka" by Eva October 18, 2006
Evangeline battles for Negi's blood, and Asuna agrees to make a provisional contract to stand against her.
Negi-04.jpg 04 "Teacher... This is my First Time..." by Nodoka 「先生…...私初めてなんです…...」by のどか "Sensei...... Watashi Hajimete nan desu......" by Nodoka October 25, 2006
Nodoka discovers Negi's secret and makes a provisional contract with him too. Mahora learns news of the stolen Star Crystals. An evil force emerges.
Negi-screen05.jpg 05 "Security Deposits and Finder's Fees Are so Expensive in Tokyo, Isn't That What Temporary Pactios Are Like?" by Konoka 「東京は敷金礼金高いなぁ、ゆーて仮契約ってそういう意味ちがうん?」 by木乃香 "Tōkyō wa Shikikin Reikin Takai naa, yūte Karikeiyaku tte Sou iu Imi Chigaun?" by Konoka November 1, 2006
Nodoka experiments with her new magic book which can read the minds of others. Konoka establishes a provisional contract with Negi. An evil force takes control of three of Negi's students.
Negi-screen06.jpg 06 "Forgive me…… Would it be Acceptable if it Was on the Forehead or Cheek?" by Setsuna 「すみません……おでこかほっぺで許してもらえないでしょうか?」 by刹那 "Sumimasen... Odeko ka Hoppe de Yurushite Moraenai deshou ka?" by Setsuna November 8, 2006
Negi and his 3 new partners must face off against Kaede, Yuuna, and Chisame, who are being controlled by the same evil being who has been attacking the school. Setsuna gets a provisional contract and Yue becomes suspicious.
Negi-screen07.jpg 07 "Ummm... I Think There Are Things Best Left Unseen, but I Think There Are Things That Should Be Seen" by Sayo 「あのー…見えなくてもいいことがあると思うんですけど、見えた方がいいことっていうのもあると思うんです」 byさよ "Anoo...Mienakute mo ii Koto ga Aru to Omou n desu kedo, Mieta Hou ga ii Koto tte iu no mo Aru to Omou n desu" by Sayo November 15, 2006
Sayo, Class 3-A's resident ghost is finally noticed by Negi and is befriended by him. Wanting to make more friends in the class, she unintentionally causes havoc among the girls.
Negima-08a.jpg 08 "Teacher, Please Turn Us into Grown-ups ♥" by Fuka - Fumika 「先生、私たちをオトナにしてください♥」 by風香・史伽 "Sensei, Watashi-tachi o Otona ni shite kudasai♥" by Fuuka - Fumika November 22, 2006
To learn more about the Star Crystals and who might be after them, Negi and his partners travel deep into the mysterious Mahora Library Island. In the meantime, Fuuka, Fumika and Kaede also explore the vast book repository. The twins become Negi's newest contracts.
Negi-09.jpg 09 "Hiding "Heart" in "Knife" is Read as "Shinobi". Writing "Serious" and Reading it as "Maji" is Slightly Different" by Kaede 「“心”を“刃”で隠して“忍”と読む。“本気”と書いて“マジ”と読むのとはチョット違うでござる」 by楓 ""Kokoro" o "Yaiba" de Kakushite "Shinobi" to Yomu. "Honki" to Kaite "Maji" to Yomu no to wa Chotto Chigau de Gozaru" by Kaede November 29, 2006
During the Spring Break, Negi and his partners go on a camping trip. Negi demonstrates his magic while a certain ninja trainee makes a contract with him.
Negi-10.jpg 10 "Hiding from me and with Negi-sensei? I Shall Never Approve of Such Things!" by Ayaka 「私に隠れてネギ先生と?そんなこと絶対に認めませんわ!」 byあやか "Watakushi ni Kakurete Negi-sensei to? Sonna koto Zettai ni Mitomemasen wa!" by Ayaka December 6, 2006
Class President Ayaka is suspicious of certain classmates who are always with Negi and begins to spy on them. Negi and his partners must deal with another enemy as Kaede and the Twins' contracts are invoked.
Empty.png 11 "Oh, so a Baron is a Variety of Rose. I Thought It Was a Kind of Potato" by Haruna 「へー男爵って薔薇の種類だったんだ。おイモかと思ってたよ」 byハルナ "Hee Danshaku tte Bara no Shurui datta n da. O-imo ka to Omotteta yo" by Haruna December 13, 2006
Empty.png 12 "Well, After All That Reasoning, It Came Down to a Single Feeling" by 「まあ、いろいろと理屈をこねたところで、とどのつまりは気持ちひとつなわけですが」by "Maa, Iroiro to Rikutsu o Koneta Tokoro de, Todo no Tsumari wa Kimochi Hitotsu na Wake desu ga" by December 20, 2006
Empty.png 13 "It's More a Matter of Being in Master's Way Than Being an Enemy" by Chachamaru 「敵かどうかというよりもマスターの邪魔かどうかが問題なのです」by "Teki ka Dou ka to iu yori mo Masutaa no Jama ka Dou ka ga Mondai na no desu" by Chachamaru December 27, 2006
Empty.png 14 "Scientific Theory is Something that can't be a Match for Magic, to Say Plainly" by 「科学理論も、魔法相手じゃあってないようなものです、はっきり言って」by "Kagaku Riron mo, Mahou Aite ja Atte nai you na mono desu, Hakkiri Itte" by January 4, 2007
Series: Negima!: Magister Negi Magi | Negima!?
Characters: Negi Springfield | Students 1–15 | Students 16–31 | Other characters
Other: Episode list | Magic | Items and artifacts | Music