List of Japanese anthologies

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This is a list of significant Japanese poetry anthologies.


[edit] Waka and Tanka

[edit] pre-Heian period chronicles

  • Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) completed in 712, Japan's first book, includes 113 poem-songs.
  • Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) completed in 720, includes 131 poem-songs
  • fudoki (records of wind and earth) compiled at Imperial command beginning in 713, 23 songs from fragmented records
  • Shoku Nihongi (Chronicles of Japan Continued) submitted to Emperor Kammu in 797, a collection of myth, legend, folktale and songs

[edit] from the Heian period till the early Kamakura period

  • Man'yōshū (Collection for Ten Thousand Generations) the oldest anthology in Japanese, c.785, 20 manuscript scrolls, 4,516 poems (when the tanka envoys to the various choka are numbered as separate poems), Ōtomo Yakamochi was probably the last to edit the Manyoshu. Isn't organized in any particular way (most metadata is supplied by headnotes), and the poems are written in a Japanese version of the Chinese monosyllabic pronunciation for the Chinese characters.
  • Imperial waka anthologies ; anthologies as a national project. Each anthology reflected the taste of time and with loyal dignity became canons for contemporaries and the later. The earliest eight anthologies are referred often Hachidaishu, Eight Anthologies. 21 anthologies were created.
    1. Kokinshū (Collection of Ancient and Modern Times) the first imperial waka anthology, 20 scrolls, 1,111 poems, ordered by Emperor Daigo and completed c. 905, compiled by Ki no Tsurayuki, Ki no Tomonori, Ōshikōchi and Mibu no Tadamine.
    2. Gosenshū (Later Collection) 20 scrolls, 1,426 poems, ordered in 951 by Emperor Murakami
    3. Shuishū (Collection of Gleanings) 20 scrolls, 1,351 poems, ordered by ex-Emperor Kazan
    4. Goshuishū (Later Collection of Gleanings) 20 scrolls, approx 1,200 poems, Ordered in 1075 by Emperor Shirakawa, completed in 1086.
    5. Kin'yōshū (Collection of Golden Leaves) 10 scrolls, 716 poems, ordered by former Emperor Shirakawa, drafts completed 1124-1127, compiled by Minamoto Shunrai (Toshiyori)
    6. Shikashū (Collection of Verbal Flowers) 10 scrolls, 411 poems, ordered in 1144 by former Emperor Sutoku, completed c.1151-1154, compiled by Fujiwara Akisuke
    7. Senzaishū (Collection of a Thousand Years) 20 scrolls, 1,285 poems, ordered by former Emperor Shirakawa, probably completed in 1188, compiled by Fujiwara no Shunzei (also known as Toshinari)
    8. Shinkokinshu (New Collection of Ancient and Modern Times) the eighth imperial waka anthology. Its name apparently aimed to show the relation and counterpart to Kokinshu, ordered in 1201 by former Emperor Go-Toba, compiled by Fujiwara no Teika (whose first name is sometimes romanized as Sadaie), Fujiwara Ariie, Fujiwara Ietaka (Karyū), the priest Jakuren, Minamoto Michitomo, and Asukai Masatsune
  • Private editions - Most of waka poets have their own anthology edited by self or by another. They were one of sources of the imperial anthologies.
    • Hitomarokashu An anthology of Kakinomoto no Hitomaro works. The editor is unknown. Perhaps edited in the early Heian. Many misattributed waka are included.
    • Tsurayukishu An anthology of Ki no Tsurayuki works, one of editors of Kokinshu.
    • Kintoshu An anthology of Fujiwara no Kinto, the editor of Wakanroeishu. It gave influence to the waka poetry in the middle Heian period.
    • Hyakunin Isshu Precisely Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. Edited by Fujiwara no Teika. Till Meiji it had been read as elementary book for waka poets.
    • Fujiwara no Teika Kashu An anthology of Fujiwara no Teika works.
    • Izumi Shikibu Shū (The Collection of Izumi Shikibu)

[edit] from the Kamakura period to the Muromachi period

  • Imperial anthologies - 13 anthologies were edited mostly in the Kamakura period.
9. Shinchokusenshu
10. Shokugosenshu
11. Shokukokinshu
12. Shokushuishu
13. Shingosenshu
14. Gyokuyoshu
15. Shokusenzaishu
16. Shokugoshuishu
17. Fugashu
18. Shinsenzaishu
19. Shinshuishu
20. Shingoshuishu
21. Shinzokukokinshu

[edit] Renga

  • Tsukubashu (1356) After finishing of its edit, the status of imperial anthology was given to it.
  • Shinsentsukbashu (1495) Edited by Io Sogi.
  • Shinseninutsukbashu (1593) Edited by Yamazaki Sokan. The significant anthology of early haikai renga from which haiku developed later.
  • Haikai Shichibushu The conventional name for seven anthologies collected Matsuo Basho and his disciples' renga.
    • Fuyunohi (A Winter Day)
    • Harunohi (A Spring Day)
    • Arano (Wilderness)
    • Hisago (Gourd)
    • Sarumino (Rain Pullover for A Monkey)
    • Sumidawara (Carbon Carton)
    • Zokusarumino (Rain Pullover for A Monkey II)

[edit] Haikai and Haiku

[edit] Kanshi

  • Kaifūsō (751) (Fond Recollections of Poetry) the oldest collection of Chinese poetry (kanshi) written by Japanese poets
  • Imperial anthologies - Advancing the Imperial waka anthologies, the earliest imperial anthologies gathered Kanshi, the Chinese poetry which Japanese learned from the Tang Dynasty. Three anthologies were edited in the early Heian period.

[edit] Miscellaneous

  • Wakanroeishu Quotations from waka and kanshi for reciting. Edited by Fujiwara no Kinto.