List of British pop musicians of the 1950s

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List of British pop musicians of the 1950s in alphabetical order with side notes and additional links:


[edit] A-C

[edit] D-F

[edit] G-I

[edit] J-L

[edit] M-O

[edit] P-R

[edit] S-U

[edit] V-Z

[edit] More lists by years

[edit] See also

  • Radio Luxembourg – most British musicians of the 1950s were heard over Radio Luxembourg's famous 208 metres wavelength on the AM medium wave band before the advent of FM stereo radio broadcasting in Europe. The airtime on this station which only broadcast to Britain after dark, was mainly sold in blocks to programme sponsors, many of which were the major record companies of the day. These record programmes played excerpts of records to promote for resale, but because the BBC was restricted by needle time, the major hits of the day were always heard first over Radio Luxembourg.