List of Final Fantasy XII characters

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Final Fantasy characters

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Final Fantasy XII
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Final Fantasy: Unlimited

The characters of Square Enix's computer role-playing game Final Fantasy XII were designed by Akihiko Yoshida.


[edit] Vaan

English Cast Japanese Cast
Bobby Edner Kouhei Takeda

Vaan (ヴァン Van?) is a 17-year-old orphaned Hume street urchin who lost his parents in a plague when he was 12 years old and his only brother Reks two years before the start of the game, during the Archadian Invasion of Dalmasca. He makes a living as Migelo's assistant, running various errands for him, while at the same time pickpocketing from Archadian soldiers, claiming to take back what is Dalmasca's. He is a cheerful and energetic lad, and among his friends he is considered their leader. Vaan always dreams of someday becoming a sky pirate in command of his own airship. He often trains to meet this goal by killing dire rats in the sewers of Rabanastre on a daily basis, for which Dalan gave him the nickname '"Vaan Ratsbane."' (This confuses some into believing that "Ratsbane" is his real surname- it is unknown what Vaan's surname actually is.)

During the beginning of the game, he is still resentful of his brother's death at the supposed hands of Basch. However, this quickly changes as he and the party learn the truth, and he eventually decides to trust Basch, stating "My brother trusted you"; from this point on he actually acts as defender of Basch to Ashe, who initially hates him.

Vaan also has a hidden secret: He is frustrated with the mere fact he is incapable of helping Dalmasca. As he states to Ashe in the Garif town of Jahara, Vaan would claim to be a "sky pirate- or some other stupid thing", simply so that he could ignore his own feelings of helplessness and confusion before the Empire. Mirroring Ashe's own frustration with her inability to defeat the Empire, Vaan's frustration turns itself into a desire to see the journey through; as he states to Ashe, he believes that if he just keeps following her, he can find his own answers.

Vaan is unique in that, despite being the player character for most of the game, he is not the leader of the party- as he states to Penelo when the party reaches Archades, he's just going along with the party, following them.

Though Vaan eventually "gives up" his dream of being a sky pirate, since, as stated above, it was merely his means of letting loose his frustration, he eventually does become a sky pirate, with Balthier eventually showing him the ropes. He eventually gets his own small airship in the end, after Fran and Balthier take the Strahl airship, with Penelo as his navigator. He returns in the sequel, "Revenant Wings", as the hero of the story.

[edit] Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca

Main article: Ashe (Final Fantasy)
English Cast Japanese Cast
Kari Wahlgren Mie Sonozaki

Ashelia or Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca (アーシェ・バナルガン・ダルマスカ Āshe Banarugan Darumasuka?) is a 19-year-old Hume princess fighting to liberate her kingdom, Dalmasca, from the Archadian Empire. She was thought to have committed suicide, but took on the alias, Amalia, to serve as the leader of the resistence before joining the group. Though intent on getting revenge on Archadia for the horrors its militant forces had commited on her people, Ashe's own lineage and malice were manipulated by the Occuria.

[edit] Balthier

English Cast Japanese Cast
Gideon Emery Hiroaki Hirata

Balthier (バルフレア Barufurea?, Balflear in the original Japanese language version) is a 22-year-old Hume sky pirate who pilots the Strahl, a small airship, around the skies of Ivalice. He and his companion, Fran, prefer to remain outside of the war between the kingdoms of Ivalice. However, their attempt to steal the magicite (actually the Dusk Shard Nethicite) went bad; Vaan stole it first, and events forced them to join up in the resistance over time.

Born Ffamran Mid Bunansa (ファムラン・ミド・ブナンザ Famuran Mido Bunanza?), he is the son of Dr. Cid, though he grew weary of his father's madness and obsession with Nethicite. Although Cid had made him an Imperial Judge, Ffamran eventually decided to cut his ties with his father and his role as a judge, becoming a sky pirate under a new name. With this new career change, Balthier amounted a sizable bounty on his head, attracting the attention of bounty hunters such as Ba'Gamnan. But unfortunately for Balthier, he'd been following his father in pursuing Nethicite while he served in the resistance; it just took him a while to realize it.

Balthier claims to be the "leading man" of the story many times throughout the game, and insists that this status makes him invincible - because "the lead never dies". This was furthered by his near-death experience when the Sky Fortress Bahamut was destroyed near Rabanastre. Though presumed dead, he and Fran apparently retrieved the Strahl back from Vaan & Penelo, leaving a note for the new Queen Ashe, indicating he is still alive. Both he and Fran are to return in the game's sequel, Revenant Wings.

  • Balthier shares his last name with the character Mustadio Bunanza from Final Fantasy Tactics, though relations are vague.

[edit] Basch Fon Ronsenberg

English Cast Japanese Cast
Keith Ferguson Rikiya Koyama

Sir Basch Fon Ronsenberg (バッシュ・フォン・ローゼンバーグ Basshu fon Rōzenbāgu?) is a 36-year-old Hume who was born in the Republic of Landis, along with his twin brother Noah. After the Archadian Empire conquered their homeland, Basch fled to Dalmasca, joining its militant force. At Nalbina Fortress, Basch led the defense, and carried the dying Lord Rasler from the battlefield. After the Archadian occupation, he and Vossler led an assault on Nalbina Fortress to save the king, only to be captured by Imperial forces. As part of Vayne's plot to frame Basch, Noah, now Gabranth, posed as his brother and slew the Dalmascan king and later Vaan's older brother, Reks, who witnessed the crime. As a result, Basch is regarded by the Dalmascans as a traitor, and was stated to have been executed by Marquis Ondore. But in reality, Basch was imprisoned alive in the Nalbina Dungeons by Vayne as a means of ensuring Ondore remains loyal to the empire- if Ondore betrayed the Empire, all Vayne would have to do would be to announce Basch's continued survival to destroy the Marquis' credibility.

He was eventually freed by Vaan, Balthier, and Fran who were trying to escape Nalbina dungeons. Though all three were initially suspicious of him, Vaan in particular, the party did catch a look at Gabranth's face, lending credibility to Basch's story that he had been framed. After the escape, he vowed to protect Ashe and help the resistance, in spite of his past failures. He remained loyal as well, even through such events as Vossler's betrayal.

It was Basch's devotion to honor despite everything else that most puzzled his twin, Gabranth, and was the source of the division between them. Eventually coming to respect Basch's viewpoint more than his own, Gabranth sought to redeem himself and remained true to his own devotion to Larsa Solidor, helping his brother and Ashe defeat Vayne on the Bahamut.

After the battle, as Noah was dying, he asked his brother to protect Larsa in his place to ensure peace. Because common belief of Captain Ronsenberg being dead, Basch easily took over his brother's stead as "Judge Magister Gabranth" to be the protector of the new Emperor Larsa Solidor.

[edit] Fran

English Cast Japanese Cast
Nicole Fantl Rika Fukami

Fran (フラン Furan?) is a member of the rabbit-like Viera race and Balthier's partner aboard his airship. Although her preferred weapon is the bow and arrow, she is also quite competent with a variety of other weapons and is notably proficient in grappling and fencing. She's also an excellent airship mechanic (She is in charge of the maintenance of Balthier's airship, the Strahl), and a good pilot, to boot.

Fran's hometown is Eruyt Village, a small enclave of Viera in Golmore Jungle. Fran left Eruyt Village and cast aside the Green Wood fifty years prior to the events occurring in the game, believing that as her kind began with the forest, they can not be bound to its end. She had no intention to return to the Wood ever again until she and the others needed to get to Mt. Bur-Omisace, which lay past Golmore; unfortunately, the paths were sealed by Jote, Fran's sister. Though normally the Viera would let none pass, Vaan's brashness made Jote reveal that Fran and Jote's other sister, Mjrn, was abducted by the Judges. If the party would save Mjrn, Jote would let them through. After saving Mjrn, Fran admitted that she regretted the choice she made years ago, as she is unable to hear the forest, and "fear she (the wood) hates". Jote told her that the Wood was jealous of the Humes who had stolen Fran from her boughs, and did not hate her- though Fran saw it as a kind "lie".

Fran, like all Viera, is exceptionally susceptible to the flows and vagaries of the Mist that permeates Ivalice; when Judge Ghis heated the Dawn Shard in his airship's engine, she could feel the Mist burning, and it threw her into a berserk rage, allowing her to easily split her iron shackles and, with her bare hands, knock down the guards imprisoning them with little trouble. Likewise, she could tell that the Mist was cooled in the Grand Crystal, and of all the characters, seems to be the wisest- fitting, as she is much older than the rest of the cast.

  • Fran is the only non-Hume (human) character in the main cast.

[edit] Penelo

Penelo as seen on FFXII
English Cast Japanese Cast
Catherine Taber Yuna Mikuni

Penelo (パンネロ Pannero?) is a Hume orphan who works as a dancer in a Rabanastre bazaar. She learned martial arts from her now-deceased older brother, a soldier, and though small in stature, she is perfectly capable of handling herself in sticky situations.

Penelo acts as Vaan's love interest; while Vaan is only peripherally interested in Ashe because she's so different from him, Penelo is like girlfriend and little sister rolled into one. Vaan resents Penelo for scolding him about his thievery, yet he is the first to suggest and in fact demand that they save her when she is captured.

She has known Vaan since childhood, and is like a sister to him. Her parents, having took Vaan in to care for him after his own parents died, encouraged Penelo to like Vaan; having placed the two together when young, Vaan and Penelo care about each other a lot. It is unclear if this relationship will go any further, but the ending of the game reveals that they are traveling together as sky pirates.

While due to the nature of Final Fantasy XII's combat system, no character is inherently good or bad at anything, there are small stat differences; these differences dictate that Penelo is the best magic user in the party. This is also indicated in the sequel; Penelo returns in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, wearing a new outfit and using a magical staff.

[edit] Vayne Carudas Solidor

Vayne Solidor
English Cast Japanese Cast
Elijah Alexander Nobuo Tobita

Vayne Carudas Solidor (ヴェイン・カルダス・ソリドール Vein Karudasu Soridōru?) is the 27-year-old Consul of Archadia and a member of the House of Solidor, whose members had led the Empire for four generations. This in effect makes him a "Prince", though as he states, the democratic nature of the Empire makes him no more eligible for the throne than anyone. He often laughs off those who attempt to give him the respect his title would command and makes genuine efforts to reach out to the conquered Dalmascans who make up his jurisdiction. This is all a cover, however; Vayne is in truth a man who wishes nothing more than to be the new Dynast King, willing to sacrifice all the people of Rabanastre and millions of lives to ensure that Vayne's concept of "peace" is ensured no matter who gets in his way. Vayne complains that his "efforts have gone unrewarded for far too long"; he believes that all the work he's done should mean something by now, and the game occurs just as all of his plans are coming to fruition.

Vayne has a dark and troubled history, and his willingness to do whatever it takes to get what he wants has led him to do many vile deeds. At the age of 16, Emperor Gramis ordered him to kill his two older brothers who were plotting treason, although officially it was said that they both died in battle. Though he wields a considerable amount of authority, Vayne does not abuse his power; rather, he makes an effort to foster a positive relationship with the conquered Dalmascans and insists that the welfare of the people is his foremost concern.

Vayne's plans to become Dynast King rely on getting his hands on Nethicite and learning to manufacture it. To that end, he sought out the power of the rogue Occuria Venat despite his dislike of the Occurias for essentially controlling the Humes and their future. Beyond framing Basch for the Dalmascan king's murder, it also gave Vayne control of the critical Dalmascan territory, a link between three continents. Vayne then became Consul of Dalmasca, and used his position to make the people more friendly towards him and the Empire: he removed the formerly abusive guards, sending them to the Nalbina Dungeons, and made several speeches to the effect that he wanted to be on their side. Like most of the things Vayne says, however, his actions prove different: instead of staying in Rabanastre to help the people, he went back to Archadia to enact the second phase of his plan. In an attempt to ensure that the House of Solidor would be the central autocratic power of the empire for years to come, Vayne poisoned his father and framed the Senate for this, both setting himself in his father's place as a replacement Emperor until a vote, and removing the one force in the Empire that opposed him by removing all traces of its democracy.

Vayne then turned his eyes to Rozarria, the only other empire who may be able to Archadia in a war. Deciding to use the newly-created Resistance of Marquis Ondore as an excuse, Vayne arranged for a war to take place, hoping to use the manufacted Nethicite created by Dr. Cid, and the newly-developed Sky Fortress Bahamut to give the Archadian Empire the edge. Before this war could begin, however, Vaan and his party interfered. The killing of Dr. Cid while the Sky Fortress Bahamut was still powering up on Nethicite energy, and the destruction of the Sun Cryst, effectively eliminated some of his strongest advantages. With the Sun Cryst gone, Nethicite no longer worked, and the Sky Fortress Bahamut was not at full power.

Henceforth, Vayne, ended up fighting Vaan and company within Bahamut, once by himself, then again after absorbing the Nethicite power to become Vayne Novus. Just when it seemed as if victory was in his grasp, Larsa came to their aid, protecting Gabranth from his brother's wrath, as Vaan ran Vayne through. But instead of dying, Venat infused its power into Vayne. As Venat's power flowed through Vayne's body, he used it to destroy everything around him and used pieces of the Bahamut to transform into The Undying, a large robotic monster that resembled an angel, and with that, Vayne fought the party one last time. Even the new-found power Venat bestowed on Vayne wasn't enough to save him, though, and he died at last, going unrewarded for his work. Afterwards, Larsa took his brother's place as emperor and undid many of the wrongs Vayne commited.

[edit] Larsa Ferrinas Solidor

Larsa Solidor
English Cast Japanese Cast
Johnny McKeown Yuka Imai

Larsa Ferrinas Solidor (ラーサー・ファルナス・ソリドール Rāsā Farunasu Soridōru?) is the younger brother of Vayne Solidor and the fourth son of Gramis, eleventh emperor of Archadia. He was seen by the Senate as likely candidate to succeed Gramis as emperor they can control, though Larsa acts in secret like learning more about his older brother. When he met Vaan and company, Larsa assumed the alias "Lamont" so as to remain incognito, though his knowledge of Nethicite exposed him. Larsa helped Vaan and company escape from Ghis and later joined the party again at Jahara until he learned of his father's demise.

Larsa urged Ashe to use her influence on the Resistance to prevent an aggravation between the warring countries. Unlike his brother Vayne, Larsa was confident that a peaceful solution between these groups involved possible. After his brother was defeated, Larsa took his place in the Arcadian throne and settled into peace agreements.

[edit] Archadian Judges

The Archadian Judges from left to right: Zargabaath, Bergan, Gabranth, Ghis and Drace
The Archadian Judges from left to right: Zargabaath, Bergan, Gabranth, Ghis and Drace

The Archadian Judges are the supreme enforcers of Archadian law in the world of Ivalice. Each wields extraordinary legal power in his or her own right over lower-ranked Archadian officers. The higher ranked Judge Magisters, in addition to functioning as legal administrators, are also charged with the task of guarding the royal family.

  • Judge Magister Gabranth: The leader of the Judges whose image is on the game logo. He is also Basch's twin brother, Noah Fon Ronsenburg, the man truly responsible for the deaths of Reks and King Raminas. Unlike Basch, he wholeheartedly supports Archadia, enlisting after their homeland was conquered. Assuming the name of Gabranth, he served under the Emperor as Larsa's protector and Vayne's second in command. Despite these facts, Gabranth loathes himself for the framing of his brother and the horrible tasks Vayne has commanded him to do, like killing Drace to prove his loyalty as "Archadia's Dog". Towards the end of the game, after realizing why his brother remains with a positive outlook despite his life ruined, Gabranth decides to make up for his wrongs by protecting Larsa and helping the Resistance kill Vayne for the good of the empire. He is fatally injured by Vayne in the process, before Larsa arrived to his defense, and dies in Basch's arms. Basch takes up his brother's mantle, at his request, in the aftermath of the game, serving as next "Gabranth" and Larsa's protector. Akio Otsuka is the voice of Gabranth in the Japanese version; Michael Rodgers is the English voice.
  • Judge Magister Ghis: Vayne's most trusted ally and commander of the Dreadnought Leviathan, Ghis was the one responsible for guarding and supervising the young prince Larsa during his visit to Bhujerba and fought Vaan when he and the others freed Ashe. Ghis died when he arrogantly had the Dawn Shard analyzed by having it placed within the engine of the Leviathan, despite cautious advice of his subordinates. The result caused the Leviathan and all in it to implode while the shockwave destroyed the rest of Empire's Eighth Fleet. Ryunosuke Obayashi is the voice of Ghis in the Japanese version; Mark Wing-Davey is the English voice.
  • Judge Magister Drace: The only female Judge. She, too, is charged with guarding Larsa but also acts as his personal advisor and makes it her responsibility to oversee his education and upbringing. Drace suspected that Vayne killed the Emperor, attempted to arrest him. Sadly, in drawing her sword upon him, she ends up betraying her own moral conduct as a Judge. Vayne then had her put to death by a hesitant Gabranth, so as to test the man's loyalty. Though reluctant, Drace allows it, realizing that a life serving a corrupt government was not a life worth living, but not before having Gabranth vow he would protect Larsa. Yoko Soumi is the voice of Drace in the Japanese version; Julia Fletcher is the English voice.
  • Judge Magister Zargabaath: A strictly military man who is absolutely loyal to both the Empire and the Emperor. He is granted the airship Alexander by Vayne to bring back Larsa. When Bahamut is crashing into Rabanastre, Zargabaath offers to perform a kamikaze attack with Alexander to protect the city, but Balthier's actions prevent this from being necessary. Zargabaath is the only Judge that doesn't die in the course of the game. Ryūzaburō Ōtomo provides Zargabaath's voice in the Japanese version; Simon Templeman is the English voice.
  • Judge Magister Bergan: The most autocratic of all the Judges in both word and deed, as well as possibly the strongest as he manhandled Drace. He answers to Lord Vayne and is an outspoken advocate of Vayne, whom he saw the "true Dynast King", and his intent of turning Dalmasca into a complete military dictatorship under Archadian rule. Though he managed to get Larsa back, Bergan attacked Al-Cid and killed Anastasis. Bergan wields two unique-looking swords, which are heavy in appearance, and used manufacted Nethicite as a booster, while being possessed by Venat. When Bergan is defeated by the main party, he seemingly died from his body being unable to withstand the Nethicite's full power. Yōsuke Akimoto is the voice of Bergan in the Japanese version; Gary Martin is the English voice.

[edit] Other important characters

  • Reks (レックス Rekkusu?): Older brother of Vaan who fought under Basch's command in the battle against the Archadian invaders. He was murdered by Judge Gabranth who posed as Basch, later dying with the belief that Basch was a traitor when he witnessed the king's death as part of Lord Vayne's plan. He is later hospitalized and eventually dies, but not before Vaan gets a chance to see him and learn of Reks' belief. The player controls Reks in the opening tutorial of the game. Hideki Tasaka is the Japanese voice of Reks; Yuri Lowenthal is the English voice.
  • Prince Rasler Heios Nabradia: Prince of the neighboring state of Nabradia who married Ashe right before the Archadian invasion. Rasler is wounded by an archer during the battle at Nalbina Fortress, Basch escapes the destruction of the fortress with him. Rasler goes into a coma from the wound and eventually dies from it, widowing Ashe. He seems to appear to Ashe in the game as a ghost figure, and sometimes to Vaan, but this apparition was actually an Occurian illusion designed to lead Ashe on the path they wanted. Yasuyuki Kase provides his voice in the Japanese version of the game; Andrew Philpot is the English voice.
  • Vossler York Azelas: Comrade-in-arms with Basch, equal in rank. He remained loyal to Dalmasca and its legacy, helping Ashe in the resistance movement. Vossler is rather short tempered and not very compassionate, as seen when he told Basch to leave Reks behind in a battle. Vossler aided Vaan and company in the rescue of Ashe and the finding of the Dawn Shard. But once the Dawn Shard was found, Vossler betrayed his allies to the Empire believing it to be for the good of Dalmasca. He is defeated by the hands of the main characters, apologizing to Basch and Ashe in his last moments as he remained on the Light Cruiser Shiva as it was destroyed in the explosion caused by the Dawn Shard. Masaki Terasoma is the Japanese voice of Vossler; Nolan North is the English voice.
  • Migelo: Kind, elderly Bangaa who has taken the orphans Vaan and Penelo under his wing. Though he helps Vaan from time to time, Vaan does not wish to rely on him constantly. Shiro Saito is the Japanese voice of Migelo; John DiMaggio is the English voice.
  • Al-Cid Margrace: Flamboyant heir of the Rozarrian ruling family. He attempted to aid Larsa with a plan to stop the potential war non-violently, but the death of Gramis and the eventual dictatorship of Vayne reduced that chance to nearly nothing. David Rasner is the English voice of Al-Cid.
  • Emperor Gramis Gana Solidor: Father of Vayne and Larsa, emperor of Archadia. However, even he isn't immune to the scheming of the Senate who suggested that Larsa be his successor. Gramis also was filled with regret for the deaths of his two oldest sons, whom he gave Vayne the order to kill. After refusing to dethrone the Senate as wished by Vayne, whom he feared would be a danger to their empire, he is eventually assassinated at Vayne's hand. With the emperor murdered, the blame for it was focused on Chairperson Gregoros and other members of the Senate, resulting into their disbandment by the newly crowned Vayne. Hidekatsu Shibata is the Japanese voice of Solidor; Roger L. Jackson is the English voice.
  • King Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca: Father of Ashe and eight deceased princes, ruled Dalmasca before its invasion. After Dalmasca's fall to the Archadian Empire, he was forced to acknowledge a "peace treaty" - the sign to approve Archadia's occupation and Dalmasca's surrender - but shortly after this happened he was murdered by Judge Gabranth in the guise of Basch. Nick Jameson is the English voice of King Raminas.
  • Marquis Halim Ondore IV: Ruler of the skycity of Bhujerba and Ashe's uncle, serving as the preacher to her wedding and Rasler's funeral. Ondore was rumored to have connections with the Dalmascan rebels Kelly and Laura, even though he appears to have yielded to an Archadian rule. But once the Archadian 8th fleet was destroyed, Ondore resigned from his position and began to gather all rebel forces to rebel against the Empire. Akio Nojima is the Japanese voice of Ondore; Tom Kane is the English voice.
  • Reddas: A sky pirate from Balfonheim whose crew is composed of Rikkin, Lars and Elsa. In truth, he was originally the missing Judge Magister Zecht of Archadia. In the war with Nabudis, he was responsible for the Midlight Shard destroying the kingdom. Filled with guilt, he abandoned his post and took on the name "Reddas", arriving in Balfonhiem where he cleaned up the town and became a patron to pirates. He was eventually approached by Ondore who asked that he retrieve Deifacted Nethicite from Doctor Cid. Later, he accompanied Ashe to the Pharos at Ridorana to find the Sun-Cryst. When Cid activated the Sun-Cryst, Reddas sacrificed himself by using the Sword of Kings to destroy the crystal. Phil LaMarr is the English voice of Reddas.
  • Gran Kiltias Anastasis: The current Gran Kiltias of the Temple of Kiltia, Anastasis is of the Helga. As high priest, he dreams of a time of peace for Ivalice, giving Ashe his blessing to obtan Raithwall's sword. He was subsequently murdered by Judge Bergan when the Archadian army infiltrated Mt. Bur-Omisace in search of Larsa. Dwight Schultz is the English voice of Anastasis.
  • Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa: Referred to as just "Dr. Cid", he is a 58 year old Archadian scientist who is close friends with Vayne, despite age differences, and currently engaged in studying Nethicite, the one who created all of Archadia's airships. He is revealed to be Balthier's father, whose ambitions drove Balthier away from the father he used to know. This incident was result of Cid going to Giruvegan to study more of the Nethicite, only to return as a maniacal shell of his former self. Dr. Cid became so obsessed with his research on Nethicite, that he eventually warped his mind, making him slightly mad. Doctor Cid seems to talk to himself quite a bit, but in reality, he is speaking to Venat. Under Venat's influence, Cid helped Vayne encourage the war in order to gain shards of the Sun-Cryst in order to help him create Manufacted, or artifiacial Nethicite. Cid is confronted by Balthier and company at the Draklor Laboratory in Archades, which resulted in a fight after the doctor tried to kill them with two guns powered my Nethicite. Cid survives the encounter and flees. Cid eventually dies at the Pharos, dissolving into energy absored by the Sun Cryst before it was destroyed and fully activated his final airship, the Bahamut. Cid has the ability to summon the Esper Famfrit. This is also the first Final Fantasy game to feature a Cid as a villain. Chikao Ôtsuka is the Japanese voice of Cid; John Rafter Lee is the English voice.
  • Nono: Moogle mechanic on board Balthier's airship, the Strahl. Brother of Montblanc, who also made an appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. He returns in Revenant Wings.
  • Ba'Gamnan: Green-skinned Bangaa mercenary who is after the bounty on Balthier and Fran by any means with the aid of his equally cruel henchmen: Rinok, Gijuk and Bwagi, who refer to him as "big brother". Though he acts as an arrogant free agent, he is working for Gabranth whom he fears to a extent. Ba'Gamnan's weapon of choice is a lance/buzzsaw composite weapon; making him a extremely dangerous opponent in battle. Even though he's a bounty hunter most foul, his notority is due to his illegal methods, like kidnapping Penelo and later attacking the hunters from Clan Centurio to lure out Balthier. This later strategy involved the killing the hunters, to ensure no one would be the wiser. But rumors spread and Montblanc set up "Belito" Elite Mark Hunt to lure Ba'Gamnan and his crew out into the Nam-Yensa Sandsea with aid from fellow Clan hunter Monid, Vaan and company. Ba'Gamnan and group were eventually defeated, with their leader falling into the sandsea, ending up fish food for the Yensa waiting below. Kōji Ishii is the Japanese voice of Ba'Gamnan; Steven Blum is the English voice. His role as a bounty hunter along with his dark green and red skin could be a refference to Boba Fett of Star Wars fame.
  • Mjrn: Younger sister of Jote and Fran. Mjrn left Eruyt Village to seek answers as to the reasons the Humes from Draklor Laboratories paid a visit to Eruyt. She ended up following them to the Henne Mines where she was used by them as an experiment to see the effects of the mist from nethicites on Vieras. Mjrn ended up possessed by Venat until she was subsequently rescued by Fran and party. April Stewart is the English voice of Mjrn.
  • Jote: The leader of the Viera who reside at Eruyt Village and the sister of Fran and Mjrn. Seems to bear animosity towards Fran for leaving the village. Michelle Arthur is the English voice of Jote.
  • Venat: One of the Occuria, the mysterious beings that oversee Ivalice. Defying Gerun and the other Occuria, Venat was labeled a "heretic" as a result. It taught Doctor Cid and Vayne the secrets of Nethecite to allow them to manfufacture it themselves (compare with the myth of Prometheus). This influence led to Cid's madness and Vayne's quest for power as they sought out the Nethicite shards originally cut by Raithwall for study. In response, the Gerun and the other Occurians attempted to regain their power by manipulating Ashe with an apparition of Lord Rasler. Venat's ambitions were ultimately fulfilled when Ashe resisted the Occurians' plans and Reddas destroyed the Sun-Cryst. When Vayne was weak and dying aboard the Bahamut following his defeat, he thought he failed Venat. Venat told him their goals were fulfilled beyond his knowing and the "Age of Stones" was over, and infused him with its power so that the two might "walk the path" of death together. Anita Carey is the English voice of Venat.
  • Gerun: The king of the Occuria who wanted to control history and the future of Ivalice. But with Venat later leaving him and the others, helping Archadia develop artificial Nethicite to overthrow their control, Gerun gave Ashe the Treaty Blade to take the Nethicite shards fron the Sun-Cryst and conquer the world as Raithwall did. Ashe resisted and refused to carry out the deed, ending Occurian control over Ivalice.
  • Dynast-King Raithwall: The Occuria gave a sword to a man named Raithwall to get him to cut three shards of Nethicite from their Sun-Cryst. Using the Nethicite, Raithwall conquered the land, in accordance with the Occuria's plans. He eventually died, being a Hume, but was immortalized as the first Dynast-King and marked the beginning of the Age of Stones. His lineage continued as the country split, based on the shards of Nethicite he had with him. The Dawn Shard hidden in The Tomb of Raithwall, the Dusk Shard later owned by Dalmasca and the Midlight Shard later owned by Nabradia. Ashe is one of his descendants, which the Occuria intended to make follow in her ancestor's footsteps in crushing the Empire and Venat and shaping Ivalice as the Occuria wished.

[edit] Clan Centurio

Montblanc, leader of Clan Centurio
Montblanc, leader of Clan Centurio

A resident clan based in Rabanastre, Clan Centurio was founded and led by Montblanc to hunt monsters that the Archadians themselves are unable to deal with for various reasons.

Clans are small alliances of hunters aimed at hunting the dangerous monsters, or Marks, that are posted as threats to the lives of many individuals in Ivalice. Looking at the Hunt Notice Boards placed is select places around major locations in Ivalice, Clans are eager to participate in hunting the more notorious Elite Marks. Each successful Hunt by a Clan member earns them prestige and respect from the communities around Ivalice, and it is the aim of many clan hunters to hunt the Elite Marks in search of fame. Initially, there are two major Clans in Ivalice; however, Clan Centurio is slowly progressing in the ranks, gaining popularity across Ivalice.

Most noted Clan members include:

  • Montblanc: Leader of Clan Centurio, who is responsible for supervising Vaan's clan hunt progress. Appeared in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance as a playable character. He also seems to have a wide affiliation with other guilds and organizations around Ivalice. It is his desire to see Clan Centurio as the most prestigious of all clans.
  • Monid: A Bangaa member who aided Vaan's clan hunt for the Trickster Chocobo for the sake of the parents of the Hume child he's seen with. He aided Montblanc in the setting up of "Belito" Elite Mark Hunt to lure Ba'Gamnan and his crew out into the Nam-Yensa Sandsea to stop them from harming anymore hunters, though Monid himself ended up being pinned the hunter stalker during that time.
  • Krjn: A Viera member who aided Vaan's clan hunt for the Carrot Mark.
  • Bansat A Seeq member who aided Vaan's clan hunt for the Gil Snapper Mark.
  • Ma'kenroh: A Nu Mou who offers advice on hunts, but unlike other members, he cannot participate in battle.

[edit] Espers

Entities created by the gods (possibly the Occuria, though this is never stated) during the Great Making of the world. Most of them were exiled to Ivalice for their rebellion, believing they were more powerful than their creators. To further their suffering, they were condemned to walk among the Mist, and had their freedom stripped from them, bending their will to their masters' every command. Vaan and his friends encountered and defeated each Esper, who swore loyalty to their conquerors by giving them their glyphs.

  • Belias, the Gigas: A scion created by the gods in opposition to Loghrif the Transcendent. Due to his form being a flawed mixture of man and beast, he was referred to as "the Gigas". Belias tried to overthrow his creators for the rage over his deformity, only to be exiled to Ivalice where he became a servant to Raithwall. He protected his master's tomb until Ashe and company arrived. After his defeat, he swore loyalty to them. Originally the Luvaci controlling Wiegraf Folles, in Final Fantasy Tactics (translated as Velius). Symbolized by Aries.
  • Mateus, the Corrupt: He rules over the souls of the underworld, created in opposition to Lahabrea the Abyssal Celebrant. It was his greed that drove him to rebel, and in cowardice he took a Goddess of the Demesne of Ice as a shield. He was banished and imprisoned for eternity as the Guardian of the Sword of Kings within the Stilshrine of Miriam until Mateus was released by Ashe and her company. Originally the Hume/Human Totema in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Symbolized by Pisces. Said to be a reference to Emperor Paramecia from Final Fantasy II.
  • Exodus, the Judge-Sal: The oldest of the scions, created in opposition to Halmarut the Arbiter. Exodus was charged to watch over the world until he fought the gods and was sealed in the Mosphoran Highwaste on Ivalice for his betrayal. Originally the Viera Totema of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Symbolized by Libra. Exodus is a tribute to the main villain of Final Fantasy V, also known as Exdeath.
  • Chaos, Walker of the Wheel: A dark being of the sacred crystals fashioned by the gods in opposition to Mitron the Chastiser. The fact he was made to die and be reborn, again and again drove Chaos to wage war on the gods that did that to him. Sealed in the Necrohol of Nabudis. Symbolized by Taurus. Chaos is a tribute to the final boss of the original Final Fantasy.
  • Cúchulainn, the Impure (pronounced koo-hoo'lin): Created by the gods, opposite to Nabriales the Majestic, to devour all impurities. But the consummation result in turning Cúchulainn from a handsome being, into a monstrous beast whose very footsteps are poisonous. Sealed at the Garamsythe Waterway. Originally the Luvaci controlling Cardinal Alphonse Draclau, in Final Fantasy Tactics (translated as Queklain). Symbolized by Scorpio.
  • Zalera, the Death Seraph: A demonic being that brought darkness into the world, created in opposition to Emet-Selch, Angel of Truth. Originally tasked with the judging of men upon their deaths, his soul was tainted by the spirits of those with malice against the gods. During the battle, he took a shamaness in service of the gods as a hostage even after his defeat. Sealed at the Barheim Passage, he used his hostage's power to control the dark powers in his attacks. Originally the Luvaci controlling Marquis Mesdoram Elmdor, in Final Fantasy Tactics. Symbolized by Gemini.
  • Shemhazai, the Whisperer: A horse-like being who controls the souls of the dead, created in opposition to Igeyorhm the Martyr. Though she once served the gods as a guardian, she whispered to Ultima their weaknesses before attacking the people. She was sealed in the ancient city of Giruvegan as a result. One of the five storyline Espers. Symbolized by Sagittarius.
  • Zeromus, the Condemner: The executioner, created to oppose Knight Star Pashtarot. It was his obsession with executions that condemned himself when he went after the Gods. Sealed at the Stilshrine of Miriam. Symbolized by Cancer. Zeromus is a tribute to the final boss of Final Fantasy IV.
  • Adrammelech, the Wroth (pronounced uh-drah-mah-leck): The emperor among the scions, created in opposition to Deudalephon the Benevolent to quell the fiends that raged in the Otherworld. But he became over confident in his talents and recruited the fiends to help him rebel against the gods in vain. Originally the Luvaci controlling Dycedarg Beoulve, in Final Fantasy Tactics (translated as Adramelk), and the Bangaa Totema in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Sealed at the Zertinan Caverns. Symbolized by Capricorn.
  • Hashmal, Bringer of Order: Created by the gods, in opposition to Fandaniel the Protector, to create the laws from humanity to follow. He joined in the rebelling to end the gods chaos. But he was condemned to the fiery pit. Encountered along the game's main storyline in the Pharos at Ridorana. Originally the Luvaci controlling Vormav Tingel, in Final Fantasy Tactics (translated as Hashmalum). Symbolized by Leo.
  • Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud: A hideous Esper created in opposition to the Holy Queen Emmeroloth. After his defeat by the gods, Famfrit was sealed within an armor that reduces his full power. Summoned by Dr. Cid in his second encounter with the party at the Ridorana Pharos. Originally the Moogle Totema in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Symbolized by Aquarius. Believed to be a tribute to the final boss of Final Fantasy III, the Dark Cloud.
  • Ultima, the High Seraph: The greatest Esper created by the gods to guide the spirits of the dead to heaven. Ultima was the one who set up the rebellion against the gods, losing her light as punishment for her act. She is sealed at the Great Crystal. Originally the Luvaci controlling St. Ajora Glabados, in Final Fantasy Tactics (translated as Altima), and the Nu Mou Totema in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Symbolized by Virgo.
  • Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts: The most powerful of the Espers, the gods feared him enough to keep him in a child-like form to keep his power in check. But despite that, Zodiark's power can warp all things around him into nothingness. He alone fashioned the laws of the worlds and administers punishment with absolute authority. Sealed at the Henne Mines. Originally the the ultimate summon in Final Fantasy Tactics. Symbolized by Serpentarius.

[edit] Revenant Wings Characters

New characters to appear in the game sequel, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings.

  • Llyud (リュド Ryudo?): A mysterious young warrior of the Egul race whose curiosity introduces him to Vaan and Penelo.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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Final Fantasy XII
Revenant Wings - List of Final Fantasy XII characters

Vaan - Ashe - Balthier - Basch - Fran - Penelo - Vayne Solidor - Larsa Solidor - Archadian Judges

Ivalice - Kiss Me Good-Bye - Soundtrack