List of Legend of the Galactic Heroes media
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This is a list of media related to the long running series Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Contents |
[edit] Original novels
*Because the official English version doesn't exist, these translations are unofficial.
[edit] Main stories
- Volume 1: Dawn (黎明篇)
- Prologue. A summary about the history of the Galactic system (銀河系史概略)
- In the eternal night (永遠の夜の中で)
- Battle of Astate (アスターテ会戦)
- Empire's Dusk (帝国の残照)
- Birth of the 13th Fleet (第一三艦隊誕生)
- Taking Iserlohn! (イゼルローン攻略)
- Every star to his own (それぞれの星)
- Antimask (幕間狂言)
- Deadline (死線)
- Battle of Amlitzer (アムリッツァ)
- A new prologue (新たなる序章)
- Volume 2: Ambition (野望篇)
- Before the Storm (嵐の前)
- Flash point (発火点)
- The Yang Fleet launched (ヤン艦隊出動)
- The Bleeding Universe (流血の宇宙)
- Battle of Starzone Doria (ドーリア星域の会戦)
- Courage and Allegiance (勇気と忠誠)
- Whose Victory (誰がための勝利)
- The Golden Tree Fell (ゴールデンバウムは倒れた)
- Farewell the Yesterdays (さらば、遠き日)
- Volume 3: Crounching (雌伏篇)
- First Action (初陣)
- The Flying Vulture (はばたく禿鷹)
- One tiny thread (細い一本の糸)
- Things Lost (失われたもの)
- The Inquiry Committee (査問会)
- War without weapons (武器なき戦い)
- Fortress Versus fortress (要塞対要塞)
- The Return (帰還)
- Determination and Ambition (決意と野心と)
- Volume 4: Stratagem (策謀篇)
- Thunderclap (雷鳴)
- The Maze (迷路)
- An Arrow Released (矢は放たれた)
- The Legitimate Government of the Galactic Empire (銀河帝国正統政府)
- A Start (ひとつの出発)
- Operation: Ragnarok (作戦名「神々の黄昏」)
- A military attaché: Ensign Mintz (駐在武官ミンツ少尉)
- Invitation to a Requiem (鎮魂曲への招待)
- Phezzan Occupied(フェザーン占領)
- Volume 5: Storm (風雲篇)
- The Cold Spell Cometh (寒波到る)
- Admiral Yang's Fleet of Arks (ヤン提督の箱舟隊)
- Seeking A Free Universe (自由の宇宙を求めて)
- The Hydra (双頭の蛇)
- The Darkness at Dawn (暁闇)
- Battle after Battle (連戦)
- Battle of Vermillion (バーミリオン)
- Desperate Fight (死闘)
- A Sudden Change (急転)
- Long Live the Kaiser! (「皇帝万歳!」)
- Volume 6: Flying (飛翔篇)
- Prologue. The Fall of Earth (地球衰亡の記録)
- Kümmel Affair (キュンメル事件)
- Portrait of a certain pensioner (ある年金生活者の肖像)
- Visitors (訪問者)
- Past, Present, Future (過去、現在、未来)
- Confusion, confusion, confusion (混乱、錯乱、惑乱)
- Holy land (聖地)
- Combat play (コンバット・プレイ)
- The end of vacation (休暇は終りぬ)
- Volume 7: Waves (怒濤篇)
- Under the Goldenlöwe (黄金獅子旗の下に)
- Against all flags (すべての旗に背いて)
- "Ragnarok" once more (「神々の黄昏」ふたたび)
- Liberation, revolution, ploting and etc. (解放・革命・謀略その他)
- Prodigal sons's homecoming (蕩児たちの帰宅)
- Battle of Starzone Mal-Adetta (マル・アデッタの会戦)
- Imperial edict of the winter rose garden (冬バラ園の勅令)
- The Long Road Ahead (前途遼遠)
- Before the Sacrifice (祭りの前)
- Volume 8: Separation (乱離篇)
- Roaring Winds into the Corridor (風は回廊へ)
- April Breeze (春の嵐)
- The invincible and the undefeat (常勝と不敗と)
- Kaleidoscope (万華鏡)
- The magician returns not (魔術師、還らず)
- After the Sacrifice (祭りの後)
- Triumphant return with disappointment (失意の凱旋)
- Edict: Capital Move (遷都令)
- The New government of August (八月の新政府)
- Volume 9: Disturbance (回天篇)
- In the distant boarder (辺境にて)
- Roses at summer's end (夏の終わりのバラ)
- Rumbling (鳴動)
- Burgeoning (発芽)
- The Urvashi affair (ウルヴァシー事件)
- Rebellion is hero's right(叛逆は英雄の特権)
- Live with the Sword... (剣に生き……)
- Die with the Sword (剣に斃れ)
- Endless Requiem (終わりなき鎮魂曲)
- Volume 10: Sunset (落日篇)
- Hoffe Kaiserin! (皇妃誕生)
- Invitation to Riot (動乱への誘い)
- Cosmic Mosaic (コズミック・モザイク)
- Peace by way of bloodshed (平和へ、流血経由)
- Planet of Confusion (昏迷の惑星)
- Burning Schtehibalm Schloss (柊館炎上)
- Crimson road in the stars (深紅の星路)
- Brünhild's blood thirst (美姫は血を欲す)
- Goldenlöwe lose its lustre (黄金獅子旗に光なし)
- To see the dream through to the end (夢、見果てたり)
[edit] Side stories
- Volume 1: The Star Cursher (星を砕く者)
- The Third Battle Of Tiamat (第三次ティアマト会戦)
- Cobweb (蜘蛛の巣)
- Klopfstock Affairs (クロプシュトック事件)
- Enforcing rules (軍規を正す)
- Interlude (間奏曲)
- Actress exiting (女優退場)
- Enemy, us, enemy, enemy, enemy... (敵、味方、敵、敵、敵……)
- Planet Legniza (惑星レグニツァ)
- My road conquest is to the sea of stars (わが征くは星の大海)
- Volume 2: Julian's Iserlohn diary (ユリアンのイゼルローン日記)
- Events in the even number year (偶数年のできごと)
- The first salary (はじめての給料)
- All sets (全員集合)
- Proposal from the Empire (帝国の提案)
- Old resident vs. New resident (旧住民 vs 新住民)
- Prisoner-of-war exchange ceremony (捕虜交換式)
- Dalton Affairs (ドールトン事件)
- Secret session on bench (ベンチの秘密会議)
- Night before launch (出撃前夜)
- Volume 3: Hundred Billion Stars, Hundred Billion Lights (千億の星、千億の光)
- Battle Of Starzone Vanfleet (ヴァンフリート星域の会戦)
- Drei Rot (三つの赤)
- Bloody April (染血の四月)
- A record of a chaotic fight (混戦始末記)
- Early summer, strong wind (初夏、風強し)
- The succeeding candidacy of earl (伯爵家後継候補)
- Truth is a daughter of time (真実は時の娘)
- hundred billion stars, one ambition(千億の星、ひとつの野心)
- Volume 4: Spiral Labyrinth (螺旋迷宮)
- A new job for a hero (英雄のあたらしい仕事)
- A trip to the past (過去へのささやかな旅)
- The record of the second battle of Tiamat (第二次ティアマト会戦記)
- Betweem mourning clothes and military uniforms (喪服と軍服の間)
- The planet of the prisoner-of-war camp (収容所惑星)
- Prisoner and hostages (捕虜と人質)
- The rebellion in a microscope (顕微鏡サイズの反乱)
- The thread from the past (過去からの糸)
- The trip to find an exit (出口をさがす旅)
[edit] Short stories
- The record of the Battle of Dagon (ダゴン星域会戦記)
- The Silver Valley (白銀の谷)
- Disgrace (汚名)
- Morning's Dream, Evening's Song (朝の夢、夜の歌)
- Golden Wings (黄金の翼)
[edit] Anime series and OVAs
[edit] Games
Additionally, several Japanese video games have been released based on the Legend of Galactic Heroes world, including one MMORPG/Strategy game. They have not been translated into English.