Life and Energy
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Life and Energy is one of Isaac Asimov's most famous and popular scientific books for the layman. It was first published in 1962, and remains a popular introduction to science today.
Life and Energy is about the biological and physical world, and their contrasts and comparisons. The first chapters deal with the common questions of the distinctions between living and inanimate objects. This is very simply and clearly explained. Asimov then tells step by step about the physical world first through slow, but interesting chapters. He writes about the effect and major role of the evolution and advance of man by fire and heat, he tells about thermodynamics (and its laws), he recollects the thoughts of previous scientists, and their painstaking works, and finally, the quantum theory and radiation, which has revolutionised physics and technology. An explanation of electricity and basic chemistry laws and features are also included. The physical section ends here, and continues into biology. He now continues on with special chemistry, and leaves behind physics. From this, the book leads into the functions of enzymes, amino acids, cells, the body as a whole, and the process of the cells and organs to work together to become one. At some stages, a relationship of the physical and biological world is mentioned. Near the end, a summary is given of everything told in the book. Apart from science, the book deals with all other things. These are good aids for novices, and also intermediates.