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LinuxChillan is the community of linux users in Chillan city, Chile, that opens to the world trough its website Until today it has maintained with a lot of users, and becames formal for the date of FLISOL 2005, and was realized in Virginio Gomez Professional Institute, in Chillan, when becomes a community.


[edit] History

LinuxChillán is born at the beginning of January of 2005, with the idea of Alberto Rivera (Albertux) to create a Community that fomented the use of Linux. Lamentably there was no support until I comment the idea to Aurelio Lanuza, Paulo Alarcón, Ricardo Meneses, Leonardo Moreno, Caesar Veloso, Dionisio Fernandez (ZeRobLaCk), developer members of the Fruticola Olmue. When the idea was born, we manage the creation of a website, whose dominion was acquired by Alberto, that's how the page borns.

[edit] Fundamental Letter

[edit] Events

[edit] FliSoL 2005

[edit] Founders and Active Members

  • Albertux
  • ZeroBlack
  • Decipher
  • Alverich
  • ZeroDream

[edit] Statistics

165 Registered members at 3 August 2005.