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I've searched online and found nothing to confirm even the existence of the allegation of rape. It would be helpful to have a source on this issue, considering its seriousness. At this point, any source would suffice.p —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).

The German language article has the following paragraoh on the issue - my German isn't strong enough to translate it:

"2001/02 kam es zu einer Welle von Austritten aus Linksruck, die einerseits mit unterschiedlichen Strategien im Zusammenhang mit antikapitalistischen Bewegungen zusammenhing und die andererseits mit dem Vorwurf gegenüber der Linksruck-Führung, sexuelle Übergriffe und Fehlverhalten vertuscht zu haben, begründet wird. Weiterhin konstatierten die KritikerInnen einen Mangel an innerorganisatorischer Demokratie. Ein Teil der Kritiker konstituierten sich 2001 zunächst als Strömung „Seattle Bolschewik“ innerhalb Linksrucks, nach dem Austritt als Antikapitalistisches Netzwerk (Antikapitalistas), welches inzwischen weitgehend zerfallen ist."

I don't know if this helps. Secretlondon 11:18, 8 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] correct infos

the point about "rape" and the "sexueller übergriff" (i don`t know the english term) is definitivly not the truth!

[edit] Outdated

This article is a thousand times better than the german article, as it states the origins of SAG and Linksruck considering that it's a IST member organization. Yet, it is quite outdated now and should mention WASG and Linkspartei, which take a similar, if not more important, role to the development of Linksruck as RESPECT does for SWP. It should at least mention Christine Buchholz, who is a leader of the WASG, and the resolution adopted by the last member conference, in which the association with the "Sozialistische Linke" ("socialist left"), a platform within the "New Left" (=the upcoming new party resulting of the fusion of WASG and Linkspartei.PDS) was decided. My english is not good enough to write this myself. -- 03:22, 2 December 2006 (UTC)