
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is a Christian.
en-us-n This user is a native speaker of American English.
en-gb-2 This user is an intermediate speaker of British English.
en-ca This user is a native speaker of Canadian English.
SoE-3 This here user has an advanced understanding of Southern English and has developed something of a drawl.
1337-1 Th1s us3r is 4bl3 t0 c0ntribut3 with 4 b4si< l3v3l of 1337.
1337-0 This user has no idea what the hell 1337 is and/or prefers to contribute using proper words.
pig-5 Isthay useryay ancay ontributecay Igpay Atinlay atyay ayay ofessionalpray evellay.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
ipa-3 This user has an advanced understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet.
ubx-1 This user is a userbox novice.
... This user would like to know all existing languages.
af-1 Hierdie gebruiker het 'n basiese begrip van Afrikaans.
ang-1 Þes brūcere cann forðian mid grundlicgendre mǽðe Englisces.
da-1 Denne bruger har et grundlæggende kendskab til dansk.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
en-me-1 This led knoweth sumhwet of Englyssh.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
fy-1 It Frysk fan dizze brûker is minimaal.
got-1 Sa niutands mag rodjan ubilai gutiskai.
la-2 Hic usor media latinitate contribuere potest.
nds-1 Disse Bruker hett grundleggen Plattdüütsch-Kenntnis.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker heeft een beginnende kennis van het Nederlands.
nn-1 Denne brukaren kan litt nynorsk.
no-1 Denne brukeren kan litt norsk.
non-1 Þessum njót er mjǫk stirt um norrœnt mál.
sco-2 This uiser can contreibute wi a middlin level o Scots.
sv-1 Denna användare har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.
a²+b²=c² This user is an intermediate mathematician.
SI-0 This user thinks the metric system is bureaucratic and inhuman and will think in Fahrenheit until he/she dies.
ft-lb This user uses American Measurements.
teen This user is a teenager.
YA This user is a young adult.
This user is old enough to remember what a typewriter is, and that's all you need to know.
Y This user is a member of Generation Y.
This user remembers using
a rotary dial telephone.
This user is of German ancestry.
This user is of English ancestry.
This user is of multiple ancestries.
This user wishes to fly and hopes to become an aircraft pilot.
c-0 This person does not understand C (or does not want to program in C).
java This user can program in Java.
prog-2 This user is an intermediate programmer.
This user enjoys reading anything.
This user enjoys writing.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
This user enjoys reading science fiction.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the book and the film.
Narnia This user loves the The Chronicles of Narnia, both the books and the movies.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
IE This user contributes using
Internet Explorer.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows 2000.
winXP This user regretfully contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
>56k This user is contributing using a broadband connection.
This user is an omnivore.
This user is a cereal killer.
align=center This user loves hamburgers.
This user eats chocolate.
This user drinks coffee.
H20 This user drinks water.
This user drinks milk.
This user eats at Taco Bell.
CIV This user plays one or more versions of Civilization.
This user actually liked The Phantom Menace.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user can't stand rock music.
This user fancies Celtic music.
This user is interested in maps.
This user is interested in
ancient Israel.
This user is interested in his or her family history.
This user is interested in World War II
This user prefers cold weather.
This user is from Earth.
This user has never left the Northern Hemisphere.
Parent home This user lives in the parental home.

This user has set foot in 6 countries of the world.
This user grew up in the suburbs.
This user pumps their own gas.
This user is originally from Canada but lives in the U.S.
This user lives in or is from the State of Colorado.
This user lives in Texas.
The Mile High City This user lives in or hails from Denver.
This user lives in or hails from Dallas.
Image:43px-Canada Maple Leaf.PNG This user is a citizen of Canada.
This user comes from Ottawa.
This user's time zone is GMT-6.
This user is drug-free.
This user does not appreciate tobacco smoke.
This user supports the use of nuclear power.
This user is interested in moral realism.
This user rejects all forms of Marxist thinking.
they This user considers singular they standard English usage.
snuk This user says snuck.
infin¦itive This user chooses to sometimes split infinitives.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something this user is okay with.
who(m) This user uses either who or whom in the object case.
who This user prefers using who for both the object and subject case. Who does it hurt to simplify things?
which / that This user typically uses "which" and "that" interchangeably.
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
US This user uses American English.
Template:User opposes UN
This user supports German-American relations.
God This user is interested in theism.
This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one.
1, 2, 3... This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it.
This user is not and has never been Napoleon.
This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.