Lincoln's Ghost

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There have been several stories about ghost's of presidents revisiting the White House. However, the most common and popular is Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln's Ghost, or to others as The White House Ghost, has been haunting the world, mostly the White House since his death. It is a well-known fact that Lincoln might have known that he would die before his assassination when he was president.

In one story, Lincoln had a dream that he heard wailing noises. He tried to find the noise, but couldn't. Lincoln then checked the East Room. There, he saw several people, who didn't pay any attention to Lincoln, around a corpse. He grabbed one sleeve of a soldier and asked who is dead. The soldier, replied sadly, "The president is dead." Disturbed by the dream, Lincoln told his friends and wife, Mary Todd, about it. Then, the tragic happened. Lincoln was shot in the back of the head by well-known actor and Confederate spy, John Wilkes Booth.

Throughout the years, Lincoln's ghost has been the most controversial story of the White House. Many people have argued why Lincoln is haunting people, especially in the White House. The most common belief is that when someone dies unexpectingly, their ghosts doesn't know it's dead. However, others said that Lincoln felt cheated out of his second term so he decides to stay a lot longer. However, his ghost does leave the White House once in awhile. Witnesses have seen Lincoln on the balcony of Fords Theatre with the ghost of the man who shot him, John Wilkes Booth. It have been said that they are trying to solve their differences.

Since staying at the White House after his death, it is rumor that he is actually staying in his wife's (Mary Todd) room.