Liberalism in Greece

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This article gives an overview of liberalism in Greece. It is limited to liberal parties. The sign ⇒ means a reference to another party in that scheme. For inclusion in this scheme it isn't necessary so that parties labeled themselves as a liberal party.


[edit] Introduction

Liberal parties in Greece are largely committed to liberalism, republicanism and democracy.

[edit] The timeline

[edit] From Modernist Party to the Center Union

[edit] From Democratic Socialist Party to the Center Union

[edit] National Progressive Union of the Centre

  • 1949: National Progressive Union of the Centre (Ethniki Proodeutiki Enosis Kentrou, EPEK) is founded by Nikolaos Plastiras after the Greek Civil War and disappears in 1956

[edit] From Center Union to Union of the Democratic Center

[edit] Democratic Center Union

[edit] Party of New Liberals

[edit] Democratic Renewal

[edit] Union of Centrists

[edit] The Liberals

  • 1999: A short-lived libertarian party is founded by Stefanos Manos, The Liberals espousing a laissez-faire political platform. The party was dissolved in October of 2001. [1] The party's founder is currently cooperating with PASOK, after George Papandreou's invitation to be honorarily elected as member of the Greek parliament under PASOK's flag.

[edit] Liberal Alliance

  • 2006: Establishment of the Liberal Alliance which aims to unite all Greek liberals.[citation needed]

[edit] Liberal leaders

[edit] References


[edit] See also

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