Libertarian Conservative

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Libertarian Conservatives are traditional based conservatives who have a strong belief in federalism, the first amendment, strong support for individual rights. They differ from other conservatives in many ways, from an unwillingness to forgo individual rights for the sake of security, to the belief that issues such as gay marriage, abortion, and the death penalty should be decided by individual states.

[edit] Canada

In Canada, libertarian conservatives have a strong belief in individual rights, low taxation, and oppose government interventions into areas such as the media Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission, health care Canada Health Act.

They differ from social conservatives in that they oppose the proscription of drugs such as marajuana.

The Fraser Institute, based in Vancouver, British Columbia is a leading think tank for libertarian ideas in Canada.

Politically, libertarian conservatism is most purely espoused by the Libertarian Party of Canada; however, the Conservative Party of Canada has also provided a home for some.

[edit] External links