Libby (Lost)

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Cynthia Watros as Libby
First island appearance "Adrift"
Final island appearance "?"
Centric episodes "The Other 48 Days", "Dave(briefly)
First flashback appearance "Dave"
Last flashback appearance "Live Together, Die Alone"
Name Elizabeth
Age 37
Place of origin Newport Beach, CA
Profession Clinical psychologist (purported)
Reason for being in Australia Unknown
Reason for trip to Los Angeles Unknown
Portrayed by Cynthia Watros
Libby met Desmond in a cofee shop.
Libby met Desmond in a cofee shop.
Libby talking with Ana-Lucia Cortez about Nathan.
Libby talking with Ana-Lucia Cortez about Nathan.

Elizabeth, commonly known as "Libby," is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Cynthia Watros.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Prior to the crash

Libby gave Desmond Hume Elizabeth, the boat he uses for his race around the world (between 3 and 4 years before the plane crash). Elizabeth hailed from Newport Beach and was a gift given to Libby by her recently deceased husband David. ("Live Together, Die Alone - Part 1")

Libby was a patient at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute. Her stay coincided, at least in part, with Hurley's (up to 1 year and 2 months before the plane crash). No reason is given for her institutionalization. ("Dave")

She claimed to have attended medical school for one year before deciding to become a clinical psychologist.

[edit] After the crash

Libby was a passenger in the tail section of Oceanic Airlines Flight 815. In the immediate aftermath of the crash, she displays medical expertise by setting the broken leg of a fellow passenger.

Libby is among the five tail section survivors who capture Jin, Sawyer and Michael. She is subordinate to Ana Lucia; it is only after Ana Lucia shoots Shannon that Libby asserts herself, refusing to tie up Sayid and insisting that Ana Lucia let their captives go back to their camp.

Following the integration of the tail section survivors into the main camp, Libby helps Claire unblock the memories of what happened while she was held captive by The Others. She also becomes close to Hurley, and tries to help him with food addiction. The two kiss after Libby convinces Hurley not to jump off a cliff.

In "Two For The Road," Libby accepts Hurley's offer to a picnic for two. They walk to a nearby beach, but Hurley has forgotten to bring a blanket, so Libby heads to the hatch to get one. She walks in immediately after Michael has shot Ana Lucia, and when Libby calls Michael's name he turns in panicked surprise and shoots her twice in the abdomen.

In the aftermath of the shooting, Sawyer discovers that Libby has survived, but is in critical condition. After treating her injury, Jack controls Libby's pain by administering heroin taken from one of the Virgin Mary statues. Hurley, upon hearing what has happened, runs to Libby's side. After Hurley reaches Libby, she coughs out Michael's name to Jack, who does not realize that Libby is naming her assailant, and then dies. She and Ana Lucia are buried alongside one another in "Three Minutes.

[edit] Trivia

  • To date, Libby is the only main character not to have a flashback episode of her own before she was written out of the series. Libby's background will be further explored in Season 3 through the flashbacks of other characters.[1]
  • Originally, Libby was not set to die, but Ana Lucia Cortez was not considered a popular enough character to garner sympathy from fans, so Libby, who was well liked, was killed as well for emotional impact.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b TV Guide Community - The Ausiello Report: Why Lost Killed Libby with executive producers/writers Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse

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Production: DVD releasesEpisode listSeason 1Season 2Season 3Soundtrack
Main characters: Ana LuciaBenBooneCharlieClaireDesmondHurleyJackJinJulietKate
LibbyLockeMichaelMr. EkoNikkiPauloSawyerSayidShannonSunWalt
Supporting characters: BernardRoseThe Others
Organizations: DHARMA InitiativeHanso FoundationOceanic Airlines
Elements: CrossoversDHARMA Initiative stationsFlight 815MythologyThematic motifs
Miscellaneous: Gary TroupIn popular cultureLost ExperienceRachel BlakeVideo game