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The Lhang is a weapon from the movie representation of J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy universe of Middle-earth not found in the original text, the Lhang is an Elvish sword. It was developed by designers and armourers at Weta Workshop in Wellington, New Zealand for use in the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. It is a two-handed, curved-bladed sword notable for its long handle, which runs nearly half the full length of the weapon in a manner similar to the Japanese nagamaki. The fighting style for the Lhang was developed by cultural fighting styles designer Tony Wolf.

Weapons of Middle-earth
Aeglos | Andúril | Anglachel | Anguirel | Angrist | Aranrúth | Belthronding | Black Arrow | Dagmor | Dailir | Dramborleg | Durin's Axe | Glamdring | Grond | Gúthwinë | Gurthang | Herugrim | Morgul-blade | Narsil | Orcrist | Red Arrow | Ringil | Sting