List of Manikongo of Kongo

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This is a List of Manikongo of Kongo. Manikongo is the local version of the title for the ruler or king of the Kingdom of Kongo. Traditionally, Manikongo were elected by elders from among eligible members of the Kimpanzu or the Kinlaza clans. Some exceptions are known.

  • Ntinu Nimi a Lukeni circa 1380-1420, first ruler
  • unknown (1420-1435)
  • unknown (1435-1450)
  • unknown (1450-1465)
  • unknown (1465-before 1482)
  • João I (Nzinga Nkuwu) before 1482-1505, the sixth Manikongo
  • Affonso I (Mvemba Nzinga) (1506-1543)
  • Peter I (1543-1545)
  • Francis I (1545-1545)
  • Diogo I (1545-1561)
  • Affonso II (1561-1561)
  • Bernard I (1561-1566)
  • Henry I (1566-1567)
  • Alvare I (1568-1587)
  • Alvare II (1587-1614)
  • Bernard II (1614-1615)
  • Alvare III (1615-1622)
  • Peter II (1622-1624)
  • Garcia I (1624-1626)
  • Ambrosio (1626-1631)
  • Alvaro IV (1631-1636)
  • Alvaro V (1636-1636)
  • Alvaro VI (1636-1642) not from one of traditional clans
  • Garcia II (1642-1661)
  • Antonio I (1661-1665), last independent king of the Kongo
  • Alvaro VII (1665-1666) not from one of traditional clans
  • Alvaro VIII (1666-1666) not from one of traditional clans
  • Affonso III (1666-1667)
  • Peter III (1667-1683)
  • Raphael (1669-1674)
  • Alvaro IX (1669-?) not from one of traditional clans
  • Daniel (1674-1678)
  • João II (1683-1717)
  • Peter IV (1709-1718) rule overlaps with João II, and not from one of traditional clans, later dropped from numbering
  • Peter V (1718-?) considered Peter IV after predecessor dropped from numbering

Unclear period. Kings during this period must include Andrew I, an Alvaro X, an Anthony II, Garcia III, Garcia IV, Henry II and Mauel I and Manuel II based on numbering of later kings.

  • Henry III (1793-1802)
  • Alvaro XI (1802-1802)
  • Garcia V (1802-1830)
  • Andrew II (1830-?)
  • Andrew III (?-1842)
  • Henry IV (1842-1858)
  • Alvaro XII (1858-1859)
  • Peter V (1859-1891)
  • Alvaro XIII (1891-1896)
  • Regency (1896-1901)
  • Peter VI (1901-1912)
  • Manuel III (1912-1915)
  • Alvaro XIV (1915-1923)
  • Peter VII (1923-1955)
  • Anthony III (1955-1957)
  • Isabel (1957-1962); regent
  • Peter VIII (1962-1962)
  • Isabel (1962-present); again regent

This is another list, constructed primarily from the list found in Graziano Saccardo, 'Congo e Angola con la storia dell'antica missione dei cappuccini(3 vols, Milan, 1982-83), vol. 3, pp. 11-14. Saccardo bases his reconstruction on several kinglists produced over time, by Antonio da Silva, Duke of Mbamba in 1617, by Antonio de Teruel in 1664, by Pedro Mendes in 1710 and by Francisco das Necessidades in 1844. In addition many of the kings wrote letters and signed them with both their names and their numbers, and Saccardo has found many of these to verify the kinglists.

Saccardo's king list has been modified in the following manner: the Kikongo names of the kings have been given in a Kikongo form following norms established in Joseph de Munck, Kinkulu kia Nsi eto' (Tumba, 1956, 2nd ed, Matadi, 1971). The Christian names of the kings are given in modern Portuguese spelling. In addition Saccardo's entries have been updated by a number of sources, most notably the kinglist, unknown to him found in the Instituto Histórico e Geografico Brasileiro (Rio de Janeiro) Manuscritos, Lata 6, pasta 2. "Catallogo dos reis de Congo" MS of c. 1758.

[[Lukeni lua Nimi (c. 1390)



Nkuwu a Ntinu (or Nkuwu a Lukeni)(c 1450)

Nzinga a Nkuwu (c 1470-1509), baptized as João I, 3 May 1491

Afonso I Mvemba a Nzinga (1509-42)

Pedro I Nkanga a Mvemba (1542-45)

Diogo I Nkumbi a Mpudi (1545-61)

Afonso II (1561)

Bernardo I (1561-66)

Henrique I (1567-8)

Alvaro I Nimi a Lukeni lua Mvemba (1567-March 1587)

Alvaro II Nimi a Nkanga (March 1587-9 August 1614)

Bernardo II Nimi a Nkanga (12 August 1614-August 1615)

Alvaro III Nimi a Mpanzu (August 1615-4 May 1622)

Pedro II Nkanga a Mvika (26 May 1622-3 April 1624)

Garcia I Mvemba a Nkanga (27 April 1624-March 1626)

Ambrósio I Nimi a Nkanga (March 1626-7 March 1631)

Alvaro IV Nzinga a Nkuwu (8 February 1631-24 February 1636)

Alvaro V Mpanzu a Nimi (27 February 1636-14 August 1636)

Alvaro VI Nimi a Lukeni a Nzenze a Ntumba (27 August 1636-22 February 1641)

Garcia II Nkanga a Lukeni a Nzenze a Ntumba (23 February 1641-end of 1660)

António I Nvita a Nkanga (start of 1661-29 October 1665)

(after the battle of Mbwila [or Ulanga] rival kings appeared in several places, sometimes simultaneously. Although many did not recognize the others, their numbers were considered by later generations in deciding their own numbering (that is Alvaro X, Pedro III, etc)

At São Salvador

Afonso II Afonso (November-December 1665)

Alvaro VII Tusi Mumaza (December 1665-June 1666)

Alvaro VIII Mvemba a Mpanzu (June 1666-beginning 1669)

Pedro III Nsimba Ntamba (January-June 1669)

Alvaro IX Mpanzu a Ntivila (June 1669-end of 1670)

Rafael I Nzinga a Nkanga (end 1670-mid 1673)

Afonso III Mvemba a Nimi (mid 1673-mid 1674)

Daniel I Miala mia Nzimbwila (mid 1674-mid 1678)

(São Salvador was destroyed and abandoned in 1678)

At Nkondo

Afonso II (December 1665-end 1669)

Afonso III Mvemba a Nimi (end 1669-mid 1673)

At Lemba (Mbula)

Pedro III Nsimba a Ntamba (fled to Lemba from São Salvador) (June 1669-1680)

João III Nzuzi a Ntamba (1680-1716)

At Kibangu

Garcia III Nkanga a Mvemba (end 1669-start 1685)

André I Mvizi a Nkanga (1685)

Manuel Afonso Nzinga a Nlenke (1685-88)

Alvaro X Nimi a Mvemba Agua Rosada (1688-December 1695)

Pedro IV Nusamu a Mvemba (December 1695-21 February 1718)

Pedro IV restored the capital to São Salvador in February 1709 and ruled there from that date

Manuel II Mpanzu a Nimi (February 1718-21 April 1743)

Garcia IV Nkanga a Mvandu (27 July 1743-31 March 1752)

Nicolau I Misaki mia Nimi (27 August 1752-post 1758)

The next kings are uncertain, Francisco das Necessidades, who created a Kinglist based on oral traditions and documents found in São Salvador in 1844 noted the following kings between Nicolau I and Pedro V:

Afonso IV Nkanga a Nkanga

Antonio II Mvita a Mpanzu

Sebastião I Nkanga kia Nkanga

Pedro V Ntivila a Nkanga (September 1763-1764)

Alvaro XI Nkanga a Nkanga I(May 1764-1778)

José I Mpasi a Nkanga (1778-1785)

Afonso V (1785-1788)

Alvaro XII (1788-unknown)

Alexio I Mpanzu a Mbandu (unknown-1793)

Joaquim I (1793-94)

Henrique I Masaki ma Mpanzu (10 January 1794-1803)

Garcia V Nkanga a Mvemba (1803-start 1830)

André II Mvizi a Lukeni (start 1830-1842)

Henrique II Mpanzu a Nsindi a Nimi a Lukeni (1842-January 1857)

Alvaro XIII Ndongo (January 1857-7 August 1859)

Pedro V Elelo [self misnumbered] 7 August 1859-February 1891)

Alvaro XIV Agua Rosada (February 1891-November 1896)

Henrique III Tekenge (1896-1901)

Pedro VI Mbemba (1901-10)

Manuel Nkomba (1910-11)

Manuel III Kiditu (1911-1914) the Portuguese abolished the title of King of Kongo following the revolt of 1914.

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