Line card

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A line card is a modular electronic circuit on a printed circuit board, the electronic circuits on the card interfacing the telecommunication lines coming from the subscribers (such as copper wire or optical fibers) to the rest of the telecommunications access network.

A line card commonly interfaces the twisted pair cable of a POTS local loop to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Line cards used in PSTN perform multiple tasks such as analog to digital and digital to analog conversion of voice, DTMF decoding, off-hook detection, ring supervision and generation, line integrity tests, and other BORSCHT functions.

A line card can terminate a line supporting voice POTS service, or ISDN service, or DSL services. Some line cards are capable of terminating more than one type of service.

Since an access network element is most of the time intended to interface many users (typically a few 1000s) it is desirable to have the largest possible number of line terminations per card. Similarly, it is common to have many line cards in the same network element.

[edit] See also