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The current design of Lien-Da, art by Jon Gray.

Publisher Archie Comics
First appearance Sonic the Hedgehog #22
Created by
Alter ego Lien-Da
Affiliations The Dark Legion
Notable aliases Kommissar
Abilities Cybernetic enhancement, leadership skills, weapon expert.

Lien-Da (a.k.a. Kommissar) is a fictional character in the comic book universe of Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna (now out of print). Her debut was in comic book #22. She is a red-furred echidna and an enemy of Knuckles the Echidna. Her weapon of choice is a bullwhip.

Lien-Da is either 33 or 34 years old and is the current leader of the Dark Legion, having inherited the title after Dimitri's incapacitation. Lien-Da is sometimes called Kommissar (which is German for "officer", which probably refers to her rank in the Legion).

Lien-Da's design has changed several times over the years, however she is almost always depicted as having red hair, blue eyes, and wearing a black suit. Her recent design[1] is supposed to make her look like an "evil, sexy diva."


[edit] Life

[edit] Past Events

Lien-Da is the daughter of Luger (the leader of the Dark Legion) and his wife, Merin-Da, and was born with her twin brother, Kragok. When Merin-Da died from an illness, Luger remarried to Mari-Su and had another daughter, Julie-Su. Feeling that Julie-Su was trespassing on her life, Lien-Da scorned Julie-Su and treated her poorly. Sometime later, Mari-Su died in an accident (it is suggested[2] that Lien-Da and Kragok may have had a role to play, but this is not known for certain) and from then on, Lien-Da began ignoring Julie-Su entirely. When Luger mysteriously disappeared, Lien-Da and Kragok leapt at their chance to take control of the Dark Legion and set Kragok up as the new leader, for both had been impatient with their father's peaceful rule.

[edit] Modern Day

After the death of Kragok, Dimitri (the ancient father of the Dark Legion's founder, Menniker) assumed control, with Lien-Da taking more and more control as Dimitri's ancient body began to fail, despite the cybernetics he had grafted to himself. Although Dimitri was her Great-great grandfather, she would at times refer to him as "Great-grandfather".

Shortly after Dimitri gained control of the Legion, he attempted to put an end to the long standing war between the Legion and the rest of Echidna society. Lien-Da secretly attempted to use the meeting between Dimitri and the Mitre (the political leader of Echidnaopolis) to her own advantage, and arranged an assassination. The intended target of this assassination, however, was never stated (although some evidence suggests it was Dimitri). Regardless, the assassination was foiled by Lara-Su, Knuckles' daughter from an alternative future.

Following this event, Lien-Da continued in her role as Dimitri's assistant, and although she at times disagreed with his orders (particularly his orders to try and make peace with Knuckles and his allies), she apparently tried to serve him well. When Dimitri's health took a turn for the worse, Lien-Da assisted him in a plan to convince Knuckles (who at the time was essentially a living Chaos Emerald) to use his powers to give Dimitri new life. He furthermore made Lien-Da promise to continue his policies, in case of his death. The plan to use Knuckles' power to save Dimitri failed due to interference from Mammoth Mogul, who tried to steal Knuckles' powers for himself. When next seen, Lien-Da implied that Dimitri was deceased.

During the year that Sonic was missing from Mobius, Lien-Da inherited control over the Dark Legion. However, during that time, Dr. Eggman sent the Dingoes to capture Angel Island as well as Knuckles' father, Locke, who had entrusted the care of the Master Emerald in Lien-Da's hands. She then enlisted the help of Knuckles and Sonic to free Angel Island and rescue Locke, which they successfully did.

Recently, the Dark Legion has split into two rival groups. Lien-Da remains in control of the Flame Legion, while an unknown Echidna (who bears a startling resemblance to her dead brother) has assumed command of the Frost Legion.

[edit] Possible Future

In the Sonic the Hedgehog issues called, Mobius 25 Years Later, a future version of Lien-Da was shown with a son named Rutan, whom she caught sneaking out at night to see his girlfriend Salma, Espio's daughter, in the park. She was angry, but her grandfather convinced her not to punish him. To top that off, Rutan also revealed that he had seen Knuckles speaking to Rotor. This led Lien-Da to discerning the nature of Rotor's work with Cobar in repairing damage to the time space continuum. In this alternate/possible future, Lien-Da isn't seeking revenge against Julie-Su, but still harbors negative feelings. Despite this, she takes her grandfather's advice and tries being friendly, and seems rather fond of her niece Lara-Su. In the alternate future she retains her memories of the original future via a device that she had Cobar design and is working for King Shadow along with members of the Dark Legion. Because of her elevated status in this altered timeline, she likely has no interest in the future being restored to its proper order. After Shadow's defeat, she is likely imprisoned or otherwise reduced in power.

[edit] Personality

Lien-Da is a ruthless, femme fatale-style character, and seems to care only for herself. She knows how to seize power and can be quite sneaky. Despite this, she actually cares deeply for the echidna people, and in recent stories has organized the Dark Legion to rescue echidnas from the group of dingoes who sold Angel Island to Dr. Robotnik.

Although she is clever, she knows when she is in need of assistance. One example is when Knuckles' father, Locke, entrusted the Master Emerald into her care before being captured by dingos, she enlisted Knuckles' help to rescue him. Nevertheless, she has little regard for life, and is willing to kill to further her goals.

Lien-Da seems to enjoy power - it was implied that she arranged an assassination attempt to eliminate Dimitri, in order to usurp his leadership. This, however, would seem to be in conflict with her relationship with him as it was depicted later, with her assisting in plans to extend his life (and thus his time as leader) further. Additionally, in the 25 Years Later storyline, she apparently respected Dimitri's counsel.

Her hatred of her half-sister Julie-Su seems to stem from the fact that their father loved Julie-Su more. This jealousy shows in her behavior towards Julie-Su for the entire main story arc, but they seem to be on speaking terms in the 25 Years Later issues.

[edit] Relations

[edit] Family

A descendant of Dimitri, Lien-Da's family includes members of both the Dark Legion and the Brotherhood of Guardians.

  • Dimitri: Great-great grandfather
  • Moritori Rex: Grandfather
  • Luger: Father
  • Merin-Da: Mother
  • Mari-Su: Stepmother
  • Kragok: Brother
  • Julie-Su: Half-sister
  • Constable Remington: Nephew
  • Knuckles: Third-generation cousin/Brother-in-Law (alternate/possible future)
  • Brotherhood: Uncles
  • Rutan: Son (alternate/possible future)
  • Lara-Su: Niece (alternate/possible future)

[edit] Rivals/enemies

Although she is part of the Dark Legion, some of her rivals are part of the organization.

  • Julie-Su
  • (possibly) Kragok
  • Knuckles
  • (possibly) Freedom Fighters
  • Brotherhood

[edit] Friends

  • Kragok
  • Moritori Rex
  • Rutan (alternate/possible future)
  • Lara-Su (alternate/possible future)

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes and references