List of Kushiel's Legacy characters

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This is a list of characters in Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy saga.


[edit] Delaunay's household

[edit] Members of the royal family

[edit] Terre d'Ange

[edit] La Serenissima

  • Benedicte de la Courcel, Prince of the Blood, brother of Ganelon
  • Maria Stregazza de la Courcel, wife of Benedicte
  • Dominic Stregazza, husband of Thérèse and cousin of the Doge
  • Marie-Celeste de la Courcel Stregazza, Princess of the Blood, wife of the son of the Doge and daughter of Benedicte and Maria
  • Thérèse de la Courcel Stregazza, Princess of the Blood, wife of Dominic and daughter of Benedicte and Maria

[edit] D'Angeline peerage

  • Isidore d'Aiglemort, son of Maslin
  • Maslin d'Aiglemort, Duc d'Aiglemort (Camlach)
  • Marquise Solaine Belfours, secretary of the Privy Seal
  • Rogier Clavel, member of the L'Envers entourage
  • Childric d'Essoms, member of the Court of Chancery
  • Cecilie Laveau-Perrin, former adept of Cereus House and a tutor of Alcuin and Phèdre
  • Roxanne de Mereliot, Lady of Marsilikos (Eisande)
  • Quincel de Morhban, Duc de Morhban (Kusheth)
  • Lord Rinforte, Prefect of the Cassiline Brotherhood
  • Edmée de Rocaille (deceased), betrothed of Rolande de la Courcel
  • Melisande Shahrizai, noble of Kusheth
  • Tabor, Sacriphant, Persia, Marmion, and Fanchone Shahrizai, kin of Melisande
  • Ghislain de Somerville, son of Percy
  • Percy de Somerville, Comte de Somerville (L'Agnace), Prince of the Blood and Royal Commander
  • Tibault de Toluard, Comte de Toluard (Siovale)
  • Gaspar Trevalion, Comte de Fourcay (Azzalle), cousin of Marc de Trevalion
  • Luc and Mahieu Verreuil, brothers of Joscelin Verreuil
  • Millard Verreuil, noble of Siovale and father of Joscelin, Luc, and Mahieu

[edit] Night Court

  • Liliane de Souverain, adept of Jasmine House and mother of Phèdre nó Delaunay
  • Miriam Bouscevre, Dowayne of Cereus House
  • Juliette, Ellyn, Etienne, Calantia, Jacinthe, and Donatien, apprentices of Cereus House
  • Brother Louvel, priest of Elua
  • Jareth Moran, Second of Cereus House
  • Suriah, adept of Cereus House
  • Didier Vascon, Second of Valerian House

[edit] Skaldia

  • Ailsa, woman in Gunter's steading
  • Gunter Arnlaugson, head of steading
  • Evrard the Sharp-tongued, thane in Gunter's steading
  • Gerde, woman in Selig's steading
  • Harald the Beardless, thane in Gunter's steading
  • Hedwig, woman in Gunter's steading
  • Kolbjorn of the Manni, one of Selig's war leaders
  • Knud, thane in Gunter's steading
  • Lodur the One-eyed, priest of Odhinn
  • Waldemar Selig, head of steading and warlord
  • Trygve, member of the White Brethren
  • White Brethren, Selig's thanes

[edit] The tsingani

  • Abhirati, grandmother of Anasztaizia
  • Anasztaizia, mother of Hyacinthe
  • Csavin, nephew of Manoj
  • Gisella, wife of Neci
  • Hyacinthe, "Prince of Travellers" and friend of Phèdre nó Delaunay
  • Manoj, King of the Tsingani and father of Anasztaizia
  • Neci, headman of a kumpania

[edit] Alba and Eire

  • Breidaia, eldest daughter of Necthana
  • Brennan, son of Grainne
  • The Cruarch of Alba, King of the Picti
  • Drustan mab Necthana, Prince of the Picti, son of Necthana
  • Eamonn mac Conor, Lord of the Dalriada, brother of Grainne
  • Foclaidha, wife of the Cruarch
  • Grainne mac Conor, Lady of the Dalriada, sister of Eamonn
  • Maelcon, son of the Cruarch and Foclaidha
  • Moiread, youngest daughter of Necthana
  • Necthana, sister of the Cruarch
  • Sibeal, middle daughter of Necthana

[edit] The Three Sisters

  • Gildas, servant of the Master of the Straits
  • The Master of the Straits, controller of the seas between Alba and Terre d'Ange
  • Tilian, servant of the Master of the Straits

[edit] Others

  • Vitale Bouvarre, merchant and Stregazza ally
  • Pierre Cantrel, merchant and father of Phèdre nó Delaunay
  • Camilo, apprentice of Gonzago de Escabares
  • Danele, dyer and wife of Taavi
  • Emile, member of Hyacinthe's crew
  • Maestro Gonzago de Escabares, Aragonian historian and former tutor of Delaunay
  • Fortun, sailor and one of Phèdre's Boys
  • Gavin Friote, seneschal of Perrinwolde and husband of Heloise
  • Heloise Friote, wife of Gavin
  • Purnelle Friote, son of Gavin and husband of Richeline
  • Richeline Friote, wife of Purnelle
  • Aelric Leithe, sailor
  • Jean Marchand, Rousse's second-in-command
  • Thelesis de Mornay, King's Poet
  • Mierette nó Orchis, former adept of Orchis House
  • Remy, sailor and one of Phèdre's Boys
  • Quintilius Rousse, Royal Admiral
  • Taavi, Yeshuite weaver and husband of Danele
  • Maia and Rena, daughters of Taavi and Danele
  • Master Robert Tielhard, marquist
  • Ti-Philippe, sailor and one of Phèdre's Boys
  • Lelahiah Valais, chirurgeon from Eisande
  • Japheth nó Eglantine-Vardennes, playwright
  • Seth ben Yavin, Yeshuite scholar